Reborn 1979 to farm

Chapter 232 Is it right?elder brother!

Chapter 232 Is it right?elder brother!

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Jiang Chuyang looked at the little bean buns and smiled: "Eat the little rice balls, little sweet potatoes, and little Panzi while they are away, or you won't be able to eat them later."

It's not that he's particularly fond of the little bean buns.

It's about eating lamb head meat in winter.

It has the effect of nourishing the body.

Before that, Xiaodoubao fell ill again.

Eat more mutton head here.

That should be good for the body.

Unexpectedly, however.

The small bean bag is full of a large bowl of mutton head meat.

Instead, he ran out on short legs to find Xiaofantuan and the others: "Brother, I won't eat by myself. This is so good, I must share it with Xiaofantuan and the others."

"But the problem is, do you want to save some for us to taste?" Jiang Guoqing couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

"This girl doesn't take us seriously at all!" He Wenwen couldn't help complaining.

"How about I ask her to share some mutton head meat with you?" Li Hongyu suggested upon seeing this.

"No need for this." He Wenwen waved her hands.

"We're already full." Jiang Guoqing also echoed with a sneer.

After all, as adults, they compete with children for food.

That is somewhat unreasonable.

"Then let's deal with the bonfire and don't burn it to other places." Jiang Chuyang said and walked towards the gate: "I'll pick up that hunter and settle the bill by the way."

"Is there still roasted whole lamb to eat that night?" He Wenwen asked incredulously.

Jiang Guoqing also had some expectations.

Even Li Hongyu, Li Xiaomei, Li Wuyi, and Bao Jinlian all looked at Jiang Chuyang.

After all, the roasted whole lamb just now tasted really good.

It's a pity that there are too many people.

I haven't had enough.

"If you want to eat, you can have it at night."

Jiang Chuyang looked back at this scene and smiled.

Then turned away.

"Great." He Wenwen cheered, happy like a child.

"But there's not enough firewood!" Jiang Guoqing glanced at the situation in the backyard.

"Isn't there still a lot here?" Li Wuyi pointed to the tall firewood piled up at the door of the firewood room.

"Chuyang's roast lamb is all made of pine branches and pine leaves." He Wenwen reminded.

"If other dry firewood was available, Dalong would not have asked the children to collect firewood before." Jiang Guoqing added seriously.

"Okay! I'm ignorant." Li Wuyi rolled up his sleeves: "Leave the matter of the firewood to me. You help Chuyang. If possible at night, I will call your second uncle's family over for dinner. .”

"What about the third uncle?" He Wenwen asked casually.

"Don't mention him." Bao Jinlian's face became gloomy after being stunned.

"Okay!" He Wenwen was embarrassed.

"Oh! Son, I have no other intentions." Bao Jinlian explained with a soft sigh, "It's because Li Fei set fire to the small rice paper workshop and refused to admit his mistakes to his elder brother. I reported him a few days ago and caught Meteor Went to the police station."

It's not that she's unfeeling.

It's their Li family being tossed by Li Fei like this.

Then everyone will follow suit.

Especially my aunt Deng Xiuzhi.

I was so angry that I couldn't eat anymore.

So she's a mother.

Action must be taken.

"What?" He Wenwen was taken aback.

It was Jiang Guoqing and Li Hongyu who heard the inside story.

That complexion has changed.

After all, it was Bao Jinlian in the past.

But he would not do such a righteous thing to kill relatives.

If he had done it earlier, I'm afraid Li Fei would not be so 'rampant' at all.

"Okay, okay! Don't mention such unlucky things during Chinese New Year." Li Wuyi saw that the atmosphere was a little awkward, and immediately put aside the subject with a smile: "What should everyone do? I'll go to the pine forest to collect firewood. gone."


Straight to the back door.

Bao Jinlian let out a long sigh, supported by Li Hongyu and He Wenwen.

Turned around and walked towards the hall.

Jiang Guoqing took a look.

Just deal with the bonfire that is still burning on the ground.


main entrance.

The burly hunter saw Jiang Chuyang coming out.

Lian stopped chatting with a few companions.

Pointing to the two wild goats and five fat hares on the ground, he said, "I've hunted so many after working for a long time. If it's not enough, I'll bring people to hunt them later."

"Enough, enough." Jiang Chuyang watched and replied.

After all, it's past two o'clock now.

Let them go hunting again.

Then in case of danger.

Then he won't feel at ease eating this wild goat.

Besides, the two wild goats on the ground were bigger than the previous one.

If it's all for baking tonight.

That should be absolutely enough.

After all, there were several fat hares, anyway.

"Then how about I sell you two wild goats for ten yuan each?" the burly hunter asked with a smile.

"No! I'll give you fifteen yuan a head. After all, it's bigger than the previous one. I won't let you suffer." Jiang Chuyang said seriously.

Maybe others don't know the hard work of hunting, but he, the reborn one, does.

So with a heart to heart, he couldn't treat these hunters who helped hunt badly.

To put it bluntly, if Meteor Town is closer to the city.

The hunted wild goats were sent to the big hotel.

I'm afraid you can buy thirty or forty yuan for one head.

Because all fools know that mutton is more expensive than pork.

And it's much more expensive.

At least that's the case in Hy City.

And when he said that.

That made the burly hunter somewhat flattered.

After Han smiled and came back to his senses.

Lian Dao: "Since you are so talkative, I will give you these few hares to eat."

"No need, let's add up to forty yuan!" Jiang Chuyang took out a stack of ten yuan bills. He wanted to count out four for the burly hunter, but when he thought of the scene where he gave away the big bills, he quickly took them away. He got up and took out the change on his body.

About to count out forty dollars.

But the burly hunter said: "Give me ten yuan! I believe in you."

"Are you not afraid that I will give you fake money this time?" Jiang Chuyang laughed when he heard this.

"To be honest, I suspected that the five yuan you gave me was fake, so I went to the rural cooperative in the town to ask whether it was true or not, and it turned out..." Speaking of this, the burly hunter dared not go Next said.

"What happened?" Jiang Chuyang asked.

"In the end, I was scolded." The burly hunter replied awkwardly.

"Isn't it?" Jiang Chuyang almost laughed out loud.

"Really, the person who scolded me said that there is no fake denomination of ten yuan or five yuan now. It's really a bumpkin who came to the city, and everything he saw was fake." The burly hunter added.

"I don't like to hear these words, who hasn't had the first time!" Jiang Chuyang coughed lightly and suppressed his laugh, then quickly took out four ten-yuan denominations and handed them to the burly hunter: "You keep the money Now, let everyone recognize it when the time comes, so that when you go out in the future, you won’t be called a country bumpkin.”

"That's what I really mean." The burly hunter continued.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have asked Jiang Chuyang for ten yuan bills.

"Well, I can't let those who eat the imperial food look deflated." Jiang Chuyang bent down and picked up two wild goats on the ground, and saw a few girls playing around, and even shouted: "Stop playing, help Take the hare to the backyard."

"Well, come on." Xiao Fantuan was the first to run over with his short legs.

The sweaty little Panzi and Little Sweet Potato followed behind.

Xiaodoubao went to get the empty bowl on the ground.

But wait until they get close to the hare on the ground.

One by one, they backed away in fright.

It turned out that there were two fat hares that were still alive.

One of them was struggling desperately.

The strong hind legs kicked a few times.

Actually kicked the ground out of a small pit.

"Wow, this bunny is so fierce!" Xiao Fantuan's expression changed with fright.

"Well, brother, we dare not mention this." Xiao Panzi raised his head and said.

"How about I call Big Brother over?" Little Sweet Potato suggested.

"No need, I'll help." The burly hunter laughed heartily at this scene, bent down and picked up the five hares on the ground, followed Jiang Chuyang, and walked towards the backyard talking and laughing.

Seeing this, the other hunters glanced at each other and followed behind.

After all, it all came to Li Wu's family.

It would be somewhat inappropriate not to say hello to the New Year's Eve.

Seeing this, the three little guys followed closely behind.


in the backyard.

Only Jiang Guoqing was there.

The bonfire was almost extinguished by this time.

But it didn't go out.

After all, there is no fire in winter.

Then this person will be unbearably cold.

"Brother, where have all these people gone?" Jiang Chuyang, who came in with a wild goat, couldn't help asking when he saw this scene.

"Uncle went to find firewood for roasting whole sheep, and our mother and Wenwen accompanied grandma to the main room." Jiang Guoqing walked up to meet him quickly, and stretched out his hand to help take a wild goat: "My God! That's enough! Fat!"

"Hares are fat." The burly hunter following Jiang Chuyang raised the five hares in his hands.

"Well, at least three or four catties each." Jiang Chuyang echoed.

"Buy them all?" Jiang Guoqing was astonished.

"Otherwise, how can there be enough to eat at night?" Jiang Chuyang casually threw the wild goat beside the bonfire: "I'll call my mother to boil water, or I won't be able to eat this whole roasted lamb until dark."

"Okay!" Jiang Guoqing nodded.

See several hunters followed into the backyard.

Laughing, he took out a cigarette and started smoking.

Before the post was finished, one of the hulking, round-faced hunters yelled out.

Then he ran to the skeleton of the wild goat in front of the bonfire: "My God! You guys are really powerful! Did you eat this wild goat weighing thirty to forty catties in one meal?"

"Is it great?" Little Sweet Potato tilted his head: "The nest is still full!"

"Me too, my stomach is flat." Little Sweet Potato agreed.

"Hey! If you want to blame, blame the roasted whole lamb made by brother is so perfect." Xiao Panzi imitated the adults and sighed softly.

"Anyway, it's the best roast whole lamb I've ever had." Xiaodoubao couldn't help but say something.

"Really?" The round-faced hunter didn't believe a word of what the four little guys said.

Other hunters, including burly hunters, thought the same way.

But they didn't say it either.

After all, kids love bragging.

That's normal though.

Seeing that no one saw Li Wuyi in the backyard.

After they looked at each other.

I said goodbye to Jiang Guoqing.

Who knows just turned around.

Bao Jinlian showed up with Li Hongyu and He Wenwen.

This makes them helpless.

I had to smile and go up to say hello.

It's all one town after all.

Even if you don't know the name.

That's mostly cooked.

He Wenwen and Li Hongyu saw this.

I ran to make tea in a hurry.

Jiang Chuyang, who came back, saw this scene and didn't care too much.

Instead, he handled the five hares on the ground with a kitchen knife.

For him, wild game must be eaten fresh to be authentic.

If the meat is left for a long time, the taste will be greatly reduced.

The burly hunter who sat down to drink tea saw this scene.

He couldn't help laughing and said: "I saw that you are an amateur in handling wild rabbits. We eat wild rabbits here without peeling their skins."

"There is a way to eat without peeling the skin, and there is a way to eat without peeling the skin. This has nothing to do with laymen." Jiang Chuyang replied without raising his head.

"That's right, that's right, the stewed rabbit and rabbit meat that Uncle Wo sat on is just right." Xiao Fantuan couldn't help but say something.

"Don't underestimate my brother, he can do everything right." Xiaodoubao agreed.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Your brother is amazing." The burly hunter didn't want to compete with these two little girls. After drinking all the tea, he was about to leave with his companions, but Li Yuanliang came back in a hurry.

Bao Jinlian went up to meet her in a daze: "How is your mother doing in the clinic?"

"It's much better. I can talk and drink porridge. But I left in a hurry and didn't bring much clothes. She was cold. I had no choice but to come back to get clothes." Li Yuanliang told the truth with a smile.

"Then I'll help you prepare clothes." When Bao Jinlian heard the good news, she ran towards the back room happily.

Seeing this, Li Xiaomei followed excitedly.

Li Hongyu didn't follow, but pulled Li Yuanliang to sit down: "Are you walking back?"

"Yeah." Li Yuanliang nodded.

"Then have you had lunch?" Li Hongyu asked again.

"No! Originally, I wanted to eat in the health center, but today is the third day of the Lunar New Year, and their cafeteria is closed!" Li Yuanliang replied with a wry smile.

"Then I'll go to the kitchen and get you something to eat." Li Hongyu got up and left.

"Mom, wait a minute." Jiang Chuyang called to stop Li Hongyu.

"Why?" Li Hongyu looked back at Jiang Chuyang.

"There's ready-made food here, why go to the kitchen?" Jiang Chuyang said as he rolled up his sleeves, and turned to look at Jiang Guoqing: "Brother, don't look at it, light up the bonfire, and the I brought over the useless big iron pan from the kitchen of my uncle’s house, the kind that hangs on the wall with a big hole in it.”

"Oh!" Although Jiang Guoqing was puzzled.

But I did it anyway.

After lighting up the bonfire.

I ran to get the big iron pot with a rotten hole.

After a while, he came back.

Handed the big iron pot to Jiang Chuyang: "What should I do next?"

"Go and get the sesame oil, cinnamon bark, pepper powder, and salt from the kitchen." After Jiang Chuyang said this, he kicked the big iron pot into several pieces, and then put it on the campfire to roast.

"No, what are you doing?" Jiang Guoqing was anxious.

Li Hongyu, He Wenwen, the burly hunter, and the four girls were also a little dumbfounded.

"Brother, go and get something! Why are you asking so many questions?" Jiang Chuyang smiled wryly, raised a kitchen knife and chopped off a leg of lamb, then put it on the chopping board, removed the bones and skin, and then cut it up. The slices were sliced ​​very thin and even.

This made several hunters present gasp.

Only then did I know that Jiang Chuyang is a person with real skills.

Otherwise, ordinary people would not be able to do this step at all.

"Okay!" Jiang Guoqing also knew that he was talking too much.

He turned around and ran to the kitchen to get the condiments Jiang Chuyang needed.

Just in case, this time he and Li Hongyu took out all the condiments they could get.

Including onion ginger garlic.

And after Jiang Chuyang cut the mutton slices.

Just pour the sesame oil on the hot iron pan.

Seeing the green smoke coming out, I directly used the chopsticks to hold the mutton slices and put them on top to roast them.

Then sprinkle a little salt, pepper, and cinnamon powder.

It only took ten seconds.

The unique aroma of teppanyaki wafts out.

I saw Li Yuanliang drooling and watching.

Quickly picked it up and handed it over: "Come on, taste it, be careful it's hot!"

"Good! Good!" Li Yuanliang quickly opened his mouth and ate.

"Is it right? Brother." Little Sweet Potato bit her index finger and asked.

"It must be just right." Xiao Fantuan hurriedly took the bowl with his short legs.

"Wait for me." Xiao Panzi followed behind with Xiaodoubao.

The burly hunter, Li Hongyu, Jiang Guoqing and others swallowed their saliva and looked at Li Yuanliang, waiting for the answer.

It's not that they don't know restraint at all.

It's the mutton slices roasted in iron pans.

It's really delicious.



(End of this chapter)

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