In the ICU, Wen Hao's body began to deteriorate again after a brief period of calm just as David expected.

High fever, shortness of breath, chills, and soon unconsciousness.

The worst-case scenario still inevitably happened.

"A large area of ​​the pleura and trauma were infected, and there were symptoms of sepsis." David frowned extremely tightly: "Vancomycin and tigecycline are both used, and the biggest possibility is that drug resistance has already appeared. bacteria."

"The results of the bacterial culture are out!" The attending physician, Dr. Hua, hurried over: "You are right, it is indeed Acinetobacter baumannii!"

"It was only sent for inspection an hour ago, how could the result come out so quickly?" Director Liu asked suspiciously.

When he said this, the others also reacted.

That's right, things like bacterial culture and testing have always taken anywhere from one to five days, how could it be done in an hour?
"Just now, the people in the laboratory specifically explained that they have newly replaced the inspection equipment of Mio Technology, which is much easier to use than the previous one, so they can detect the germs in the specimens at the first time."

David and Dave were a little surprised when they heard this.Even if they come from the country with the most advanced Western medicine, they have never heard of such advanced testing equipment.

Being able to detect the types of germs in such a short period of time is of course a blessing like the sounds of nature for patients.

However, for Wen Hao, even if he knew earlier that it was Acinetobacter baumannii that caused the disturbance, there was no good way.

His life was like a candle in the wind, and it was impossible to defeat the attack of this superbug with his own immunity.

David's complexion is very ugly.It is very difficult for anyone to rush over to save others with enthusiasm, and spend most of the night and half of the day in the ICU, but in the end it is just this result.

"Let's treat according to the previous plan." He said helplessly: "I will talk to the family members of the patient. If they are willing to take risks, then the patient still has a chance."

When Director Liu heard the last sentence, he immediately cheered up:

"Doctor David, at this point, do you have any other options?"

"You should have heard of my method." David said, "Bacteriophage, do you know?"

"I've heard of this." Doctor Hua, who rushed in to report the news just now, said: "Many laboratories are now studying it. Specifically, they are cultivating phages that specifically target drug-resistant bacteria and engulf the bacteria."

"However, I haven't heard of anyone whose results can be applied clinically."

David nodded: "I know a laboratory that has made great breakthroughs in animal experiments, but unfortunately has not yet conducted human experiments."

"If we are willing to offer this opportunity, they will definitely cooperate and provide free medicine."

"This won't work." Director Liu denied: "It's too dangerous. How can we use drugs that have not been clinically tested on patients?"

"But if you don't use it, the patient will have no hope." Dr. Hua muttered in a low voice, and Director Liu immediately gave him a hard look.

"I don't agree." Director Liu said: "In the process of treating patients, every decision we make and every drug we use is to save their lives. There is no guarantee, and we don't know It is extremely irresponsible to the patients to apply the products with no effective effect casually.”

David spread his hands: "I support what you just said, respected Dr. Liu. However, in terms of treatment, the opinions of family members are also very important, and we should give them a chance to choose."

"This may be their son's only chance to survive."

Director Liu suddenly hesitated, and looked out the glass window of the ICU.

The condition of Wen Weiguo and his wife has improved, and they have returned here now, looking inside anxiously while inhaling oxygen.

The gray hair on their heads hurt Director Liu's eyes.

"You were invited by the patient's family, not a doctor in our hospital." He said slowly:
"How did you communicate with your family members before, and what suggestions did you have? We just want to take care of it, but we can't do it."

David instantly understood what he meant.

"Liu, you are a very cute person." He said as he walked out: "If there is a chance in the future, we may be friends."

As soon as the foreign doctor came out, Wen Weiguo, his wife and Duan Guangsheng came to meet him.

In addition, Deputy Director Yu of the Municipal Health Bureau, who was entrusted by the city leaders to continue to follow up on this matter, was also extremely concerned about Wen Hao's progress.

David introduced the current situation, and everyone's heart was extremely heavy.

Since Wen Hao was injured, everyone has been on a roller coaster, with ups and downs.

The person who thought it was impossible to be saved was rescued by a luxurious surgical team composed of experts from Beijing.

He was infected and became critically ill, and it seemed that he could not last until dawn, but he was able to meet a foreign expert who was traveling in Saskatchewan, and saw the dawn again.

At this time, everyone felt that Wen Hao's life was still quite tough, and he had survived the difficulties in the past, and he should gradually get better in the future.

I didn't expect to be hit so hard again just after I relaxed.

They don't quite understand what Acinetobacter baumannii is, but when it comes to superbugs, everyone will be clueless.

"The patient is very weak. As I told you before, the use of the best antibiotics means that there is no other way for us."

"The infection will get worse. With the current plan, he will hardly have a chance to wake up again."

"Son, my son!" Mrs. Wen's weakened nerves could not control her emotions at all, and she burst into tears on the spot.

Wen Weiguo's body also swayed, only relying on Duan Guangsheng's support to barely stop.

"Doctor David, tell me the truth, really, there is nothing you can do?"

He spoke this sentence extremely slowly, and his voice was weak, but his eyes were fixed on David's face, and they were full of expectations that he dared not express.

Seeing this scene, David put aside the last worry in his heart.

"Actually, there is one last way." He said, "It's just that this method is too risky."

"It's already like this, so what's the point of taking a little risk?" Wen Weimin's body shook, he broke away from Duan Guangsheng's grip, and rushed forward to hold David's hand tightly:
"No matter what the method is, as long as it can save my son, I agree—even if it kills me."

When he said this, when he thought of his son's voice and smile, tears welled up in his eyes, dripped on David's hands, and burned to his heart.

With emotion in his heart, he briefly introduced the situation of that laboratory, and specifically emphasized that it is only at the end of animal experiments, and has not yet been tested on humans.

But in desperation, Wen Weimin, who managed to see a little starlight, agreed without hesitation.

He didn't want to give up the last straw that could save his son.

With the approval of his family members, David breathed a sigh of relief: "I will contact them immediately. It will take at least one day to deliver the medicine from country A. I hope he can get through it."

At this moment, Dave suddenly appeared.

"David." He said in E language: "Master contacted me just now, saying that she has a special medicine."

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