Chapter 380 Is it Coronary Heart Disease?

Tao Le stopped the husband from administering the medicine, and asked, "When did your wife get coronary heart disease and how was it diagnosed?"

"She has suffered from coronary heart disease and angina pectoris for more than three years. She was diagnosed in the hospital in her hometown. She has been taking aspirin, nitroglycerin and Di'ao Xinxuekang."

When he said this, he looked at his wife worriedly: "Doctor, let me give her the medicine first, let's talk about it later."

Tao Le shook his head, rang the bell to call the nurse in, and took the electrocardiogram beside the patient's bed.

This is the advantage of large private hospitals. Even the specialist consultation rooms of Chinese medicine are equipped with bedside ECG and some other equipment to facilitate more accurate dialectical diagnosis.

Sure enough, there was no accident. The patient's electrocardiogram was so normal that it couldn't be more normal. Myocardial infarction, heart failure, and angina pectoris could not be seen at all.

Tao Le almost thought that the patient was suffering from hysteria.Or just give her ten milliliters of diazepam, all symptoms should be relieved. This is of course a joke.

It is still necessary to find out the medical history and then feel the pulse.

"Have you had a coronary angiography?" Tao Le asked.

Coronary angiography is the gold standard for confirming coronary heart disease.

"No, I didn't do that." The patient was able to speak now.

"Is that a coronary CTA?"

Coronary CTA is also called coronary multi-helical CT. Unlike coronary angiography, which is an invasive examination, it is more acceptable to most patients.

"No, I just went to the cardiology department and told the symptoms, and then took the medicine."

In other words, there is actually no absolute evidence to support the diagnosis of coronary heart disease.

The patient's husband also interjected: "Actually, the episodes occurred many times before, all at night, but we waited for the symptoms to stabilize before going to the hospital during the day."

Therefore, I did not go to the hospital for treatment during the period of illness.I don't know what kind of hospital their hometown is, and how they can be diagnosed so easily.

Tao Le put a question mark on "coronary heart disease" in his heart, and then continued the interrupted pulse.

The patient pulled up a section of his sleeve, exposing half of his forearm, and Tao Le was moved when he saw it.

Whether it was her hands or forearms, the skin was very rough, dark and dark, lichen-like, with silver scales, and a lot of scratch marks.

On the crevices of the fingers and the back of the hands, there are a small number of papules and blisters.

Although it was cold outside, the room was air-conditioned and the room temperature was not low, but the patient's wrist was cold.

Tao Le took all these into his eyes and took his pulse seriously.

The patient's pulse condition is heavy and weak, which is generally seen in the deficiency of both Qi and blood.

The tongue is light and fat, with tooth marks on the side.

"Are you usually afraid of the cold?" Tao Le asked.

"I'm afraid of the cold, I can't see a little wind." The patient said weakly.

"Even my hands and feet are cold in summer," added the husband.

"I have had this eczema for a long time, it must have been more than ten years?" Tao Le asked.

The husband and wife looked at each other at this moment, revealing a burst of joy, which made her a little confused.

"Doctor, in fact, today we mainly come to see this wet clinic." The patient said: "You can tell at a glance that this disease has been in for 12 years, which means that you have real talents and knowledge, and you are worthy of being an expert."

Tao Le understood what kind of patient this was.

She had seen many similar patients in her previous life.With the mind of taking the school exam, they didn't say anything about the disease, just waiting for the doctor to take the pulse and see if the other party could see such a thing, she had long since ignored it.

"I have had eczema for 12 years, so I must have seen many people to treat it?"

The husband nodded, took out several thick medical records, and handed them over.

Tao Le already has a preliminary idea in mind, and needs to verify it with past medical records.

Sure enough, there are all kinds of commonly used methods for treating eczema, such as clearing away heat and dampness, expelling wind and dampness, nourishing blood and expelling wind, drying dampness and relieving itching. Among them are prescriptions prescribed by Tao Le, a well-known expert.

It's just that there are so many prescriptions, but there is no one that Tao Le thought of.

So today, they will find her head.

Tao Le reviewed it seriously, and felt that the evidence was correct, so he opened the golden finger.

The purpose of entry is indeed the disease of yang deficiency and cold dampness, which is the same as what she diagnosed.

Now she also understands that the patient's chest tightness and palpitations just now are really uncomfortable, and she is not pretending.

Because the disease lasts for a long time, it will damage the heart.

She briefly explained the symptoms to the patient couple.

"All pains, itches, and sores all belong to the heart. Dampness enters the body for many years, enters the blood vessels, returns to the heart, and causes damage to the heart yang, so there will be palpitations and chest tightness, not coronary heart disease."

"No? But we have been treating eczema all the time, and we are all removing dampness." The patient's husband wondered.

"Eczema needs to be treated, but the direction of treatment needs to be adjusted." Tao Le's voice was calm:
"Your wife is afraid of the cold and her skin is cold, her kidney qi is insufficient, and both qi and blood are deficient. It belongs to yang deficiency and cold dampness syndrome. It should warm yang to dispel cold, harmonize blood to dispel wind, dry dampness and relieve itching."

She didn't say any more, and wrote a prescription with a pen, to make Fuzi to warm Yang, Guizhi and Asarum to dispel cold, Astragalus and Codonopsis to benefit the heart, Angelica to harmonize blood, Cangzhu, Fangfeng, Poria cocos, soil Poria cocos, white fresh skin, Kochia scoparia, cicada slough, expelling wind and dampness, relieving itching.

"Take ten pairs first, then call me for a follow-up visit." Tao Le wrote his phone number behind the prescription and handed it over, and said:
"I'm here as a free clinic. You can choose: either go to an outside pharmacy to buy medicine, or get it here, but the prescription I prescribe can give you a [-]% discount on the cost price."

She has seen it a long time ago. The clothes of the couple are a bit old, and they don't look like rich people.

Nowadays, Chinese medicine practitioners seldom give the prescriptions to the patients themselves. They always grab the medicines in their own pharmacies and then put them away.

There are several reasons for this: one is that the quality of the medicinal materials in the pharmacy outside may not be as good as that at home; the second is that the price difference between the two sides is indeed not small;

Tao Le was originally a free clinic, so he didn't have to worry so much.And she was very sure that there would be no problems with this recipe.

"Thank you doctor!" The husband had a smile on his face: "To tell you the truth, just to cure her eczema, we traveled all over the country and spent a lot of money, but it didn't look good."

He looked at Tao Le, his eyes were full of trust and expectation: "You are Zhou Guoshou's disciple, the prescription you prescribed will definitely work, I believe in you!"

The husband and wife got up and left, and the next patient came in.

Tao Le looked at this girl who was the same age as him, with those out-of-focus eyes and the obvious butterfly-shaped erythema on the face, and heaved a big sigh in his heart.

As soon as Jian Yuying entered the door, she was stunned.Why is the doctor so young when he stayed up until midnight to grab the expert number?
"Excuse me, which one is Tao expert?" She looked left and right, and asked this sentence.

Tao Le sighed again.Being young was a hurdle she couldn't get over.

"You are on my account." Tao Le said, "The patient's lupus erythematosus has not been short, has it?"

(End of this chapter)

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