Ballistic Silence of Special Years

Chapter 90 Saying Cao Cao Cao Cao Arrives

Chapter 90 Saying Cao Cao Cao Cao Arrives
Due to the high temperature during the day, many equipped vehicles turned on the air conditioners.

Although military vehicles generally pursue practicality and durability, comfort is not considered too much.

However, with the development of military equipment, and the PLA's military expenditure over the years has finally become a little more generous, and most of the vehicles are equipped with air conditioners.

Especially some command vehicles, communication vehicles, and radar vehicles, but the large electronic equipment in these vehicles cannot be powered by the motor of the vehicle alone, so many of them need external power generation equipment.

Power generation equipment is very common in the army. To ensure the normal operation of all electronic equipment in an army requires a lot of logistics equipment to guarantee it.

The generator car is the most important thing. Without it, it is equivalent to a tank running out of fuel, and it cannot survive half an hour in a modern war.

After several days of high-intensity searches, radar, communication and other equipment were turned on 24 hours a day, and soldiers were on duty around the clock. Finally, on one unlucky afternoon, something unexpected happened.

power failure.

That's right.

E Division's communications and anti-aircraft artillery units suffered a widespread blackout.

The consequence of the power outage is the paralysis of communication and command systems and radar.

An investigation of the cause, is the electrical load is too heavy.

The reason is very simple. Even if the air conditioner is installed on the military equipment, it can't stand the non-stop operation 24 hours a day, and at the same time keep alert and turn on the machine, but this is also impossible.

After all, it is now fully devoted to finding the main force of the blue army. Of course, large-scale data transmission and communication are required. It is necessary to ensure 24-hour full-power start-up alert. People are on duty 24 hours a day, and the temperature outside is over 40 degrees. People stand in a small vehicle facing a pile of electronic components and equipment that generate heat. If you don’t turn on the air conditioner, you will be roasted alive.

The large-scale communication talk and radar downtime have just begun, and the long-lost blue army suddenly reappeared out of thin air as mysteriously as they disappeared.

Next, with the command system almost paralyzed, Division E was subjected to all kinds of fancy bombing by the blue air force, and various aircraft types took turns to bombard the targets of Division E on the ground heartily.

The officers and soldiers of the E Division watched the bombers and ground attack aircraft suddenly appearing in the sky. Without the radar, it is equivalent to losing the eyes. Without the command platform, it is equivalent to losing the brain, without the transmission of the data link and an interrupted center. There is no difference between the mentally disabled.

The result was dire.

The E division can only return to the most primitive air defense method - cancel all radar fire control and tracking systems, enter the most unpretentious manual operation, visual command...

But the effect is of course obvious, one word - miserable.

As the main force of Division E, the Tiger Regiment has long been targeted.

The Blue Army has been monitoring the actions and trajectories of this unit. After detecting the large-scale collapse of the E Division's communication network, two bomber squadrons were dispatched to bombard the location of the Tiger Regiment upside down. After the bombing was over, it was their turn to Wu went straight up, and plowed the armored vehicles on the ground and some tank units assigned to the Tiger Regiment.

The record of the Tiger Regiment's counterattack was to shoot down a Wuzhi with a shoulder-fired missile, only one, and then it was plowed by a high-altitude attack aircraft.

At that time, Li Haiou was standing on the ground, looking up at the sky, surrounded by equipment showing red smoke after being hit. Even he himself was not spared, and was judged to be "dead in action" early on.

Those blue army planes flew over the sky, and Li Haiou stomped the ground out of the three bedrooms and two halls with his feet, but he had no ability to resist and could only curse in his heart.

"After serving in the army for so many years, the most useless thing is today!"

Li Haiou slammed his helmet to the ground, his eyes were red and he almost drew his gun and killed himself.

At that moment, he realized that Crazy Zhuang had checked the weather in the next few days and the power and load of Division E's generators. Destroying the power system of their station was just a catalyst. What he wanted was to wait for Division E after the war started. Crash yourself.

It can be said that he knows the intelligence and equipment of Division E very well, including how long the soldiers of Division E will turn on the air conditioner, and whether they can withstand it.

Fighting against such an opponent, Li Haiou was both convinced and aggrieved.

Now, the opponent who pushed him to the ground and rubbed against him all those years ago actually came to his unit, and grandly entered the regiment headquarters to have a meeting with Deputy Chief of Staff Shi Song.

What on earth is he going to do? !
This afternoon, Li Haiou was restless, standing by the shooting range and always turning his head to look in the direction of the regiment headquarters.

He had a hunch.

This lunatic Zhuang came to Master E, definitely nothing good will happen.

Battalion commander Liang Hu said: "Regiment commander, do you think he will come to be our superior?"

Li Haiou glared at Liang Hu: "Don't talk nonsense! He is the chief of staff of the Blue Army, and he is here to be our leader? Unless the sun comes out in the west..."

The mouth said so.

It is also very happy to say.

After finishing speaking, Li Haiou felt uneasy in his heart, feeling that Liang Hu's words were not impossible.

The recent military reform, so far, the division has not announced the final plan.

Most of the news comes from various other channels, such as Liang Hu, who can often hear some "latest news" because his fellow villager works as an officer at the Army Group Headquarters.

According to the irresponsible news from the roadside agency, Division E is the kind that will be dismantled and divided into several brigades.

Since the major changes, it means that the nature of the troops may undergo earth-shaking reorganization. It is not impossible to send new people to the new troops with new professions and new styles.

Think carefully about the officers above the E Division, most of them are older, and now everything is said to be younger,

"Liang Hu..."

He asked with some concern: "You call your fellow villager at night and ask what this Zhuang man is doing here?"

Liang Hu said: "Didn't you let me inquire about this kind of news, leader?"

Li Haiou pulled his face and said with a tiger face: "Stop talking nonsense! Execute the order!"

Liang Hu replied with a smile: "Yes!"

Li Haiou suddenly murmured to himself: "Damn it, if I meet Crazy Zhuang, I have to make military gestures with him, and let him know that there is no one in our Tigers, and no one is as cunning as him!"

Suddenly, he found that Liang Hu didn't answer himself.

Generally speaking, Liang Hu would strike up a conversation no matter what he said.

Turning his head, he was about to ask, but saw Liang Hu looking in the direction of the regiment headquarters.

"How do you..."

He had just finished speaking when he heard Liang Hu speak.

"Don't talk about people during the day, don't talk about ghosts at night. Talk about Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!"

Liang Hu turned his face away, and said to Li Haiou in surprise, "He's here!"

In the direction of the regiment headquarters of the new corps, an SUV was parked on the side of the road, and several officers in uniform were talking and laughing, walking slowly towards here.

The eyes of the soldiers are not bad, Li Haiou can see clearly, the one in the front is the deputy chief of staff Shi Song, and the one is the solemn and lunatic who I wanted to "gesture" with him just now...


He couldn't help swearing again.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection!


(End of this chapter)

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