Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 42 Writing a letter from home, leading the rank

Chapter 42 Writing a letter from home, leading the rank

42 Write a letter home, lead the military rank

The night is deep.

There was a lot of noise in the conference room, but the dormitory of the recruit company was quiet, and everyone fell into a deep sleep.

No one of the recruits who slept soundly knew that their fate had actually been sealed that night.

Life is like this, and many times it is actually involuntary.

Many important nodes, I don't know that they have already happened, and when I react, it is too late.

Even Fade Chen didn't have any perception of what happened that night.

Even at noon the next day, no one responded, and everything was as usual.

In the evening of this day, after dinner, many people sat on the ponytail, took out paper and pens, and wrote letters lying on the bed.

In fact, no one gave an order, but everyone seemed to have received an order. Many people sat down together and wrote letters together.

Some people lay on the upper bunk and didn’t want to get down, and they were too lazy to write. Their good friends or brothers shouted: “Come down to write a letter, come down to write a letter, if you don’t write the last letter for recruits, you will have no chance! "

Everyone didn't know that the assignment of recruits had been finalized, but everyone knew that the recruits would go to the company in two days. After all, the recruit company was only three months old, and the time was coming soon.

"The last letter from the recruit company?"

Hearing other people's yelling, Fade Chen felt his heart move and felt touched.

He has been in the recruit company for so long, yet he hasn't written a letter to his family. One is that he has been busy with training a while ago, so he has no time. Another factor is that he has never known how to deal with the original owner's family. However, the original owner's parents wrote him a letter, but the content was not much, just more than ten lines. Fei turned over and got out of bed, also planning to write a letter.

The first and last letter of a recruit company is somewhat commemorative.

Moreover, in two years' time, mobile phones and the Internet will explode in popularity, making it even more impossible to write letters.

This letter, perhaps the last letter in my life, is more or less worth writing seriously.

He had just sat on the ponytail when he heard Xu Sanduo next to him talking about the content of his letter.

Xu Sanduo likes to read while writing letters. Although his voice is not loud, if he listens carefully, he can still hear it.

I just heard Xu Sanduo muttering: "Father, Yile, I wonder if I can see Erhe in the letter: I'm fine, I sleep well, I eat well, I practice well..."

Chen Fei almost laughed out loud, but luckily he held back in a hurry, so he didn't interrupt Xu Sanduo. He also took out the letter paper, spread it out, and after a while, wrote:

"Dad, Mom, Xiaoyun: Good morning! I have been doing well in the recruit company for a while, eating well, sleeping well, and training well."

After writing this, Fade Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help but burst out laughing, amused, why is it exactly the same as what Xu Sanduo wrote?

However, he did not change it and continued to write.

"I have been busy with training for a while, so I didn't have time to write to you guys. These two days are finally not so busy, and I have time, and my hard work has finally paid off."

Chen Fei eloquently wrote page after page. After finishing the third page, he still felt that there was still a lot to write, but at this moment, Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi walked in.

Wu Liuyi held something like a stack of papers in his hand. If you looked carefully, you could find that it was the target paper for everyone to shoot.

Shi Jin's hands were empty, and when he walked into the dormitory, he shouted: "Comrades, the recruits have been issued a series of souvenirs—your target papers. Come and get them!"

target paper?

The recruits who were writing letters or lying on the bed were stunned for a moment, but when they regained their senses, their eyes lit up, and they were all excited for a moment, or rushed over directly or jumped off the bed, and rushed straight to Wu Liu. one.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze! Roll rolls will be called!" Seeing everyone's posture, Wu Liuyi was a little dumbfounded.

Shi Jin took some from Wu Liuyi and looked down: "Yang Bo—"

After the roll call, he raised the target paper in his hand and looked for the target while shaking it. A moment later, a tall and thin young man broke through the crowd and rushed up, taking the target paper.

Chen Fei was the third to send it. He was not as excited as the others. He took a look at it, turned around and threw it on the bed, and continued to squat down to write the letter.

Xu Sanduo was the last to post, and his grades were the worst, so Shi Jin deliberately left him at the end. Continue to mutter: "Tomorrow the troops will be divided. Chengcai said that I will definitely be assigned a good company. I said what a good company is, but Chengcai said that the platoon leader is not guaranteed? You must be able to touch the gun..."

Chen Fei was sitting next to him, and it was hard to hear it or not. In addition, there was a commotion in the dormitory at this time, and everyone was excitedly discussing the target paper, which made people upset. After thinking about it, he stood up and planned to go outside. Finding a quiet corner and concentrating on writing letters, he walked down the dormitory building when he saw Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi coming from the other end. Seeing him, he couldn't help shouting: "Fade Chen, is there anything wrong?"

Chen Fei turned his head and took a look, and replied with a smile: "It's okay."

"If it's okay, come with us to get something."

"Platoon leader, squad leader, what are you taking?"

"You will know when you go! It will be used tomorrow."


Fade Chen didn't ask any more questions, but just followed silently.

After a while, the three of them came to a small warehouse and received a small bag of things from the custodian, one bag for each person, and there were not many things in each bag, but each of them could make the recruits feel ashamed. We were excited for a while.

It's time to issue a military rank.

There are many colorful things in the small bag, including epaulettes, cap badges, and collar flowers.

For more than two months, everyone's clothes and hats have been bare and nothing, so seeing these epaulets and collar flowers at this moment, even Fade Chen couldn't help being a little excited.

Wearing these, they are really a soldier, no longer a commoner.

This is a huge turning point and change.

The three of them took a bag and went back to the dormitory.

"Comrades, the military rank has been issued!" Shi Jin's gentle voice sounded at the door.

Military rank?

After hearing this word, the people in the dormitory became excited again.

Su Qi and Wu Liuyi started to distribute, while Shi Jin took the contents in a small bag and explained them one by one.

"Look, everyone, this is the big cap badge, which is pinned on the big brim hat, the small cap badge is pinned on the training cap and the camouflage cap, and the collar is pinned on the collar."

Those who received the military rank could not wait to open it immediately. Some people even felt that it was too much trouble to open the plastic bag.

The big cap badge is metal, the small cap badge is plastic, and the surface of the rank epaulets is covered with dark green fluff, which feels good to the touch.

After receiving the military rank, many people eagerly took off their big-brimmed hats and pinned their cap badges on.

"Don't move—" Wu Liuyi shouted.

Cheng Cai, who was pinning on his cap badge, was taken aback.

Wu Liuyi looked at him and said sternly: "Don't move around, you are not qualified to wear these now, and you haven't been awarded the title yet! You can only wear these after you are awarded the title tomorrow morning!"

To be crowned tomorrow morning?
The recruits who were scolded were not only not sad, but secretly excited.

It's about to be awarded!

Everyone is about to be awarded!

(End of this chapter)

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