covet her

Chapter 191 I Know

Chapter 191 I Know

But after they climbed halfway up the mountain, looking at the dilapidated village that seemed to be picked out of a TV series, the group of people were all dumbfounded.

"Hey! In this place, traffic basically depends on walking, communication basically depends on roaring, law and order basically depends on dogs, and heating basically depends on shaking."

"Didn't you say a 5A-level scenic spot? How dare this place be called a 5A-level scenic spot???"

"Just now I wondered why there are poverty alleviation projects. Now that I see this village, I understand that it really needs to be helped."

"No, I still don't understand, why is this a 5A-level scenic spot? How dare it be rated?"

"Haven't you seen it, boy? I guess it's because of the original ecology. How original is this environment?"

"...It's because I don't know enough."

After a lot of complaints, the students gradually became quiet under the yelling of the loudspeaker, and the complaints belonged to the complaining, and the work belonged to the work. dry.

It's all here, so I can't go back.

Besides, there are still credits on it.

With an order from the Propaganda Department, the students began to hang out freely, in groups of six, and quickly completed the team, received their respective tasks, and rushed to the "battlefield" without complaint.

Lin Shixi chose a group to pull weeds together. Several ministers of the student union followed her and joined her group. After including her, there were two girls and four boys in total.

It just rained last night, and when the ground is muddy, it is always deep and shallow when you step on it.

The sun came out again overhead, and it was terribly sunburned.

Shen Wang has already begun to doubt his life, did he come to participate in the Tournament, or to participate in Metamorphosis?

Whose game club is going to pull weeds in the field?

What kind of human suffering is this?

But this event was planned by the student union, more precisely, it was jointly agreed by the chairman Lin Shixi and the study department of the student union. Shen Wang couldn't complain, so he kept his mouth shut and continued to work without saying a word. .

The sun was shining, the hot wind was blowing, mosquitoes were biting, and their throats were thirsty. A group of young cabbages who had never experienced hardships were tortured unspeakably.

Qi She pulled out the grass for more than half an hour, his waist could hardly straighten up, he wiped the sweat from his forehead panting, and couldn't help but shouted to the sky: "When will this shit be finished pulling out!!! "

"Oh my god, I feel like I'm going to die, I'm going to die soon." Jiang Linlin looked like she was going to faint, maintaining a stiff posture that she couldn't stand up or bend down, "My waist! , now I can’t straighten up.”

"It's so hot, so hot, isn't the sun too hot today?" Liu Haiyang stuck out his tongue and kept fanning the wind with his hands, his school uniform was soaked through, "I fucking like weeding so much, The sweat on my forehead has never stopped, and the water that has been in my head for so many years has finally been completely drained, and I will definitely become smarter in the future. Looking at the water displacement, I have to take the first place in the final exam this year."

"Hiss, it hurts, what the hell kind of grass is this?" Meng Yifan pouted his buttocks, facing the loess with his back to the sky, pulled out a stubble of grass, and took a breath, "The edge is so sharp, it even scratched my hand. Hiss ——It hurts so much, I make another stroke.”

A group of people complained while doing the work in hand.

Another half an hour later.

Shen Wang took off the baseball cap on his head and threw it to the side of the road, then straightened up, glanced at the farmland that could barely see the edge, and said the first sentence since he left the farmland expressionlessly: "I used to I had no concept of how big an acre of land is, but now I finally have a concept.”

Hearing this, Lin Shixi raised his hand to wipe off the sweat from his eyelashes, and took a deep breath: "This is your harvest, remember to write this harvest in the group diary."


They are also working, why do you have such a unique style of painting?

Listen to what others are saying, complaining, complaining, or just talking about something to divert attention, only Lin Shixi is focused on pulling weeds.

Shen Wang looked at her with half admiration, half strange eyes for a few minutes, and finally bent down resignedly.

Continue to pull it.

As long as you can't pull it out to death, then pull it out to death!
After working hard for half an hour, Lin Shixi finally stopped uncontrollably. Her physical strength was incomparable to others, and the heart in her chest was already protesting, beating violently. Then, people are a little out of breath.

Then she was forcibly carried by Shen Wang to the side of the road under the shade of a tree to rest.

She leaned against the tree behind her, half-sat on the ground, put her hands on her knees, lowered her head for a while, and her breathing finally calmed down.

Shen Wang took a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed it and handed it over.

Probably because he thought it was too hot, he took off his school uniform jacket and casually put it on his shoulders. He didn't care about the dust and weeds on the ground, and sat on the ground directly.

The school uniform is indeed a magical thing. After wearing it, you dare to sit anywhere.

Lin Shixi took the mineral water, took a couple of sips, then put it down, Shen Wang sat in front of her, with one leg slightly bent, his wrist resting loosely on it, and raised his eyelids: "Don't drink anymore?"

Lin Shixi shook his head and took another deep breath.

She is a little weak in physical strength, but she is not thirsty, and her stomach feels uncomfortable after drinking too much water.

Seeing her shaking her head, Shen Juan naturally took the bottle of mineral water in her hand, drank the rest of the water, then screwed on the cap, and threw the plastic bottle into the jumbo bag next to her.

That bag is used to empty the plastic bottles, and it will be handed over to the students in the poverty alleviation team to sell for money at night.

Seeing his actions like this, Lin Shixi stopped fanning the hat with her hat, tilted her head to look at Shen Du, her eyes suddenly flickered, and said slowly, "Shen Du, this is my drink." passed."

As if reminding him of something.

"I know." Shen Du responded with three words casually.

Lin Shixi didn't know if he really didn't care, or if he didn't understand what he meant at all, so he couldn't help but said again: "I mean you are wrong."

Shen Wang narrowed his eyes lazily: "What?"

There was a row of small white poplars planted by the roadside, which were quite tall, but there were not many leaves on the branches, which could not cover much sunlight, and the only bit of shade was taken up by her.

The place where Shen Xuan was sitting was outside, his figure was divided into light and dark halves by the light, one half was in the sunlight, and the other half was in the shadow of the trees.

Lin Shixi raised her head slightly, looked at the young man's clean and sharp eyes, and suddenly said out of nowhere: "Shen Wang, boys only drink a bottle of water with the girl they like."

(End of this chapter)

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