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Chapter 565 Where to build a factory is a problem

Chapter 565 Where to build a factory is a problem

The core of successfully separating high-purity deuterium from the mixed gas is to use the difference in apparent volume between deuterium and hydrogen in the quantum state to separate the gases.

And this new type of porous cage-like substance can select deuterium gas from the mixed gas and absorb it in a large amount. It is the lowest cost and most efficient deuterium gas separation method.

Once this direction is proved to be successful, the problem of fuel purification for controlled nuclear fusion will be completely resolved, and the commercialization of controlled nuclear fusion will continue to move forward.

After successfully preparing this new type of porous cage material, Xu You, Lin Shi and others conducted deuterium gas separation experiments and successfully proved that the material does have the ability to adsorb deuterium gas.

"Teacher, you are really amazing, your deduction has come true again!"

After completing the demonstration experiment, Lin Shi couldn't help expressing her inner admiration to Xu You.

Lin Shi is not a person who likes to flatter, the reason why she worships Xu You like this is really from the heart.

Even though the experiment was successful, Lin Shi still couldn't fully understand Xu You's whole idea.

If it were Lin Shi himself, even if he had such a strong foundation in quantum physics, it would be difficult to directly predict the structure of the porous cage-like substance based on this knowledge.

"It's nothing. When you have a solid enough knowledge reserve and a sensitive enough scientific research sense, you can also complete these tasks. Alright, next we need to discuss the optimal quantum sieving conditions."

The adsorption capacity of novel porous cage materials for deuterium gas has been demonstrated, but the work on this topic is far from over.

We also need to find the most suitable conditions so that the porous cage material can exert the strongest adsorption capacity.

After looking at the experimental data from these days, Lin Shi replied to Xu You:
"According to the theory of quantum sieving, the factors that affect the effect of quantum sieving mainly include temperature, pressure, and the pore size of the material. But for the pore size of the material, teacher, you should have already calculated it in advance."

Lin Shi knows that among these several conditions, the most important one is the pore size of the material.

If the pore size of the material is not suitable, it will not have any effect on hydrogen while adsorbing deuterium.

Hearing this, Xu You also nodded and said:

"Yes, for the pore size of the material, I chose this special porous cage material after careful calculation. As for the most suitable deuterium gas adsorption conditions, it can also be predicted theoretically based on the formula."

Hearing Xu You's words, Lin Shi also reacted, and said quickly:

"Teacher, do you mean to determine the most suitable temperature range according to the function of de Broglie's wavelength and temperature?"

"That's right, first determine a temperature range, and then conduct experiments in this range. Including the experiments we have done in the past few days, in fact, the number of experiments conducted in this temperature range is the most."

"So that's the case. No wonder the material's ability to absorb deuterium gas is better in these temperature ranges. I thought it was just a coincidence. It turns out that it's a place you've already arrived at."

Xu You smiled slightly, as a response to Lin Shi.


After the research project on deuterium gas purification was completed, Xu You and other national-level strategic scientists discussed the application direction of controllable nuclear fusion together.

Among them, the issues discussed mainly include the location of commercial equipment for controlled nuclear fusion, the future application directions of controlled nuclear fusion, and so on.

Because there are so many issues involved, every word that everyone said has been carefully considered.

Facing heavy pressure, Xu You didn't have any fear, and was the first to stand up and express his views.

"I suggest that our first commercial controllable nuclear fusion plant should be located in the eastern coastal areas of northern Hebei Province or Shandong Province."

After hearing Xu You's point of view, everyone's expressions were very serious.

Xu You's choice of address is quite similar to the choice of some people.

But everyone also wants to know, apart from his own position choice, what are the reasons for Xu You to make such a choice.

"The first reason is that deuterium, tritium and other raw materials needed for nuclear fusion are extracted from seawater. In order to save seawater transportation costs, it is best to locate the factory in a coastal area."

For this reason, everyone basically has no opinion, which is also one of the reasons that must be considered in the construction of a controllable nuclear fusion plant.

"The second reason is that building a factory requires a large land occupation area, so you can't choose an area where the land is too expensive. At the same time, the industrial level in this area should be relatively developed."

"The third reason is that after the construction of the controllable nuclear fusion plant, I hope to give priority to solving the problem of water shortage in North China. With enough energy, seawater desalination will become an extremely low-cost project..."

Xu You stated his views one by one, including some that everyone thought of before, and some that everyone didn't think of before.

However, after Xu You explained clearly the reason why he made such a choice, no one had any opinion on it.

After completing the discussion on site selection, everyone then discussed the application direction of controllable nuclear fusion technology.

"Just now I heard from Professor Xu that you want to give priority to solving the water shortage problem in North China after the plant is built. This is indeed a big issue related to people's livelihood, but besides this application direction, we have many more important directions. can be applied."

Just using controllable nuclear fusion to desalinate seawater obviously feels like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

After hearing this question, Xu You calmly replied:

"Professor Wang is right. Just solving the problem of seawater desalination is not a subversive application, because even without the technology of controlled nuclear fusion, some countries are still carrying out seawater desalination projects. I Of course, there are many more innovative applications, but it may cause some problems that are difficult to control."

"Professor Xu, please speak."

"Controllable nuclear fusion can theoretically bring us almost unlimited energy, but before we wantonly use this technology, we must consider some of the consequences it may bring. The most important of these is global change. It's warm."

Hearing Xu You's point of view, everyone couldn't help falling into silence.

"The popularization of controllable nuclear fusion technology can reduce the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. From this perspective, it seems to be able to alleviate the greenhouse effect. However, at the same time, sufficient energy will inevitably bring about an increase in heat, which causes The heating effect may be more serious than the greenhouse effect."

(End of this chapter)

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