My years as a corpse seamstress in the East Factory

Chapter 302 Shangguan Feng's Last Dignity

Chapter 302 Shangguan Feng's Last Dignity
To determine a person's future, in fact, there is no need to write too much detail at all, just list major events.

For example, what Yangjiu wants to change now is not Ludong Heya's life, but the hope that Ludong Heya can lead Tubo into Daxia.

No matter what means Lu Dongheya uses, as long as it can achieve this goal.

Yang Jiu thought about picking up the pen and began to write on the white paper:
Within three years, Ludong Heya must allow Tubo to be incorporated into the Great Xia Empire.

A simple sentence made Yang Jiu feel satisfied.

"Sanggong, do you really believe this?" Jueqing was full of surprise.

Yang Jiu said with a smile: "This white paper is a treasure I just got, so it will definitely work."

As for whether Tubo can finally be merged into the Great Xia Empire within three years, it depends on Ludong Heya's ability.

He gave Ludong Heya three years, which is already very generous.

Even though it was written on the white paper, it is very likely that it will be invalidated due to the death of Ludong Heya.

But as long as Lu Dongheya is alive, she will work hard to achieve this goal in the days to come.

The white paper is an item rewarded by the system, so there is no need to doubt its power.

"I'll cook later. I'll have the strength to sew up the corpse at night after I'm full," Rueqing said.

Time passed quickly, and in another hour or so, it would be dark.

Yang Jiu thought for a while and said, "It's been a long time since I ate the noodles made by Aunt Mei, let's go eat a bowl of noodles."

Aunt Mei is very busy every day, she doesn't want to disturb her, but she swallows her saliva when she thinks of the noodles made by Aunt Mei.

When they came to the Maobuli hot pot restaurant, Yang Jiu and Jueqing temporarily replaced Aunt Mei and sat behind the counter to cashier.

Su Jinyun was very busy going back and forth, and didn't have time to come over to say hello to them.

"Jinyun has really changed a lot." Ruanqing couldn't believe it, the person who is now very handy in this hot pot restaurant will really be Su Qingcang's favorite.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "If my younger sister was as sensible as her, many things might not happen..."

"Xianggong, do you still have a biological sister?" Jueqing was taken aback.

Yang Jiu shook her head and said, "I'm talking about the past life."

Ruthlessly rolled his eyes.

Since Yang Jiu didn't want to say anything, there was no need for her to ask.

After Aunt Mei cooked the noodles, she brought them to the counter.

Just smelling the fragrance is an ultimate enjoyment.

"Aunt Mei, have you ever thought about reopening the noodle stall one day?" Yang Jiu asked while eating noodles.

Aunt Mei smiled and said, "It's pretty good now."

Selling noodles is to make a living. Now that there is a better livelihood, a fool will miss the past.

The past is so sad, it is best to forget it completely, enjoy the present and focus on the future.

For some reason, Yang Jiu felt that Aunt Mei was unhappy when she came to the store the last few times.

Previously, Aunt Mei was urging Yang Jiu and Gan Sisi to have a baby quickly, now that Gan Sisi and Jueqing are pregnant, why is Aunt Mei unhappy?

After eating noodles, the two walked out of the hot pot restaurant and went straight to Sewing Corpse Street.

Unexpectedly, Gan Sisi was already standing in front of the No. [-] mortuary shop, accompanied by the orange cat and his family.

Wu Sanyue will not come in person for the corpse sewing contest.

Gan Sisi just felt that staying in the palace was very boring, so she came here to cheer up Yang Jiu.

Civil and military officials arrived one after another, and the entire Sewing Corpse Street was gradually put in a state of complete blockade.

From No. [-] mortuary shop to No. [-] mortuary shop, there are exactly six mortuary shops.

Four, five, and six returned to the Tubo seamstresses.

The corpses prepared by Guo Qiniang and Shangguanfeng were already lying on the sewing tables of the three sewing shops, just waiting for the Tibetan mission to arrive and beat the gong to start the battle.

After Lu Dongheya arrived with the mission, he also carefully inspected the three corpses.

All three were decapitated corpses, and there was nothing wrong with them.

Lu Dongheya felt that if he couldn't win, the Tubo sewers could apologise with death.

However, at this very moment, a thought suddenly flashed in her mind, if the Tibetan corpse maker won, how would she give Lazikou to the Celestial Dynasty?

It is destined to be very difficult, or even impossible, for the people of Tubo to accept the merger into the Celestial Dynasty.

Even though there are thousands of difficulties and dangers, Ludong Heya plans to give it a try.

Even if she can't make it, I believe that her descendants will definitely be able to make it.

Lu Donghe is entangled in all kinds of troubles, and the corpse sewing competition has already begun.

In order to save time, Yang Jiu proposed that six people sew the corpse at the same time, and Ludong Heya agreed.

Just because this comparison is actually more beneficial to Tubo.

Whoever comes out first gets one point, and two points wins.

Yang Jiu went into her sewing shop, took a look at the corpse of the Tubo man, lit incense, stuffed the internal organs prepared in advance into the corpse, and quickly sewed it up.

Then there is the head.

It's just that when the head was being sewed up, the hands of the corpse suddenly lifted up and patted Xiang Yang Jiu's head vigorously.


Yang Jiuzhong stuck the corpse-suppressing talisman on the forehead of the corpse.

The corpse's raised hands remained motionless for a moment.

Yang Jiu's suturing speed was very fast, within a few tens of breaths, the head was sutured.

After the corpse suppressing talisman was removed, the hands raised by the corpse fell limply.

When Yang Jiu quickly opened the door and went out, the "Book of Life and Death" also began to appear to record the life of the corpse.

The name of this corpse is Shicang Jiarong. He has been very hardworking since he was a child, and he is extremely devout to the Living Buddha.

Their family has always preferred not to eat meat themselves, but to donate cattle and sheep to the temple.

Ishikura Jiarong hoped that one day he could also enter a temple to practice since he was a child.

It's just that if you want to enter the temple, you need to go through strict selection before you can achieve it.

Of course, the most important thing is to see how many cattle and sheep the family can produce.

As long as there are enough cattle and sheep, everything is easy to talk about.

When he learned that Ludong Zanpu had died in Chang'an, Shicang Jiarong cried extremely sadly.

During that time, all the people of Tubo Kingdom were in unprecedented sorrow.

They had just sent away the old Zanpu, and the new Zanpu died in a foreign land, which was a great blow to them.

Therefore, when Jiqu issued a call for corpses later, Ishikura Jiarong resolutely signed up.

He never dreamed that he would be chosen in the end.

Two other people were chosen with him.

I remember the day when Jiqu was about to be beheaded, the sky in Jiqu was very cloudy, with lead clouds hanging down and the wind howling.

The three of them stood on the high platform, in front of thousands of Jiqu people, cheering for them.

At that moment, Ishikura Jiarong felt that he was really a great hero.

All three had their heads chopped off while standing.

After that, strange people and strange men used special means to hollow out their internal organs from the neck.

Neither the chest nor the back showed any wounds on their bodies.

This will give people the illusion that they have just had their heads chopped off.

When sewing a corpse, it is not enough to lack a heart, and it is absolutely impossible to lack all the internal organs.

Shicang Jiarong's body was brought to Chang'an by Ludong Heya.

As a result, Yang Jiu discovered the secret hidden by the three corpses when he checked in the posthouse.

Like these three people, for the sake of their so-called beliefs, they are willing to sacrifice their lives, which is really stupid.

[Sewing 250 three corpses, rewarding the host for being brave and timid. 】

Obviously stupid, but also brave and cowardly?
Seeing Yang Jiu come out in such a short time, Ludong Heya and the others were shocked.

On the other hand, the officials on Daxia's side were all smiling and heaved a sigh of relief.

They all knew that Yang Jiu would definitely win.

Now as long as Guo Qiniang and Shangguan Feng come out, they will win.

At this moment, Ludong Heya was not so eager for victory, and even hoped that all the corpse-sewers in Tubo would die in the corpse-sewing shop.

At this moment, the three corpse sewers in Tubo were terrified and sweating profusely.

It seemed to be just three ordinary severed corpses, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't stitch the corpses together.

As time passed, they were filled with horror.

They all knew what would happen if they couldn't sew up the corpse within the stipulated time.

But there are ghosts making trouble, they can't even try to sew up the corpse.

If the time dragged on for too long, even if they could sew up the corpse, they might lose the game, and they would still be greeted by Ludong Heya's anger, or even death.

With a creak, Guo Qiniang came out of the corpse shop.

Her face was covered with a white cloth, and only her eyes, nose and mouth were exposed. Under the dim light, she was very creepy.

Seeing this, all the officials of the Great Xia cheered one after another.

Yang Jiu felt that Guo Qiniang's eyes were not quite right.

"Master, I can't..." Guo Qiniang fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face.

Yang Jiu was stunned for a moment, what do you mean it can't be done?

You must know that Guo Qiniang has obtained the true biography of Yang Jiu, and has recently practiced the iron cloth shirt magic skill. Even if it is a ferocious corpse, I believe she can handle it, unless there is a problem with her own mentality.

Yang Jiu came to the door of the body sewing shop and saw that the head of the corpse fell to the ground.

There is only a small half of the incense burning on one side.

If the body is not sewn up before the incense burns out, Guo Qiniang will definitely die.

Back then, the Taoist wandered to the Great Wei Empire, saw zombies running rampant and evil ghosts floating around, and met the Emperor Wei directly, and proposed the corpse sewing system.

All the rules for sewing corpses that have been handed down today are all set by that Taoist.

When the incense burns out and the corpse is not stitched, a mysterious power will kill the stitcher.

Where did this mysterious power come from, the Taoist did not say.

Since then, too many sewers have died because of this, and people have to believe it if they don't believe it.

"I'll sew this corpse, it won't be counted in the competition result." Yang Jiu turned his head and said.

Immediately, some Tibetans objected: "No, this is cheating."

"Also." When Lu Dongheya said these two words, even she herself found it inconceivable.

It may be that she intends to bring Tubo into the Great Xia Empire, so deep down in her heart, she has already begun to have a good impression of the people of the Great Xia Empire.

When Ludong Heya spoke, the rest of the Tubo people did not dare to stand up and object.

Yang Jiu quickly entered the body sewing shop and closed the door.

As soon as he went in, Shangguan Feng came out staggeringly.

Shangguanfeng tried his best to sew up the corpse.

Lu Dongheya sighed lightly: "We lost."

The rest of the Tubo Mission showed anger.

The point is that until now, none of the Tibetan corpse-sewers has come out.

This is not normal.

Knowing that Shangguan Feng had sewn the body, Yang Jiu sent an order to Gui Gui not to make trouble again.

Now that they have won, there is no need to let the three corpse sewers in Tubo take their lives in vain.

The corpse Guo Qiniang met was the only woman among the three selected by Tubo.

The internal organs of the woman were also hollowed out, but Guo Qiniang had already put the internal organs made of paper and sewed up the severed stomach.

Guo Qiniang ran into big trouble when sewing her head.

Although she tried many ways, she just couldn't sew the head back on.

The corpse couldn't hurt her, and she couldn't sew the corpse up. As a result, she was killed by a mysterious force.

She just had someone she liked, someone she wanted to spend her life with, but she didn't want to just die, so she opened the door and rushed out to ask Yang Jiu for help.

When she was sewing the corpse before, she also encountered a similar situation. Fortunately, Yang Jiu showed up in time, so that she survived to this day.

But at that time, she was not afraid of death at all.

Once a person is bound, he becomes very vulnerable.

Yang Jiu picked up the head on the ground, and only after aiming at it did he discover the clue.

Although the head and body belonged to the same person, Tubo really put a lot of thought into winning this competition.

At the fracture of the body, they used extremely clever techniques to paste parts of other corpses onto the corpse.

The technique is too clever, it can be said that there is no flaw.

If it weren't for Yang Jiu's super yin and yang eyes, it would be difficult to find the clues, no wonder Guo Qiniang would stumble.

Originally, Yang Jiu was still worried about Shangguanfeng next door, but fortunately Shangguanfeng had already stitched up the corpse, and he was worthy of being the No. [-] corpse stitcher in Tianzi.

Pull out the part of the flesh and blood pasted by Tubo, and then put the head on it, it is perfect.

When Yang Jiu sewed the head back on, there was only a little bit of incense left, and it soon went out.

It was only a little bit, which is really dangerous.

If he failed to sew his head back on before the incense burned out, who would the mysterious force kill?

Was it Yang Jiu, Guo Qiniang, or both?

After the "Book of Life and Death" appeared, the life of the female corpse recorded was similar to that of Shicang Jiarong.

Also born in a poor family, but has an extremely firm belief.

For the so-called belief, voluntarily signed up to become a corpse.

The ecstasy when being chosen, the equanimity when dying, only in this way can the supreme glory be cast.

[Sewing 250 four corpses, rewarding the host for being brave and timid. 】

Yang Jiu shook her head, opened the door and went out.

"Master, are you okay?" Guo Qiniang was quite worried.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "It's okay."

Looking at the three corpse sewers in Tubo, they also came out dejectedly.

They thought they were going to die, but at the most critical moment, the uncooperative corpses did not move at all.

As long as the corpse is willing to cooperate, it doesn't take much time to sew up a head for experienced corpse stitchers like them.

By the time the body was sewn up, they had already lost the game, but they managed to save their lives for the time being.

How Ludong Heya will punish them next is something to come.

"Your Majesty Yang deserves to be the number one corpse stitcher in the Celestial Dynasty." Lu Donghe praised Ya.

Yang Jiu smiled lightly and said, "You guys are also very smart, even the most experienced stitcher would find it difficult to detect the hands and feet on the corpse."

Lu Donghe smiled and said nothing, and took the mission back to the post to rest.

The matter is over, and tomorrow they will bid farewell to the saint and return to Tibet.

"Win...that's good..." Shangguanfeng, who had a very ugly face, fell to the ground with a sad smile on his face.

Yang Jiu hurried over to check and found that Shangguan Feng was not breathing.

No one expected that Shangguan Feng actually helped the empire win this competition with his life.

Shangguanfeng can be regarded as the pride of Da Xia's corpse stitchers.

Guo Qiniang blamed herself very much. If she could fight a little harder and finish sewing the corpse first, Shangguanfeng would not have to bear such a great pressure, and she would not have to pay the price of her life for it.

The next day.

On the Golden Palace.

Wu Sanyue sat on the dragon chair, looking down at the civil and military officials, as well as the Tubo missions.

Da Xia won the corpse sewing competition last night.

Ludong Heya came to bid farewell today, but he had to explain the bet made last night.

Wu Sanyue knew that Ludong Heya would definitely not want to hand over Lazikou to Daxia, if it was impossible, the yearly tribute of more than ten thousand cattle and sheep every year was also acceptable.

"Saint, I, Tubo, am willing to gamble and admit defeat. When I go back, I will let the soldiers of the Celestial Dynasty take over Lazikou." Ludong Heya said proactively.

Wu Sanyue was quite surprised, and said with a smile: "What a willing bet to admit defeat. In this world, there are fewer and fewer people who are willing to bet and admit defeat."

"Sage Tianen, please capture the villain who killed me Zanpu as soon as possible." Lu Dongheya said and knelt down.

The rest of the members of the mission knelt down, but they were not convinced at all.

They all felt that what Ludong Heya said at this moment was a tactic to delay the attack, in order to allow them and his party to return to Tubo safely.

Lazikou is too important to give up to Daxia no matter what.

If Lazikou is lost, Tubo will be naked in front of the Great Xia Empire.

Lu Dongheya's inner thoughts, only she knows.

Corruption is serious in Tibet today, and its national strength is not as good as before.

On the way to Chang'an as an envoy, what he saw and heard was prosperity. Lu Dongheya knew that after Wu Sanyue seized the imperial power, he carried out drastic reforms, and the results were astonishing.

The vast empire was once like a sickly lion, but now the lion has recovered and bared its tusks to its neighbors.

If Tubo can be merged into the Great Xia Empire, it will not be a bad thing for the people of Tubo.

Wu Sanyue presented a lot of gold, silver and jewelry to Ludong Heya to comfort the wounded hearts of everyone in Ludong's family.

After retiring from the court, Wu Sanyue left behind Di Juyi and other pillars of the country.

Looking at several people, Wu Sanyue asked: "Do you think what He Ya said is true or not?"

"My minister thought that Tubo would never give up Lazikou." Xue Xue said first.

Di Juyi and others agreed.

Lazikou is so important to Tubo, how could Tubo put the whole country in danger because of a single game.

Wu Sanyue smiled, and said, "Everyone, go and get busy."

But she was willing to believe Yang Jiu, Yang Jiu said that Lu Dongheya would abide by the game, and that Lazikou would definitely be given to the Celestial Dynasty by Ludong Heya.

Sooner or later, Tubo will be annexed, and it doesn't really matter if it is sent or not.

When they returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Yang Jiu and Jueqing were both there.

After taking care of Shangguan Feng's funeral, Yang Jiu's heart is still heavy.

As a corpse stitcher of the older generation, Shangguanfeng's persistence undoubtedly saved Da Xia's face as a corpse stitcher.

For Shangguanfeng, being able to sacrifice his life to win glory for the country can be regarded as the best destination.

If not, he wouldn't appear suddenly, and he would be the third corpse stitcher to participate in the competition.

"Jiu'er, I'm still curious, how can you be sure that Ludong Heya will hand over Lazikou to us?" Wu Sanyue sat down and drank a bowl of water first.

Rueqing knows that Yang Jiu's reason must be the blank sheet of paper.

Yang Jiu wrote on the white paper that Ludong Heya would find a way to lead Tubo into the Great Xia Empire within three years.

Then the white paper turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

In fact, Jueqing didn't believe it in her heart, but Yang Jiu was so confident that she believed it a little bit now.

Yang Jiu didn't say anything about the blank paper. After all, it took a lot of effort to explain, so she just smiled and said, "Intuition."

Wu Sanyue rolled her eyes. Based on her intuition, she could still rule the world.

Gan Sisi smiled and said: "San Yue, I have shown the things to Jiu Lang, but Jiu Lang seems to have not spoken yet."

What Gan Sisi said was the letter of challenge Feng Yundao sent to Wu Sanyue.

Feng Yundao has been acting really rampant recently.

However, no matter whether it is Dongchang, Jinyiwei, or Six Doors, the most powerful intelligence lines of the Great Xia Empire, none of them can find out where the headquarters of Fengyundao is.

The content of the challenge letter is very short, saying that after one month, Feng Yundao intends to take a hundred innocent people to sacrifice to heaven, and to save these people, unless Wu Sanyue comes to Huzhou in person.

Feng Yundao will then spread the content of the challenge book to the world, so that everyone in the world will know.

The one month they said was counting from when Wu Sanyue received the letter of challenge.

Wu Sanyue smiled and said, "Feng Yundao is trying to kill me."

Previously, Yin Erxi, the magistrate of Huzhou, was bought by Cao Hu of the corpse inn, but after Yangjiu arrived in Huzhou, Yin Erxi was successfully converted.

Now Fengyundao still wants to kill Wu Sanyue in Huzhou?
Yang Jiu thought it was impossible.

Fengyun Dao must not use common sense to judge things.

"March, are you going or not?" Gan Sisi asked.

Unfeelingly said: "I can't go."

If you go there, you will follow the Tao of Fengyun.

When this happens, it's best to ignore it.

As the king of a country, why should Wu Sanyue care about the challenge of a sect?

You can't just receive a so-called challenge letter casually, and the saint will go there in person, right?

Wu Sanyue looked at Yang Jiu, still wanting to hear Yang Jiu's opinion.

Yang Jiu said with a smile: "March can't go, but the sage has to go."

"Isn't Sanyue a saint?" Gan Sisi frowned slightly.

Unfeelingly said: "Sanggong means to find someone to disguise as Sanyue."

Wu Sanyue and Gan Sisi were all stunned.

Have to say, this is indeed a good idea.

Originally, he would not pay attention to Fengyun Dao, but Yang Jiu has always wanted to completely eradicate Fengyun Dao. Since Feng Yundao took the initiative to come to him and wanted to play games, Yang Jiu naturally had to firmly grasp the opportunity.

It's just this person, who should I choose?
Yang Jiudao: "San Yue, leave this matter to me, you stay in the palace, pay attention to safety."

When thinking of using the Disguise Technique, Yang Jiu had a very suitable candidate in his mind.

This person is Mo Wu.

Mo Wu's disguise technique is very good in itself, and his lightness skills are good, and he also has weird mechanism skills for self-defense, which is most suitable.

If both Jueqing and Gan Sisi were not pregnant, otherwise they could go to either of them, so they wouldn't bother Mo Wu.

But it can't be said to be troublesome. To deal with Mo Wu, you only need gold.

Mo Wu stays in the dim ghost market all day long, in order to sell more of the gadgets she made so that she can make money to pay off her debts.

In fact, everyone in the world pays attention to the elimination of debts after death, and Mo Wu's debt should not be inherited by Mo Wu.

Mo Wu did this because she didn't want her master's reputation to be damaged.

Since Feng Yundao said it will be a month later, there is no need to be too anxious for the time being.

Gan Sisi had been bored in the palace for a long time, and wanted to go shopping, so Yang Jiu took her and Jueqing out of the palace.

"Lord Yang, the ancient corpse has been delivered to your residence." A guard from the East Factory was waiting outside the palace gate.

The ancient corpse that Wei Zhongxian promised was not delivered for a long time, and Yang Jiu didn't bother to urge it.

Wei Zhongxian also counted on Yang Jiu to find the Nine Corpses. Yang Jiu brought back a corpse of one of the Nine Corpses from the Zoroastrian Cult in the Kingdom of Jin, which proved that Yang Jiu had this ability.

Holding those ancient corpses in his hands doesn't mean much to Wei Zhongxian.

If those ancient corpses could be used in exchange for Yang Jiu's help in finding Qi Jiu's corpses, it would be regarded as reusing waste.

Gan Sisi was quite speechless, said: "Jiulang, then you go, Jueqing and I will go shopping."

"Go ahead, don't worry." Rueqing smiled slightly.

Even if both of them are pregnant, it can't be as if they can't live without Yang Jiu.

As soon as the ancient corpse was delivered, Yang Jiu's heart was already hot, and he couldn't wait to see it.

Of course, the main concern was that the ancient corpse would be stolen.

When the mourner appeared before, even Zombie Xiaochong was stolen.

When Yang Jiu returned home, he saw the mourner sitting in the yard, with a plate of peanuts and a jar of green bamboo leaves in front of him.

"Master Yang, are you here?" The mourner greeted with a smile.

Yang Jiu walked over and sat down opposite him, and said with a light smile, "You are all called mourners, so that when I saw you, I wanted to..."

"I've always sold my art but not my body." The mourner sneered.

Yang Jiu drank a bowl of wine and said in a low voice, "Let's talk about it."

The mourner will not appear for no reason.

There must be something very important here.

"Lend me some money." Chao Yangjiu, the mourner, stretched out his hand.

Yang Jiu was stunned, "Borrow money?"

I didn't expect that the purpose of sending the mourner here would be this.

"It's not that money is a little tight recently, and I don't have any money to go to Yunyu Tower to play..." The mourner said with a smile.

Yang Jiu took out 100 taels of silver, put it on the stone table, and asked with a smile, "Is it enough?"

"Too much, too much..." The mourner saw the silver, his eyes lit up, he quickly put the silver into his arms, got up and said goodbye.

After getting the money, the mourner left very quickly, probably because he had held back for too long, and couldn't wait to go to Yunyulou to relax.

If sending the mourner off slowly, Yang Jiu would even be willing to give him a dog whip.

Only with a whip in hand can you go shopping in brothels without worry.

"Master Yang, I heard that you can make a kind of..." The mourning man left and returned soon.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "I happen to have a dog whip here."

"Does that thing really work?" When the funeral man was young, the spring breeze was blowing and the drums were beating. Unfortunately, when he got a little older, he was often unable to do what he wanted and couldn't enjoy himself to the fullest.

Yang Jiu said: "Try it and you will know."

The mourner took the dog whip, ate it in front of Yang Jiu, thanked him and said goodbye.

This dog whip is worth 300 taels of gold, it should be enough to buy and give away the mourner, right?
In fact, for lustful people, no one can resist the allure of the magic whip rewarded by the system.

The two coffins containing the ancient corpses had been placed neatly in that room.

Yang Jiu pushed the door open and went in, Zombie Xiaochong jumped out of the coffin and sat up, Gui Gui floated in front of Yang Jiu with a splash.

"Ninth brother, what's the matter? Look, we are so crowded now." Guigui complained.

This room is not very big, but now there are four coffins and four corpses lying there, it is very crowded.

Yang Jiu chuckled and said, "Don't worry, these two won't live long."

Zombie Xiaochong didn't speak, Guigui is a ghost that is always floating in the air, what's the point?
These two ancient corpses, a man and a woman, should belong to the same era, judging from their clothes.

Yang Jiu has studied historical costumes, and can confirm that these two people lived more than 200 years ago.

At that time, the Great Wei Empire had just been established, and everything was in chaos.

There are countless people who died in that era.

As Wei Zhongxian said, only studying the surface of the corpse can't draw any conclusions at all.

However, these two corpses had their heads chopped off.

At that time, the sewers were very rough in their craftsmanship, and they still used hemp thread.

At the necks of the two corpses, it looks like a circle of twine is wrapped, which is very ridiculous.

Yang Jiu directly removed the hemp thread. Such a sewing method is not sewing a corpse at all.

But it was daytime now, so I had to wait until dark before sewing up the corpse.

Yang Jiu asked Zombie Xiaochong and Guigui to keep an eye on the two corpses, while he left home to find Gan Sisi and Juqing.

The second daughter, who was tired from shopping, returned to the Maobuli hotpot restaurant and was eating noodles cooked by Aunt Mei.

Rueqing just ate it not long ago, but he didn't think so.

Gan Sisi missed Aunt Mei's cooked noodles for a long time.

When Yang Jiu found him, he saw Xue Xue was also eating here.

Going over to say hello, I found that Xue Xue's gaze was always on Su Jinyun.

For half his life as a soldier, Xue Xue had never considered the personal relationship between his children, but after meeting Su Jinyun, an unprecedented affection tormented him deeply.

At the counter, Aunt Mei brought Yang Jiuduan two bowls of noodles.

"Do you think Xue Xue is a good match for Jin Yun?" Yang Jiu asked with a smile while eating noodles.

Unfeelingly glared at Yang Jiu, and said: "You must not mess with the mandarin ducks."

"Yes, Jiulang, if they are really interested in each other, they can get together without our help." Gan Sisi felt that Su Jinyun's matter should be resolved by Su Jinyun himself.

Yang Jiu said speechlessly: "I was just asking you, and I didn't say I was going to match them up."

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, they are really a good match." Gan Sisi laughed.

Unfeeling just nodded.

"But I heard that Sanyue mentioned that she planned to betroth Princess Furong to Xue Xue." Gan Sisi suddenly remembered something.

Isn't this Wu Sanyue's nonsense? Xue Xue is the backbone of Daxia, why did he let Li Furong do the trick?

If Wu Sanyue really had such an idea, Yang Jiu planned to persuade her.

With Su Jinyun as a good helper, Xue Xue can serve the country with more peace of mind.

If she married Li Furong, it would be enough to destroy Xue Xue.

After eating noodles, Yang Jiu went to the ghost market alone.

The trip to Huzhou needs to be discussed with Mo Wu.

Mo Wu had just sold a big item and was able to earn a lot of money, so she was in a great mood.

"Go to Huzhou?" Mo Wu squinted at Yang Jiu.

Yang Jiu smiled and nodded, "Are you interested?"

"Jiuguoguo, you don't think you have any thoughts about me, do you?" Mo Wu crossed his arms and looked nervous.

Yang Jiu asked, "Will the 100 taels go?"

"100" Mo Wu smiled, wanting to give Yang Jiu a big hug.

The gold came from the treasury anyway, Yang Jiu just said a number casually, if Mo Wu didn't want to, the number could continue to increase.

But Yang Jiu knew Mo Wu very well, and said helplessly, "Since you don't want to, then forget it."

(End of this chapter)

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