The top of the scholar

Chapter 566 Design Blueprint of Aerospace Fighter

Chapter 566 Design Blueprint of Aerospace Fighter

After hearing Xu You's explanation, everyone couldn't help becoming more silent.

Even with the emergence of room temperature superconducting technology, the current will not generate loss or thermal effect during the transmission process.

But after all, the technology of controllable nuclear fusion is too powerful, which is likely to allow the world to have dozens, hundreds, or even more energy than before in a short period of time.

Once energy is used extensively by human beings, it will inevitably cause stronger global warming.

When the glaciers in the north and south poles melt and sea levels rise, the problems will be endless.

"Professor Xu's concern really needs to be taken seriously. Because so far, we have not determined whether the main cause of global warming is the greenhouse effect or human industrial activities. From the perspective of all mankind, There should still be some restrictions on human industrial activities."

As a leader in human development, we can no longer consider issues from the perspective of the country alone, but also consider issues from the perspective of a community with a shared future for mankind.

This is what a big country should really look like.

"In fact, if you want to prevent global warming, you don't necessarily have to restrict human industrial activities, but only those industrial activities that will cause global warming. The related achievements of the superconducting project researched by Professor Xu can reduce a lot The release of unnecessary heat. Improving the energy conversion efficiency of various industrial activities can also solve this problem.”

As long as the generation of internal energy in the process of energy conversion is reduced, in theory it will not cause global warming.

"Yes, these problems are not necessarily unsolvable, but we must limit this power before we fully understand the possible consequences. When everything is out of control, and then think about the way to restore it, everything becomes too late."

Fortunately, when we stand on top of the world, we are fully capable of restricting the application of these new technologies.

Throughout the meeting, everyone had a lot of discussions on issues related to controllable nuclear fusion.

Xu You also feels that he has gained a lot from discussions with these top strategic scientists in the country.

"Professor Xu, do you have anything to add at the end?"

After hesitating for a while, Xu You said, "Not anymore."

In fact, Xu You has other ideas about the application of controllable nuclear fusion.

However, Xu You felt that it was still too early to say this at this time, and it didn't make much sense.

After thinking about it for a while, Xu You still felt that it would not be too late to talk about this later.


"Teacher, what did you discuss in this meeting?"

After returning to the laboratory, Lin Shi couldn't help asking Xu You.

Due to her authority, Lin Shi still has no access to such a level of meeting, nor can she know the specific content of the meeting.

But Xu You didn't want to completely hide it from Lin Shi, so he chose some things that Lin Shi could know and told her.

After all, in a few years, Lin Shi will definitely become a strategic scientist like Xu You.

The cultivation of Lin Shi should not be limited to some scientific research projects.

"It is mainly to study some application directions of controllable nuclear fusion." Xu You said.

"Then teacher, what suggestions did you make?"

"I suggest that seawater desalination can be carried out to solve the water shortage problem in North China."

After hearing Xu You's answer, Lin Shi was taken aback for a moment, then seemed to understand something immediately.

"This suggestion sounds nothing special, but it is a very meaningful suggestion. In fact, as long as seawater desalination can be realized, these projects of sending water from east to west will be an achievement with a very large positive impact on our country. "

Although the precipitation in North China is not particularly low, due to water loss and large water consumption, the amount of water is still very scarce.

When we have the inexhaustible and inexhaustible energy source of controllable nuclear fusion, the energy cost of seawater desalination will no longer be a problem.

"Teacher, besides this, is there any other application direction?"

"There are many more, but we are not in a hurry to discuss these, and we will talk about them in detail when we have a chance later."

Lin Shi knew that Xu You probably had a lot to say and it was not convenient for her to speak directly to herself, so she decided not to ask any more questions.

At this time, Cui Ying walked into Xu You's office.

"Teacher Xu, a guest is here."

"Well, who is it?"

"Teacher Wu Jing."

Hearing the name of the visitor, Xu You was taken aback.

"Why did my mother come here suddenly?"

These days, Wu Jing not only hasn't looked for her, she hasn't even sent her any messages.

This time Wu Jing came here suddenly, she must have something to discuss with Xu You.

Lin Shi also knew that Wu Jing was Xu You's mother, but she didn't say much, but continued with her work.

Xu You came to the living room and saw Wu Jing whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Mom, why are you here suddenly?"

"I just want to meet you, can't I?" Wu Jing said with a smile.

"Well, of course you can."

Xu You nodded and smiled. Although Xu You knew that Wu Jing came to look for him, he must not just want to see himself, but being able to see Wu Jing will always make Xu You feel warm in his heart.

After chatting about the recent situation, Wu Jing asked:

"I couldn't attend the last meeting because of some things, but I also took a look at the content of the meeting afterwards. Are the contents you put forward at the meeting all your thoughts on the controllable nuclear fusion part?"

"Why, Mom, do you think there is anything missing?"

"You should already have some ideas about aerospace fighters, right?"

When mentioning the word "space fighter", Xu You nodded slightly.

"I do have some ideas. After all, this is a task assigned to me by the higher authorities, and in order to ensure the safety of our lunar scientific research base, this research must be carried out."

However, because the current research on controllable nuclear fusion has just achieved results, Xu You has the energy to start research on other projects.

"Xu You, take a look at my design first."

With that said, Wu Jing turned on the computer and showed Xu You her design plan for the aerospace fighter.

" have already started designing an aerospace fighter?"

Xu You was a little surprised by Wu Jing's design. He never thought that Wu Jing would do this.

"Of course, the field of aerospace is one of my main research directions, and there is no professional research in the field of aerospace fighters before, and someone has to stand up. Let's see if there are any problems with these designs of mine. .”

As he said that, Xu You carefully inspected these complicated design drawings of aerospace fighters in Wu Jing's computer.

(End of this chapter)

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