The Red House starts from Liaodong

Chapter 516 Between Father and Daughter

Chapter 516 Between Father and Daughter
Looking down from the sky, the actual control area of ​​Jinjiang Town's territory is equivalent to one-third of a large Zhou. If the post-modern standard is not followed, and the ancient division method is used, the area of ​​the territory is equivalent to half of a large Zhou.

However, the populations of the two are far from comparable.

The actual population of Dazhou is estimated to be 7000 trillion at the lowest and 700 million at the highest, and the Han people in Jinjiang Town are only [-] million.

In the current era, the world is stable where there are Han people, and unstable where there are no Han people. Whenever the wind blows and the Han people are weak, it is easy to split.

Lin Ruhai left the general's place, feeling more and more stable.

Riding on a mule, wearing an official uniform, and his entourage pulling the rope for him, thinking about his current status made him feel happy.

Although patrolling salt and censor is the most lucrative official position in the world, Lin Ruhai is more fond of the latter than the position of Zuo Zhishi in Jinjiang Town.

The difference between chess pieces and chess players.

He met Feng Shengzhi.

Knowing that people respected Feng Shengzhi when he was in high spirits, Lin Ruhai only had one comment on him.

This person has no national talent and cannot meet the general's requirements.

In the country, he can be a big official like the right chief envoy, but he is incapable of controlling the center, especially the general's reform plan.

But Feng Shengzhi has his advantages.

As the elder of Jinjiang Town, there are a large number of people in his hands who are cheering for him and willing to obey his management.

This is the prestige brought by seniority, which takes time to settle, and it happens to be Lin Ruhai's biggest shortcoming.

The three-year recuperation strategy is local recuperation, which does not mean that Jinjiang Town will stop developing.

There are endless wars and small-scale actions.

The big wars included the Korean War the year before last, the Grassland War last year, the small-scale wars the Ryukyu War the year before last, the Nuergan Battle last year, and many overseas operations to eliminate pirates.

Today's war in Japan, no one can predict where it will go, but the [-] army is preparing for this.

Most people's impression of the general is not a warlike person. In fact, Jinjiang Town has never stopped its military expansion.

Learn from history.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was superb in martial arts, but the long-term war dragged down the people's livelihood. In his later years, he issued an edict of guilt and terminated the behavior of martial arts.

If Jinjiang Town wants to maintain its martial arts, it cannot just rely on the land, nor can it obtain enough nourishment from the farmers.

Liaodong is the land of the Great Zhou, the official system of the Great Zhou, and the governance method based on the harvest of acres, needs to be reformed.

Gu Daochu, the envoy of the right branch, went with Lin Ruhua for the time being.

"Dong Lin, the road is not easy."

Pointing to a broken stone brick of Road Yazi, Gu Daochu smiled.

Lin Ruhai's face was calm when he heard the meaningful words.

Salt administration is the biggest fat.

Countless salt merchants, dignitaries, eunuchs, and colleagues all stared at this fat piece of meat. He Lin Ruhai not only had to meet the needs of the imperial court, but also took care of the real situation of the locality.

In the position of inspecting salt censor, he can sit firmly for five or six years, and the problems he faces are not less than the difficulties of reform.

And he has the full support of the general, so he has confidence.

Gu Daochu felt Lin Ruhai's heart, and he actually admired this person in his heart.

Although reform is only two words, it involves all aspects.

For example military.

In the west of Liaoning, cities were built and new military forts were built, and countless materials, money, food and manpower were spent.

Jinjiang Town has been restored to Liaodong for many years, and even Shenyang has not been overhauled so far.

Using the army as the Great Wall, the saved expenses are used in other aspects. This strategy has advantages and disadvantages.

Prosperity now does not mean prosperity forever.

Just because the army wins battles now does not mean they will win battles forever.

A strong city is to protect the foundation of the country when the national power declines, and it is a strategy for long-term stability.

Many officials strongly advocate that, taking advantage of today's wealth, build more cities and fortresses, and plant trees for future generations.

The New Deal represents openness, prioritizing development, and is opposed by this group of people, who believe that they should stabilize themselves first, and then try to develop, and that it will be more solid step by step.

This is just one example.

"Although the road is broken, it's still feasible, and it won't hinder my mule." Lin Ruhai patted the mule's back lightly.

The mule didn't know why, and thought it was going to speed up, but the master held the rein firmly, hesitated for a moment, and finally continued to walk with the master down.

There is risk in doing things.

Fear of risk is not enough.

Officials are generally conservative, unwilling to accept new things, afraid of unknown hidden dangers, and just want to follow the steps, which is human nature.

The major affairs of the country require maturity and prudence.

Lin Ruhai understands this truth, but he feels that he is very human, and he finally meets Bole, so there is no reason why he dare not do it.

The new study of the New Deal is his life's work.

He wants to show it, and at the last moment, he will see how far his new learning and new policies can go.

If he can leave his name in history, he will die without regret.

Gu Daochu is just a recruiter, the main reason for his high position today is his opportunity, followed by his talent.

So he couldn't understand Lin Ruhai.

The imperial examination is a threshold, and the rank of the imperial examination is an invisible threshold.

Decided whether to be a chess piece or a chess player.

It's just that Gu Daochu, who is a juren, has never had this concept. Even if he becomes a right branch envoy, he will only regard it as an official position.

Lin Ruhai is Tanhua, and from the moment he was named on the list, he had the ambition to be a chess player.

Because scholars who have obtained such rankings themselves, and rare talents, their end is to join the cabinet as a prime minister and govern a country.

The same Jinshi, different rankings, the direction of the court's training is also different.

Different cognitions determine the direction of their respective progress.

Walking through the main street in front of Jiedu Mansion, Lin Ruhai and Gu Daochu parted ways,

Lin House.

Lin Ruhai has lofty aspirations, but is rich.

The imperial court ransacked the house and could only get his family property, and he still had money that was transferred to Shijiao's mansion earlier. If he died, the money would definitely not be recovered.

Not only did he not die, but he turned over in Jinzhou. Even if it was just for his reputation, the money that should have been sent to Jinzhou was long ago.

Relying on this money, at least several generations can be carefree.

Therefore, the Lin Mansion has been repaired several times over the years, at least in terms of layout and environment, it is exquisite and compact.

Red in the garden.

Lin Daiyu played the piano unhappy.

She has been learning the piano since she was a child, and she never mentioned it when she went to Jia's mansion. When she came to her father, Lin Ruhai bought a new piano for her.

When she was a child, the Qin was confiscated by the court, and she never forgot it.

The white inner skirt goes down along the round stool, and the blue silk double-neck cloud waist skirt covers the inner skirt. The outermost is an emerald flowered horse face skirt, and the upper body is wearing a light yellow pipa sleeve collar shirt.

The thin cloud is like a fairy in the painting, with slender fingers sticking out, playing the strings and making a beautiful sound.

Xueyan, Zijuan, Chunxian and other maidservants surrounded the young lady, feeling that the picturesque scenery was so beautiful.

Everyone was listening intently, when Lin Daiyu suddenly interrupted.

"Miss, you are still angry."

Xueyan couldn't help laughing.

When Lin Daiyu heard Xueyan's words, she opened and closed her mouth like an angry kitten and began to complain.

"Old Lu talked about the Five Classics, with gray hair and dead chapters. Asked about economic policies, it was like falling smoke. He wore long-distance travel shoes and wore a square mountain scarf. He walked slowly on the straight road, and the dust rose before he walked. People. You are not your uncle and grandson, and I am different from me. The current affairs are not up to date, so I return to Gengwen Waterside."

"They don't put their minds on state affairs, they only care about our daughter, and they have no ability at all."


Before finishing speaking, Lin Ruhai walked in with a smile.



Several maids couldn't hide the tension in their eyes.

Two days ago, they couldn't stop the young lady and showed their faces on the street. Yesterday they learned that someone went to the general to complain.

Although the young lady looked indifferent, the maids were very worried. Lin Daiyu had insomnia last night, and today she played the piano, and she was actually a little afraid.

It's just that Lin Daiyu is arrogant, how can she easily admit defeat, she used to be under the fence and would not let anyone see her, let alone today, she really doesn't want to be seen by others.

She also didn't believe what Ping Liaohou would do to her.

If he reprimands his father, then he will never go to Pingliaohou's mansion again,

Lin Ruhai always loved daughters, raised her since she was a child, and left all her love and care to Daiyu since the child died.

"You're famous now."

Lin Ruhai said pretendingly, deliberately teasing her daughter.

Lin Daiyu couldn't help but blushed when she heard her father's words, but she still said unconvinced, "They can discuss me, and I can stop others from saying it."


Lin Ruhai didn't want to wrong her daughter.

Read wisely.

The sage's words alternate between strictness and leniency, the Tang and Song Dynasties are open, women's status is not low, Tang has Wu Zetian, and Song has two prime ministers competing for a widow.

The extremes must be reversed.

In the former Ming Dynasty and even the current dynasty, women were gradually harsh.

But 40 to [-] years ago, the rise of new learning in Fujian, and its spread became more and more widespread, and even Jinling already had students.

Lin Ruhai is a new student he met in Yangzhou.

The ability of the new learning to remain active and spread shows that people in the world have changed their attitudes and began to pursue a relaxed environment.

We must know that Song Confucianism was also accepted by the majority of the world from local to official schools, and only then did it gain orthodox status.

It has been more than [-] years since Fujian Daxian passed away, and Xinxue not only has not died out, but has grown stronger. Lin Ruhai is very optimistic about it.

According to his deduction, as long as this trend continues, the new school will eventually become an official school in China.

Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet.

The famous prostitutes in Jinling, Jianghuai and Yangzhou are becoming more and more influential and their status is getting higher and higher. Although it doesn't sound good, it is actually the beginning of the loosening of the women's atmosphere.

"In the future, go out and go out. Don't be too ostentatious on the street. After all, it's a girl. It's not good for outsiders to see, and it's not good for your reputation."

Lin Ruhai reminded.

When the girls heard that the master still allowed them to go out, they were all overjoyed. After leaving the cage, who would want to be locked back.

How afraid of leaving the cage two days ago, how afraid of going back to the cage now.

A blush appeared on Lin Daiyu's fair face.

"What did Marquis Ping Liao say?"

She wanted to see his attitude, whether he was a real hero or a fake hero.

She is just a daughter's family, she doesn't understand military affairs, but she knows that a man who only focuses on women's affairs and imprisons women is definitely not a real hero.

Lin Ruhai glanced at her daughter, hesitating inwardly.

His current reputation in Golden State is not good, and many people think he is just a villain who can shoot generals' horses.

Reputation is very important. A bad reputation makes things even more difficult. Having a good reputation can get twice the result with half the effort.

Lin Ruhai is extremely proud of her daughter's character, but if she is taken into the house by the general, I am afraid that her reputation will be completely ruined.

But Lin Ruhai didn't dare to marry his daughter to someone else.

Now the atmosphere in Jinzhou is very delicate, the local faction is strong, and the foreign faction is weak.

It is impossible for him to marry his daughter to the local faction, which will arouse the general's jealousy, and it is impossible for him to marry his daughter to the outside faction, which will arouse the hostility of the local faction.


Lin Ruhai sighed.

Her father's sigh made Lin Daiyu's heart tremble, she lowered her head and refused to continue asking.

"Daughter, I have nothing to do when I'm free. Dad often tells his daughter about new things, so he wants to go out. I didn't expect it to cause so many things."

Lin Daiyu said aggrievedly.

"It's irrelevant."

Lin Ruhai comforted her daughter.


After seeing her father off, Lin Daiyu didn't have the heart to play the piano, so she went back to the house through the courtyard and picked up a few books to read.

I couldn't stop myself, I turned a few pages and didn't read a single word.

19-year-old Lin Daiyu, calm down like a beautiful flower shining in the water, has a fairy-like appearance and a rare beauty.

Every gesture exudes the charm of essence and elegance.

"Your Angie."

When she was in Jia's mansion, the words she made fun of Xue Baochai echoed in Lin Daiyu's ears.

She has never had any contact with outsiders in her life.

It was the same when she was in Jia's mansion. She was not the daughter of Jia's mansion, so she did not participate in the New Year's Day ancestor worship.

I just stayed in front of my grandmother and occasionally saw my uncles.

Baoyu, Marquis of Ping Liao.

A childhood playmate, a libertine met in adolescence.

Thinking of the impolite and presumptuous eyes she met Ping Liao Hou for the first time in Ping Liao Hou's mansion, Lin Daiyu suddenly put down the book and couldn't help but cover her face.

So embarrassing.

How could he do this.

It is said that he is a stalwart hero, but he does not look like a hero.

Suddenly remembered that he and I still went to the capital by a boat, but I didn't know him at that time.

"It's amazing."

Lin Daiyu put down her hands and sighed softly.

"Auntie is here to invite someone, wait for the lady to go over to eat."

Zijuan came in and interrupted Lin Daiyu's thoughts.

Lin Daiyu got up and followed Zicuckoo to leave, all the way was the memory of Pingliaohou Mansion.


Lin Ruhai ate in the study, writing letters while eating.

He invited great talents from Jinling to come to Jinzhou to manage the water conservancy in Liaodong and made great contributions to the farming of Jinjiang Town.

This is an opportunity.

There are countless talents in the country, and it is just to take advantage of this trend to recruit those ambitious talents.

With the size of Jinjiang Town, the sparrow is small and complete.

Governing the country includes all aspects, and it requires countless talents to promote the development of affairs. Jinjiang Town is strong in martial arts and has a large number of talents, but it still lacks in governance.

Although it is like a blank sheet of paper, its foundation is superficial, and many of the initial systems have some inconsistencies.

For example, the salt administration in Jinzhou is too vulgar in Lin Ruhai's view.

The profit brought by the salt government is no less than that of sea trade, and more importantly, the salt government is also a means for the government to control the local people.

In terms of political stability, salt administration is greater than maritime trade.

 I wish book lovers a happy new year in advance, big fortune, small fortune, unexpected fortune, and wealth; family, friendship, love, and good luck; official luck, wealth luck, peach blossom luck, and good luck;

(End of this chapter)

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