Law Enforcer's Handbook

Chapter 385 Believers

Chapter 385 Believers
This afternoon, Madele was complained about conducting dangerous experiments at the dump.

In order to pull Song Lan up from the sofa, the others sent Xin Yue.

Through the attack of the bird's beak tearing his clothes and claws constantly pulling at his body, Song Lan, who was recovering from his injuries, was reluctantly called to Medale's laboratory.

The originally bright and simple laboratory was filled with black blocks, most of the walls at the entrance were peeled off, and all kinds of experimental equipment suffered varying degrees of wear and tear. When she entered, Medel was still holding a metal cube in her hand. Watching, its surface was completely peeled off, revealing the metal skeleton inside.

You must know that most of the people gathered at the dump are felons who have been rewarded by the coalition government, and experiments that can make them feel dangerous are rare.

"What are you doing?"

"Study Pollution."

Madele replied in a natural tone.

Pollution was originally a concept proposed by Father Bruno on the website. Its characteristic is that it can corrupt all objects and creatures at a high speed, and quickly peel off their skin, exposing the part under the skin.

This concept refers to the process of the Devourer assimilating matter, and there is not much scientific basis, but because of the update of the website, the "big carrot head" that survived the erosion of the void brought back the concept of Medel, the Lord of Pollution , she found that her body had undergone certain changes.

For example, as long as she wants to, she can completely corrode the cups and other objects in her hand.

The characteristics of the ability are completely in line with the text of Father Bruno, but the expressiveness is far inferior to the effect of the Master of Pollution in the setting. She can only spread pollution through touch, and the polluted part does not have self-propagation Its function is far from directly corroding a corridor or the entire building in the setting.

Just now, she had already studied the effect of pollution on substances, but when the experiment progressed to biology, she was complained by others.

"It won't hurt if you touch it."

Medel looked at Bai Zhu innocently, and their relationship was the best, so she sincerely invited Bai Zhu to be her volunteer, but the other party not only rejected her invitation, but also complained to her.

"I don't like people touching my body."

Bai Zhu hid behind Song Lan and said, "I think there should be a new regulation in the garbage dump, prohibiting touching each other!"

"The people in the sixth neutral country are really too conservative." Medel said, "This kind of thing is very common in the company. If you don't believe me, you can ask Farina in the future."

It is a pity that Farina needs to work overtime in the unified military industry. If it is not necessary, she will rarely appear in the garbage dump.

It is said that after the incident in the Fourth Neutral Country, the spy master of the coalition government brought back the "remains" of Desolate Bones, and the military industry company is trying to revive his brain that has stopped functioning for a long time.

"Do you mean human experiments or the latter?"

Bai Zhu felt a chill, and asked cautiously.

"Both, it's 2166."


"The question of style can be discussed later, we should talk about some serious business now - what happened to you is because you have a different talent."

In order to prevent the two of them from continuing their discussion on the meaningless topic of "touching", Father Bruno, who came over after hearing the news, took the initiative to bring the topic on the right track.

This is the fundamental reason why he promotes the spread of the void, and the Lunar Eclipse Sect has provided them with successful experience.

"In the church, those who can transform believers' beliefs into practical power have the potential to become high priests."

"I still don't quite understand, as long as we tell a random story and many people believe it is true, can the 'setting' in the story come true?"

Bai Zhu has always lacked understanding of these phenomena that violate the spirit of science.

"Any story, any ability, but being able to translate that belief into actual strength is another story."

Father Bruno said, "There is a place called "Hall of Prophecy" in the Lunar Eclipse Cult. Only a small number of believers will be given the right to enter the "Hall of Prophecy". Once you enter there, you can write your own stories or experiences. Into the "Holy Book", part of the "Holy Book" was jointly written by believers.

"The "Holy Book" is read by tens of thousands of believers every day. If they can transform the power of words into reality during this process, it will be considered as passing the first assessment. We will record the names of these people and send They are paying attention as candidates for the future High Priest."

This is the system established by the Lunar Eclipse Sect for decades.

Priests not only need to maintain absolute loyalty to the church, but also need to have a unique charm to make others believe in you.

Obviously, Madele has the potential to become a high priest.

"The existence of the website itself is equivalent to a "Holy Book" that is constantly being read. Now many people believe in the existence of 'Madele, Lord of Pollution', but you have only completed the first step .”

Father Bruno looked around the polluted research room, "The way to enhance and master this power is not through experimental research, but to let more people know and believe in the existence of the Lord of Pollution. Obviously your current believers ’ It’s not enough, the impact of pollution is very limited.”

Song Lan listened with gusto. Before that, Father Bruno had never mentioned the Hall of Prophecy and the "Holy Book".

He did not expect to decide the candidate for the high priest in a way that was close to a story making contest.

"This road is not as easy as you think."

Father Bruno reminded everyone.

At best, this can only be regarded as a good start, but in the Lunar Eclipse Sect, there are countless believers who have had this kind of start, but there are very few who are qualified to become high priests in the end.

"I understand."

After Father Bruno stopped talking, Song Lan had already made up a corresponding plan in his heart, "In other words, we should advance the version of "Legacy of the Void" to "Legacy of the Void 1.1 Shadow of the Polluter"...Mei Dai Well, get ready, you may have a new job tonight."

Differences in identity also make decisive differences in communication.

Obner's words to the live broadcast made most residents of the coalition government believe in the existence of the Void overnight, which directly made the Devourer's consciousness so strong that it could cover every corner of District [-].

But "big carrot head" almost means nothing.

First of all, few people on the Internet knew his identity, and many people doubted whether the news he brought out from the void was true and reliable.

The behavior of "Big Carrot Head" wantonly insulting others and making appointments with others on the Internet is still vivid.

Everyone is a keyboard warrior, how can you recover your life from the erosion of the void?

Thinking of this, Song Lan said, "Medel, you need to meet Feng Ling in person."

(End of this chapter)

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