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Chapter 594 Hyperdimensional Data

Chapter 594 Hyperdimensional Data
There are 800 million Shinigami clan, and each person is in the realm of Earthly Immortal, but their combat power and status also vary.

Most of them are called lay people. As the name suggests, they are ordinary Shinigami who stay in their own territories every day and do not want to interact with others.

There is no obligation. If we have to say responsibility, it is to contribute to the fight against foreign invasion, or to provide what the combatants need.

It’s okay not to leave, because there is no government in the entire civilization to restrict these.

No law, just conscience.

The one who is stronger than the layman is the righteous god of death, and there are more than 10,000 of them in the whole clan.

They are all people who are willing to fight for the clan, and they are extremely talented and very powerful.

And their responsibility is obviously to go out to fight against the enemy when invaded from outside the territory.

The reason why we are called righteous is because we rely purely on self-consciousness.

It doesn't matter if you don't go. If you go, you can be praised by the whole clan in the spiritual channel, that's all.

They are not so much a group of warriors as they are heroes out of interest.

The real guardians are the apostle-level Death Gods. They are the apostles of civilization and die for the collective.

Due to the cultivation system of the Death God clan, the more you contribute to the collective and the more you gather the will of all living beings, the stronger you will be.

Therefore, the apostles are extremely powerful and can control one-tenth of the energy of the Dead Star. They each guard a natural area and patrol various places to prevent invasion from outside the territory.

Of course, there are not many, only a dozen or so.

At this moment, they were unable to stop Yan Slave, and the incarnation suffered a disastrous defeat. The overwhelming power was simply unstoppable.

For this reason, the seal had to be lifted.

Released the strongest person in the history of the Death God clan, the Earth Core King.

His love for civilization is extremely strong, so his cultivation is astonishing, and he can control the energy of an entire Dead Star.

It is normal for such a strong man to become a king.

But in this civilization, it is a kind of sadness.

The entire civilized class is like an inverted triangle.

The vast majority of lay people are at ease and just need to enjoy life.

The righteous man is among them, protecting everyone out of interest.

Almost all the burden of fighting against the invasion from outside the territory falls on the apostles.

The more people love this civilization, the more they have to bear and the more they have to sacrifice.

As the one whom I love the most, the Earth Core King made the greatest sacrifice.

After saving civilization, it still needs to be sealed.

Now that the crisis is approaching again, there is finally a chance to see the light of day again.

"The seal is lifted!"

"The secret realm is opened, eh?"

After many apostles opened a secret realm deep in the earth, they surprisingly discovered that there were no living creatures inside.

The secret realm is very large. Although it is said to belong to the sealed man, he is a civilized hero after all, so it is actually a place of house arrest and exile, which is quite comfortable.

Although the sealed ones can't go there, they can immerse themselves in an illusory world created by a special formation.

But no matter how deep one sleeps, there will still be no life fluctuations.

The Earth Core King's one-hundred-foot-long body was lying there, his body silent, without a trace of consciousness at all.

"King of the Earth Core, there is a supreme demon raging. Wake up. It's time for you to come out of seclusion."

"What's going on? Why is there no fluctuation in consciousness?"

"Has he sealed his consciousness? It doesn't seem like he is immersed in an illusory world."

"No, this looks like..."

"Real name erasure!"

The numerous Death God clans in the center of the earth were suddenly in an uproar.

died?The Earth Core King actually died in the seal?
"When did this happen!"

"Looking at the traces, it has been dead for a long time."

"This is someone who used his real name to obliterate the Earth Core King..."

"What the hell? In order to gain everyone's trust, he disclosed his real name in exchange for our support in becoming our leader."

"This is to protect everyone. I want his real name just in case. He has already sealed himself as promised, so why do we need to write his name!"

"Who did it!"

The Death God clan was very anxious and asked questions on the spiritual channel.

Although they were very suspicious of the Earth Core King and forced him to be sealed, they really didn't want him to die.

Unexpectedly, after the Earth Core King was sealed, someone still wrote his name and killed him.

He died silently and inexplicably within the seal, and they didn't find out until now.

"Who killed the Earth Core King?"

"It's been sealed, but you still need to write his name?"

Many of the apostles and righteous men looked around in anger.


"Is that you? You once said that the Death Clan does not need a leader. Since the Earth Core King has completed his mission, death is the best destination for him. After all, it is too dangerous for him to know everyone's true name."

When leaders were elected, many apostles were opposed to having their real names disclosed because they were afraid of such a situation.

But it is really impossible to defeat most lay people. What they need is a sense of security. They have to hand over the real name of the leader no matter what they say and pass the test of lie detector, otherwise they will not recognize him.

If it wasn't a hidden ambition, why wouldn't you dare to make friends?If he really saved everyone, then naturally no one would harm him.If you are not willing to make this sacrifice, then what kind of leader can you be?
Words like these made the Earth Core King helpless, and finally revealed his true name and surrendered his life to everyone to become that king.

The accused layman said excitedly: "It's not me. Although I said so, I didn't actually write his name."

"I also said that it is too painful for the Earth Core King to be sealed for life. He has made immortal contributions to civilization and should not have such an ending. Why don't you remember this?"

At this time, other lay practitioners stood up and said, "I remember, but your context at that time meant that it would be better for the Earth Core King to die? He will be sealed for life, he will suffer, and we will not feel at ease."

The other party defended: "What nonsense! We have never met before. You don't know me at all. Why do you make random guesses about my thoughts?"

"This is Heli's speculation. Why are you anxious? Now that the king is dead and the hero who saved civilization is dead, the murderer must be found!"

Everyone wants to find the murderer, but no one admits it.

For a time, they blamed each other and doubted each other.

The entire mental channel was noisy.


An apostle with a body made of fiery lava roared: "The extraterrestrial demons have penetrated our planet and will come here soon."

"It's true that every time we get together, we have to argue."

"There is no point discussing the murderer now. The top priority is to kill the supreme demon."

The lay people said solemnly: "We want to do it too, but what can we do?"

"How about we lend you all our cultivation and try again!"

The other apostles said one after another: "You can't stop it. You have no idea how terrifying that power is."

"We have 800 million Death Gods tied together. None of us are his match. We must erase his true name to show the true power of the Death Star."

The Magma Apostle said seriously: "It really can't be stopped. Now that the Earth Core King is dead, we must quickly choose another leader."

"Who is willing to sacrifice themselves again and take on this responsibility?"

The channel was silent, the body of the previous king was here.

That year was also the same moment of crisis and despair. The Earth Core King stepped forward, only to end up in this situation.

Who is willing to stand up at this time?

"There is no time! Real name erasure is not instant. Although the more people write at the same time, the erasure will be triggered faster, but it is still very random and will not happen immediately."

"So it must be as soon as possible!"

"If no one wants to be the king, let me be the king!"

The magma apostle roared resolutely, exuding a spirit that would be better than mine.The Death God clan were all overjoyed: "Fire Crow, well done to you!"

"You are worthy of being one of the ancient heroes. I would like to call you the greatest apostle."

"Lead us to defeat the extraterrestrial demons. The Death God clan will forever praise your glory."

The Magma Apostle said solemnly: "I don't need glory, I just want it as soon as possible!"

"That demon has been killed, time waits for no one!"

"Now, identify with me immediately and let me become the King of Death! Open the Eyes of Death!"

The laymen were stunned for a moment and said: "Then what is your real name, Fire Crow..."

Magma Apostle Fire Crow said angrily: "You still want my real name? Do you want me to die inexplicably after defeating the enemy?"

"I disagreed last time, and this time I won't hand over my real name no matter what."

Only then did all the Death Gods realize that he wanted to become the leader directly.

"How is this possible? From now on..."

Just as they were about to retort, Huo Ya's momentum calmed them down: "Why not? This is a time of life and death for civilization. If we can't defeat it, we will all perish. How can we have a future?"

"You don't trust me, and you still want me to believe that you won't harm me? There are 800 million compatriots who will kill me as long as one beast appears."

"The Earth Core King died like this, and I don't want to die in such a sad way."

After seeing this, the Death Clan finally accepted Fire Crow to become king and did not ask him to disclose his real name.

After all, they had learned from the tragic death of the Earth Core King, and they no longer had the shame to say things like, 'Taking real names is just insurance, no one really wants to kill the hero.'

Fire Crow's demands are reasonable, and at this time of crisis, no one has made any further demands.

"Let them see the power of the real name, Fire Crow King!"

"Leave it to me!" The Fire Crow King felt the surging power. He could already possess the energy of the entire Dead Star. This was the most perfect level in the Earthly Immortal Realm.

There was a proud smile on his lips, and then he looked coldly at the enemy above.

Quickly write down a few names on your body.

While doing this, he also gathered a huge force and led a group of apostles and righteous men to build a solid defense line above to hold back the intruders who rushed down.

Meanwhile, further up, about a million light-years away.

The God of Three Dimensions is fighting fiercely with Yan Slave, or rather... being beaten.


The God of Three Dimensions has endless divine power, which can almost support him to ignore the environment here.

But against Yan Nu, it was still not enough.

After suffering multiple stimulations such as the Death Star environment, the Star Boundary Monument, the Realm of Reaction, and the suppressive power of the Death God clan.

At this moment, Yan Nu's body has reached an unprecedented level of strength.

After all, throughout the ages, no one has been able to use purely natural attributes to be 10,000+ times stronger than the known universe.

At this moment, Yan Nu is carrying the boundary monument on his back, holding the star in his palm, and splits the dead star with one hand.

No matter how the three-dimensional god attacks, it is like scratching an itch, making him invincible in the world.

"Don't stop me, I want to be free!" The God of Three Dimensions fell into madness.

This made Yan Nu, who beat him violently, stunned and looked back at everyone: "Isn't he already free?"

Young Ensi hurriedly said: "He has got rid of the collar, but he still has to complete the final task before he can be completely free."

Luo Yan nodded and said: "I see, after taking off the collar, does it still leave a mission-type mental distortion?"

Young Ensi continued: "He is now completely immersed in the final mission and still has not thought of himself."

Everyone was curious: "Who is he? You seem to have asked Kus to recruit him on purpose."

Both Young Ensi and Gai Yu said: "He is Gulambaatar, the greatest star god in the lower dimension. He has extremely high dimensional awareness. He is one of the strong men who set foot on the highest sky very early, and he is also the first The person who deduced the path to perfecting the super dimension.”

"He once came up against the enemy and fought with Ye Meng in our quadrant."

"But he did not want to conquer the world, but simply loved the truth. The two cherished each other during the battle, and he finally recognized Yemeng's achievements and voluntarily gave up."

"Then the two super star gods joined forces to study super dimensions, intending to break the shackles and push away the four-dimensional cliff."

"Unfortunately, after the Gray Emperor defeated Lan Tian, ​​he became more and more powerful and wanted to go beyond the dimension. After learning of their existence, he attacked the two star gods."

"That battle went to the edge of the universe and spanned dozens of heavens. In the end, Yemeng escaped, and Granbaatar was captured alive by the Gray Emperor. Not only was all the extra-dimensional data taken away, but he was also enslaved."

"After the Gray Emperor went to another dimension, he transformed Granbaatar and turned him into what he looks like now."

"It's a good thing that he doesn't have any powerful characteristics, otherwise it would not be enslavement, but direct killing to make the emperor's clone."

Everyone was shocked. It turned out that the super-dimensional data mastered by Gray Emperor was developed by this person!
Even if the Gray Emperor has something to do, he will never be late, and he cannot go beyond infinite dimensions, because the fourth and fifth dimensions are not the same place. In essence, he has to sublimate himself into a life form with one more dimension.

There is no point in trying to reach a higher dimension by force. If the body loses one dimension, it will die or fall back in an instant.

Therefore, we must really have enough super-dimensional knowledge and data, and build a 'three-dimensional Dzogchen body' that is superimposed on the entire frequency band.

Everyone looked at the three-dimensional god Granbaatar, this guy is it.

It was not given by the Gray Emperor, but it had already reached this state.

The reason why it cannot go beyond dimensions is that Aguzo, the former owner of the Mathematics Holy Fire, built a four-dimensional cliff to seal off the three dimensions.

It just so happens that the Gray Emperor is never late. He can cross the four-dimensional cliff, but he suffers from a lack of knowledge and data.

Half-step super-dimensional powerhouses like Columbator and Yemeng are just stepping stones for the Gray Emperor.

"It's so tragic. He was supposed to be a great path-breaker, but he ended up like this."

"If the Gray Emperor wants his data, all he needs to do is cooperate with him like Yemeng. But this is not the character of the Gray Emperor. His rise is all about plundering and enslaving."

Everyone sighed, Golden Crow, Dragon Clan, Tianxin Clan, Taiwei Chinese Civilization, Phoenix Lord, Lantian, Yemeng, Gulambaatar...

Every force and genius was trampled under the Gray Emperor's feet, which made him as powerful as he is today.

The history of his rise is the history of robbery. Now he is stuck in the fourth dimension. Maybe there is no good target for robbery yet. Can you help him go to the fifth dimension?

So simply, grab the way of heaven!As long as you succeed, you can achieve success in one step and become the master of the universe.

"So that's it, it's okay, I will save him! Kill him first!"

Yan Nu killed people just to save people, so he immediately struck harder.

Although Young Ensi knew that he was Emperor Yan and that killing him meant going to hell, he still said: "It's best not to destroy his body. Superdimensional data is a unique superposition of all things."

"Once it is destroyed, even if it is resurrected, the data cannot be restored."

"Now that Gulambaatar has no collar, as long as he completes the final task, he will be completely free."

Yan Nu scratched his head. It would be easy to kill him, but he didn't expect that there were data that could not be restored even after resurrection.

Maybe his resurrection is unique and he can retain that data, but this kind of thing can't be confirmed without trying.If it doesn't work, the data will be gone.

Hyperdimensional data is indeed an incredible treasure.

It was the crystallization of a lifetime of wisdom from the two most powerful star gods.

Only with this can we go beyond the dimension.

This can be regarded as the most precious knowledge of the known universe. In theory, one can transcend dimensions once or twice. The most difficult thing is the first step.

So don’t look at it as a technology that only removes the fourth dimension, but all five, six, seven, eight and ninety dimensions must also rely on this technology.

Regardless of any obstacles, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the key to Taiyi.

It would be a shame to destroy such valuable knowledge.

"What the hell is this mission? I won't let him destroy the Death Clan."

"Isn't it just a twisted mind? I have a way!"

Yan Nu said confidently, and as soon as he finished speaking, Yan Nu had already released a holy aura.

Suddenly, everyone was bathed in it.

Xiao Ensi, Gai Yu and the others felt clear both physically and mentally.

The Taiwei Hua Stone, combined with Yan Slave's deep counterattack, he directly wanted to directly attack the spiritual distortion in Gulambaatar's soul and purify it.


 PS: sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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