My years as a corpse seamstress in the East Factory

Chapter 303 The Huzhou Resurrection

Chapter 303 The Huzhou Resurrection
"Of course I am willing, who would be against Jin Zi." Mo Wu snatched Jin Zi away.

Just going to Huzhou, you can earn 100 taels of gold, such a good thing, isn't it like a pie in the sky?
Mo Wu tidied up immediately and temporarily closed the shop.

Although selling those gadgets is also very profitable, there is no way to make a net profit of 100 taels of gold in a month.

Many of the things she made are very expensive, and the key is that the cost is also very high.

Some things can be sold for two or thirty taels of gold, but the real profit is likely to be only two or three taels of gold.

Mo Wu knew that anyone who got involved with Yang Jiu would be able to make a lot of money easily.

After dark.

Yang Jiu entered the mortuary room, intending to sew the two corpses together.

After lighting the incense, the male corpse was quickly sewn up.

The older the corpse, the harder it is not necessarily to sew.

Some people don't have too many regrets in their hearts before they die, let alone great resentment. After death, the corpse is a real corpse and will not cause any harm to the stitcher.

The "Book of Life and Death" appeared immediately, and began to record the life of the male corpse.

The name of the male corpse was Ding Junfeng, who was born in a fisherman's family.

When he was very young, he often went fishing with his parents.

When you are lucky, you can catch a lot of fish with a single cast.

This is also the happiest time for their family.

But more often than not, even if you float at sea for several days and nights, you will not be able to catch a single fish.

At this time, his father started to go crazy, and the two cats pissed on their stomachs, and started beating their mother and son violently.

Ding Junfeng is very happy every time he comes back from fishing, just because he can see the little sister next door.

The little girl next door always wears two braids and wears beautiful floral skirts, which looks very good. The boys around her like her very much and try to please her.

Every time the tide just ebbs, Ding Junfeng will run to the beach and pick up the biggest and most beautiful shells for her.

For more than ten years, Ding Junfeng's love for the little girl next door has not diminished at all as he grows older.

The heart of the little girl next door was also given to him early.

The two of them privately decided for life, and when they both became adults, they would be together no matter what.

But born in the war-torn era, even if the two love each other happily, they will encounter obstacles at various levels.

Because of the war, the two families were forced to separate.

Even though they are far apart, their affection for each other has never changed.

After the founding of the Great Wei Empire, Emperor Wei issued a decree to reduce and exempt taxes, and tried his best to restore the lives of the people to normal.

Because of this, the two of them returned to their hometown by coincidence.

When they met again, the two embraced and wept.

Ding Junfeng just wants to marry the girl he loves immediately.

In the end, he was told that the girl next door had already married someone else, and she had given birth to two children.

The news was like a bolt from the blue, which made it difficult for Ding Junfeng to accept it for a while.

In the end, she learned that the little girl next door had married the son of a rich family, and she was kicked out of the house because she failed to give birth to a son.

Naturally, Ding Junfeng would not dislike him. Under his persistence, the two families secretly let them worship.

Ding Junfeng, who got his wish, went fishing every day, and got a lot of money.

I thought that I would be able to live a good life from now on, but unexpectedly, not long after, the rich family came to the door and wanted to take the girl back.

Knowing that the girl was hanging out with Ding Junfeng again, the rich man became very angry. After beating him violently, he reported it to the officials.

Remarrying with a husband is a felony.

As a result, Ding Junfeng and the girl were both beheaded.

Their bodies were also thrown at the entrance of the vegetable market for everyone to cast aside, so that people would know that behavior like theirs is not advisable.

Ding Junfeng died very unwillingly.

But the little girl next door thought that the ending was also very good.

At least the souls of the two of them can go to the underworld hand in hand.

Their parents then bought a large coffin and buried them together.

As time went by, the two corpses, which should have been turned into bones, were completely intact when the coffin was dug out, showing no sign of decay.

But any corpse that does not rot is basically considered to be about to change into a dead body.

Some officials felt that it was likely that the corpse had not been sewn up completely, so this happened, and they found a seamstress to re-sewn the body.

In order to reassure the magistrate, the corpse sewer directly sewed a large collar around the necks of the two corpses with twine.

The county magistrate was very satisfied after seeing it, and ordered the body to be buried again.

200 years later, the two bodies were exhumed again.

At that time, a family suddenly became rich and wanted to repair the old house. When the foundation was being laid, they dug out a huge coffin. They thought there would be treasures in the coffin, but when they opened it, they only saw two corpses that did not rot. They were terrified.

After Wei Zhongxian heard the news, he sent someone to take the two bodies to Dongchang.

After careful study, Wei Zhongxian determined that these two corpses had survived for hundreds of years and were considered ancient corpses.

However, no matter how hard Wei Zhongxian tried, he couldn't get any benefits from these two ancient corpses.

After a long time, Wei Zhongxian gave up.

Promised to reward Yang Jiu's ancient corpses, all the ancient corpses Wei Zhongxian gave were considered worthless by Wei Zhongxian.

In fact, there are many ancient corpses that do not rot in this world, and none of them turn into zombies, but there are very few ancient corpses that can really bring benefits to people.

After reading Ding Junfeng's life, Yang Jiu sighed softly.

Ding Junfeng is a fisherman, so he probably won't get much reward for sewing his body.

[Sewing 250 five corpses, rewarding the host for teaching people how to fish. 】

I knew it would be like this, Ding Junfeng is a fisherman, it's really normal to get fishing skills.

Yang Jiu sighed and continued to sew up the female corpse.

This female corpse is the girl next door who fascinated Ding Junfeng so much.

Her life is similar to that of Ding Junfeng, except that there are more stories about marrying and having a daughter in the middle.

Her man first abandoned her, and then came to look for her on his own initiative. The reason was that the man lost his family property directly due to an accident. The two daughters missed their mother very much, so they thought at least to give the children a complete family.

The woman who found out about him when he came to the door was actually slept by another man.

It's so dirty, how can I want it again?
What happened to the little girl next door was very pitiful, but it would not be appropriate to remarry without dissolving the marriage.

This kind of thing is illegal even today.

[Sewing corpses 250 six, reward the host with a green hat. 】

I don't know who this green hat is for.

After all, Ding Junfeng and the rich boy were both cuckolded.

This green hat can be described as heavy.

Walking out of the room, Yang Jiu stretched, feeling cheated.

What Wei Zhongxian gave him was indeed an ancient corpse, but the two corpses he gave today were too ordinary.

It's normal to think about it, if it were him, he might do the same thing as Wei Zhongxian.

In fact, Wei Zhongxian gave Yang Jiu those corpses with blank lives, which was already a great reward.

As long as you sew those corpses, you can basically get blank paper.

Judging from Ludong Heya's reaction, the effect of this white paper is very powerful and extremely useful.

Seeing that it was still early, Yang Jiu went to Yan Luo Hall again, entered the underground secret room, and sewed up ten corpses in one go, and all the rewards he got were blank paper.

It wasn't until midnight that Yang Jiu went home to sleep.

After saying goodbye to the three women, Yang Jiu and Mo Wu left Chang'an City on horseback.

Feng Yundao's eyeliner must be watching in the dark, and their every move after that will most likely be under the surveillance of the enemy.

"Sisi, do you think there will be something special about the two of them going?" Rueqing inexplicably recalled her previous experience of going to Miaojiang with Yang Jiu.

Yang Jiu was inexplicably affected by Yin Yang San, she went to the brothel in a flash of enthusiasm, and then she had the child in her stomach.

Perhaps, Mo Wu may have a similar story with Yang Jiu this time.

Gan Sisi said with a smile: "Miss Mo Wu looks so good-looking, I am very moved after seeing it."

The implication is that if Yang Jiu did something to Mo Wu, she would not be surprised at all.

Wu Sanyue said: "This time Jiu'er has a woman by his side, so we don't need to worry."

Rueqing can only say that Gan Sisi and Wu Sanyue's mentality is really good, after all, she is very jealous in her heart at the moment.

But if Yang Jiu really likes a girl and wants to marry her into the family, she probably won't object.


"Jiuguoguo, why don't you let me pretend to be a saint when I leave the city?" Mo Wu asked softly during a break on the way.

This question has been bothering her.

If you want Feng Yundao to know that Wu Sanyue has left Chang'an City and headed for Huzhou, then it should be seen.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "When the sage leaves Chang'an, will he ride alone?"

Yang Jiu wanted to convince Feng Yundao that Wu Sanyue came out of the city in the appearance of Mo Wu.

When Mo Wu was transformed into Wu Sanyue in Hu State, it would prove this point even more.

At that time, Feng Yundao will definitely believe that Wu Sanyue left the city in disguise.

On the way to Huzhou, I met many people from the rivers and lakes.

While resting in a tea shed, I heard those people in the rivers and lakes saying the same thing.

The Diancang faction decided to hold a bergamot meeting, hoping that the person with the treasure map could also attend.

At that time, as soon as the bergamot and the treasure map meet, everyone can go to find the treasure in the Ten Thousand Buddha Cave.

There are so many treasures in the Ten Thousand Buddha Caves, no matter how many people go there, I believe it can satisfy everyone.

Some people like martial arts cheats, some people like gold, silver and jewelry, some people like magical weapons, as long as they can open the cave of ten thousand Buddhas, everyone can get what they need.

Wan Jianfeng spoke very nicely.

However, if the treasure is found, there will be a massacre.

The strong want to get more treasures, and the weak can only be slaughtered.

Even the strong ones may be killed by the rest of the strong ones.

Hearing these news, Yang Jiu felt that Wan Jianfeng just likes to stir up bloody storms in the rivers and lakes.

As long as the world calms down, Wan Jianfeng will always jump out and do something to make the world lively again.

The place where the bergamot conference was held happened to be in Huzhou City.

"Jiuguoguo, do you think this bergamot conference will follow..." Mo Wu asked in a low voice.

Yang Jiu said with a smile: "Let's eat, and other things, you will know when you get there."

Feng Yundao asked Wu Sanyue to go to Huzhou, otherwise the people would be massacred.

At this juncture, Wan Jianfeng, in the name of the Dian Cang Sect, also wants to hold a bergamot conference in Huzhou.

Is there any relationship between the two?

Using bergamot to gather people from the rivers and lakes, Wan Jianfeng has played it once before, and this time he repeated the old trick, unexpectedly there are so many people from the rivers and lakes who believe in Wan Jianfeng again.

It is said that it is impossible for a person to stumble twice in the same place, which obviously does not include people in the rivers and lakes.

"Speaking of which, last time we were deceived by that bastard Wan Jianfeng, what if we are also deceived this time?" A man at the next table drank two bowls of wine and his face became flushed.

Another person said: "Actually, I don't want to come, but what if it's true this time?"

"Yes, if it's true, wouldn't it be a big loss if we don't come?" Another person agreed.

It can be seen that the people who went to Huzhou this time basically had this kind of mentality.

I would rather be cheated than miss the opportunity to share the treasure.

"Have you ever wondered, if Wan Jianfeng really has Buddha's hand, why doesn't he go find the treasure by himself, but invite so many people to share it?" Mo Wu couldn't help interjecting.

The man who spoke first laughed and said, "Girl, this is your short-sightedness. How do you know that you don't need manpower to open the Ten Thousand Buddhas Cave?"

A treasure as big as Ten Thousand Buddha Caves cannot be opened by just one or two people.

Because of this, powerless little people like them can have a chance to get a share of the pie.

Mo Wu said: "I think you are going to die."

"I said, how do you talk, little girl?" The man stood up abruptly, his tone very unfriendly.

The other person smiled and asked: "The purpose of the girl's going to Huzhou is different from ours?"

Mo Wu wanted to reason, but heard Yang Jiu coughing lightly.

When she came out this time, the court spent 100 taels of gold. Naturally, she had to obey Yang Jiu's orders in everything, and she must not cause trouble on the way.

"Girl, why don't you talk?"

"Seeing that the girl looks so good-looking, could it be that she eloped with the little boy?"

"I think it's probably elopement. I said little girl, listen to my uncle's advice, what's so good about this little boy, why don't you follow uncle, uncle promises to make you happy..."

Mo Wu remained silent, but instead made those men push themselves even further.

In this wilderness, no one would know even if they did something to Mo Wu.

"Nine pots, can you kill them?" Mo Wu was furious.

A group of scum like this deserved to be cheated by Wan Jianfeng. It would be better to die in Huzhou directly, and it would be over once and for all.

Yang Jiu said: "Eat your meal."

Mo Wu was so focused on talking to those people that she didn't eat a few mouthfuls of food, which was a waste.

Those people originally wanted to make a move on Mo Wu, but after hearing what Mo Wu said, and seeing Yang Jiu's calmness, they thought for a while and chose to give up.

Walking in the rivers and lakes, you must not think that the opponent's martial arts are also very low just because the opponent looks young.

"Bitch." Mo Wu cursed in a low voice.

Yang Jiu said: "Don't make trouble again."

Mo Wu stuck out her tongue and buried her head in her meal.

"We will definitely be able to reach Huzhou City before dark. Let's take a rest here first. It's already autumn, and the weather in western Hunan is too hot." Another group of people came dragging their tired bodies.

They didn't ride horses, and they traveled all by light work.

In this way, you can practice skills, save the trouble of taking care of the horse, and save a lot of money, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

There were no more seats in the tea shed, and the group sat directly on the grass, yelling for the boss to bring the wine quickly.

The brand name of this tea shed is tea, but the people passing by all like to drink wine.

Some people are complaining, let the boss simply change the name of the wine shed.

After Yang Jiu and Mo Wu left, those people did not enter the tea shed either.

It is also very cool in the shade outside the tea shed.

But before they had gone far, they heard the sound of beating and killing behind them. Looking back, they saw a large number of officers and soldiers pouring out from all directions, fighting fiercely with those people in the rivers and lakes in the tea shed.

The martial arts of those people in the rivers and lakes are naturally higher, but there are too many officers and soldiers. Under the random arrows, they were killed or injured, and no one escaped.

"What is the government doing?" Mo Wu was full of doubts.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "Maybe those guys are all gangsters."

"Won't Jiang Yang's bandits dare to attack us?" Mo Wu didn't believe it.

Yang Jiu didn't bother to ask any more questions. If he walked further, he would reach Huzhou City. When he met Yin Erxi, everything would be revealed.

On the way forward, they encountered many people from the rivers and lakes.

Many people in the rivers and lakes basically rely on their legs to travel, so if they ride a horse, they can surpass many people.

Outside the city of Huzhou, more people from the rivers and lakes entered the city.

Officers and soldiers conducted strict interrogation under the city tower, and from time to time someone would be directly arrested.

"Lord Yang, my lord is waiting for you in the government office." The city gate guard knew Yang Jiu very respectfully.

Just because Wan Jianfeng wanted to hold a bergamot conference in Huzhou, a large number of people from all walks of life flocked into Huzhou City, seriously challenging the law and order of Huzhou City.

Yin Erxi is so busy every day that he still can't satisfy the people.

People in the rivers and lakes are the most difficult to control. They fight in the streets at every turn, easily hurting innocent people, and causing great public resentment.

After entering the city, the two originally wanted to stay in an inn, but after asking several inns, they were all full.

Ordinary people may be disgusted with Jianghu people, but for business people, the sudden influx of so many foreigners in Huzhou City will only make their business boom.

As long as you can make a lot of money, there is no big deal except life and death.

There is no way, the two can only come to the government office.

There must be a house in the government office.

But when entering the government office, what greets the eyes is a courtyard full of corpses.

Yin Erxi was sitting on a side step, eating a steamed bun.

Until now, he didn't even eat lunch, he was so hungry that he could only eat a steamed bun first to cushion his stomach.

Seeing Yang Jiu appear, Yin Erxi hurriedly stood up and greeted him with a smile.

Looking at the corpses, Yang Jiu frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

"Jianghu people, Jianghu affairs." Yin Erxi sighed softly.

Since half a month ago, many Jianghu people have entered Huzhou City. As long as they don't like each other, they will fight.

Although there are many people who died in the rivers and lakes, it will also affect the innocent.

In the past two days, most of the people in the rivers and lakes who have been approaching Huzhou City are important criminals wanted by the imperial court.

Yin Erxi decided to take the initiative to attack and eradicate these villains before they entered the city.

Doing it outside the city can at least reduce the casualties of innocent people.

Among the corpses in the courtyard, there are vicious people, innocent people, and servants of the government office.

There were too many corpses these days, and the corpse stitchers in the government office were exhausted.

There are also quite a few corpse sewers temporarily conscripted, and of course many sewers died.

Some of the corpses that could not be stitched had been sent to Chang'an. When he learned that Yang Jiu was coming, Yin Erxi kept all the weird corpses that appeared later.

Transporting the corpse is another big expense.

It is better to spend money on the people than to spend money on transporting corpses.

"Lord Yin is really a good official who cares for the people now." Yang Jiu raised his thumb and praised.

Yin Erxi laughed and said, "If I hadn't met Lord Yang, my body might have turned into a white bone."

"Nine pots, I'm sleepy." Mo Wu didn't want to eat dinner, but just wanted to have a good sleep on the comfortable bed.

Yin Erxi smiled and said: "Master Yang is really amazing, he can bring beauty every time..."

(End of this chapter)

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