The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 349 Li Yunlong: Old Zhao, you are a softie

Chapter 349 Li Yunlong: Old Zhao, you are a softie (second update)

Li Yunlong became angry when he heard it, and said angrily: "He, Kong Er, can wipe out all the troops all the way, why can't it be my turn, Li Yunlong!"

"Old Zhao, you are a softie..."

"Isn't it just more than [-] Japanese puppet troops and more than a dozen heavy artillery and field artillery? There is nothing to be afraid of."

"No matter how good the equipment is, the fucking little devils are still human beings. They carry a head on their shoulders, and a bullet can still kill them."

"When you meet on a narrow road, the brave win..."

"Wolves travel thousands of miles to eat meat, dogs travel thousands of miles to eat shit... Kong Er's idiot can eat meat, so can I, Li Yunlong..."

It was rare for Zhao Gang to lose his temper once.

Hearing Li Yunlong say that he is a softie, he couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed directly: "What nonsense are you kidding, how come I, Zhao Gang, become a softie!"

"When have you ever seen me be afraid of fighting devils... Isn't it the puppet army of more than [-] days? If you really want to fight, I, Zhao Gang, will definitely accompany you to the end. Let's see who is the real softie..."

As soon as Li Yunlong heard that Zhao Gang agreed to fight this battle, his face beamed with joy, and he pretended to be confused and said, "Who said our political commissar Zhao is a softie... I, Li Yunlong, definitely didn't say what I said just now!"

"Our Political Commissar Zhao is not only a top student, but also a sharpshooter who is one of the best in a hundred. He is the hero of our new second regiment!"

"In the future, if I hear someone say that our political commissar Zhao is a softie, I will definitely not spare him!"

Zhao Gang gave Li Yunlong a hard look, and said helplessly, "You are a dog, and your face can change faster than turning the pages of a book!"

Li Yunlong didn't answer, but his face has returned to the serious expression after listening to the report, staring at the map and analyzing: "Since we have decided to fight this battle, let's get down to business!"

"The puppet army of more than [-] days is really difficult for the current independent regiment to eat. If I can use guerrilla warfare to reduce their total strength to less than [-], I will be [-]% sure to wipe them out!"

"Zhang Dabiao has fought against them, he has experience!"

"When he comes back, listen to his thoughts first, and then decide how to fight!"

While the two were talking, the radio operator suddenly ran towards them: "Report to the head, political commissar... Header Kong urgently calls!"

After reading the telegram quickly, Li Yunlong handed it to Zhao Gang and said with emotion: "Kong Er's idiot is getting more and more courageous, and he even wants to eat up the [-]-day puppet army on the blockade!"

Zhao Gang thought so deeply, but then showed a worried expression: "Do you want to remind Commander Kong: The Japanese and puppet troops built a large number of machine gun bunkers on the blockade line, and it is very difficult to wipe them all out. Please think carefully about this matter." battle!"

Li Yunlong shook his head: "No need!"

"Based on what I know about Kong Er's idiot, he must not be so bold himself!"

"This idea is probably proposed by Huang Yu!"

"Since both Huang Yu and Kong Jie agree with this plan, it means that they have already thought of a way to break the situation!"

"But there is one thing that must be reminded!"

"I have no objection to them taking down the blockade and killing the [-] Japanese puppet troops there!"

"But it has to be a little later, we can only act after the decisive battle between us and the devils begins!"

"If they take down the blockade ahead of time, the Japanese and puppet troops who enter our base area will be attacked by the enemy, and they will definitely not dare to continue to sweep us!"

"Then we will not be able to fight the decisive battle that we have carefully prepared!"

At the Taiyuan Japanese Army Headquarters, several combat staff surrounded the sand table, constantly moving the red and blue flags on it, making the frontline battle situation more clear at a glance. Yoshio Shinozuka could see it clearly even standing here.

"Your Excellency, Commander...the two raiding forces have all entered the base of the New Second Regiment!" The Chief of Staff introduced, pointing to two small red flags on the sand table.

"The troops of the New Second Regiment heard the news and continued to attack us with guerrilla warfare, mobile warfare, and mine warfare!"

"The mopping-up troops followed our method of dealing with the Independent Regiment, repelling the raiding troops with the advantage of artillery fire. The whole army formed a group and began to sweep across the base of the New Second Regiment, heading straight to Zhaojiayu, where their regiment headquarters is located..."

"The field hospital of the New Second Regiment, the logistics warehouse, and the logistics organization... are all in Zhaojiayu, and there is no sign of retreating and transferring!"

"As long as the mopping up troops kill them in time, we can wipe them all out and force the main force of the new second regiment to fight us!"

Shinozuka Yoshio said with satisfaction: "Although the new second group is not as strong as the independent group, we still have to prevent them from jumping over the wall in a hurry!"

"If they reinforce the troops of the Independent Regiment and return in time, they will definitely be able to severely damage our troops and sweep them all the way!"

"I don't want this kind of accident to happen again on the battlefield!"

"That's why the mopping-up troops must make a quick decision, rush to Zhaojiayu before the reinforcements of the New Second Regiment return, and severely damage the Independent Regiment!"

"At that time, even if their reinforcements reach the battlefield, they will still give us their heads!"

Speaking of this, Shinozuka Yoshio suddenly looked at the base of the Independence Regiment, and asked seriously, "Where is the Independence Regiment that chased us down? Has there been any reinforcements for the New Second Regiment?"

"If there is an accident in our battle to wipe out the new second regiment, the variable must be on the independent regiment!"

The chief of staff replied very firmly: "Please rest assured, Commander!"

"The reason why the sweeping forces in the middle were defeated by the independent regiment is because they deliberately concealed their strength and artificially created an opportunity to gather superior forces to besiege us!"

"Our army suddenly turned around and headed towards the base of the New Second Regiment. The Independent Regiment didn't know, so immediately gather all the troops to hunt us down!"

"Our scouts and intelligence personnel took the opportunity to test their strength, and arranged a large number of troops to stare at them to ensure that their every move is under our surveillance!"

"The latest information shows that the main force of nearly [-] independent regiments has been blocked from the base of the new second regiment by the cordon!"

"They launched an attack, but we repelled it!"

"At present, an offensive position is being built in front of the blockade line, and it seems that we are going to fight to the death with our blockade force!"

"The humble job has specifically confessed to the intelligence personnel there!"

"Start them at all costs. If they divide or retreat, they must report to the military as soon as possible!"

"This humble job will definitely not give them a chance to steal!"

"Even if they send troops to reinforce the New Second Regiment on the small road, they can't escape our eyes, and the mountain road can only be light infantry."

"Without heavy weapons to cooperate with the battle, no matter how many light infantry the new second regiment acquires, it will not be an opponent of sweeping troops!"

The serious expression on Shinozuka Yoshio's face slowly eased: "As long as there are no accidents in the independent group, our operation to sweep up the new second group will definitely be foolproof!"

"Order the troops on the blockade line to block all attacks launched by the independent regiment at all costs, and absolutely not allow them to cross the blockade line and enter the base of the new second regiment!"

At [-] p.m., the last little devil plane disappeared over Yantoupo, which meant that no more planes would come to the battlefield for the next ten hours or so.

In less than an hour, more than a thousand soldiers who were divided into hiding in the woods gathered in front of the blockade.

The Japanese and puppet troops defending their positions entered a fighting state at the same time.

After several days of fighting with the New Second Regiment, they had figured out how the Eighth Route Army fought.

There were planes during the day, and the Eighth Route Army did not dare to attack the blockade against the bombing, but only dared to attack after dark.

They rest during the day and fight at night.

After dark, nearly [-] Japanese puppet troops rushed out of their tents and rushed to their combat positions as if they had been beaten to death.

The artillery unit was not idle either. Flares were fired one after another as if they were free of money, turning the battlefield into daylight and preventing the Eighth Route Army from sneaking into the blockade.

The effect is very good.

When the New Second Regiment attacked the blockade, Li Yunlong organized troops to sneak attack on the blockade several times, or attacked east and west, or repaired plank roads to cover Chencang secretly...all were defeated by flares!

At the same time, the captain of the devil guarding here raised his binoculars, and with the help of flares, he found the main force of the independent regiment.

After observing it carefully, he analyzed: "Yoxi... more than a thousand Eighth Route Army are in front of the position, which is exactly the same as the result reported by the intelligence agency... It shows that the Eighth Route Army that attacked us did not divide its troops, nor did it send troops to take a small route to reinforce the New Second Regiment!"

The deputy captain on the side frowned tightly, and the more he looked at the frown, the deeper the frown.

Suddenly interjected: "Captain, something seems wrong!"

"The Independent Regiment did not directly attack us like the New Second Regiment..."

The captain looked at the direction of the deputy captain's finger at the same time, and then said indifferently: "Isn't it just digging a trench, something is wrong!"

"Instead I think it's a good sign that they're digging trenches, further evidence that they want to storm the blockade!"

"Order the troops to strengthen their vigilance..."

"As long as the independent group dares to attack, we will use the most powerful firepower to defeat them and destroy them..."

"The Independence Regiment is the confidant of the Shanxi garrison. In this big raid, we lost all the raid troops and failed to eliminate them!"

"If we turn this place into the tomb of the Independence Regiment, hit them hard and eliminate them through blocking warfare, we will become the heroes of the entire Shanxi garrison!"

"The captain is's too lowly to worry too much!" The vice-captain quickly complimented him after thinking about the truth.

"Digging trenches in front of the battle is indeed the best proof that the Independence Regiment intends to storm us!"

The captain didn't like this kind of flattery, so he glared at the deputy captain before giving an order: "Stop talking nonsense!"

"Immediately send a telegram to the military headquarters, the independent regiment attacking us has gathered in front of the blockade and is building an offensive position to storm the blockade!"

"For the time being, there is no sign of dividing troops to bypass the blockade and directly reinforce the new second regiment!"

"Our army has stepped up its guard and guaranteed to hold the blockade!"

At the former enemy headquarters of the Independent Regiment, Huang Yu held up a telescope to observe the battlefield at the same time.

Xiao Yuan, the commander of the second battalion, often stood by and asked anxiously: "Staff Huang, am I still waiting for a big battle? As soon as you come up, let us dig trenches. Can this win the devil's blockade?"

Huang Yu replied very firmly: "If we want to win the blockade, we really need to rely on these trenches!"

"We have all seen the blocking fire on the position during the day. Without the cover of trenches, a mouse can't get close to the blockade, let alone destroy the machine gun bunker on the position!"

"Digging an offensive position is only the first step, and then we have to dig the trenches until the enemy's eyesight to be considered qualified!"

 The second one was delivered today!Ask for full order!

(End of this chapter)

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