In the afternoon, the results of the MRI came out.The hypoplasia of the pituitary gland affects the child's intelligence and development.

While comforting the crying mother, Xie Baoshu secretly gave Tao Leshu a thumbs up.

Between people, there must also be an aura compatibility.On the first day of work, Xiao Tao helped him recover from a misdiagnosis. This is a good start, and he must be able to get along well and harmoniously in the past three months.

Xie Baoshu thought happily, copied all the materials, and led the child and his family to the obesity and endocrinology department.

This hypoplasia of the pituitary gland affects the endocrine in the final analysis, and it is normal to go there.

The door of the endocrinology clinic was locked, and the guiding nurse reminded him: "The endocrinology department is out this morning. Director Deng also left for the province in the afternoon, and he won't be back until next week."

Oh, yes, there is such a thing.Xie Baoshu patted his forehead.Liu Ping, the deputy chief physician who was in charge of their children's health care clinic, accompanied Director Shen to go there first, otherwise he wouldn't have transferred the patient to endocrine.

Xie Baoshu has a lot of experience from starting from regular training to being a resident doctor for several years.The most important experience is that in case of indecision, consult the superior doctor in time.

He took the mother and son back to the child care clinic and asked Tao Le to help take care of them. He quickly dialed Deputy Director Liu Ping's cell phone.

If he thought the same, Liu Ping was really dissatisfied with the transfer of the patient he got.

"Looking at the monsters, I can't figure it out at the critical moment. Send me the film to have a look first."

I just had a bad job, so Xiao Xie pushed the patient out.Those who knew it were because he was on a business trip, and Xiao Xie couldn't handle it; those who didn't know thought that he was too incompetent to cure him.

After a while, Xie Baoshu sent the video.Within a few minutes, Liu Ping sent over the treatment plan.

After that, she specifically warned: "The child's pituitary gland is underdeveloped, and he will need long-term hormone therapy in the future, and the prognosis is difficult to cure. You have to make it clear to the family members and be prepared for a protracted war."

"Director, what do you mean, this child is congenital?"

"That's right. You still need to hone your image-reading skills."

After hanging up the phone, Xie Baoshu felt a little heavy.

Although most of the hypoplasia of the pituitary gland is congenital, there are also a few that are caused by the lack of acquired growth hormone.For the latter, as long as the corresponding hormones are supplemented, the prognosis is very good, but the former is different.

Thinking about the mother's relaxed mood when she first arrived, and thinking about the news I was going to tell her later, Xie Baoshu's pace slowed down a bit.

But the pediatric department is only that big, and the sign of the health care clinic still appeared in front of me.

As soon as the door was opened, Tao Le's gentle voice was heard: "Don't worry. This kind of hypoplasia of the pituitary gland is mainly treated with hormones and acupuncture, and the effect is very good."

Xie Baoshu felt a tremor in his heart.Xiao Tao, you are still too young, how can you make such a promise with the patient's family.

When she said this, did she stop talking about the rhetoric she had weighed for a long time just now?

"Little Tao, come out." He stood at the door and called Tao Le.

When the two came to the door, Xie Baoshu imitated the tone of the senior doctor, and said to her earnestly: "Xiao Tao, what this child has is congenital pituitary dysplasia, it is not acquired."

There is no need to beat the gong heavily.Having said that, Xiao Tao should understand his mistakes, right?
"I know, it's clearly shown on the video." Tao Le nodded and said bluntly.

Xie Baoshu felt a little dissatisfied.Those who don’t know are not to blame, since you know it, you should understand that it is basically incurable, why did you say that again just now.

"I have traditional Chinese medicine heritage, and I have learned acupuncture and moxibustion therapy for this disease, and the effect is particularly good." Tao Le's eyes sparkled.

"Acupuncture and moxibustion is indeed effective for this disease, but it can be cured." Xie Baoshu politely did not continue, just shook his head, full of disapproval in his heart.

"Then can this work? Anyway, everyone thinks that congenital hypoplasia of the pituitary gland cannot be cured. Then there is no rush to use some hormones, why don't you let me try first?"

Xie Baoshu pondered.What Tao Le said seems to be correct, but he just feels that something is not appropriate.

Before he could think it over, a person came hurriedly from the other end of the corridor.

The other party had a big stride, walking with wind, and walked straight towards them.

Xie Baoshu recognized it at a glance, isn't this the inpatient Qin Feng who is both good looking and strong in the Department of Neurosurgery?He came just in time!
"President Qin, why are you here when you have time? We just have something to ask for advice."

Xie Baoshu turned to face Qin Feng, but saw that he didn't look at him at all, his eyes were full of smiles, but he was looking at the person next to him.

"Little doctor Tao, you are really surprising!" Qin Feng said.

"Senior Brother Qin? Why are you here?" Tao Le was also surprised.She originally wanted to see her senior brother when she had time, but she didn't expect that senior brother Qin would come down to see her in person.

"Junior sisters have come in from thousands of troops, how can I, as a senior brother, come to see you. It's only now that I'm free, or I'll come here sooner!"

As soon as the two chatted, Xie Bao immediately stood aside with interest, but his eyes kept circling the two of them.

My God!It turns out that the Gui Peisheng Tao Le I brought with me is actually the junior sister of Chief Qin of the Department of Neurosurgery!And the two of them don't look like ordinary senior brothers and sisters. Didn't you see Mr. Qin who usually doesn't smile, how bright is his smile these days?
What a big melon, sweet and juicy!Xie Baoshu can't wait to share this gossip information with his friends!

But right now there are still patients waiting for him.Xie Baoshu had already seen the door of the outpatient clinic open from the inside, probably seeing some doctors talking, and then closed it again, obviously the family members of the child were getting impatient.

"Well, Mr. Qin, excuse me, there is a patient who needs to ask you for advice." Xie Baoshu cut in.

Tao Le did not forget about the patient. "Brother, indeed, this is the case"

She articulately explained the child's condition clearly, and Xie Baoshu, who was on the side, also presented the image and photo.

"It is indeed congenital. Now there is no other way except to use hormone therapy." Qin Feng shook his head.

"But I'm sure, this acupuncture treatment is effective, let me try it first." Tao Le's face was full of confidence.

If someone else said that, Qin Feng would definitely laugh it off: Try it, of course you can, but you have to use hormones at the same time.

"Then try it first, if it doesn't work, then start hormones." He turned his head to look at Xie Baoshu who was a little sluggish: "Haven't you heard that my junior sister's acupuncture methods are quite amazing."

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