Law Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 386 The Shadow of the Past

Chapter 386 The Shadow of the Past

21:14, evening.

Fengling took three pills for the fifth time, and walked into the safe passage under the surprised gaze of the cleaner.

Seeing the figure of Feng Ling disappearing at the other end of the door, he rubbed his eyes vigorously, then took out his mobile phone to check the time.

21: 15.

Time is passing normally, which means that he has not fallen into the "time loop" that was popular on the Internet before, it is simply that this little girl has to go down the safe passage every quarter of an hour.

While going downstairs, Fengling said plausibly, "Stop on the third floor, and then go down to the fifth floor..."

Her attempt failed again.

She didn't fall into the horrible "contaminated corridor". When she opened the door, the security guard in the corridor stared at her with the same surprised eyes as the cleaner.

Feng Ling also stared at the security guard for a while.

The clothes on his body were intact, and the skin on his face showed no signs of pollution and corrosion. There were still many patients waiting for registration in the lobby on the first floor, and some of them simply lay down on the benches in the waiting area and fell asleep.

This is not the "Benevolence Prosthetic Hospital".

In fact, the Ren Ci Prosthetic Hospital does not exist in this world at all. Whether using search engines or asking the locals, they have not been able to find out any stories about this hospital. Even the small website on that site only mentions it vaguely It is a hospital that exists in the void, and you may enter it from any corner of the hospital.

There is a lot of pollution in the hospital, and the "adventurers" are still working on investigating the source of the pollution.

"This lady..."

After seeing Feng Ling for the fifth time, the security guard had to step forward.

Feng Ling's behavior seemed extremely suspicious to him, as if he was stepping on the spot, and he was carrying a weapon.

"Excuse me, what are you doing here?"

"It's okay, I'll just walk around."

Fengling gradually lost her patience. The way "Daluotou" told her didn't work at all. She confirmed the details again and again, and repeated the exact same way five times, but now she still came to the first floor of the hospital and was arrested by security guards. As a suspicious person.

Before departure, she made adequate preparations, bringing her own post-it stickers, pens, water and nutritional injections for three days, and was ready for a long-term struggle in Renci Hospital.

But she is a persistent person.

If it fails five times, it will be ten times, and if it fails ten times, it will be twenty times.

Repeat until you go to work tomorrow, and then come back after get off work in the afternoon.

From now on, this prosthetic body hospital will be her territory, if she is not sent to the void, no one will be able to enter it!

"Why is this little girl so awkward?"

Medel, who witnessed all this, showed a puzzled expression. Most people usually give up after three repetitions to no avail, but Feng Ling has already started her sixth exploration journey after getting rid of the security guards, "She has already swallowed 18 pills!"

The pills prescribed by the nurse to "Big Carrot Head" were painkillers. A normal person swallowed so many pills in one go, and he was probably sent to the emergency department for gastric lavage.

The wind chime was the object she wanted to study, but this contact left Medel with no idea.

The opponent is a genuine six-star candidate. If there is a conflict, she is likely to be chopped off. Although physical damage is not fatal to her, it will greatly affect the image of the Lord of Pollution. She is in her infancy now, so she can't be defeated before she has absorbed many "believers".

"Remember our strategy."

Song Lan's voice came from the headset. In order to avoid being discovered again by the consciousness living in the Wind Chime Knife, he had to stay in the common room of the garbage dump and observe the hospital's situation through the monitoring equipment hacked by Dr. Bai Zhu. trend.



For the sixth time, Fengling returned to the first floor of the prosthetic body hospital according to the method provided by "Daluotou".

The security guard was made more nervous by her behavior, his hands that had nowhere to rest were placed on the gun for a while, and then hung down again, as if he had already treated her as a cyber lunatic.

Just when he was wondering whether to contact the law enforcement officers, "Cyber ​​Crazy" showed a surprised expression.

He drew his gun almost without thinking, even though he knew how powerless the weapons equipped by the security guards were in the face of real "cyber lunatics".

The muzzle of the gun was aimed at the wind chime, and it was already winter, but sweat kept coming out of the palm of his hand holding the gun.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"It's getting foggy!"

He saw "Cyber ​​Maniac" pointing at his ankle, and raised his voice involuntarily in excitement.

The security guard looked down, and the mist crawled over his ankles at some point, and the visibility outside the door was getting lower and lower. In less than a month, the seventeenth district ushered in several foggy days. The once-in-a-decade weather has made the locals accustomed to it.

It has been suggested that the fog is related to the Void, but there is currently no strong evidence pointing to this.

Security immediately closed the door of the prosthetic hospital.

Not long ago, all prosthetic hospitals received a reminder from the law enforcement department that in order to ensure the safety of patients and staff, doors and windows should be closed tightly in foggy days, and it is forbidden to go out.

Feng Ling's face was full of joy. She remembered reading on the website that there was a certain connection between the fog and the activities of the void.

And just when she was in a daze, a white figure brushed past her.

The figure drifted like a ghost, and got into the safe passage behind her.


The door to the safe passage is closed, and there has never been any sign of it being opened.

For some reason, that flashing figure made her somewhat familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere before.

Feng Ling wanted to catch up to find out, but the guardian spirit sent unprecedented resistance. Instead of slowly leaving warning words on the wall or glass, it directly sealed the entrance of the stairwell with ice .

A thin layer of ice covered the entrance to the safe passage, trying to prevent her from stepping into the world behind the door.

"This is very important to me."

Feng Ling once again disobeyed the guardian spirit's warning.

Bo Bing failed to stop her in the end.

Pushing open the door, the fog has already occupied the stairwell first, covering the way to the upper floor.

Feng Ling didn't hesitate, she followed Bai Ying's footsteps all the way up, until a strong emotion suddenly surged in her heart, making her convinced that there was something waiting for her at the other end of the door.

Mercy Prosthetic Hospital.

It is said on the Internet that there is a dead area full of pollution and full of monsters. Feng Ling is fully prepared-at the other end of the door, what awaits her will be pollution, blood, carrion and smelly monsters. There was an air-shrouded corridor, but she knew that corridor would lead her to an answer.

With such a mood, Feng Ling opened the door with the scabbard.

But the next moment, she froze in place.

The scene behind the door was completely different from what she had imagined.

There were no monsters, and no trace of pollution could be found. This corridor led to a room with a door that was ajar.

Watching the white figure disappear into the half-opened door, Feng Ling realized something.

She has been here.


And on what occasion?

It looked like a ward, but she didn't have any memories of the hospital in her memory.

She never got sick, at least not since she was ten years old.

Feng Ling quickened his pace.

When he walked into the ward, there were already many people inside. They were well-dressed and surrounded by a hospital bed. Everyone's faces were blurred, but they were all somewhat familiar.

The white shadow figure stood among the crowd, looking intently at the person lying on the hospital bed.

"Pollick Psychic Syndrome".

Almost at the same time, a strange word popped into her mind.

"Hey you!"

In a daze, she heard the doctor's stern reprimand, "Who put you in?"

She seemed to be dragged back to reality, and she looked at the doctor whose face gradually became clear in confusion.

This is indeed a ward, but those vague figures have disappeared.

The medical staff examined her sternly, and a patient she had never seen before was lying on the hospital bed.

"If you don't go out again, I will call security!"

 Thanks for the 500 starting coins rewarded by pigs who can dance tango!
  Current cumulative additions: 10 chapters

  Small theater its 56:
  On a certain day of a certain year, a certain month, Sunday, in the morning.

  Song Lan has a plan.

  He found that Lu Xiang's routines have become more and more recently, and they have become more and more overwhelming. In a series of confrontations, he was defeated.

  Therefore, for long-term development and building confidence, he decided to go to the polluted area to avoid the limelight, and after a week or even half a month, he worked out a set of secret techniques that could defeat Lu Xiang.

  But the plan fell through, and someone leaked it, which put him in a rather disadvantageous position.

  At this moment, Lu Xiang, who should have no knowledge of this matter, sat on the seat next to him and held his arm with a smile.

  It seemed to declare that today's confrontation ended with her victory again.

  "That's all you want to win?"

  After an unknown amount of time, a gust of hot air suddenly came from Song Lan's ears, making his earlobes itchy.

  "It's not about winning or losing."

  "It's all the better for you to figure it out."


  According to the normal routine, shouldn't Lu Xiang ask him "what's the problem?"

  In this regard, Lu Xiang made a supplementary explanation, "On some issues, winning or losing will not ultimately affect the final result."

  In order for Song Lan to understand this principle vividly, she gently bit the other person's earlobe, "For example, I planned to bite your ear."

  Before Song Lan could make any response, something wet and soft came up to him.

  "If you win, it will only become a lick."

(End of this chapter)

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