Ballistic Silence of Special Years

Chapter 89 The Most Unpopular Person

Chapter 89 The Most Unpopular Person
The news of the solemn entry into Division E quickly spread throughout the battalions and companies of the regiments, causing quite a stir.

The first reaction of almost all officers when they heard the news was that they thought there was something wrong with their ears and they had hallucinations.

"What? That lunatic Zhuang from the Prairie Wolf?"

"What? Say it again! Did I hear you right?"

"Why did he come to our division? It must be no good for this guy to come here!"

In fact, it's no wonder that after the first battle between the red and blue in the prairie three years ago, the E division was so impressed with the solemnity.

Li Haiou, the head of the Tiger Regiment, heard the news on the training ground. He was on the sidelines of the training ground of the recruit camp. That day he came here to watch the recruits shoot live ammunition. Before leaving the company, the entire recruiting regiment will undergo a major assessment. This time of year is the time for the Tigers to show off their skills and compete for honor.

It is said that the plan for a year lies in spring, and recruits going to the company means the start of training in the new year, and getting a good start is definitely a good start, which is conducive to boosting morale.

"Head! Head!"

Liang Hu, the commander of the Second Battalion of Recruits, shouted all the way and trotted all the way to Li Haiou. He didn't wear the hat on his head, but held it in his hand. There was a layer of sweat on his forehead. It seemed that he ran all the way here.

"Shout what?"

Li Haiou glanced at his general with some displeasure.

"What are you talking about, do you look like a battalion commander?"

Liang Hu didn't care about Li Haiou's criticism at all, and pointed in the direction of the recruiting regiment headquarters and said, "Guess who I saw?!"

Li Haiou frowned: "Who? Isn't it Deputy Teacher Zhang?"

Zhang Wenqing is more concerned about the training of recruits. Recently, he often goes to the recruit camp. He especially likes to come to the second battalion. He is especially interested in the recruits from the fourth company who can shoot well.

Last time, because two of these few recruits were able to maintain a stable gun for 4 hours, he really paid for Hou Jun to take a few soldiers to eat a meal of crayfish.

Liang Hu shook his head and made a double image: "No, no, no! I said, head, even if you think about it, you won't think of who it is!"

Li Haiou waved at him impatiently: "Got it! Don't play tricks in front of me, what's the big deal? Even if the head of the military region comes, what should I do? It's not like a tiger goes down the mountain and cannibalize people?"

There was light in Liang Hu's eyes, as if he had mastered some great secret: "Leader, guess who I saw when I came back from the regiment headquarters just now?"

Li Haiou also seemed to have heard something unusual, and quickly asked: "You said it! Who?"

Liang Hu had sold enough, and finally revealed the answer: "Solemn! Crazy Zhuang!"

"Ah?" Li Haiou didn't realize all of a sudden, the name was familiar yet unfamiliar, his head short-circuited and went blank.

"Who?" He subconsciously asked.

Liang Hu said: "Blue Army! Prairie Wolf! Crazy Zhuang!"

Li Haiou's head seemed to be stuffed with a shock bomb, it exploded with a bang, and his mind was buzzing.

Crazy Zhuang? !


Chief of Staff of the Blue Army? !

He cursed in his heart.

Then asked: "He?! Liang Hu, are you sure it's him?!"

It's no wonder that Li Haiou's head is short-circuited. After all, the prairie wolf is stationed thousands of kilometers away from here, one south and one north. Except for the red and blue army confrontation exercises, the two troops have nothing to do with each other. They are neither affiliated nor have joint training subjects. If you say you can't hit with eight poles, even if you take a few more poles, you won't be able to hit it.

"That's right!" Liang Hu was very sure, and said almost firmly: "I came out of the regiment headquarters, and I happened to meet him entering the door. Deputy Chief of Staff Shi was waiting for him at the door. I could see clearly, and I told them The salute came, and after the salute, I suddenly felt that the person looked familiar, so I quickly took a few more glances, and suddenly remembered that it was Crazy Zhuang!"

This time, Li Haiou couldn't help but not believe it.

"What the hell is he doing here?!"

Li Haiou gritted his teeth a little bit.

The shame of three years ago is vivid in my mind, and piles of shame emerge from the depths of my mind.

Although it is a common matter for the military to win or lose between red and blue, soldiers also have their own dignity and honor.


Not only lost.

Also lost badly.

Miserable forget it.

The problem is that the tactics and infiltration techniques used by Crazy Zhuang are completely unreasonable. Li Haiou thinks those methods are simply too shameless.

The first time I sent someone to install a tracker, it was fine, but the second time I fought again, the lunatic Zhuang sent someone to tamper with the power supply system of their resident. Division E had a power outage for several days in a row, and sent someone to repair it. It is said that the special forces of the Blue Army directly disabled the power supply with graphite bombs. According to regulations, the recovery period will take at least three days.

But the attack will be launched after the second day. This is the right time to prevent them from using electricity before leaving, and some charging equipment cannot be replenished as they should.

This can be regarded as a poisonous plan.

At that time, the combat department of Division E calculated that it was Crazy Zhuang who wanted to disrupt the logistics support plan of Division E.Because of the destruction of electricity, the whole division can only rely on field generators for support.For a combat unit, these preparations are still available, but there will be an unplanned shortage of fuel.

Everyone expressed contempt for Crazy Zhuang's methods, isn't it just fuel?Bullying Teacher E has no family background?

So the logistics department was quickly mobilized, and enough fuel was collected from the local area overnight and sent to the base.

You have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder.

The staff officer of Division E and the team leaders below were very proud at the time, didn't they just want to test the logistics support of Division E?
Just let you know!

But never imagined...

Did not expect ah did not expect.

You expected what others expected, but others expected what you expected.

Just like Go, you watch three moves, others watch five moves.

Later, when the confrontation officially started, the regiments moved forward tens of kilometers in coordination, but they didn't see the shadow of the blue army.

It turned out that the intelligence obtained by reconnaissance was all false, and the so-called blue army armor clusters discovered by aerial reconnaissance were all fakes made by their camouflage troops.

In those few days, the temperature in the grassland during the day was extremely high.

The E division was unable to find the main force of the blue army except for some sporadic harassment, and that confrontation required finding the main force of the blue army to fight, and using the lethal effect as the evaluation standard to determine victory or defeat.

At that time, Master E swung a punch as if he was full of strength, and found himself hit in the air, almost flashing himself.

The team of tens of thousands of people went deep into the hinterland of the prairie, scraping the ground between the hills and wild grass, but they couldn't even find the shadow of their opponents.

The scouts sent out either returned in vain or went into the sea without looking back...

Back then, as the head of the main attacking group, Li Haiou basked in the bright and poisonous sun on the prairie for a few days, and he was so anxious that several bubbles appeared on his mouth.

What Master E didn't expect was that the word "drag" was just an appetizer, and the hole dug by Crazy Zhuang was yet to come. Soon, Master E really tasted Crazy Zhuang's real "cunning" means.

 Ask for recommendation, ask for collection!


(End of this chapter)

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