The Sword of Swords is a Guard for Kong Jie

Chapter 348 Kong Jie: You underestimate Huang Yu too much

Chapter 348 Kong Jie: You underestimate Huang Yu too much (first update!)

"Really!" Zhao Gang answered.

"Commander Kong not only ordered Zhang Dabiao to rush back to the base area, but also sent Zhang Dabiao [-] bullets, [-] grenades, [-] shells, [-] heavy machine guns, and [-] mortars..."

After finishing speaking, he stared at Li Yunlong in surprise and said, "Old Li, you guessed everything right!"

"Headmaster Kong is indeed very kind. He took the initiative to send the ammunition we urgently needed without us sending a telegram..."

"What's the point?" Li Yunlong was rarely praised by Zhao Gang, and he said proudly: "I am an old comrade in arms from the same class as Kong Er, and I have already figured out his little thoughts!"

"It's just a little too stingy. After such a big victory, I only supported my father with [-] rounds of ammunition, five mortars, and five heavy machine guns. I didn't even divide my father into one or two heavy artillery!"

"When we win the anti-mopping up campaign, I will definitely go to the independent regiment and talk to him. If I can't satisfy me, I will stay in the independent regiment!"

Zhao Gang couldn't help joking: "You don't really want to ask Captain Kong for [-] rounds of ammunition, do you?"

"Although the independent regiment won a big victory, it doesn't mean that they can capture all the equipment and ammunition carried by the Japanese and puppet troops!"

"Maybe the bullets seized by the Independence Regiment on the battlefield don't add up to [-] rounds!"

"Besides, even if Commander Kong really gave us [-] bullets, Zhang Dabiao wouldn't be able to bring them back!"

"That's true too!" Li Yunlong resentfully said, and then began to give orders: "Call Zhang Dabiao back immediately: the troops return to the base immediately!"

"The wounded will temporarily stay in the independent regiment to recuperate, and return to the base after recovery!"

"The weapons and ammunition given to them by Kong Er's idiot must be brought back, not a single bullet is missing!"

Yantoupo is a defensive position where the Japanese army divided the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment.

The Japanese and puppet troops that Huang Yu was in charge of following were marching all the way as if they had been beaten to death, heading straight for here.

The Japanese and puppet troops blocking here have dropped from [-] to [-], but their overall strength has not decreased.

They have not been idle for the past few days. Apart from blocking the new second regiment, they will strengthen their positions when they have time.

Fortunately, they didn't have reinforced concrete in their hands, otherwise Yantoupo would definitely be built into a military fortress by them.

They obviously knew in advance that there were troops going to cross the blockade.

Not only did the support troops be arranged in advance, but also the rear troops were prepared to prevent the Eighth Route Army from following up and attacking and crossing the blockade together.

"Officer Huang, should we cross the blockade by taking a small path and continue chasing and killing the raiding troops!" Second Battalion Commander Xiao Yuanchang suggested eagerly.

Huang Yu shook his head and said, "We won't go there!"

"There is Captain Li's New Second Regiment on the other side of the blockade. They are also tough. It is definitely harder for the little devil to get a bargain from them. It is not bad for our troops!"

"Then we won't fight?" Xiao Yuanchang asked anxiously while staring at Huang Yu with a look of unwillingness on his face.

"Of course we want to fight!" Huang Yu said.

"The anti-sweeping day is not over, we will continue to fight..."

Xiao Yuanchang immediately showed an expectant expression, stared at Huang Yu and asked, "Where to hit? How?"

"I heard that the Assault Battalion wiped out more than [-] Japanese and puppet troops back and forth during the battle. It would be a lie to say that I don't envy them!"

"If there is a big battle, Staff Officer Huang must not forget the Second Battalion!"

Staff Officer Huang replied very seriously: "The specifics of how to fight have to be discussed with the commander!"

"But if there is a big battle, the Second Battalion must be the main force!"

Another blockade of the Japanese and puppet troops, Kong Jie had just watched the Japanese and puppet troops he was following pass through the blockade and entered the base of the Independence Regiment.

When he was worrying about how to provide support to Li Yunlong, Huang Yu's telegram arrived.

Kong Jie spent two minutes reading the telegram, and then raised his binoculars to stare at the blockade line of the Japanese and puppet troops.

"Duan Yong..." Kong Jie ordered suddenly.

"Here..." The battalion commander quickly rushed to Kong Jie and said with a straight face.

"Take out a company, concentrate all the heavy machine guns and mortars in the guard battalion, and attack the blockade once. I want to confirm how strong the enemy's blocking firepower is!"

"The offensive must be strong enough to force out all the enemy's firepower!"

"But we must control the casualties well. If the loss is too large, it will not count as completing the task!"

After a while, a company of soldiers came into Kong Jie's field of vision!

A group of three soldiers, with their guns in hand, formed skirmish lines to kill towards the blockade.

"Boom boom boom..."

The four mortars equipped by the guard battalion joined the battle at the same time, and the shells hit places where people might hide on the blockade as if they didn't need money.


As a result, as soon as the fifth round of shells was fired, the devil's counterattack artillery fire arrived.

Eight shells roared towards them, instantly knocking out two artillery positions of the guard battalion, scaring the gunners on the other two artillery positions to move quickly...

"Da da da... dong dong dong..."

Gunshots sounded at the same time, and the quiet blockade suddenly became lively.

"Dong dong dong..."

The six heavy machine guns equipped by the guard battalion joined the battle to suppress the newly exposed firepower of the Japanese and puppet troops.

But the firepower on the blockade line more than doubled.

It is equivalent to one heavy machine gun in the guard battalion and at least two heavy machine guns against the devils. Not only did they fail to suppress the blocking firepower of the Japanese and puppet troops, but they were suppressed by them on the ground.

Kong Jie frowned instantly, and ordered decisively: "The feint attacking troops can withdraw!"

The firepower of the Japanese and puppet troops on the blockade is indeed stronger than we imagined, and there are also a lot of ammunition reserves, otherwise they would not have fired such fierce firepower to stop a company! "

"Xiao Huang's judgment is correct. Although there are not many Japanese and puppet troops on the blockade, they are a big fat piece of fat."

"Take them down, and the result will be no less than if we kill the mopping up troops all the way, or even more."

"Destroy them, and the backs of the sweeping troops will be exposed under our soldiers' peaks. This also supports Li Yunlong from another aspect, killing two birds with one stone!"

Although Tan Ming, the commander of the Fifth Battalion, didn't know what Huang Yu wrote in the telegram to the regimental commander, he still got a general idea from the regimental commander's self-talk, and immediately asked: "Regiment commander, do you mean that Staff Huang suggested that we Fight the blockade and wipe out the Japanese and puppet troops above, so as to reinforce the New Second Regiment!"

Kong Jie nodded and said, "It's just a suggestion, no final decision has been made yet!"

Tan Ming didn't fight another battle because of the army, but reminded with a worried face: "I don't agree to fight this battle!"

"I was keeping an eye on the blockade when the guard battalion launched a tentative attack..."

"The Japanese and puppet troops above are indeed a piece of fat, with no less than [-] light and heavy machine guns, and a large number of mortars and light machine guns!"

"In order to defend the blockade, the Japanese army must have stored a large amount of ammunition on the blockade."

"The fiercer their firepower, the more difficult it will be for us to take down the blockade!"

"I also saw a lot of heavy machine guns hidden in the bunkers, which means that the devils also learned from us and built a lot of machine gun bunkers on the ground!"

"The dark fort was created by us first, and no one knows it better than us."

"Besides blasting and bombing, there are almost no other tricks!"

"If we choose to attack the blockade, the troops will inevitably destroy all the bunkers on the position."

"The troops are limited in strength. If you take down a bunker and lose one or two infantry squads, you will lose one or two battalions just by destroying the bunker."

"This is not the price paid for eliminating other Japanese and puppet troops!"

"Maybe after we finish this battle, more than a thousand people behind us will be wiped out."

"If the attack doesn't go well, and there is an accident in the middle, maybe the troops won't be able to take down the blockade line!"

Kong Jie shook his head: "You underestimate Comrade Huang Yu too much!"

"Since he dared to propose to attack the blockade, it means that he already has the idea of ​​taking down the blockade!"

"Based on what I know about him, the cost for us to win the blockade should not exceed one battalion!"

"It's impossible!" Tan Ming immediately showed a skeptical expression.

"There are so many machine gun bunkers on the battlefield, the little devil couldn't do anything with those machine gun bunkers."

"Our firepower and equipment level are not as good as the little devils, how can we be better than them, I don't believe it!"

"Then we'll wait and see!" Kong Jie was full of confidence in Huang Yu, and looked at him and answered with determination.

After finishing speaking, he stared at Zhang Xuelin and began to give orders: "Call Huang Yu back immediately, I agree with his idea, and ask him to report the battle plan immediately..."

At the former enemy headquarters of the New Second Regiment, Li Yunlong was listening to the report of the enemy situation by the reconnaissance company commander.

"Leader, political commissar..."

"After the Japanese and puppet troops entered our base area, they did not re-divide their troops... Two raiding troops swept towards us, one from the left and one from the right, very fast!"

"Air reconnaissance has never stopped, and there are still two planes escorting them continuously."

"There are still 105 people in the mopping force on the left, equipped with four 120mm mountain guns, four [-]mm mortars, four field guns, four infantry guns, two mortar squadrons, and two heavy machine guns Squadron..."

"There are more than [-] mopping up troops on the right, and the heavy weapons are similar to those of the Japanese and puppet troops on the left..."

Li Yunlong was very happy at first!

The Japanese and puppet troops suddenly turned around and rushed into the base of the New Second Regiment, so they had a chance to fight a big battle, otherwise they could only be envious and watch others fight a big battle.

After listening to the investigation company commander's report, Li Yunlong couldn't laugh all of a sudden.

He was jealous that those large-caliber mountain guns and heavy mortars were still in the hands of the Japanese and puppet troops. Any accident might cause a fatal attack on the New Second Regiment.

In this way, the pressure to wipe out all the troops along the way will be extremely high.

But Li Yunlong is not so easily defeated.

The more he fights, the braver he is, the stronger the enemy, the more fighting spirit he has.

Zhao Gang was also frightened by the opponent's strength, hesitantly reminded: "Old Li, I think the enemy is too strong..."

"Should we change the combat objective!"

"The right-side mopping-up force with the least strength is [-] people, and devils account for the majority..."

"The equipment level is several grades higher than ours, and it is also equipped with large-caliber mountain cannons and large-caliber mortars that we have never seen before!"

"On the other hand, we, together with the reinforcements brought back by Zhang Dabiao, did not have more than [-] troops participating in the battle. The strength gap between the two sides is too great!"

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(End of this chapter)

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