Chapter 381 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

It turned out to be such a young Chinese medicine expert.Jian Yuying's face darkened in an instant.

She didn't sleep much all night, and she was full of expectations for this expert from Renhe.

But the higher the expectations before, the stronger the sense of loss now.

This is Chinese medicine, not Western medicine. Chinese medicine makes people feel more at ease when they get older.

The expert in front of her was about the same age as her own daughter, and it was hard for her to believe how powerful she was when she learned Chinese medicine from her mother's womb.

But it's all here, and it's a free clinic, so she can't complain about him.

I only blame myself and my daughter for their bad lives, and I can't always grab the title of real famous people like Su Yuzhang and Zhu Liangxue.

Although Tang Wan couldn't see, but mother and daughter were connected, she could roughly guess what her mother was thinking, so she gently tugged her hand.

Yes, don't think too much, just treat it as an ordinary Chinese medicine doctor, and it's always okay to regulate the child's stomach.

"Eight years." Jian Yuying replied.

She spoke very briefly, but Tao Le knew that it must be more than that simple.

Lupus erythematosus is a diffuse connective tissue disease with unknown etiology that can invade multiple systems throughout the body.

Patients themselves produce a variety of antibodies that guide immune cells to attack their own tissues, causing damage to multiple organs and tissues throughout the body, so it is also called systemic lupus erythematosus.

This disease is common among women between the ages of ten and forty, and it cannot be cured at all with the current normal medical level.

But relying on glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants, 80.00% of patients can survive for more than 15 years.

Even putting aside the various reactions brought about by the disease itself, long-term use of hormones also has sequelae.

Such as hormone glaucoma, progress to hormone cataract, and finally blindness.

The patient Tang Wan's eyes were dull, and two obvious white light spots, commonly known as white pupils, could be seen from the black eyeballs, indicating that she had been blinded by this.

People who take hormones for a long time cannot have cataract surgery.Therefore, she can imagine the quality of life of the patient without asking too much.

"Since Xiaowan got this disease, her health has been getting worse day by day. Recently, she has seen acid reflux, nausea, and vomiting. Her muscles are sore all over her body, and it is very difficult to fall asleep. She can wake up many times a night." Jian Yuying said.

"Are you dreaming?" Tao Le asked.

"I always dream." Logan's voice was very soft and pleasant to hear: "Dreams are all trivial things in daily life, there is nothing scary."

This mother and daughter are different from the two just now, they are very careful when explaining the disease, lest they are not specific enough.

This is another kind of patient, who is very cautious, for fear that an important information will be accidentally missed, which will affect the doctor's judgment.

Through the narration of the two, Tao Le understood the current situation of the patient:

Occasional fever, temperature between 38 and 39 degrees, accompanied by general pain.

There is soreness in the kidney area, and there are two plus signs for morning urine protein.

There are multiple hard plaques, lumps, and indurations all over the body, with pain and local suppuration.

Stomach indigestion, acid reflux discomfort.

There is pain in the front heart area and both ribs when breathing.

The long-term sleep quality is extremely poor, it is difficult to fall asleep, and it is easy to wake up when sleeping, frequent dreams and frequent urination, and wake up at least three to four times a night.

Currently taking imported prednisone, glucocorticoid, plus omeprazole and Caltrate.

"Doctor, I know this disease, but it can't be cured." After introducing the disease, Jian Yuying said her appeal: "I'm here today to ask you to prescribe some traditional Chinese medicine to adjust my daughter's stomach and sleep."

"She is very sensible. No matter how hard she is, she eats seriously every day, even if she has to spit out more than half of it after eating, but she keeps silent for fear of making me worry."

Jian Yuying's voice was a little choked, and Tang Wan took her hand back.

"Mom, you have been taking care of me for so many years, and you are the hardest one. Without you, I would not be able to survive at all."

The mother and daughter didn't interact any more, they just held hands tightly and used each other as support for each other.

Affected by long-term use of hormones, Logan's appearance is not good-looking.Full moon face, buffalo back, very thick.

But her demeanor and voice were peaceful and gentle from the bottom of her heart.This made Tao Le's heart softer.

Logan did not have the blooming season that other girls had.From the age of 17 to 25, she has experienced a lot of hardships that others have not experienced, and she has also seen different changes in the world - until now, she can't even see it.

Tao Le really wanted to help her, and give back the youth and happiness she didn't enjoy.

In this world, only she can do this.

Tao Le checked her pulse.Tang Wan's limbs and trunks had indurations and hard lumps caused by lupus erythematosus, and it was impossible to detect the meridians at all.

She opened Goldfinger.The interface is red.

Age: 25 years old.Health value: 31.

Etiology: Systemic lupus erythematosus 80%, steroid cataract (severe blinding) 15%, Cushing's syndrome 5%.

Body temperature 38.5 degrees Celsius, 24-hour urine protein: 1.6g
Complications: lupus nephritis, protein-losing enteropathy, intestinal pseudo-obstruction, lupus pancreatitis, pericarditis (mild), lupus encephalopathy (mild).
Cushing's syndrome is abnormal obesity caused by excessive cortisol hormones, which is a necessary disease for patients who have been taking hormones for many years.

What makes Tao Le sigh is that Logan has so many complications, and every one of them is quite serious. It is conceivable that she is enduring all kinds of suffering every day, and she doesn't know how to persevere .

"Do acupuncture and moxibustion for a period of time." Tao Le said.

Jian Yuying was a little unhappy.According to her thinking, for such a young doctor, he should have learned the soup formula, and acupuncture and moxibustion may not be reliable.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the free clinic, it is more cost-effective to prescribe some cheap traditional Chinese medicine to drink back.

"If you don't want acupuncture, can you just prescribe traditional Chinese medicine?" Hesitation appeared on her face.

Tao Le shook her head, her voice was gentle but firm: "Since you have registered with me, it means that you are destined. In terms of treatment, you should listen to me—acupuncture and moxibustion can cure your daughter's illness."

"It's not that we don't listen to you." Jian Yuying wanted to say something more, but suddenly heard the last sentence.

"Expert Tao, what did you mean by the last words you just said?" She raised her head in disbelief and asked.

Logan on the side also raised her head, frowning slightly.

Although I can't see, I can hear clearly.Because of this, she didn't feel ecstatic or moved in her heart, but instead felt a little annoyed.

All kinds of doctors and medical staff, including the Internet and medical books, have repeatedly and relentlessly told her that there is no cure for this disease, and it can only relieve symptoms and prolong life.

The ten-year survival rate is 90.00%, and the 15-year survival rate is 80.00%.

These cold probabilities made her accept her fate early.

I don't know the joy of life, but I know the sorrow of death.

In fact, she is not afraid of death, so she has been working hard to live in order not to make her mother sad.

But this female doctor with a very quiet voice said that this disease can be cured.

She may have made a slip of the tongue, or she may have exaggerated, but it will give mother hope that she shouldn't have, and she will only be more disappointed at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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