Song Tan's Notes

Chapter 776 Chapter 776 Radish Thinning

With just a few acres of chestnut orchard, the entire village was able to clean it up for a whole week!

By the time the last batch was shipped, the one thousand kilograms of chestnuts that Boss Chang wanted had already been sent to the cold storage across the province.

Including the ten kilograms of sugar-roasted chestnuts that are routinely served in the imperial capital, they were all packaged and sent out.

Brother Zhang from Fengfeng Express cooks and lights lamps every day to help pack and deliver the goods, and he can’t wait to put them down!
Where is this other people's business?It's clearly his own business!

In fact, if you really want to calculate it, the profitability of chestnut is not as good as others.But these are old trees at home that are many years old. It would be a pity to deal with them like this since they have not yet passed their peak fruiting period.

Secondly, because they are older and grow taller, it is perfect to interplant at the bottom or directly use them to shade white fungus and black fungus.

Professor Song walked around the mountains for the first time, and when he came back he praised Song Tan for his good arrangements!
Who would have thought that everything was left in the field simply because there was no money.

However, the link to the sauced beans promised by Zhang Yanping was still not available.

Because the people in the village have been busy for so long, now that they have some free time, it’s time to tidy up their own vegetable gardens.

If we don’t plant something this season, we’ll have a hard time eating vegetables this winter.

No, the vegetable seedlings on Lao Song's mountain needed to be thinned out. As soon as Ulan invited them, everyone came in droves.

In fact, it's long past time to thin out the seedlings. It's been two days since the three leaves of the radish sprouted.Unfortunately, Chestnut was not packed away at that time, so we had to wait.

Nowadays, there are fifteen acres of different varieties of radishes that are lush and green, and everyone who sees it is sighing.

"This radish is growing so well!"

"Oh, it's a good thing I didn't sow the seeds myself this year because I wanted to take advantage of it. Otherwise, how could there be such good seedlings?"

"Wulan, let me see if you have planted several kinds of radishes? Do you want to give me all kinds of radishes?"

"Here!" Ulan said without hesitation: "Didn't we agree? You will come to help thin the seedlings. Before leaving, each person will carry a basket of seedlings back."

The sowing was relatively random at first, with large handfuls of seeds spread out in rows in a row.Nowadays, they are all grown up close together. From a distance, they look like a thick and thick green line.

If we don’t pull out the extra seedlings, they won’t even have room to grow.

The basket of vegetable seedlings that Wulan promised was quite a lot, and whether she wanted to plant it in her own vegetable field or give it to relatives and friends, she had no control over it.

Everyone has obviously thought of it, and is already gearing up and can’t wait:
"I think this white radish grows the fastest. Why don't you pick up the white radish first?"

"Why do I think this green radish is growing well? If we don't take care of it, it will be so crowded that there will be no room for it to grow."

"Come and see the carrots here! Although they are small, the leaves are bright green and they are so strong!"

Everyone was chatting back and forth on the hillside at the top of their lungs. They didn't find it troublesome at all, but instead felt endless energy flowing through their bodies.

To be honest, a large part of the land in the covered hills is sandy soil, and the soil quality is not very fine.But this kind of land is the most suitable for growing watermelons or radishes. The radishes that grow are strong, sweet, and delicious!
Another advantage of sandy soil is that it is loose, breathable and water-permeable.When thinning the seedlings, you only need to pinch the roots and lift them gently, and the whole seedling will be pulled out without any damage.

Don't tell me, just squatting in the ground one tree after another... It's really interesting.

Only Qiao Qiao said regretfully: "Brother Yanping, is it true that you can't do live broadcast?"

"Goodbye..." Zhang Yanping felt guilty and short of breath.

When he watched the replay of the last live broadcast, he discovered Jiangdouzi's mistake, but the farming season waits for no one!

Every household in the village is waiting for their own vegetable seedlings. To regret it now would be to deprive everyone of fresh vegetables all winter!

So I had to pretend to be an ostrich.

But Qiaoqiao hasn't started live broadcasting for several days. It's the end of the month again. If he doesn't start it...

"Will my live broadcast be not long enough?"

good question.

Zhang Yanping didn't expect it either.

At this moment, we are not only in a dilemma, it is clearly even more difficult!
He gritted his teeth: "Forget it! You go ahead and broadcast it! Don't watch the barrage! I won't accompany you anymore, I have to work as a customer service..." Qiao Qiao was at a loss: "I will live broadcast seedlings for everyone, and I didn't ask Brother Yanping Are you coming to accompany me?"

After he finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone.


【Caught off guard!Finally waited until the soy beans are on sale! 】

【what? What?Coming to sell?Where is the link? 】

【Dog thief!Next time you dare to let us down like this, I swear that when I run out of money, I will never come to you to buy anything again. 】

[In front of you, your oath...]

[As soon as I came in, I saw soy beans on sale - wait, is there something wrong? 】

【That's right!Why did the soybeans seller go to the mountains to broadcast live?What are they doing?Bullshit? 】

[What’s so strange about live broadcasting on the mountain?We are grabbing in the shopping cart, not looking at the pictures in the live broadcast room to place an order. 】

【etc!Is this talking about vegetable seedlings? 】

At this time, Qiaoqiao finally adjusted the phone:

"Children, today I will teach you how to thin out radish seedlings."

Qiao Qiao explained seriously: "Thinning is to pull out the excess seedlings - but the radishes we planted were so casually planted at the time, and now they are very crowded."

He brought the phone closer: "Teacher Song said that under normal circumstances, thinning needs to be done three times. But the conditions here are excellent, so one or two times is enough."

"Now these are carrots. The skin is red and they are smaller than green radish and white radish."

"The thinnings must be spaced apart."

He stretched out his thumb and index finger to show the approximate length to the fans in the live broadcast room, with a serious and correct attitude.

Gradually, the fans who had been constantly scrolling through [Jiangdouzi, Xiguajiang, and the link] all calmed down unconsciously.

[One thing to say, aside from the fact that I didn’t buy what I wanted to buy, the autumn weather is crisp and the video is really comfortable to watch. 】

【The sky is so blue!These radish seedlings are growing so strong! 】

[First time seeing radish seedlings]

[Teacher Qiaoqiao, I have learned it. When will you arrange for me to practice at home? 】

[The abacus beads are all broken on my face - Teacher, let me do it! 】

[I have never seen vegetables grown. I would like to ask, should these pulled out seedlings be thrown away? 】

【What are you thinking about?These little tender sprouts have a unique taste, and you can’t get them unless you go to the vegetable market early in the morning! 】

[It’s this kind of small seedling. Remove the roots, wash the leaves, wait until the water boils and rinse them inside. It’s so fresh! 】

[Heartache... If these vegetable seedlings are kept, how many radish leaves will be obtained by then! 】

[In my hometown in the countryside, these vegetable seedlings in the anchor's house are really a pity, they are really too strong. 】

[Since everyone said this was delicious, they ripped off so much for 】

[Up link Up link! 】

I really want to eat radish leaves...

good night.

Get up at eight o'clock tomorrow morning to continue.Three updates tomorrow.

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