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Chapter 593 Tearing the Dead Star apart

Chapter 593 Tearing the Dead Star apart

There are many ways to leave the Dead Star. Yan Slave can teleport away through the cloud.

But if you want to ascend to the tenth heaven, you must return to the grid of the ninth heaven.

It is approximately at the center of the Dead Star to reach dimensionality.

However, at this moment, the God of Three Dimensions, transformed into a ruthless machine of destruction, has angered the Death God clan.


I saw silhouettes of people flashing in the distance.

Not long after, they arrived in front of Yan Nu and others.

They came from all over the place, they were the Death Clan who were relatively close and lived nearby.

The person who came looked like a monster with a beast face, a ferocious face, strange bones, and a length of hundreds of feet.

The body is hunched like a shrimp bow, the shoulders are huge, and the long and narrow arms hang naturally.

Their roars were filled with hatred.

"Zeta, get out of my home, get out of our planet!"

Yannu shouted: "I am not Zeta."

But the other party took action directly. Even if Yan Slave held an Absolute Zero superstar in his palm, they were not afraid.

"The power of zero!" A Death God tribe instantly moved a large mountain into the air.

The mountain volleyed into absolute zero material and crashed into Yan Nu.

Everyone was stunned. Shen Leling couldn't help but said: "You don't look very smart. Obviously we are not afraid of this."

As expected, Yan Nu was too lazy to hide and was immediately surrounded by this mass of absolute zero-degree matter.

He is not affected by assimilation at all, and the permafrost material cannot absorb his heat at all.

However, when the other party saw this, his expression remained unchanged. After a while, the controlled substance squirmed and turned into a layer of skin wrapping the Yan Slave, like an exoskeleton armor.


Seeing this, the Death Clan shouted to the others, using a different language.

Immediately, tens of thousands of the Death Clan took action, as if they had borrowed huge power from the Death Star and exerted all of it on that set of zero-degree armor.


Yan Nu immediately fell down, his body stooped, suffered heavy pressure, and hit the ground hard.

With a rumble, a mountain was flattened and even collapsed into a bottomless pit, with magma spewing out from the edges and shock waves surging.

"The Death Clan's metaphysical system is to mobilize the energy of the Death Star." Young enemy explained calmly.

No one was worried at all. It seemed that Yan Nu was suppressed by Juli again.

But this was useless to him. Yan Slave was already carrying a heavy burden, carrying the weight of the entire Dead Star with the boundary monument on his back.

Now doubling it again is just a matter of adapting to one more portion.

"Hey! I told you that we are not Zeta. This three-dimensional god was not summoned by us. We can help you get rid of him." Luo Yan said, trying to explain.

Young enemy said: "Don't waste any effort. Zeta in the Death God clan's context refers to the collective name of all foreign invaders. It can be directly understood as 'extraterritorial demons'."

"Kus summoned the three-dimensional god to kill and destroy everywhere. The angry Death Clan now just wants to destroy all outsiders."

Everyone was helpless, and thinking about it, it didn't make sense to bring it into the other party's perspective.

We can only convince him first and then talk about it.

"Little Yanming is adapting, now is the time for me to help." The big tengu has a leader's instinct and immediately took command.

The resistance army that followed them up, more than [-] of them, were all from the Kaitian realm plus star cluster master level energy.

This was actually much more powerful than the Zeta invasion force back then.

Back then, the Zeta Expeditionary Force did not have so many experts and relied solely on the Gray Emperor and some rare items, so it suffered a disastrous defeat.

In fact, if it were at a later stage, after the Gray Emperor transcended the dimension, with the military power of the Zeta Empire, there would definitely be a way to destroy the Death Clan.

But at that time, Gray Emperor changed his mind and was not interested in conquering three-dimensional things.

That's why the territory of Zeta civilization stops at the current million galaxies.The Gray Emperor is not interested, so Zeta will not take the initiative to expand and enter the era of peace and happiness.

In addition, the Gray Emperor did not do nothing, and later moved the entire Dead Star to be collected like a plaything.

So from Zeta's perspective, they ultimately won.

The Gray Emperor easily hid the entire Dead Star here, how can we say they lost?

However, the soul of the Death God clan relied on this planet to be immortal. They were too lazy to waste time with the Death God clan, so they gave up occupying this planet.

Anyway, as long as you write your name here, you can trigger the erasure of the real name. There is no need to rule the people here.

"Since you won't listen, I have no choice but to capture you."

"We must fight to the highest heaven, don't stop me!"


The Great Tengu leads the army forward, takes the lead, and uses his great supernatural power when taking action, accompanied by monstrous fire. At first glance, he looks like the Little Emperor Yan.

Sure enough, those Death God clan didn't listen to them at all, they came here bent on destroying the invaders.

At this moment, everyone is emitting an aura like fairy light, moving mountains and filling seas, and mobilizing the surrounding materials.

Some of the Shinigami clan split open the earth with a single thought, and rumbled up rock walls measuring light years in length.

The rock walls together looked like a giant hand, slapping towards everyone.

There are also Death God tribes, and in an instant, countless sands were lifted up from the distant desert.

The sand floated up, forming gyro-shaped islands.

Each sky island is the size of a galaxy, floating densely in the sky, like nebulae made of sand grains.

There are also Death Gods who are even more terrifying. From the depths of the earth, they draw out monstrous flames and magma, which are boundless, as if a whole galaxy group is burned up.

"So strong, he is indeed the master of the stars." During the fierce battle, many people's faces changed color.

Although they are all star cluster masters, they are extremely restricted here.

On the other hand, the Death Clan, in the realm of Earthly Immortals, controls part of the Death Star's 'power of heaven and earth', which seems very weak at first glance.

But what if the scope of their maneuvers is often tens of thousands of light years?
And it is not a sparse galaxy with a large vacuum, but a dead star with dense matter.

No outsider can withstand this power of heaven and earth.

If it weren't for the shared physique of the young enemies, many people would have to finish the game in one meeting.

"They can be resurrected. Their souls are entrusted to the Dead Star. They are just shells at the moment, so don't show mercy." Young Enemy reminded.

The rebels were bitter, and the Great Tengu said: "I have no mercy."

"Their magical powers are also very strong, with a huge range, and they can be used freely as if they are not consumed."

Gai Yu said: "It is true that there is almost no consumption. The power of heaven and earth from the Dead Star cannot be used up at all for them."

Young enemy pulled out a golden crossbow-like weapon: "I'll take care of it."

After saying that, the crossbow flew out, flashing frequently, and entered the enemy's formation.

It turned out that it was not a shooting weapon, but a weapon used to hit people.

"Boom boom boom!"

Wherever it goes, it has its own domination-level domain. Although it is suppressed, it is not small.

Suddenly, all the dead stars and celestial phenomena in the sky were broken.

The power of heaven and earth mobilized by the Death God clan was broken by him with various magical powers. In the end, the crossbow struck everywhere. Every time it hit a Death God clan, that person fell down as if sleeping.

Gai Yu is almost the same, except that there are no young enemies, so he plays with ease.

The golden elixir on his head bloomed to fight with the Flame Emperor Fire. With the continuous extraction of energy from the Great Tengu, the power of his magical powers was not small.

His fighting consciousness is extremely high, and he uses the magical power of Fire Life as if he has practiced it for tens of thousands of years.

In a short time, several Death God tribes were eliminated.

As soon as the two took action and cooperated with the resistance, the battle became one-sided.

The enemies were quickly wiped out and more than half of them were captured, all of which were captured by the young enemy Si using his magical powers of sleep.

"You can learn this magical power of mine, specially prepared for the Death God clan. It's called forced divine intercourse."

"The Death Clan has strong psychic resistance. Normal spiritual powers are ineffective against them, but they also have a huge blind spot."

"It's because they have transformed their souls and can communicate with their companions spiritually and become pregnant."

"At that time, the six senses will be closed, and the mind will be immersed in a dream-like world. I took advantage of this and designed a magical power that can make them enter this state, just like sleeping."

Young Ensi said, passing on some wonderful tips.

Everyone sighed, this guy has so many tricks. In terms of hard power, he may not be the most powerful master, but he is like a treasure trove.

When fighting him, it's best not to be known to him for too long or too familiar with him, otherwise this guy will be very familiar with you.

"Evil Zeta, let them go, I will never allow you to enslave my compatriots!"

Just when everyone thought they had eliminated all the enemies, an angry voice suddenly sounded in space and time.

Then a thunder suddenly appeared from the sky.


The young enemy was hit hard, but he himself was fine. After all, he was absolutely resistant.

However, this thunder still shook away the energy he released, and the trapped Death Gods fell down immediately.

At the same time, thousands of thunders burst out from the surrounding air, forming a huge body of thunder, embracing all the Death Gods.


"one left?"

Everyone stared at that person, it was so huge, it was like looking up at a galaxy group.

Although it is just thunder, these lightnings are extraordinary and are also the product of fairy thunder. "more than one!"

Gai Yu reminded, looking in another direction.

I saw a huge line coming from there. If I looked carefully, I saw it was the level of the sea.

But tens of thousands of light years higher than the earth, with sparkling purple waves, it is a huge sea, advancing like a wall.

When they got closer, a giant rose up from the tsunami, completely made of purple sea water.

Young enemy's face darkened: "He is an apostle-level god of death. He can directly use the world and everything in the Death Star as a substitute."

"And its energy is not just as large as it seems, it can bless one-tenth of the power of the Death Star."

"The control range is beyond a million light years. It is likely that it is on another continent or underground."

Everyone was stunned. No wonder they couldn't find it before. The range of their spells was too large. They could strike at super long distances and condense the incarnation. There was no need to use it at all.

"Underground? Why didn't I see it?"

Just when everyone was preparing to face the powerful enemy, suddenly a voice came from the underground.

Then there was a violent earthquake, and the earth suddenly cracked.

It was the bottomless pit that Yan Nu had hit when he fell. There seemed to be a huge force blooming inside, and the waves were so violent that a large canyon was opened on the spot.

To say that the canyon is too modest is to say that it is as majestic as the abyss of the universe, as if the Dead Star has split into pieces!
The cracks spread to the limit of vision, and the earth on both sides seemed to be pushed away.

"Boom! Boom!"

The canyon suddenly began to close again, shrink, and then suddenly open again!

Repeatedly, cracks are everywhere, the sound shakes the sky, and makes people tremble all over.

"It's Xiao Yanming, what is he doing?" The Great Tengu stared at the ground, his mind fluctuating accordingly.

This planet is blooming!Closed again!
Like breathing!He was doing stretches with the Dead Star's earth.

The roaring wind that spewed out shattered the heaven and earth incarnation of any apostle-level god of death!

The two apostle-level Death Gods re-condensed their avatars and flew high into the sky, staring at this scene in shock and disbelief.

"No way, no one can shake our planet!"

"It's him! The power that shook the entire Dead Star before was his doing!"

Only then did the two apostle-level Death Gods find their true master. You must know that after Yan Slave adapted to the Star Boundary Monument, he violently beat King Ousi and punched the Death Star.

Triggering a global earthquake, all the Death Clan panicked.

Later, the God of Three Dimensions appeared. Because of its huge size, everyone thought it was the God of Three Dimensions who did it.

But now the three-dimensional god is just destroying everywhere and traveling underground, but he doesn't show that much power.

After all, the three-dimensional god is also affected by the extreme environment here. It looks huge, but in fact, even with all his strength, he cannot shake the Dead Star, which exceeds the total amount of matter in the entire multidimensional three-dimensional universe.

"It's the Supreme Demon!"

"It's just as scary as the little gray man who shrunk the entire Dead Star in the first extraterrestrial war!"

"Is it him? Isn't he dead? He was wiped out by the Earth Core King using his real name."

"It's not him, the aura is different, this is another supreme demon!"

"Quickly, notify all compatriots and retreat to the center of the earth shelter."

The two apostles communicated quickly, and then one shot out a thick thunderbolt, and the other sprayed out a towering water column, blasting into the canyon fissure.

Soon, the sound of the Death Star's repeated opening and closing stopped.

But instead, the canyon enlarged dramatically, and the rock walls on both sides suddenly receded away.

It's like someone is in the middle, pushing the earth away impossibly!

"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, it could no longer be called a crack.

Because no one can see the rock walls on both sides!He was pushed so far away that everyone lowered their heads and could only see the dark abyss!

At this moment, everyone felt that they were not standing on a planet, but that their eyes were black, standing above a huge dark space with no end in sight.

The atmosphere was torn apart, violent air currents surged, the waves were violent, and there were flashes of electric sparks.

The broken rocks were as big as stars, but they were flying everywhere like dust.

Soon, the dark space was no longer dark, and the bottom turned scarlet.

Countless amounts of magma spurted up, suddenly lighting everything up red!

Red filled the field of vision, and everyone seemed to be in a furnace.

The apostles are fine. This is their home field. They can possess everything at any time, just like the sub-consciousness of this planet.

The rebels were in a very embarrassed state.

Although it has absolute resistance, it can't help itself. It is worse than dust and is swept away by the hurricane, like fallen leaves in the autumn wind.

Immediately afterwards, he was photographed by the magma, and with huge gravity acceleration, he fell towards the abyss, shining with light.

"That's fine. The way to dimensionality is down there. We are going to the center of the earth."

"Everyone come together and grab each other! Don't get blown away!"

It was so big that it was said to be a planet, but when it was opened by Yan Nu like a flowered bun, it was like a flower.

This exposed opening gives people a feeling as vast as the entire universe.

"We found him! Sure enough, he is the new Supreme Demon."

"kill him!"

More and more apostle-level Death Gods arrived, using the surrounding materials at will to form incarnations.

There are about twenty of them, each of whom can borrow one-tenth of the energy of the Dead Star.

Theoretically, they can absorb [-]%, but this will not drain the Dead Star dry. On the contrary, the Dead Star will not lose any mass and energy.

Because this is actually given by heaven.

As a strange object, the Dead Star itself cannot be destroyed by heaven. It has the ability to "no matter how great the external force is, it still behaves like the original planet to itself."This is why the gravity is so ridiculous that the creatures on it still feel the same as before.

Of course, features with a high enough depth can overcome this.

But the way of heaven is definitely not among them. Therefore, the metaphysics of the Death God clan makes the way of heaven here continue to suffer losses... comparable to an endless source of energy pool.

"Don't stand in my way, let me kill that god first!"

Yan Nu was hostile to the Death God clan and did not have much desire to take action. He knew that there was a big misunderstanding here.

But the first target is the three-dimensional god.

I saw red electric light flashing around it, and it was so fast that it could pass by on a scale of tens of thousands of light-years.

No one could see his movements clearly, let alone stop him.

However, the body of the apostle-level god of death was too huge, and some people turned into a sea of ​​lava and fire, standing across it.

As a result, Yan Nu forcefully knocked it open, leaving a large hole like a sinkhole. The hole was still spreading, tearing open in all directions at super-light speed.

"What is this!"

"We are the favorites of the Dead Star, and this demon is completely unsuppressed!"

"Why? Is it possible that the Heavenly Demon is also beginning to be recognized by the Dead Star? That little gray man couldn't do it back then."

There was a huge commotion in the spiritual channel of the Death God clan.

They soon realized that no one could stop Yan Nu.

And this guy is rushing towards the center of the earth. Is this going to destroy the entire Dead Star?
"Supreme Demon, if we can kill one, we can kill the second!"

"Quick! Unlock the Earth Core King's seal! Let him write this guy to death!"

At this time, in the very depths, in the core area of ​​the Dead Star, the Death God clan of the entire planet gathered.

During the first extraterritorial war, they were forced here, and the entire surface fell.

The Grays headed by them can tamper with reality, even changing the reality that the Dead Star is too big, making it shrink.

This made them lose their advantage and become extremely desperate.

It wasn't until a victim stood up and expressed his willingness to become a leader and see through the enemy's true name that the tables were turned.

He knows everyone's true name, including his enemies', and is known as the Earth Core King in history.

Afterwards, as a civilized hero, although he was respected, he was even more feared.

The Death God clan hates the existence of the ruler and is worried that he will become like the Death God King of the past, so they made an agreement from the beginning when they accepted him as the new king.

After the war is won, he must be sealed.

In other words, this temporary king during the war was a victim.

This is the culture of the Death God clan. In their hearts, kings and leaders are more like 'untouchables'.

The hero agreed without hesitation and signed the contract.

After the victory, he also took the initiative to seal himself in the center of the earth as promised, never to see the light of day again.

Now, the second extraterritorial war has occurred, and everyone has gathered in the center of the earth again, feeling the same despair.

The enemy has played with the entire Dead Star and is too powerful to fight.

He immediately thought of the former king and they needed that leader again.

Obliterating the true name is the ultimate method of the Dead Star. All the supreme demons in the past died because of this, and this time is definitely no exception.

"Unlock the seal!"

"Hurry and lift the coffin of the Earth Core King!"


 PS: sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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