Chapter 230 Moved
Xu Yushan stared at her with deep eyes.

The fragrant roasted sweet potato was placed on the tip of his nose.

He didn't open his mouth to eat the sweet roasted sweet potato, but he didn't make a sound for a long time.

But looking at Su Jinluo for a while, Su Jinluo didn't know what was going on?
It was uncomfortable to be looked at by him like this.

At this moment, he was shocked to realize that Su Jinluo was wearing very thin clothes.

The closer it was to the north, the colder it was, but she still seemed to be in Xuanyuan's attire, so it was no wonder that she couldn't help shivering slightly in the night wind.

And he was wearing a thick and heavy cotton coat, no wonder he didn't feel a bit eroded by the cold wind from just now until now.

"No." After a long time, he opened his mouth in a low voice.

At this moment, he lowered his eyes, hiding the emotions in his heart, as if he was suppressing his own emotions.

After a long time, just when Su Jinluo was about to speak, he said heavily, "Let's go!"

He didn't seem to want to see Su Jinluo.

These words hurt Su Jinluo thoroughly.

She just felt a pain in her heart, hearing him say a joke so impersonally.

Although Su Jinluo knew why he said that?

"Okay, I'm being self-indulgent, okay?!" Su Jinluo couldn't help but rolled his eyes, feeling a burst of inexplicable and complicated emotions in his heart.

She withdrew her thoughts and suppressed the grievance in her heart.

She took him so far, why did he just say such an understatement?

"Eat some!" Su Jinluo still didn't intend to get angry with him, so he took the sweet potato and brought it to his lips.

The delicious roasted sweet potato was pushed forward again and again in Su Jinluo's hand, "I know you don't like sweet and greasy food! But..."

After a pause, Su Jinluo sighed and continued, "But...your body needs it more, so you can feel wronged for now."

She did it for his own good. He is weak now, so it would be good to add a little food.

The two came out all the way, and now there is no turning back.

After getting acquainted for a long time, she also knows the essentials. If she wants to deal with this man in front of her, she must have a thick skin.

She was too thin-skinned before, so she was always easily manipulated by him.

Now he knows that she has always been crushed by him, and he always has a playful smile on his face.

It's all because the skin is a little thinner.

So this is not going to prevail...

Xu Yushan was obviously in a daze, didn't he understand the meaning of what he said?
He is driving her away, his current body is really not suitable for taking her.

At that time, if he gets poisoned, wouldn't she be dragged down?

But just now, why did this woman seem to be a different person?

She is the most easily irritated, and she has always been arrogant and ruthless, but just now she was so condescending.

Xu Yushan couldn't react for a while, but his body was one step ahead of his reason, and he responded immediately, and opened his mouth directly.

Let Su Jinluo stuff the sweet and greasy roasted sweet potato into his mouth.

Afterwards, Xu Yushan chewed instinctively, filling his mouth with sweet and soft roasted sweet potatoes.

He really wasn't particularly particular about what he ate, after all, he had such a hard life when he was young, let alone roasted sweet potatoes, he was begging all the way with his mother.

Eating leftovers is worse than beggars on the roadside.

So... When it comes to eating, I can't be called picky.

But the roasted sweet potato that she fed to his mouth was so sweet and glutinous.

For a moment, he only felt that roasted sweet potatoes were even sweeter than that sugar...

Seeing that he had gained an appetite, Su Jinluo felt very relieved.

After all, Xu Yushan has been under the poison of chaos for the past two days, and he can't eat anything.

There is only endless pain, and a lot of the rice soup that was fed was also spit out...

But at this time, seeing Xu Yushan's appetite was good, a faint smile could not help but appear on the corner of her lips.

She just tore apart this piece of roasted sweet potato and fed it into Xu Yushan's mouth continuously.

After feeding, Su Jinluo clapped his hands, then quickly picked up another roasted sweet potato, and devoured it hungrily.

After living two lifetimes, she can be regarded as being pampered after all, but she took care of Xu Yushan these days.

She was really tired and hungry, so she could be regarded as coaxing her stomach, and she had a lot of strength after eating.

In order not to be discovered, Su Jinluo quickly packed up his things just after eating.

After packing up everything, she moved the bonfire on the ground to Xu Yushan's side.

He added several pieces of firewood with some worry, after making sure that the bonfire would not go out for a while.

Only then did she cover her body with a quilt she bought at the market.

Xu Yushan actually didn't have much strength after eating, he just fell halfway by the tree. Although his face became rosier after eating, he was still pale.

Su Jinluo was a little distressed, and pulled the thin quilt onto Xu Yushan's body, then hugged Xu Yushan tightly, wrapping him up together.

From time to time, there were low roars of some unknown creatures in the air.

It would be a lie to say that she wasn't afraid, so she didn't forget to keep the dagger given by her extremely sharp brother at hand for emergency situations.

For some reason, she had already gotten used to the love of her brother and parents, and now that she came out, she felt that she missed them very much.

I don't know how father and the others are doing now?

She asked the boy to deliver the letter, and her father and elder brother might have seen the letter by now.

Maybe my father is blaming her for being willful now!
She had complicated emotions in her heart for a moment, but she had no choice, after all... she owed Xu Yushan this.

Xu Yushan has done too much for her, and if she can't even save his life, she will feel regretful.

It is estimated that he will never forgive himself in this life.

It is late autumn now, and it is very cold in the wild.

It was the cold that she had never experienced since she was a child.

Although she has chosen a shady place in the mountains where the night wind cannot blow.

However, in this kind of wild camping, it is very important to keep warm.

In addition, Xuanyuan Lang's people can easily catch up, and safety cannot be ignored.

In the wilderness, she had to worry about everything, and she felt extremely tired.

There may even be beasts, she has to be more careful.

No matter how tired you are, you have to force yourself to take care of everything.

But after all, he still couldn't resist the tiredness, Xu Yushan could feel the woman's shallow breath blowing gently in his ears.

seems to have fallen asleep...

Xu Yushan couldn't help but measure the probe and looked at Su Jinluo's side face, her face was pure and beautiful.

Although no powder is applied in the wild, it is still beautiful.

She was lying beside him at this moment, so close to him.

I have to admit, wrapped in a heavy coat, it feels really warm to be hugged so tightly by her at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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