Under, Chinese medicine flavin

Chapter 426 Chinese Medicine Theme Carnival in University Town

Chapter 426 Chinese Medicine Theme Carnival in University Town
Four days have passed since the invitation from the University City.

Seeing the university lecture tour getting closer, Li Yan also became anxious.

In front of the study desk, Li Yan supported her chin with her hands, and pressed her elbows on the manuscript paper, which was clean without a single word.

Qin Xiaolu looked at Li Yan who was thinking hard, walked over and asked with concern: "Swallow, I haven't decided on a topic for my speech yet."

Li Yan frowned and said: "There are Mengjiang Normal University, Mengjiang University of Finance and Economics, Mengjiang Police Academy, Mengjiang Sports College, Mengjiang University for Nationalities, HHHT College and other colleges and universities in the university town. , either to study market trade, or to study teacher education, or to study management, or even foreign policemen. Anyway, it is difficult to get along with Chinese medicine. I have been thinking about it for a long time. I don’t know Chinese medicine at all, and I even misunderstand Chinese medicine. What are the modern high-achieving students talking about?"

The China-Mongolia University of Medicine was invited to organize activities in universities in the university town, mainly to popularize health and disease knowledge to students, improve their ability to prevent diseases, reduce the occurrence of diseases, and spend more time on reading.

Because of this, Li Yan could not find the topic of the speech.

The schedule of the event requires each speech to be limited to three to 10 minutes, and one school will give two speeches.

In order to increase the participation of college students, the activities still focus on TCM free consultations and on-site TCM science popularization to increase students' interest in TCM.

Because the time was too short, Li Yan didn't think about what to say.

Qin Xiaolu asked: "Then what are the topics of the speeches of Senior Sister Ling, Senior Brother Zhang, and Guilin?"

Li Yan said: "Sister Ling talked about Chinese medicine in daily life, brother Zhang talked about the prevention of diseases by guiding techniques, and Guilin talked about the treatment of sprains in Chinese medicine. It is because their themes are so good. What to say."

"If you don't have a good theme, you can ask Mr. Huang!"

"I'd better think about it!" Li Yan hesitantly rejected Qin Xiaolu's proposal.

Li Yan felt that she had to work hard first, just as Master said to herself, this is a rare opportunity to practice speech.

What's more, it's not that Li Yan has no ideas, but she hasn't determined the direction yet.

They don't need to talk about a lot of principles of Chinese medicine, and they don't want to be doctors when they talk about cases.

What they most want to hear should be how to use Chinese medicine to protect themselves in daily life.

When you encounter some minor ailments, how can you arm yourself and strengthen yourself with the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine?And how to live a life of traditional Chinese medicine with less illness and no illness.

So Li Yan already has two directions to talk about Chinese medicine. One is how to use Chinese medicine to treat common minor ailments, and the second is how to pay attention to health care and health care in daily life for hidden dangers brought about by modern life.

During the busy preparations of Warm Heart Society, the first interaction of the lecture tour in the university town was held as scheduled.

The first stop of interaction was arranged at Mengjiang Normal University.The venue of the event is set in the gymnasium of Mengjiang Normal University.In order to ensure that the first stop of the TCM science popularization lecture tour can be held smoothly.

The principle of Mengjiang University of Chinese and Mongolian Medicine is still based on student-to-student activities, but Huang Su is also allowed to lead the team in person to establish a communication channel with Mengjiang Normal University to solve unexpected problems at any time.

At 07:30, Huang Su came to the event site ahead of time with the members of the Warm Heart Club who had had breakfast.

The touring TCM science popularization lecture will be officially held at the stadium at 09:30.

Huang Su saw that in the stadium, like a food festival, seven or eight experience booths were set up.

In the experience booth, there are free clinics, bone setting, acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping and scraping, traditional Chinese massage, traditional Chinese skin care, and traditional Chinese guidance.

The common treatment methods of traditional Chinese medicine, a small event site, almost all included, this is simply a carnival event with the theme of traditional Chinese medicine.

Standing directly opposite everyone was a small stage with a projection screen behind it.

This is where the presentations will take place and where the promotional videos will be played during the event.

Huang Su walks from the front to the back of the experience booth. Each booth is composed of TCM knowledge publicity background boards, diagnosis beds, and diagnosis tables. A semi-enclosed space is formed with isolation belts and curtains, highlighting the theme of each booth. and independence.

For example, in the promotion booth of acupuncture and moxibustion, the background promotion is the introduction of acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine, and there are also one-to-one portraits of human acupuncture points in the booth.

The members used the event materials used in the past free clinic activities of the association, but they achieved an effect comparable to that of a professional event company.

"Students, you have worked hard!"

Looking at the neatly built booths, Huang Su praised the clubs that participated in the event today.

The event site was built by club members on Saturday afternoon.

Huang Su saw that it was just eight o'clock, and asked, "Student Ling Xiao, who will give a speech at today's event."

Senior sister Ling replied: "Mr. Huang, Li Yan and I will give the speech."

"In this way, there is still more than an hour before the event starts, Ling Xiao and Li Yan, you guys rehearse first, check if there is any malfunction in the equipment, and let you get familiar with what you are going to talk about."

Huang Su's eyes swept over Ling Xuejie and Li Yan: "Which of you two will come first."

Li Yan practiced many times in the dormitory, but she was still a little nervous in front of so many people speaking, and she couldn't help looking at Ling Xuejie.

"Senior Ling, come here first! Let me see what you said and learn from it."

Sister Ling walked onto the small stage very naturally, turned on the laptop, multimedia and projector.

Seeing the familiar desktop of the computer appear on the screen, Senior Ling inserted the USB flash drive she brought into the laptop, and dragged her speech and Li Yan's speech to the desktop.

For this speech, the four speakers all made PPT speeches, and wrote the framework content of the speech on the speeches.

Because Li Yan doesn't know how to use PPT, sister Ling helped to make the speech.

In the process of making speeches, Li Yan also slowly learned the basic operation of PPT.

Li Yan realized what Huang Su said after just making a speech, after a brave attempt, there will be gains.

Without the opportunity to speak this time, Li Yan would have no access to these computer office software, let alone the opportunity to learn about these computer office software.

The speech was opened, and Huang Su and more than 20 members who participated in the event looked at Senior Ling on the stage.

Facing so many eyes watching, Senior Ling didn't feel nervous at all, and slowly started her speech. "What is Chinese medicine? Is it herbal medicine, acupuncture, or cupping and scraping? These are all components of Chinese medicine, and they are the means of Chinese medicine to cure diseases and save lives. Chinese medicine is a big gift package left by our ancestors for thousands of years to protect ourselves. It’s just that many people have alienated this friend, who specializes in helping us eliminate diseases and improve our health. Today we will not talk about the unfathomable knowledge of Chinese medicine, but let’s see how Chinese medicine embodies its value in daily life.”

Then, Xuejie Ling used her own experience as a child as an example to talk about how to experience the value of Chinese medicine in life.

When she was a child, Senior Ling accidentally got caught in the rain. When she got home, her clothes were soaked and she started sneezing. She was afraid of the cold. If she didn’t get medical treatment in time, she would catch a cold or even have a fever.

So as soon as Grandpa saw Sister Ling imitating this, he quickly asked her to change out her wet clothes and dry her hair.

Although Grandpa doesn't understand Chinese medicine, he cooks a bowl of onion and ginger soup for Ling Xuejie according to the experience left by the older generation.

"Sweat, drive the cold out, the nose will be ventilated, and sneezing will stop."

After a while, grandpa brought out a bowl of hot onion and ginger soup from the kitchen.

Sister Ling felt hot and hot when she drank it, and asked pleadingly: "Grandpa, can you drink it colder, or drink less?"

Grandpa smiled and said: "Drink it slowly while it's hot, and it will be effective after drinking it. After drinking it, you should cover the quilt to let your body sweat a little, so you won't catch a cold."

Senior sister Ling knows that being sick is much more painful than drinking this onion and ginger soup, and she might be sent to the health station for injections, which is more uncomfortable than drinking this onion and ginger soup.

Ling Xuejie drank it slowly, one sip at a time, and sweated while drinking. She had a stuffy nose and difficulty breathing, but after being smoked by the heat of the onion and ginger soup, her nose soon cleared up.

After drinking, I didn't cover the quilt, and my body sweated a lot. I covered my body with the quilt, and I went to change clothes. I felt comfortable and alive again.

Sister Ling walked on the stage while talking: "Although grandpa doesn't know medical skills, but the experience left by his ancestors, grandpa knows the principle of cold injury, onion and ginger soup, drink it while it is hot, and sweat well."

Ling Xueji continued: "From now on, whenever I feel the wind, cold and damp, I don't need grandpa to bother to cook onion and ginger soup. I will go to the kitchen to cut ginger and green onion by myself. Put it in, remember not to boil it for too long. Roll it away for a minute or two, quickly cover the lid tightly, and let out the smell of medicine. If you drink this bowl of onion and ginger soup in time, it will be all right. So I seldom took other cold medicines since I was a child, and what I ate were the dietary products in the kitchen, which are convenient and healthy. And it is rare for a cold to drag on for ten days and a half months, and it is usually just two or three days."

"After I studied Chinese medicine, I realized that Scallion and Ginger Decoction is a traditional Chinese medicine recipe made with scallion and ginger as the main ingredients. It has the effect of relieving the exterior and dispelling cold, and it is also effective for occasional wind and cold."

"So, Chinese medicine knowledge has long been integrated into the daily life of Chinese people."

After Ling Xuejie told her childhood stories with emotion, through her own stories, she extended many traditional Chinese medicine skills commonly used in daily life.

At the end of the speech, Huang Su and the members at the scene applauded Ling Xuejie's frequent speeches.

Ling Xuejie stepped off the podium and asked modestly: "Mr. Huang, how is my speech?"

Huang Su said: "Very good. Seeing that you have prepared so hard, our tour will definitely be a complete success."

Senior Sister Ling walked up to Li Yan, patted her on the shoulder encouragingly and said, "Go, don't be afraid."

Li Yan nodded heavily, took a deep breath, and stepped onto the stage.

Stepping onto the stage, Li Yan turned around and looked at Huang Su, Senior Ling, and members of the club with encouraging eyes.

Thinking back again, Senior Sister Ling performed calmly on the stage just now, and the tension in Li Yan's heart gradually disappeared.

Slowly walking to the laptop, Li Yan opened her speech script and started her speech.

In her first speech, Li Yan was still nervous at the beginning, and her speech was not smooth.

But as the speech continued, Li Yan devoted herself to the content of her speech, forgetting about the crowd below the stage.

The memory of many times of practice in the dormitory came to mind, and Li Yan spoke more and more smoothly.

Only when there was applause from below the stage, did Li Yan suddenly realize that her speech had come to an end.

Seeing Huang Su's satisfied smile in the audience, Li Yan also showed a smile on his face, and the last trace of nervousness disappeared.

After the rehearsal was over, Huang Su saw that the time was approaching nine o'clock.

Huang Su clapped her hands to attract the attention of all the members: "There is still half an hour before the event starts, everyone returns to their posts, and welcomes the students from the Normal University to see the event."

Li Yan and senior sister Ling went to the booth of the free clinic, Guilin went to the booth of bone setting, and Zhang Chuliang went to the booth of guiding technique.

Huang Su was in charge of the audience, and solved the problems that the students encountered that could not be solved at any time.

After all, everyone is still a student, and it is okay to do TCM promotion. After all, there are very few clinical practices, and it is easy to encounter situations that they cannot solve.

The curtain on the stage began to play a promotional video produced by the University of Medicine.

Everything is ready, waiting for the arrival of the students from Mengjiang Normal University.

As the time came to nine o'clock, students who came together sporadically began to walk into the meeting.

When the students of Mengjiang Normal University walked into the event site, they looked at the two rows of neatly juxtaposed experiential exhibition areas.

The eyes of the students lit up, as if they had walked into the scene of the carnival.

Every student is like a curious baby, browsing through each experience booth first.

The things displayed in each booth are too new for them.

Chinese medicine, this indigenous medicine with a history of more than 2000 years.

It has become all too foreign to students who have grown up with a science education.

When the time came to 09:30, many students had already arrived at the event site, and the scene became lively instantly.

Looking at the students of Mengjiang Normal University, it shows the unique temperament of normal universities. Most of the participants are female students.

The normal university trains future teachers, and the students of the normal university have received professional makeup and dressing courses.

Therefore, the students who participated in the activities were well-dressed and well-dressed.

Compared with the students of Mengjiang China and Mongolia University of Medicine, the students of Mengjiang Normal University are very simple.

Li Yan saw that most of the students shuttled between the event booths were female students, and felt that the topic of her speech today was more secure.

At this time, the students of Mengjiang Normal University who had browsed all the booths curiously also began to walk into the booth they were interested in to learn more about the content inside.

Among them, the traditional Chinese medicine skin care booth had the most students. Normal students who have already learned how to do makeup pay more attention to skin care, let alone female students who are naturally beauty-loving.

The traditional Chinese medicine skin care was also added by Sister Ling against all opinions, just to attract female students from the university to participate in the event.

Compared with the exhibition booth of traditional Chinese medicine skin care, the free clinic that gathers popularity in the community is not cared about.

(End of this chapter)

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