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Chapter 678 Forum Held

Chapter 678 Forum Held
At around eight o'clock in the evening, a plane landed at the international airport. Zheng Gongjian got off the plane with seven or eight people. The bosses of other manufacturers will also arrive tonight to prepare for tomorrow's high-end forum.

In a private room, Li Dongsheng was sitting next to Li Guangfa. The atmosphere at the dinner table was very good. Everyone was talking and laughing. At least the relationship was getting closer, and it was easy to open their mouths when talking about something.

It was agreed that the entire industry was unanimous in the outside world, advancing and retreating together. In just two days, it seemed that the only person who could not deal with Li Guangfa was the honest man Lu Feng.

Lu Feng returned to the hotel, touched his pocket, and realized that he forgot to take his room card when he left in the morning, and was just about to ask the waiter to open the door, when the door opened.

Su Yourong stood at the door and looked at him, "Are you back?"

"Why are you still in my room?" Lu Feng looked at her in pajamas in surprise.

"Staying in your room or mine, does it make a difference?" Su Yourong turned around and walked in without paying attention, stood by the coffee table and poured a glass of water, and said, "Drink some water."

"That's right." Lu Feng entered the room, closed the door casually, and said, "Is everything settled for the hotel in Dubai?"

"I've made arrangements for today." Su Yourong sat on the sofa and said, "I'll definitely do what you ordered properly."

"Okay!" Lu Feng took out yesterday's contract from his bag, put it on the coffee table and said, "It's been stamped, you can return to Xiangjiang tomorrow, and the next warm-up should be done, after you go back , buy some newspapers with a wider audience in Dubai, and start to publish some news about the royal family and nobles, and at the same time, some newspapers in Xiangjiang also start to promote it.”

"Royal nobles?" Su Yourong's head was full of question marks, wondering, "What are you going to do?"

"It's over, don't ask too much, I have always walked in the name of the richest man in the mainland in Xiangjiang. When you are promoting, please add one for me. My father is a foreign royal nobleman. I have royal blood, and Close relationship with Wall Street, William, Jayne, mention everything you can, and at the same time, call Buffett, Soros, Gates and others, and say that I want to treat them to dinner."

"I don't have their phone number!" Su Yourong's pretty face was already wrinkled, and she couldn't help but say, "Besides, even if there is a phone number, it's impossible for them to go."

"It doesn't matter whether you go or not. The important thing is to make a phone call. As long as the other party is not a very determined gathering, they will announce to the public that they are going to this party." Lu Feng lit a cigarette and picked up the cigarette in front of him. He took a sip of the tea and said, "The bosses of those companies like to pay attention to the media on weekdays, and they will vigorously promote it in the media."

Su Yourong seemed to sense what he wanted to do, and asked, "So you want to do it?"

"Target PUA!" Lu Feng said in a deep voice.

"What are PUAs?"

"To put it simply, it is to suppress low-ranking players by creating a high-ranking advantage." Lu Feng explained.

"It's just a lie, let's put it another way. Those international bigwigs will definitely not come by then. Aren't you just being exposed?" Su Yourong worried.

"What are you afraid of? When the time comes, it will be announced in public. If the boss has something to do, he can't come. Just read a letter of thanks from the boss in public. It doesn't matter whether they come or not. The important thing is to hold a high-end party for the nobles." , to bluff those middlemen companies in Xiangjiang." Lu Feng took a puff of cigarette and said, "Do you understand?"

Su Yourong thought for a while, couldn't help laughing, and said, "You're an international fraud, right?"

"What's this called?" Lu Feng patted her on the shoulder and said, "When we go back, we will publicize it in the media, and we must take them down after a week. If we count on the trade agents, they will be restricted for the rest of our lives, understand? "

Su Yourong took a cigarette from the table and lit one, thought for a while and said, "If someone else came up with this method, I really don't think it's reliable, but you can still give it a try, I was thinking Yes, if it fails, Jiafeng Electronics' export business will be completely blocked."

Lu Feng smoked a cigarette and laughed, as if he was not blocked now, he knew better than anyone else what those smart people would do. When there is the first surrenderer, the subsequent surrenderers will fall into madness In the midst of the introversion, the endless infighting!
"It's getting late, you should go to bed early, I have a meeting tomorrow, don't I need to teach the media publicity?" Lu Feng looked at Su Yourong and said.

"Don't worry, this matter can still be taken care of." Su Yourong picked up the contract, patted Lu Feng's shoulder and said, "Take a good rest, I won't bother you tonight, I'm going back."

"go to bed early."

Su Yourong opened the door, looked around cautiously, and then walked towards her room.

The next day, the important media in the city took this forum as the headline report, claiming that this forum gathered more than a hundred business executives, and gathered [-]% of the three industries of manufacturing, electronics, and foreign trade agencies. first-line enterprises.

The whole report is to promote the soft power of the city, the headquarters of large enterprises, the perfect industrial chain, the excellent export trade port and agency companies.

Lu Feng only read half of the newspaper and threw the newspaper aside. He didn't go to the company after breakfast, and took Feng Zhiyao directly to the high-end forum site.

With the opening of the high-end forum, the grievances between Jiafeng Electronics and GF Trading were once again widely reported by the media. As the head of the marketing department, Zhu Lidong had to face the media.

In the office of the new group office building, Zhu Lidong looked at the reporter in front of him and sat down.

"I would like to ask Mr. Zhu. Many companies are saying that whichever company has mastered the export trade will be the winner next year. I interviewed some business leaders and said that the focus is not on this year, but on next year. Now Jiafeng Electronics Co., Ltd. It is being conglomerate, is it also to cope with market changes next year?"

"Collectivization is a part of Mr. Lu's grand strategy. It has nothing to do with next year. It is promoted according to the development situation. In fact, we are not worried about next year. As for whoever controls the export trade, next year will be the winner." Zhu Lidong smiled and said, "Maybe some people who don't know much about the industry said that whoever can provide the common people with good products at a low price will be the winner."

"Recently, the electronics industry has made a lot of noises. Many people in the industry joked that this is probably the most united time I have seen in this industry in this life. You seem to be very powerful in the electronics industry." The host asked.

Zhu Lidong laughed loudly when he heard the words, and said, "How should I put it, some methods in this industry are actually relatively dirty, and the suppression of Jiafeng Electronics has never stopped. From the price war in the market, the suppression on the industrial chain, In terms of raw materials, the rubbish articles written by some low-level media outside have never stopped.”

"Sometimes I feel angry. Mr. Lu is okay. He seems to like to fight with others. In fact, some of the unity is seen by outsiders. It can't be said that there is no unity. Maybe for a few seconds?"

Zhu Lidong laughed at what he said, and said: "No matter what happens outside, Jiafeng Electronics will not move. No matter whether Jiafeng Electronics' products can be sold to the world or not, as long as other companies go out, we will applaud them. Enterprises that go global will establish a national brand.”

At [-]:[-] in the morning, the parking lot downstairs of the Jianguo Hotel was already full of all kinds of commercial luxury cars, and the security work was greatly improved. A banner hung at the door, which read: Warmly wish the manufacturing industry and export trade The high-end forum was a complete success.

A Tiger Ben pushed open the back door, Mr. Liu tidied up his suit and got off, and Zheng Gongjian got off from an Audi next to him, looked around, and saw several staff members in suits next to him Guide him forward.

"Mr. Zheng, long time no see!" Mr. Liu trotted over excitedly, with a smile on his face, he stretched out his hand and said, "Do you still remember me? Xiao Liu, in cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, made a Lenovo."

Zheng Gongjian looked at the man in front of him, paused for a moment before remembering, shook hands and said, "Oh, long time no see. It's been almost ten years. It's developing well now."

"I heard that you have gone to Changhong, and I have always wanted to see you again. In my heart, you are an old man!" President Liu was a little excited.

"The old man is old too, so he has to fly over from Chengdu to compete with the young people." Zheng Gongjian asked him, "Are you familiar with Lu Feng from Jiafeng Electronics?"


Mr. Liu coughed and said, "I'm familiar with it. There are some people under my hand who come and go, but they are not really enemies. It's just a little friction."

The two chatted about the past and the current development of the home appliance industry.

The scene was full of people, and groups of three or five gathered together to be courteous. In fact, many trade agents were out of stock all year round. They were also competing internally, and they were stepping up contact with international buyers in private, trying to catch these manufacturers in the market. own hands.

In the media, the two factions seem to be inexhaustible. In reality, they are more polite when they meet each other. With the arrival of Mr. Liu and Zheng Gongjian, as an entrepreneur of the older generation, Zheng Gongjian's face is not insignificant.

After entering the scene, there were voices of greetings everywhere, and Zheng Gongjian responded one by one.

Feng Zhiyao drove his car into the parking lot. Seeing so many cars, he said to Lu Feng, "Brother Feng, do you find this forum useful today? With so many cars, there must be a lot of people here."

"If it's useful, what's it called a forum? That's called an appointment!" Lu Feng pushed the car door open and said, "Everyone was fighting with each other on the scene, and the real killing move has been prepared a long time ago. It's nonsense, what you say in private is what you should do."

Lu Feng got out of the car while talking, and a group of staff came over.

"Jiafeng Electronics, Lu Feng!" Lu Feng pondered.

"This way please!"

Under the guidance of the staff, Lu Feng walked towards the hotel lobby. There were already reporters waiting at the door, and there was a slap on the face!

(End of this chapter)

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