"Master? You mean...Tao?" David was both surprised and surprised: "Isn't she a Chinese medicine doctor? I've never heard that Chinese medicine has a way to fight Acinetobacter baumannii."

"It should not be the method of traditional Chinese medicine." Dave said: "Master said that there is a new drug that is still in the laboratory, and it has achieved gratifying results in clinical practice."

David sighed and shook his head: "With regard to the research on phages, our Hawke Laboratory in country A is already at the forefront of the world."

"Don't rush to refute. Compared with Huaguo and other countries, I believe in their achievements in this regard."

"This is not only because the Hawker Laboratory itself is the top laboratory, with the most advanced equipment and the best talents, but also because its experimental results are objective and true, without any subjective factors, and there will be no such A juggling game that cannot be replicated."

"But David. I know Master. She never does anything unsure. And according to her, the mechanism of this new drug is more reliable than phages."

"Impossible." David sighed: "Dave, please put aside the master-student relationship between the two of you, and show the rigorous reasoning unique to you D-country people."

"Whether you believe in the Hawke Laboratory, which has a good reputation and has made many scientific research achievements, or in a small laboratory that has never been well-known, you will find the answer yourself."

Dave didn't argue with him any further.In fact, about this new medicine, it exists in Tao Le's mouth, and he is still vague.

He didn't know which laboratory it was, how it was different from the bacteriophage, what stage the experiment had reached, and what results it had achieved.

Just relying on trust in Tao Le cannot win the trust of David, or even himself.

Seeing them stop, Duan Guangsheng, who had been listening for a long time, opened his mouth:

"Two experts, you just said that there is another new drug?"

His idea is simple, straw, the more the better, having a choice is always better than having no choice.

"Indeed." Dave said, "My teacher, Tao Le, recommended a new drug from the laboratory, which is said to be particularly good in terms of safety and efficacy."

"But I am the attending doctor you invited." David answered angrily: "I guarantee that if one of the two is effective, it must come from Hawke's laboratory."

Hearing this, Duan Guangsheng did not express his opinion in a hurry, but contemplated for a while, then raised his head in doubt and looked at Dave.

"Doctor Dave." He said, "You just said, who is your teacher, I didn't hear clearly."

"Her name is Tao Le." Dave said sincerely without doubting him: "My teacher is a master of Chinese and Western medicine. Because he is so good, he has already become an honorary member of Huaguo Medical Association at a young age. .”

When he said this, he noticed that Duan Guangsheng's expression had changed from the enthusiasm before to extremely indifferent.

"Hehe. I've heard about her." He didn't want to say more, but turned to David and said, "Dr. David, I'll leave everything to you, please contact the Hawke Laboratory immediately. Regardless of the outcome of the treatment, we will I won't blame you."

"Okay." David dialed the phone on the spot and got an affirmative answer from the other party.

"They will arrange an airlift right away. It will arrive at the airport in about [-] hours. During this period, I will try my best to keep him alive until then."

David went back to get busy, and after Duan Guangsheng said something to the Wens, several people alienated Dave intentionally or unintentionally, and didn't say a word to him anymore.

At this time, Tao Le himself came to the ICU because he did not receive a follow-up reply.

"Dave." She greeted him from afar, "Have you mentioned it to the patient's family? What did they say?"

"Master." Dave pulled her aside, moved a little away and heard them calling each other, and was looking at Tao Le's family members with complicated eyes.

"I've said it before, but neither the family members nor David are interested in the special medicine you mentioned." He repeats what happened just now.

"You mean, David is going to get the first generation of phage from Hawke's laboratory in country A?"

"I don't know which generation it is, but they have already contacted them."

"It doesn't matter. The first-generation phage also has a [-]% chance of successfully swallowing Acinetobacter baumannii." Tao Le recalled the past.

It was indeed the Hawke Laboratory in country A that first developed the first generation of phages.However, the target of this phage is too single, only targeting a specific strain.

Once the strain mutates, it will be completely ineffective, which makes medical workers who are used to the application of broad-spectrum antimicrobials less used to it.

But ten years later, after Hua Guo developed the ninth-generation phage, everything was properly resolved.

They are safe and effective, and can deal with all varieties and branches of the same kind of bacteria, and the effective rate has reached [-]%.

But that's all for later.The current choice of David and his family also makes sense.She can't force the bull's head to drink water, can she?

"A [-]% chance is pretty good." Dave said, "Then what about the special medicine you mentioned, Master?"

"Well, this new drug is actually more advanced than bacteriophage." Tao Le recalled the message sent by Sim, and said:
"It is a two-pronged approach. On the one hand, it can target harmful bacteria in the patient's body, and on the other hand, it can enhance immunity, and it does not burden the body organs like other antibiotics and phages."

"Sounds very good. The effectiveness of this new drug should be higher than that of phages?" Dave asked.

"Naturally." Tao Le nodded and said, "The cure rate is more than [-]%."

Sim said [-] percent, and she was deliberately modest.

"Hehe, what a loud tone." Duan Guangsheng couldn't take it anymore, so he stood up.

"Tao Le, Doctor Tao, right?" He stood in front of Tao Le, looked at the name tag on her chest, and glanced at her face with some impoliteness:
"I didn't expect that you were also in the Central Hospital of Saskatchewan. This small city of Saskatchewan is really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers!"

Before Tao Le said anything, Wen Weiguo and his wife came over.

Mrs. Wen looked at her seriously for a while, her eyes filled with hatred:
"So you are Tao Le." She said angrily, "It's the first time I've seen someone as shameless as you."

Tao Le had never expected to be confronted with harsh words suddenly.She froze there, a little confused.

Mrs. Wen, however, was still venting her anger endlessly: "Doing such a shameless thing not only damaged the country's reputation, but also caused our Wen Hao to not be able to invite top neurosurgery experts to perform the operation."

"But you still have the nerve to pretend like nothing's wrong, still be your doctor and go to your class, and even dare to sell messy medicine with a blatant face!"

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