The boy had fair skin and sat quietly on the chair in front of Xie Baoshu.

"I originally made an appointment with the Maternal and Child Health Hospital, but I couldn't make it that day." The boy's mother, a woman in her 30s, said to herself.

"There are too many people going there for routine checkups. If we have to wait a week later, I just thought about it. Doesn't the first hospital also have a pediatric department? There must be fewer people."

She laughed, with a little smugness: "Sure enough, come and see today, you don't even have to wait in line!"

"Is there something wrong with that child?" Xie Baoshu interrupted her.

"It's nothing else, but I don't like to eat all the time, and I am shorter than my peers." The mother said: "The kindergarten teacher asked me to check if there is something missing, and I have to make up for it. .”

"How old is the child?" Xie Baoshu asked.

"Five years old."

"That's something that needs to be checked for the child." Xie Baoshu frowned.

Calculated by a five-year-old child, it is indeed a little short.

"Come on, let's measure the height and weight first."

The children's health care clinic is much larger than other clinics. In addition to the doctor's consultation area, there are also special height and weight scales, children's toy tables and a small game area.

Tao Le quickly adapted to his status as a regular trainee, and stepped forward to lead the boy to measure his height and weight.

This boy was very different from her little nephew Tao Qizhan, he was quiet and obedient like a little angel from the beginning to the end.

"My son has been obedient since he was a child, that is, he was too picky when eating. Alas, his father and I were worried about this." The child's mother was still chattering, and happened to chat with Xie Baoshu.

"This habit of picky eating needs to be changed. Regardless of whether you need to supplement trace elements after a while, you can't be too accommodating to your children in the future, let me tell you."

Tao Le sighed inwardly.This child is not as simple as simply lacking trace elements.

It doesn't matter if the boys are naughty or rough, as long as they are healthy and healthy.

But if it's unusually quiet, maybe it's not a good sign.

Tao Le put the result in front of Xie Baoshu.

"Height 88cm, weight 11.5KG." While reading, he asked the child's mother, "When is the child's birthday?"

He reckoned that the five years the other party said was probably false.

If this is the case, although the child is a little slow, it is not too much.

Just check the blood routine, add some trace elements, take some supplements, and prescribe vitamin AD to eat.

If the child's mother is not short of money, she can add some small Chinese medicine that invigorates the spleen and appetizers.

Xie Baoshu was thinking about it when he heard what the child's mother said.

Calculated from this birthday, it was five years and three months old.

The minimum standard for the height of a five-year-old boy is 98CM, and the minimum standard for weight is 13.5KG. This child is not small.

However, this height is still greatly influenced by genetic factors.

Xie Baoshu's eyes seemed to glance at the woman in front of him inadvertently. Seeing that she was about 160cm tall, he asked, "How tall is the child's father?"

"1 meters."

This height is really not short, there is no reason for the child to be so different.Come to think of it, picky eating is also an important issue.

"Does the child live with the elders?" He asked again.

"Yes, I live with my grandparents. Every time I eat, my grandma has to chase after me with the rice bowl. The child is stubborn at this time, and I don't know what's going on."

Mother looked sad.

Most of that was caused by picky eaters.Xie Baoshu had a plan in his mind, so he followed what he thought just now, and went underground to check.

"Pay the fee, let's check the blood and trace elements first."

"Alright doctor, we'll go right away." As soon as the mother and son left the house, Xie Baoshu lost his serious look just now.

"Little Tao, do you know how to write case studies, do you need me to teach you?"

"I know a little bit, and I still need to rely on brother Xie for guidance." Tao Le said modestly.

"It's easy to say, easy to say." At this time, he remembered his guiding responsibilities, and asked, "What do you think of the child just now?"

"I don't think it's as simple as a lack of elements." Tao Le shook his head.

"Oh? Let's hear what you think." Xie Baoshu didn't expect that the new doctor Guipei really had other ideas.

"This boy's skin is very fair, and he doesn't look like his mother at all. And he's too quiet." Tao Le reminded.

"The skin color may be inherited from the father's side. Quiet, isn't it good to be quiet?" Xie Baoshu laughed: "Since the last time a skin boy tore the game area to pieces, I only like this kind of quiet child."

"The premise is that he can't have a flat nose, short limbs, thick fingers, and some wrinkles." Tao Le said.

"You mean?" Xie Baoshu gasped.

Tao Le nodded.

"Thinking about it this way, it's really possible." Xie Baoshu recalled the child's appearance, and everything could be matched.

"It seems that a head imaging examination will be added later." He sighed.

The trace element test took a bit long, and during the waiting time, they got a few more patients.

Some came to prescribe vitamin AD, and some came to prescribe EEG review. In short, it was not a serious problem.

It was so easy to see the mother and son again.The mother slapped the result on the table as if relieved:
"Doctor Xie, look, it's really a matter of trace elements."

Tao Le leaned over to watch it with Xie Baoshu.Both calcium and zinc were slightly lower than normal.

"Is the child going to school next year?" Xie Baoshu asked.

"Yes, I'm going to start preschool this month. I think it's still a bit early. Boys are late to enlightenment. It would be much better if they were delayed a year—but if they go to school at night, they need to have a medical certificate."

"You're right. Sometimes you don't need to let your child rush to the starting line so early-do you want to reach the finish line earlier by starting so fast?"

Pooh.The mother laughed: "Mr. Xie, your words are really funny."

"So let's give the child another intelligence test. I suspect that his problem is not just caused by the lack of trace elements."


The result of the intelligence test really supported Tao Le's judgment.

Xie Baoshu couldn't help but take a deep look at her.This little doctor Tao has sharp eyes.

If it weren't for her reminder, I would have just prescribed a bunch of tonics and sent people away, but after a year or two, the problem will become more and more serious, and it will be found out sooner or later. Then why will people go to the Pediatric Health Department of a hospital again? ?
"It is now highly suspected that the pituitary gland is underdeveloped." Xie Baoshu said as gently as possible, but it also attracted the mother's terrified voice:
"How is it possible, Doctor Xie, are you reading it wrong? My son is just a bit late in awakening and lacks trace elements"

"Family members, please stay calm." Tao Le persuaded softly: "First of all, it is just a suspicion now, and further imaging tests are needed to confirm; even if it is the problem in the end, if we find it early, we can intervene and treat it as soon as possible."

Her smile is very gentle: "Don't worry, this disease can be cured, and it will not affect the child's future."

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