Under, Chinese medicine flavin

Chapter 378 Going to the capital again

Chapter 378 Going to the capital again
Mr. Lu and Chen Jingshan were in the city hospital for consultation, and it took half a month in a flash.

Just after going to work in the morning, Mr. Lu walked in front, and Chen Jingshan, Professor Sun, Huang Su, and doctors of traditional Chinese medicine followed obediently behind.

In front of Mr. Lu, no matter whether you are a university professor or the director of a department, you have to follow behind.

Na Risong and He Hui at the back of the team felt as if they were dreaming that there was a small hospital in the frontier area, and they had the opportunity to make ward rounds with the leading doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, and their breathing became short of breath due to excitement.

A young female patient with rheumatoid arthritis has completed the first stage of treatment.

Mr. Lu is doing the final follow-up visit today. After formulating the second stage of treatment plan, he came to leave Grassland City.

Elder Lu also has his own job in Guang'anmen Hospital, and it has been long enough since he left this time, it is impossible to stay in Grassland City for a long time.

For the Chinese medicine pilot in Grassland City, of course there will be other experts from the seminar attending the clinic.

Entering the ward, the young woman was served by her husband, drinking spinach porridge and eating boiled eggs.

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis have many dietary taboos, such as high-fat, high-purine, high-uric acid, and high-salinity foods, such as: milk, fatty meat, seafood, and pickles.

High fat can aggravate the patient's pain, high purine and high uric acid food can aggravate the patient's joint symptoms, and high-salinity food can cause joint edema in patients with rheumatism.

"Old Lu, you are here!"

Seeing Mr. Lu bring people in, the patient's husband hastily put down the porridge bowl and greeted him warmly. He even changed his address to Mr. Lu.

Everyone can feel the joy of the patient's family and respect for Mr. Lu.

Lu Lao asked with a smile: "How is the patient's condition?"

"It's much better already, look!"

The patient's family happily rolled up his wife's trouser legs and sleeves, and the redness and swelling of the patient's joints disappeared.

"The redness and swelling in my knees and elbows are gone, and it doesn't hurt as much now."

Mr. Lu pulled the stool over, sat on the edge of the bed, put three fingers on the patient's wrist: "Let me check the tongue coating."

The woman stuck out her tongue, her tongue coating was still white and thick, and her pulse was tight and slippery.

Elder Lu continued to ask, "How's your urination lately?"

The woman said: "Recently, the urine has become more frequent, and it is very cloudy and smells very strong."

"It's better to be more, this is to get rid of the cold and damp in your body." Lu Lao continued to ask: "Do you feel swelling in the knee joints and elbow joints?"

The woman nodded: "Recently I always feel my knees are sore and swollen, but they are still stiff when I move. My knees are not as painful as before. I also try to move on the ground. When I walk, my knees make a creaking sound, as if the gears are rusted and not lubricated. Like."

Mr. Lu explained: "This is a good situation. It means that the cold and dampness in your joints is getting rid of, and the joints are slowly returning to normal function. Try not to move around during this period."

Look at the patient's slightly bent and deformed limbs.

In Chinese medicine, rheumatism is easy to cure, but it is not easy to restore the deformed limbs due to rheumatism.

It is easy to treat the disease in the skin and skin, and it is not difficult to treat the disease in the blood vessels of the muscles.

Seeing Mr. Lu staring at her legs and frowning, the woman also asked tentatively, "Mr. Lu, can my legs and arms still be healed?"

"The deformity of your limbs is not serious. As long as you actively cooperate with medicine and acupuncture treatment, the hope of recovery is very high."

Hearing Lu Lao's determined tone, the woman said excitedly: "I will definitely cooperate with the treatment."

"Xiao Chen, tell me how the patient should be treated."

A middle-aged man in his 40s walked out of the team.

This Dr. Chen is a disciple of Mr. Lu, and he is also the person who will succeed Mr. Lu and continue to promote the pilot project.

After Mr. Lu's four consultations, everyone has already understood the patient's situation.

Dr. Chen sorted out his thoughts a bit and said: "Patients should add the medicines of Caulis Spatholobus Spatholobus, Salvia Miltiorrhiza, Broccoli, Achyranthes bidentata, Broken Bone to invigorate blood circulation and collaterals, and tonify kidney and bone on the basis of the original prescription."

Seeing the teacher nodding, Dr. Chen continued: "The acupuncture points can be Baihui, Dazhui, Fengchi, Yaoyangguan, Shenshu, Sanyinjiao, Huantiao, Ciliao, Weizhong, Chengshan, Kunlun. Fengchi, Dazhui , Weizhong, and Kunlun use the method of reducing; the remaining points use the method of tonifying and reducing, and Yaoyangguan is treated with moxibustion."

Elder Lu nodded in agreement: "The patient's second stage of treatment will be handed over to you."

After Dr. Chen wrote the prescription, Mr. Lu took everyone out of the ward, and the patient's husband enthusiastically sent Mr. Lu and his party out of the ward.

Flavin Office.

Professor Sun looked at Huang Su and asked, "Huang Su, Lao Lu and I are going back to the capital on Saturday. Will you go back to the capital with me, or go alone."

"Teacher, let me go with you!"

Huang Su's liver cancer experiment has come to a perfect conclusion. This time, he went to the capital ahead of time to defend himself, so that Huang Su would not have to do the birth of his own son.

Yan Bing gave birth in March and April, which was the time for Huang Su to defend.

After the defense in advance, Huang Su can accompany Yan Bing to give birth with peace of mind.

Childbirth is the most important moment in a woman's life, and it is also the most difficult moment. Huang Su doesn't want to be absent from his wife's most important moment. She can encourage her by being around.

Professor Sun understood Huang Su very well, nodded and said: "You have to prepare well, this defense is not only for me, but all school principals who participated in this subject experiment will participate."

"Teacher, don't worry! I will definitely prepare well!"

"After the defense, you submit the application form to join the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine."

The subject experiment has been successfully concluded, and the defense is just a necessary form.

The reason why all the schools involved in the experiment were invited to listen to Huang Su's defense was to pave the way for Huang Su to enter the Center of Evidence-Based Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

After all, these schools are the co-founders of the Center for Evidence-Based Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Understanding Professor Sun's intention, Huang Su nodded with gratitude in his eyes: "I see!"

Seeing that the explanation was over, Professor Sun got up and said, "I won't delay your work. I will arrange the work of the Chinese medicine department and prepare for the defense wholeheartedly. I have to go back to the hotel to pack my luggage."

Huang Su respectfully sent Professor Sun out of the office.

In the ward, the woman's husband saw that his wife had finished breakfast, and the temporary garbage told him, "I'll go to the bathroom to throw away the garbage, and I'll go downstairs to see how much medical expenses I have paid in advance."

Watching his wife's condition change day by day at the naked eye speed, the family members paid the medical expenses more easily.

Especially if the wife wants to enter the second stage of treatment, it will definitely cost more money, so naturally the prepaid medical expenses must be fully paid.

Don't want a certain doctor's internal medicine, paying exorbitant medical expenses every day, but the condition is not getting better. When I ask them why, their attitude is very impatient.

In this way, how can the family members of the patients be willing to pay the medical expenses quickly, and it is not surprising that there are often disputes between doctors and patients.

"Go ahead!"

After the patient's husband threw his breakfast garbage into the bathroom, he walked directly to the payment office on the first floor of the inpatient department.

When he came to the bill payment window, the patient's husband bowed his head and said to the bill collector through the glass window: "Doctor, hello! Please check Ward 805, how much is Jiang Chunyan's medicine fee?"

The billing staff quickly tapped the keyboard to check Jiang Chunyan's medical expenses on the computer.

"There is still 3500 yuan, are you going to be discharged from the hospital?"

When Jiang Chunyan heard that the 3500 yuan was paid back, Jiang Chunyan's husband felt that something was wrong. He had paid 5000 yuan in advance for medical expenses. He had been hospitalized for half a month, so how could there be so much money left.

Jiang Chunyan hurriedly asked, "Doctor, did you make a mistake?"

The charging staff inside explained: "There is no mistake. Didn't you use the account of the hospital's external experts? Their charging methods are different. Only after the first stage of treatment is completed and the treatment effect is achieved, will the fee be deducted from the fee." money."

With that said, the toll collector handed over a bill of payment to Jiang Chunyan's husband.

Recently, the toll collectors have explained a lot about the payment of fees.

Jiang Chunyan's husband took the payment list, and sure enough, only the hospitalization fee was deducted from it, and there was no medical expense.

I couldn't help but be happy in my heart: there is such a good thing, I really deserve to be a great expert, and I only charge for the curative effect.

However, their conversation was overheard by a doctor pretending to be passing by.

Since the establishment of a separate charging window for invited Chinese medicine experts, many doctors in the hospital have become curious.

In the past, the city hospital invited doctors and professors from large hospitals to sit in for consultations, but they never specially opened a fee window.

Li Weiying has no choice. After all, the charging model of the pilot is not the same as the current charging model of the hospital, so he can only open another window.

The doctor who eavesdropped hurriedly walked into the elevator after hearing all the conversation between the toll collector and Jiang Chunyan's husband.

In the general internal medicine office, the eavesdropping doctor knocked on the door of Director Qian's office.

Pushing open the door and entering the office, Director Qian hurriedly asked, "I have found out the situation!"

The doctor who eavesdropped nodded: "I got it clear, the charging method of these experts invited from outside is different from ours. It is true that the fee is deducted only after the patient has curative effect after treatment."

Director Qian said with a gloomy face: "I'll just say it! How could there be a family member of a patient asking us to see the curative effect before giving money for no reason. It turns out that the root cause is here."

The trial of Li Weiying's curative effect charging model has been carried out for half a month, and many patients have been discharged from the hospital.

And this new charging method has naturally spread among patients and their families.

Seeing such a charging method that is beneficial to the patients, the patient's condition does not improve, but the expensive medical expenses are spent like running water.

Some family members of patients have proposed to their attending physicians to adopt the same charging model.

This situation was quickly reflected in the ears of the directors of various departments, and there was an eavesdropping drama like today.

General medicine is not the first to do this. Many departments have sent spies to the expert charging window to inquire about the situation.

Director Qian frowned and muttered to himself: "I always feel that there is something wrong with these experts. It seems that the posture of planning to sit here for a long time is the source of this."

After muttering to himself, Director Qian looked at the doctor in front of him and asked, "Deputy Director Liu, tell me your opinion."

Deputy Director Liu said tentatively: "I heard that our Dean Li will implement a charging method proposed by him when he takes office. I don't know if there is such a thing."

Director Qian nodded and said, "There is indeed such a thing, but it was rejected by all department directors."

It was also this joint rejection of Li Weiying's proposal that gave these department directors the illusion that they could fight against the dean

There is also the big inspection that is still going on, and these doctors who have tasted the sweetness of making money have lived a miserable life recently.

Deputy Director Liu tentatively said again: "Director, you said that these experts are currently adopting the plan proposed by our dean."

Director Qian seemed to understand something, sat up straight, and said eagerly: "Deputy Director Liu, please tell me what you inquired about yourself."

Deputy Director Liu then carefully told Director Qian everything he knew.

After hearing what Deputy Director Liu said, Director Qian frowned, leaned back in his chair limply, and recalled what Li Weiying told him before.

Although the current charging model is similar to Li Weiying's naive one after research and modification by experts like Mr. Lu, it is more realistic and in line with traditional Chinese medicine, but the core charging model has not changed.

Director Qian soon understood: "Is this person surnamed Li really going to fight against the doctors in the whole hospital? It's fine to have a major checkup, and we have to pay for the curative effect, so that those patients will be riding on our necks to show their authority." Fu, if you pay only after you see the curative effect, then we doctors don't do it."

Thinking that the people invited were all from the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Mengjiang Medical University, Director Qian patted the table furiously and said: "The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, surnamed Huang, is going to cut off the money of the doctors in the whole hospital. Drive everyone to a dead end!"

Director Qian only realized that what Li Weiying and Huang Su did would cut off their money, but he didn't realize that Li Weiying and Huang Su were playing a big game that could change the existing medical billing system.


After breakfast, Huang Su and Li Yan took the down jacket from Yan Bing.

Today is the day when Mr. Lu and Professor Sun return to the capital, and Huang Su and Li Yan will also follow them to the capital.

Huang Su looked at Yan Bing's pregnant belly and said, "I'll be back soon after my defense is over!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Su gently kissed Yan Bing's forehead.

At this time, Mother Huang also gave the suitcase to Huang Su: "Okay, Yan Bing will be taken care of by me, so you can go to the capital with peace of mind."

Hearing that Huang Su was going to the capital to do a doctoral defense, Huang's mother came to Grassland City from her hometown to take care of Yan Bing.

Originally, when Yan Bing was about to give birth, Huang's mother would come to take care of her daughter-in-law. She couldn't let her in-laws take care of her all the time, but now it was just ahead of schedule.

With her mother taking care of her at home, Huang Su was completely relieved, put on the down jacket, picked up the suitcase, and bid farewell to Yan Bing and Huang's mother: "Mom, Yan Bing, I'm leaving! I'll be back before New Year's Day. "

Huang Su and Li Yan took a taxi to the airport, met Mr. Lu, Professor Sun and others, and boarded the plane to the capital.

Just when Huang Su boarded the plane and flew to the capital.

In the city hospital, Director Qian, who was working in the office, received an unexpected call.

(End of this chapter)

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