Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 43 Ranking, new recruits

Chapter 43 Ranking, new recruits

43 Awarded ranks, recruits go down to the company

Everyone went to bed very late that night, and it was almost early in the morning before falling asleep in a daze.

Both the platoon leader and the company commander came to check on the dormitory, and everyone was still awake, not at all sleepy, so as soon as they left, chattering and chattering sounded immediately.

In fact, the company commander and platoon leader must have heard everyone's discussion, but they didn't make a sound to stop them, nor did they kick the door in and curse as usual.

They still understand the recruits very well.

As usual, as long as the recruits make even the slightest noise, the platoon leader and squad leader on duty will definitely not let them go, and they will definitely come in to curse and criticize everyone, but tonight, there is nothing.

The recruits are all smart, so everyone is more and more convinced of a guess, that is, tonight is likely to be the last night of everyone in the recruit company, and tomorrow everyone will really go their separate ways and go to the company.

Therefore, everyone couldn't fall asleep more and more, and talked more and more endlessly. Even Xu Sanduo, who was not very talkative before, kept chirping.

That night, everyone went to bed very late.

Unexpectedly, there was no morning exercise the next morning, and the company commander let everyone wake up naturally after sleeping.

Of course, after these three months of training, even those who like to sleep late, after seven o'clock, they can't fall asleep and get up.

Get up, wash up, eat breakfast, the whole process is finished, and it's almost eight o'clock.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the platoons and classes assembled and were taken to the playground.

At this time, the playground was newly decorated, and a red cloth was hung on the parade stand in front of it. On the red cloth was written "702 Winter Recruit Awarding Ceremony of the 2005 Regiment of the T Division of the C Group Army of the Capital Military Region". The table was set up as a simple rostrum, covered with an army green tablecloth. At this time, some people were already sitting on the rostrum, including Wang Qingrui, the head of the 702 regiment, and others came one after another. just sit down.

The recruits lined up in a neat square and stood in front of the rostrum.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, the awarding ceremony officially began.

The ceremony was presided over by He Hongtao, the instructor of the recruit company.

He Hongtao briefly said a few words, then turned his head to look at the head of the regiment, and said loudly: "The first item on the agenda is next. Comrade Wang Qingrui, the head of the 702 regiment, is invited to speak. Everyone welcomes with applause!"


The recruits applaud together.

Wang Qingrui has actually been to the recruit company several times, but everyone doesn’t know him very well. After he came, he seldom had contact with the recruits. He always went directly to the company commander and instructor. Even if he wanted to know the specific situation, he would talk to the platoon leader and squad leader. , so, this is his first official appearance in front of everyone.

Wang Qingrui stood up and looked around.

Gao Cheng hastily turned on the microphone in front of Wang Qingrui, and raised the desktop microphone, motioning for Wang Qingrui to lift the microphone to speak, but Wang Qingrui shook his head and refused.


Wang Qingrui yelled, his voice was very loud and powerful, and even though he didn't lift the microphone, the soldier standing farthest could hear him clearly and felt his shocking spiritual power !
"Just now, your instructor introduced me and said that I am the head of the regiment, but brothers - I am not the head of the regiment today! I, Wang Qingrui, today, I am only talking to you as a veteran with more than 30 years of service! "

"After a while, when you wear your military ranks, you will no longer be ordinary people. You will be a soldier. So, first of all, I want to ask you, what is a soldier? What is the difference between a soldier and an ordinary person?"

Wang Qingrui looked around, paused for a moment, and suddenly roared like thunder: "What is a soldier? A soldier means that when the enemy invades us, we will be desperate if we give an order, even knowing that we will die if we rush forward. Charge forward without hesitation, and block the enemy with our flesh and blood!"

"Soldiers, when the motherland and the people need us, we should save them from danger without complaining, without stressing conditions, and without thinking of ourselves!"

"Soldiers, when the country is peaceful and peaceful, when the people are happy and happy, we have to train silently, guard silently, give silently, and don't expect rewards or attention!"

Wang Qingrui's voice seemed to have magical powers, pointing directly at people's hearts, and all the soldiers present at the scene were excited.

Finally, Wang Qingrui looked around and asked loudly: "Tell me, can you become a qualified Chinese-Chinese-people-people-liberation-liberation-army-military, can you?"


Every soldier opened his throat and answered loudly.

Seeing this, Wang Qingrui nodded in satisfaction,
Subsequently, Wang Qingrui read out the awarding order.

After the order was read out, the platoon leaders of each platoon came out one by one, and personally put on bright military ranks and shiny logo clothing for the recruits. Finally, everyone raised their right fists together and collectively took an oath:
"I am a citizen of the People's Republic of China. It is my honorable duty to perform military service in accordance with the law. In order to take up the sacred duty of the revolutionary army, I swear!"

"Love the Chinese-Communist-Party, love the Social-Social-Matriarchy-Motherland, love the Chinese-National-People-People-Liberation-Army, implement the military's regulations, regulations and rules and regulations, Obey orders, obey commands, study military, political, scientific and cultural studies hard, practice the ability to kill the enemy, cherish weapons and equipment, keep military secrets, carry forward fine traditions, participate in the construction of socialist material and spiritual civilization, and fight bravely Not afraid of sacrifice, defend the motherland, defend socialist construction. I resolutely fulfill the above oath, and will never violate it!"

After eating lunch that day, at twelve o'clock, the whistle blew, and the recruits rushed out of the dormitory with their backpacks packed earlier.

On the playground of the recruit company, the recruits stand in line.

There are several cars parked on the playground, several military cards, and an air-conditioned bus.

Company commander Gao Cheng stood between the army card and the bus with the roster and called to them: "Lu Yuan, No. [-] car; Huang Yifei, No. [-] car; Jia Honglin, No. [-] car; Lu Ning, No. [-] car..."

The recruits whispered to each other: "Why do you have two kinds of cars?"

Without hesitation, Chengcai showed off his cleverness: "Then there is no need to ask? If you go to a good unit, you will get an air-conditioned car, and if you go to a bad unit, you will get a truck."

Everyone suddenly realized.

Those who are assigned to the air-conditioned cars are like mourners.

"Cheng Cai, No. [-] Car." Gao Cheng read aloud.

Number two car?
The talented and standing military posture suddenly became a little hesitant, and his smiling face burst into mourning.

"Xu Sanduo, car No. [-]."

When Xu Sanduo heard it, his spirit was shaken, and he grinned towards Chengcai: "Chengcai, we are together again!"

But when Chengcai heard Xu Sanduo's words, his eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

Xu Sanduo actually drove with him?

It's over, he must be over!
At this moment, Gao Cheng said again: "Fade Chen, car No. [-]!"

Chen Fei is also the second car?
Chengcai was suddenly a little dumbfounded!

How could someone as good as Fade Chen be the number two car?

What do you mean?
Am I guessing wrong, the ones with the military card are the ones who go to the best units?
When he was wondering, Fade Chen patted him: "Come on, get on the bus!"

But Chengcai was stunned: "Squad deputy—you—you"

Cheng Cai and Xu Sanduo looked at Fade Chen in disbelief.

But Chen Fei didn't explain, just smiled, Chengcai shared a car with him, that's for sure, as for Xu Sanduo, it was probably the result of a game, although Gao Cheng didn't want to, but in order to get himself, he had to hold his nose and accept it.

"Get in the car!"


Chengcai and Xu Sanduo smiled and saluted behind their backs, and trotted into the car with Fade Chen.

The new camp of Steel No. [-] Company is not far away, but at this time everyone has to bring their own salutes, big bags and small bags. Obviously, it is more convenient to hitch a ride.

After the announcement, Gao Cheng walked up to the instructor and shook hands with him: "Old He, thank you for your hard work."

He Hongtao smiled: "Lao Qi, congratulations, you have come back with a lot of rewards this time, I am so envious of you."

Gao Cheng chuckled, without the slightest hint of humility: "Old He, don't take advantage of me and act like a good boy, the soldiers you pick in the Red Third Company are not bad."

"But compared with your Steel Seventh Company, it's far behind." He Hongtao said with a thumbs up: "Commander Gao's eyesight belongs to this."

Gao Cheng smiled: "Although I got the two best ones, I also got the worst ones. It's not like you. You wiped out all the top middle ones. The poor one nor!"

He Hongtao laughed when he heard this: "Elder brother, don't laugh at second brother! We are all just for the development of the company!"

(End of this chapter)

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