Chapter 377

Two brightly colored banners hung above the gate of the outpatient building of the city hospital, fluttering with the cold wind from the northeast.

Warmly welcome Lu Zhizheng from Guang'anmen Hospital of China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing to visit our hospital for consultation.

Warmly welcome Professor Chen Jingshan from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Mengjiang Medical University to visit our hospital
Below the two banners stood many patients watching.

For people in small places, a large hospital in the capital is the authority, and a research institute that can be named after China is the authority among authorities.

Mengjiang Medical University is the highest institution for studying medicine in the Mengjiang area, and Chen Jingshan's name also has a strong authority.

In addition, under Huang Su's several years of management in Grassland City, everyone has greatly improved their views on Chinese medicine, and they believe in the curative effect of Chinese medicine even more.

Seeing that the city hospital invited professors of traditional Chinese medicine from the capital city to come to the city hospital for consultation, many of them wanted to see experts from the capital city.

Go into the outpatient hall.

The most prominent place in the outpatient hall is the profiles of Mr. Lu and Chen Jingshan, and the profile of one person is already surrounded by the patient's family members.

In the two consultation rooms with the best locations on the second floor, the signboard of the expert clinic was erected in the most conspicuous position.

In order to attract the attention of Western doctors in the hospital as soon as possible.

Li Weiying came up with this method, which can not only cover up the traces of the trial of payment for curative effect as much as possible.

Through the attractiveness of experts, more asthma patients, stroke patients, and arthritis patients come to the expert clinic for medical treatment, which facilitates the collection of more data.

Chen Jingshan, as a master of internal medicine in traditional Chinese medicine, is naturally in charge of the expert clinic for asthma.

Mr. Lu is an authority on the treatment of rheumatism in traditional Chinese medicine, so he is naturally in charge of the expert clinics for rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic systemic autoimmune disease mainly manifested by symmetrical peripheral arthritis; in severe cases, it can lead to joint deformity and loss of function.In traditional Chinese medicine, it belongs to the category of damp arthralgia syndrome "big numbness, calendar festival".

Mr. Lu treats rheumatoid arthritis quite a lot, and believes that most of these patients belong to deficiency in origin and excess in superficiality.

Mr. Lu is good at treating rheumatoid arthritis, and insists on the comparison of good and evil in syndrome differentiation.Lu Lao believes that the occurrence of arthralgia is mainly due to the lack of righteousness and the feeling of wind-cold, dampness and heat.Weakness of the body, lack of righteousness, lack of interstitial joints, and weak external defenses are the internal causes of arthralgia syndrome.

"Lingshu·The Beginning of All Diseases" said: "Wind, cold, and heat, there should be no false evil, and you can't hurt others alone. Those who are suddenly not sick in the event of a storm, wind and rain, because there is nothing wrong, so the evil cannot hurt others alone. This must be caused by virtual evil. Wind, and its body shape, the two are in harmony, and it is the shape of the guest."

"Su Wen Bi Lun" says: "The three qi of wind, cold and damp are mixed together, and they form numbness."

"Ji Sheng Fang" states: "All of them are numbness due to the deficiency of the body and the emptiness of the interstitial muscles, and the numbness caused by wind, cold and dampness."

External causes, such as feeling the evil of wind, cold and damp heat, living in a humid place, wading in the rain, sudden changes in climate, inappropriate cold and heat, etc., so that the evil invades the body, pours into the meridians, stays in the joints, and blocks Qi and blood.

Internal causes, endowment deficiency, nutrient and blood depletion, deficiency of qi and blood, loss of liver and kidney, or post-illness or postpartum body defenses are low, sweating after work, or cold shower after sweating, etc., exogenous evils take advantage of the deficiency.

The occurrence of arthralgia is also closely related to factors such as climatic conditions, living environment, individual constitution, postpartum, and trauma. Prognosis has a direct impact.Mr. Lu creatively put forward the theory of "five deficiencies and seven evils".

Rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in the southern region, the pathogenesis is rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis of the damp-heat numbness type.

The pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in the northern region, especially in the northeast region, is the rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis of the cold-heat paralysis type.

Now the specialist outpatient clinics are full of patients waiting to see specialists for consultation, and the corridors are also full of people, and the number of patients tends to gather more and more.

Northeast China has entered winter, and as the weather gets colder, asthma patients and patients with rheumatoid arthritis will become more and more serious.

Now there are experts from the capital coming to the city hospital for consultation, so of course everyone can't miss it.

This also shows that Huang Su made the right decision in choosing common diseases in Northeast China, and he doesn't worry about patient data at all.

In Lu Lao's specialist consultation room.

A young man pushed a wheelchair into Mr. Lu's clinic, and a young woman walked on it.

Seeing such a young person suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, Mr. Lu was also surprised.

The occurrence of arthralgia disease is mainly responsible for lack of righteousness and feeling wind-cold, damp and heat all evils.Weakness of the body, lack of righteousness, lack of interstitial joints, and weak external defenses are the internal causes of arthralgia syndrome.

Therefore, it generally takes a long time to develop rheumatoid arthritis, especially rheumatoid arthritis has become a common disease in the northeast region due to the climate in the northeast, and the patients are generally middle-aged and elderly people.

Lu Lao asked kindly: "Girl doll, tell me about your condition."

Seeing Mr. Lu, who is full of energy and full of silver hair but meticulously combed, the young husband and wife feel relieved when they see Mr. Lu.

"After I gave birth, I was confinement and the weather was very hot, so I froze drinks every day. The old man at home told me not to eat cold food, and told me not to blow cold wind. I didn't take it seriously at the time, thinking that modern medicine is so advanced. Now, I still need to listen to your old traditions. I simply turned on the air conditioner and drank cold drinks. Before I finished confinement, I felt chilly in my bones, as if the cold drinks and the cool wind had penetrated into my bones went."

"Unexpectedly, half a year later, when I woke up in the morning, my joints were so stiff that I couldn't move for an hour. Then I started to worry. I went to various treatments, but they could only relieve temporarily, and there was no cure. Now I can't walk, so I just do it. The wheelchair makes my physical strength worse and worse, and the rheumatism is getting worse."

The woman said with regret and sadness on her face: "The old man is because I am young and ignorant, which made me suffer from a disease that can't survive or die."

Stubborn rheumatoid arthritis can be called an immortal cancer.The ancients referred to common rheumatic arthralgia as calendar pain.The most powerful one is called the White Tiger Calendar Festival, and it hurts like a tiger biting your joints. You can't live or die.

The pain was so painful that I wanted to commit suicide. This kind of pain was really like the bite of a poisonous snake or a tiger, and it hurt to the bone.

Mr. Lu walked up to the young woman, only to see that the woman's elbows and knees were slightly bent and could not be straightened.

In Chinese medicine, this is called poor joint flexion and extension. In Western medicine, it is called joint deformity. It is a very serious condition of rheumatoid arthritis, and symptoms will appear.

When the economic conditions are not good, why do most women in the northern region have particularly large finger joints, and some even have deformities.

It is the result of washing and washing vegetables in cold water in winter, and my hands have suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for many years.

When you first suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, the joints will appear red, swollen, and painful.In addition, the pain will be more severe, the onset is more rapid, usually at night, and another obvious feature is refusal to press.

Mr. Lu has rich experience in treating rheumatism. Looking at the condition of the young woman, he can basically judge her condition.

"Girl doll stretches out her hand, I'll take the pulse."

Back in his seat, Mr. Lu put three fingers on the young woman's wrist, and his pulse was slippery and tight. This is a very typical pulse condition of cold-damp numbness.

Lu Lao let go of his hand and continued: "Stick out your tongue, let me see the coating on your tongue."

The woman slowly stuck out her tongue. The woman's tongue was light red, and the tongue coating was white and greasy, like a thick layer of putty smeared on her tongue.

Seeing Mr. Lu diagnose his daughter-in-law, this is the best and best Chinese medicine doctor in the capital. In addition, I know from the introduction in the hall that the old Chinese medicine doctor in front of me has been in the border of Mengjiang for more than ten years, so I feel closer and more trustworthy.

The young woman's husband couldn't wait to ask: "Doctor, can my wife's disease be cured? We have been running for advice in the past two years, and we have taken a lot of pills, but the disease has not improved at all. On the contrary, the body is getting worse. It's getting worse."

It's not that they look down on a certain doctor, but they really can't cure rheumatism and rheumatoid disease, or else they couldn't be listed as the fifth most incurable disease.

No matter what kind of disease is a bacterial infection or a viral infection, you can always only see the most superficial things on the surface of the human body.

While writing the prescription, Mr. Lu said: "The girl's illness should be hospitalized first. Don't worry, and actively cooperate with our treatment."

This time, Mr. Lu's prescription was not at all the same as before.

Not only clearly write pulse condition, tongue condition, symptoms, syndrome differentiation results, prescription list.

Also write down the first period of treatment time and the specific situation of symptom improvement in detail, which will be used as a voucher for payment for curative effect.

At that time, computer entry had not yet been popularized, and medical insurance networking had not yet been seen.

If the hospital's billing system is connected to the medical insurance network, all curative effect billing calculations and cost deduction can be completed on the computer.

It is not necessary to let the patient's family know everything in detail. It is actually a taboo to make a promise to the patient.

Although it is only an estimation of the treatment effect written on the prescription list of the efficacy payment pilot, the patient's family members will not think so, they will only think it is a clear efficacy.

But now the technology can't meet the requirements, so we can only adopt the primitive and stupid method.

Otherwise, Li Weiying's thinking is a bit ahead of her time.

If the curative effect payment model is not too important to Chinese medicine, we can make great efforts to overcome difficulties.

The woman's husband, Mr. Lu, handed over the prescription and found that the prescription was different from the past.

Seeing the effect after the treatment was clearly written on the prescription, the woman's husband looked at Mr. Lu in surprise, and asked hesitantly, "Doctor, is this true?"

Mr. Lu has a wealth of treatments, and he has seen many diseases that are worse than young women. He said with a very firm tone: "The rheumatism of the girl is caused by cold-dampness. Guizhi decoction can unblock yang and relieve numbness, dispel wind and dampness, and the first stage is to treat joint swelling and pain by removing cold dampness."

Listening to Mr. Lu's explanation, the hope of his wife's recovery suddenly rose in the man's heart.

But when he saw the prescription for aconitum, the man still hesitated and asked: "Doctor, don't everyone say that aconitum is highly poisonous? Can I replace it with other medicines with the same effect?"

Since the 90s, under the money offensive of western medicine groups, the media has begun to stigmatize Chinese herbal medicines. They have published and hyped toxic medicines, exaggerating the dangers of toxic medicines, and causing panic among people who believe in traditional Chinese medicine. Not to mention that Chinese medicine can reduce toxicity through processing and compatibility.

A batch of poisonous traditional Chinese medicines such as aconitum, aconite, Tianxiong, nuxychia, pinellia, asarum, etc., are exaggerated by them, and even some doctors who graduated from Chinese medicine colleges dare not use them.

Mr. Lu said: "You are right, aconitum is very poisonous, but aconitum is a very hot thing, and it is also a good product for anesthesia and pain relief in traditional Chinese medicine. None."

Seeing that the man still had doubts, Mr. Lu continued: "Although aconitum is a highly poisonous substance, after processing it is still extremely poisonous. We will also control the dosage, so you can take it with confidence."

"And if you are hospitalized, you don't have to worry about poisoning."

The most common method of processing aconitum is to refine aconitum honey, which is to refine aconitum, honey and a large amount of licorice.

It can not only maintain the efficacy of aconitum, but also reduce its toxicity. Among them, licorice can also detoxify, and honey can also slow down, detoxify and tonify deficiency, even if the last bit of toxicity is not a concern.

Hearing Mr. Lu's explanation, the man felt relieved, stood up and bowed to Mr. Lu, "Thank you doctor."

Lu Lao said with a smile: "Go, go through the hospitalization procedures!"

The man left the outpatient clinic with a wheelchair.

He left with hope on his face.

Rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis can be divided into eight syndrome types in traditional Chinese medicine, cold-damp numbness, damp-heat stasis, mixed cold and heat, deficiency of qi and blood, weakness of defensive qi, imbalance of liver and spleen, and mutual phlegm and blood stasis. resistance, liver and kidney deficiency.

The vast majority of rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in the northern region are caused by cold-damp numbness.

Lu Lao's treatment method is often used for rheumatoid arthritis with cold-dampness obstruction and wind-dampness obstruction syndrome. The commonly used prescriptions are Maxing Yigan Decoction combined with Wutou Decoction, Yanghe Decoction, Wutou Guizhi Decoction, Mahuang Fuzi Xixin Decoction reduce.

Maxingyigan Decoction comes from "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber". It is Zhang Zhongjing's ancestral prescription for treating rheumatism. When limbs and joints are painful and heavy, joint flexion and extension are difficult, the tongue is pale red, and the fur is white and greasy, Lu Lao often takes this prescription to relieve rheumatism. Wind dehumidification, or take almonds and coix seed alone to remove the moisture in the upper and middle burners.When the whole body has severe aversion to wind and cold, and the patient has obvious symptoms of yang deficiency, Lu Laoxi uses Wutou decoction to unblock yang and relieve numbness.

However, the dosage of Aconitum aconitum should not be too large, 3-6g is suitable, crude drugs should not be used, and it needs to be processed. It should be decocted for 0.5-1 hour in clinical application.

When the patient is deficient in essence and blood, such as long-term illness or the age of the female is over seventy-seven, and the age of the male is over eighty-eight years old, the meaning of Yanghe Decoction should be taken, and the ephedra first ventilates the lung qi, the second stimulates the blood vessels, the third stimulates the kidney yang, and the fourth dispels cold and congeals .Ephedra with rehmannia: "Ephedra gets rehmannia without being superficial, and rehmannia sees ephedra but not greasy."

Mr. Lu believes that when the cold is deep and deep into the joints, Wutou decoction is used to strengthen the spirit, but it must be supplemented with warming and nourishing liver and kidney. It is a product of flesh and blood. Take it for a long time to get the full effect.There are also those who are not physically weak, suffer from severe cold and dampness, flow into the joints, and the yang qi is blocked, and the ephedra aconite asarin decoction is used to open it, and the healing will be faster.

(End of this chapter)

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