The Red House starts from Liaodong

Chapter 515 Supporting Lin Ruhai

Chapter 515 Supporting Lin Ruhai

Jinzhou Jiedu Mansion.

Lin Ruhai and Gu Daochu sat at a square table in Langfang. There were dried fruit snacks and hot tea on the square table.

"Although the imperial court's system is not perfect, there are no mistakes in looking at the world. There are advantages and disadvantages, and each has its own advantages."

Tang Qing'an looked at the two helmsmen in Jinjiang Town, and affirmed the credit for their achievements since they took office.

The original Feng Shengzhi and Gu Yingshi have made great contributions over the past ten years, and Jinjiang Town has the momentum it has today, and the two have contributed a lot.

It's just the newly established First Army Town and Third Army Town. The former is in charge of the grasslands, and the latter is the mainland of the Golden State, both in terms of status and importance.

The other is that the two are not suitable for reform.

If Lin Ruhai hadn't appeared, Tang Qing'an might have gotten off in person, but with Lin Ruhai's appearance, there was no need for him to get off in person.

In the past, the positions of left and right envoys were slightly higher than those of the right, but in fact Feng Shengzhi and Gu Yingshi had the same status.

It's different now.

Gu Daochu is not famous enough, he is more like Lin Ruhai's assistant.

That is to say, Lin Ruhai is the No. 1 civil official in Jinzhou. He has no name as a prime minister, but the reality of a prime minister.

"But there is one disadvantage of Dazhou, that is, the economy is too rigid, and the financial system is chaotic, which makes it impossible to exert the national power, and the power is too empty to be used."

Tang Qing'an himself thought so, and after reading the research of later generations of scholars, he also thought so.

The private economy is prosperous, the volume of trade is large, but the country does not benefit from it, but suffers from it, and the financial system is so chaotic that lack of money has become the norm.

The hereditary system of military households in the Great Zhou Dynasty was inherited from the Ming Dynasty. Over the past 300 years, there have been many disadvantages, and the frontier army has still maintained a strong combat effectiveness. It can be seen that the military household system is not without its merits.

As long as the soldiers can be paid on time, Da Zhou's army is not soft-legged shrimp.

"Therefore, a reform is needed, and the government's policies cannot be adopted entirely. We must not only support business and trade in various places, and promote the maritime trade of Jeju Island, but we must not let it play its role, and ultimately control it in the hands of the government."

Lin Ruhai took the topic and looked at the general with a smile.

Pulled around and moved the whole body.

To reform, govern people first, and to govern people, you need to change the atmosphere first.

Tang Qing'an nodded, approving Lin Ruhai's thoughts.

In fact, it is not a profound strategy. Just like Zhang Juzheng's reform, he first implemented the inspection law to rule the people, and then closed the private courtyards that opposed the reform, laying the foundation for turning the trend around.

When the Ming Dynasty was founded, the situation was not good. The north, west, and south were unstable, and there were hostile forces on the sea.

Faced with this predicament, strict regulations are needed, and a simple and simple style of work should be carried forward to maintain the morale of the people and the army.

But the times are developing, and with the rise of the Great Zhou, many systems cannot keep up with the development after a hundred years, and they need to constantly improve themselves.

If you are unable to improve yourself, or if the speed of improvement cannot keep up with the development speed of the times, it will become a long-standing evil, which will accumulate and become a hidden danger to the country's demise.

The appearance of Lin Ruhai fits Tang Qing'an's choice.

The Xunyan Yushi only has a one-year term, but Lin Ruhai can serve for many years, which proves that he has sufficient ability to govern the economy.

The income of the Salt Administration is the lifeblood of Dazhou's finances, but Lin Ruhai cannot be re-elected if he cannot meet the needs of the court.

And the secret support for Fujian Xinxue shows that he is an enlightened person, has the heart to make progress and change, and will not be obsessed with conservatism.

He was born in a noble family, and he was also a scholar in the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Regardless of vision, mind, talent, interpersonal relationship, etc., he is one of the best people.

Lin Ruhai is a talented person in the country.

Tang Qing'an hoped that Lin Ruhai could manage a brand new Jinjiang Town, which was born out of the Great Zhou Dynasty and fit the new look of the current era.

Apart from Lin Ruhai in front of him, Tang Qing'an couldn't think of anyone else with this qualification.

Shi Nai, Liu Yiru, Wei Yi, Jia Yucun, etc., they are all bad.

"Sea trade is hugely profitable and often overseas, but the influence of the government can only exist on the docks. What Mr. Lin said is absolutely true."

Tang Qing'an agreed.

The development of maritime trade is not just for the benefit of merchants, but to strengthen the strength of the country and promote the economy of the people.

Even if it is the current UK, how to support businessmen in its own country will not say that there is no means of control.

Without means of control, that would be Da Zhou's fate.

The merchants are powerful and out of the control of the imperial court, they will form their own power, and finally resist the management of the imperial court.

"The East India Company established by the United Kingdom and the Netherlands was a policy to support the merchants, and it was also a means to integrate the merchants and put a bridle on their heads."

Merchants who joined the East India Company had to submit to the management of the Indian Company; businessmen who did not join the Indian Company had no strength to contend with the behemoth and would definitely be swallowed.

The United Kingdom and the Netherlands cannot control countless merchants by themselves, but the two countries can control all maritime merchants by controlling the East India Company.

"Overseas Division is the platform to build, first master the rules, and finally we have to set up a company."

Tang Qing'an told Lin Ruhai.

Lin Ruhai understood what the general meant.

The stalls in Jinjiang Town are too large, and the expenses are also high everywhere, especially in the fourth town, which is isolated overseas.

The rations and military pay of [-] to [-] soldiers are a huge sum, and Lin Ruhai is worried whether it will drag down Jinzhou's finances.

It cannot be supported by the finances of the common people farming.

The meaning of the general is to support the army with business.

For Lin Ruhai who grew up in Dazhou, it is a brand new way of thinking. It seems that there is no problem at present, but will there be problems in the future?

Farmland is visible, but business is invisible.

What can be seen, people have the bottom line in their hearts, and the invisible plan makes people feel uneasy.

Feng Shengzhi felt uneasy about the general's policy and raised objections many times, thinking that any accident in the sea trade would lead to the financial failure to support the army and Jinjiang Town would collapse.

Lin Ruhai was also worried, but he didn't object.

Instead, relying on a lifetime of experience, try hard to familiarize yourself with this new model and use the new model to govern Golden State.

Tang Qing'an trusted Lin Ruhai, because only Lin Ruhai had this ability in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty. If Lin Ruhai couldn't do it, Tang Qing'an didn't believe that other people could do it.

The external development of each town and battalion, Tang Qing'an's confidence comes from Haimao.

No business is not rich.

If you want to participate in the rapid expansion of the current era, it is impossible not to develop business.

The expansion of traditional farming has stretched the wealthiest land in the East to its limit, and the expansion of the rest of the land needs to be supported by commerce and trade.

"Several people came to me yesterday to oppose the new study, and I severely warned them."

Tang Qingan comforted Lin Ruhai and said.

To reform, Lin Ruhai is the helmsman, and Tang Qingan, as the leader, needs to show enough support for Lin Ruhai.

Without his support, Lin Ruhai would not be able to survive.

After all, Lin Ruhai was a latecomer, and his prestige and experience in Jinjiang Town made many people dare to stand up against Lin Ruhai.

Lin Ruhai showed grateful eyes.

The promotion of the new learning has been opposed by many people, who say that Lin Ruhai is a villain who can only flatter generals.

Feng Shengzhi dared to stand up against the general and reminded the general that the New Deal was too extreme and he should be safe, so his behavior was recognized by many people.

People thought that Feng Shengzhi was a mature and prudent person, and said that Lin Ruhai was an outsider and didn't care about the good situation that Jinjiang Town finally ushered in.

For his own future, he only knows how to go along with the general, blinding the general's eyes.

Gu Daochu sat quietly at the side, as if he was an outsider.

He knew in his heart that it was not all his talent and qualifications that made him an envoy to the Right Branch, to be precise, it was the general who paved the way for Lin Ruhai.

He also understood his character, and he dared not oppose the general.

Therefore, in the Jiedu Mansion, Gu Daochu never refuted Lin Ruhai, it was more like a connecting link between the past and the future.

Tang Qing'an looked at Gu Daochu, not planning to let him go.

"As the envoy of the right branch, Mr. Gu still has to take on what should be done. You can't just let Mr. Lin come forward."

Hearing the general's words, Gu Daochu was wronged.

Many old friends contacted him to oppose Lin Ruhai, but he rejected them all, which hurt many friendships.

He thought that if he did not oppose Lin Ruhai, he would be the greatest supporter, and he had already offended many people.

Seeing Gu Daochu's expression, Tang Qing'an couldn't laugh or cry.

Lin Ruhai also said with a smile.

"Mr. Gu has supported me many times and solved many difficulties for me. Mr. Gu's contribution to the New Deal is no less than mine."

Seeing this, Tang Qing'an didn't mention the matter anymore.

Gu Daochu was not a firm person in the first place, otherwise he would not have promoted Gu Daochu as the envoy to the right.

This person's ability is not bad, but his personality is different. There are some things he can do, and some things he can't do.

It is the responsibility of the superior to put a talent in a position where he can play his role, and Tang Qing'an is not forcing him.

"The fourth town is stationed in the Ryukyu country. Although the Ryukyu country supplies some food, there is still a big gap."

Tang Qing'an looked at Lin Ruhai.

"The food from Japan cannot be included in the plan. In case there is a mistake, the distance between Jinzhou and Ryukyu may cause delays."

"Jeju Island's sea trade is about to enter its peak period, and the grain from the warehouse will arrive in Jeju Island one after another. For this batch of grain, there is no need to send it to Jinzhou for storage according to the old practice. After inventory, it can be directly supplied to the fourth town."

Lin Ruhai proposed a solution.

"Very good."

Tang Qing'an laughed.

"The Fourth Town needs to be more cautious."

Gu Daochu couldn't help but said.

Being alone overseas represents the weak management and control of Golden State.

Although the town envoys, inspectors, and other official positions have been distributed, but in fact the power of the temperance envoys is still huge.

The fourth town is different from the other three towns. Gu Daochu has always had difficulty letting go of his worries about the fourth town.

Compared with the other three Temperance Envoys, Peng Dahai is more like the Emperor of Earth.

The [-] soldiers were dispatched by him. One or two years was fine, but after three or four years, the soldiers got used to obeying Peng Dahai's orders.

According to the current situation in Japan, it is very likely that the general's plan will be achieved.

It is a big taboo for military strategists to change generals just before the battle, and it has never been considered by the military commander, so Peng Dahai doesn't know how many years he will have to lead the Fourth Town.

Isn't the general in front of him a perfect example?

Although the situation in the fourth town is different, it has to be guarded against, Gu Daochu reminded carefully.

Bie Jinjiang paid a high price and finally made a wedding dress for others.

Gu Daochu's worries were not groundless.

Lin Ruhai also hesitated in his heart.

According to the general's plan, in the end, the civil strife in Japan will continue, and Kyushu Island will be separated at the same time.

If the fourth town controls Kyushu Island, the Japanese on the island will not recognize Jinjiang Town, and will only recognize Peng Dahai all the year round.

After digesting the fourth town of Kyushu Island, there is a basis for division.

Other checks and balances are false, and the only right way is to transfer away from Peng Dahai.

But the situation in the fourth town is different from that of the other three towns.

The Fourth Town can only contact Jinzhou several times a year by boat, and most people in Jinzhou are not familiar with the situation of the Fourth Town.

It is easy to change Peng Dahai now, but there are too many hidden dangers. Who knows if Peng Dahai can be replaced in the future.

Does the imperial court not want to change the position of general?

Tang Qing'an shook his head.

It's not that their worries don't exist, but they can't forget to eat and sleep, and he has confidence in Peng Dahai.

The relationship between him and Peng Dahai for more than ten years started at the beginning, so Tang Qing'an trusted Peng Dahai.

As for the future.

Tang Qing'an was not a fool either.

To put it bluntly, if he suddenly fell seriously ill, he would indeed consider being transferred to Peng Dahai. Right now, Tang Qing'an didn't have much worry.

Moreover, there are town envoy Tao Kai, inspector Fang Shizhen and other officials in the fourth town, and it is not easy for Peng Dahai to violate the rules.

As for the fourth town digesting Kyushu Island, he will not take countermeasures before that with the confidence to rebel.

Being able to control Jinjiang Town by myself and being independent from the imperial court is a good time, place and people.

At that time, Shi Nai, his immediate boss, let him go.

"The most important thing now is to support the Fourth Town. We have worked hard for many years and made great sacrifices. It will never be time to reap the fruits, because the indecision will lead to nothing."

Tang Qing'an said calmly.

Development matters are never smooth, setbacks are the norm.

The correct attitude is to face and solve problems, not to face them and avoid them, let alone stop doing things just because there are problems.

Now the fourth town controls the Ryukyu Kingdom, consolidates the sea area of ​​​​the Great Zhou, and plays a role in stabilizing the southeast coast.

He took hold of Tadaga Tokugawa again, and received a lot of money and food just for the supply of armaments, and everything is progressing for the better.

According to Liu Xianglian's report, Kato Tadahiro united with the feudal clans and led the Kyushu army northward, planning to join forces with Tokugawa Tadacho.

Tadanao Matsudaira, who was exiled to Kyushu by the shogunate, personally persuaded the daimyo Matsudaira Tadaaki of the Osaka family genealogy.

Kyushu Island was suffering from a disaster, and Kato Tadahiro was short of food, so he sent an envoy to contact the Fourth Town, willing to give up his attempt on the Ryukyu Kingdom, and recognized Jinjiang Town's rule in the Ryukyu Kingdom, hoping to purchase food from the Fourth Town.


Tadaga Tokugawa, who was frustrated on the front line, promised to collect 30 shi of grain from the territory to offset the arrears for the purchase of armaments, hoping that the fourth town would continue to provide armaments.

No matter what the future holds, Japan's national strength will be greatly damaged.

With the help of history, Tang Qing'an finally succeeded in making a stir, and his confidence soared.

(End of this chapter)

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