blood fox

Chapter 286 Silent Love

Chapter 286 Silent Love

I thought that there would be no more blood on this trip, but looking at the dog bone, I tried my best to hold my head up and lean into the window, and the blood gushing out from my fingers was really facing it.

It is just a white bone, without flesh and blood, and I don't know what kind of eyes it looks like now.

But when we found it, it jumped up instead, with its front paws closed, and bowed to Ling Yuan and me.

As it bowed and bowed again, the blood thread was actually thicker and longer than Chen Wen's at the beginning, and it actively extended towards it.

It is outside the window, we are inside the window, but it just stands on its hind legs, worshiping non-stop, the hollow eye bones are still empty, but I seem to understand that it has something to ask for.

Looking at Ling Yuan in a blink of an eye, he was still looking at the basket of wild flowers that had been sorted out, and sprinkled water on it: "Let's start."

I had the experience of attracting Chen Wen's bloody thread, so I led that bloody thread to surge towards that dog bone.

It's just getting dark now, and it's not the usual time for Gou Gu to come out. It seems to have come after hearing Ling Yuan's recitation of the Shurangama Sutra.

So the thread of blood floated towards it, as if it had been ordained by rubbing the top, it laid its pair of front paws prostrating together on the window sill, resting its chin on it, not dodging or evading, waiting reverently for the thread of blood to float over.

This time the thread of blood is no longer bound like a net, nor is it directly pierced into her heart like Chen Wen did back then, but instead hits the bone between the eyebrows between the dog's head.

As soon as the top of the blood thread touched the eyebrows of the dog's skull, it instantly dispersed into thin blood threads, spreading along the dog bone like a fine blood thread net on the dog bone.

After a while, a hound with an ordinary appearance but a larger stature was lying on the window sill. It had tears in its eyes and looked at Ling Yuan and me deeply.

I know that threads of blood can kill people, and even golden helmets and iron armor can be torn apart in an instant, but this is really the first time for raw bones.

I was also stunned for a moment, but seeing the pain in the dog's eyes, the past was vivid, and all the blood rushed over.

There are no ups and downs in this story, and there is no gossip, just like a silent film.

This hound was raised by an old hunter in the village.

The old Orion also has a son. The father and son took three hounds and went hunting in the mountains to make a living.

Later, hunting was not allowed, and other hunters either sold their dogs, or killed them for meat.

After all, hunting dogs are big, eat a lot, and even eat meat. If they stop hunting, it will be troublesome to keep them.

This hound was also worried at the time, fearing that he would be beaten to eat meat.

Fortunately, the old hunter couldn't bear it, so he and his son raised the three hunting dogs.

And this hound is psychic, and Orion and his son like it the most.

For them, the hound is their family. When eating, the father and son hold a bowl, and the hound puts it in a basin, and everyone squats at the door of the house to eat together.

What the Orion father and son eat, the hound eats.

But that was in the 60s and [-]s, everyone's life was hard, and the old Orion went there before he was [-].

The Orion just guarded Susukida, and from time to time, he took three dogs and went up the mountain to secretly chase a rabbit, catch a snake or something, and barely make a living.

But he was so poor that he didn't even have to change his pants if they broke, let alone marry a wife.

Later, the other two dogs gradually died of old age, and only this one dog has been living well, eating and living with Orion.

One person, one dog, living in poverty, the son of Orion doesn’t even have a decent quilt at home, and in winter he sleeps with the dog in his arms, and the dog gets hot.

If you have anything to say, you will also talk to the hound.

There are no chickens for six years, and dogs don't stay for eight years. That dog has lived for decades from the old hunter to the hunter, so it is naturally psychic.

Just when the Orion caught a cold in the rain and passed out from the fever, the dog was worried about the owner, and for some reason it turned into a human to take care of the owner.

When Orion woke up, there was a woman in the house and a dog was missing.

He may or may not have known then.

He didn't ask where the woman came from, nor where the dog went, as usual, eating and living with the dog, going in and out together.

It's just that there is an extra layer of relationship, and everything that should be done has been done.

When asked by the villagers, he only said that he picked it up in the village, and the woman just smiled innocently.

At that time, everyone had good intentions, and life seemed silent.

The woman also has no name, and the villagers call her, all of whom are Lao Fan's mother-in-law.

In her memory, there is no difference in the days. She and Orion went up the mountain to cut firewood, went to work in the field, went home together, lived together, ate together, and slept together.

It's just that sometimes when going up the mountain, the woman chases wild rabbits and pheasants by instinct, and the hunters will touch her head and let go of the wild animals.

The woman was puzzled, but Orion just laughed, making her think that she would stop catching him.

Maybe he knew what a woman was then!

In those days, there was no sweet talk, no excessive affection, and sometimes even no full meal.

But in her heart, that feeling was quiet and beautiful.

It's true that the years are quiet and good, and we depend on each other.

Everything happened because that woman was pregnant. She knew what she was, and the pregnancy made her feel uneasy instinctively.

Orion knew she was pregnant, and held her every night, stroking her belly, and began to feel guilty.

As his belly got bigger day by day, Orion's uneasiness also gradually grew.

He began to go up the mountain without a woman, locked her at home, and went into the mountain to catch snakes and sell them for money.

With children, he wants to give women a better life, and wants to exchange more things for children.

The first few harvests were good, and he even bought meat for the women to eat.

The woman always looks for herbs on the side of the road when she goes to the field with the Orion, and tells him what kind of snake venom it is for.

Orion also listened carefully and memorized carefully.

But one time the Orion went up to the mountain to catch snakes and didn't come back that night. The woman knew something was wrong with her sixth sense. She kept knocking on the door and calling for people. It was not until the next morning that the passing villagers released her.

By the time she stretched her stomach and searched all the way into the mountain, the man was already dead.

When he died, he was still clutching the herbal medicine to detoxify the snake, but he had no time to chew it up and apply it to the wound. There were still two snakes in the basket hanging on his body.

The woman knew that maybe it was because she was pregnant and was warned by heaven.

With her stomach full, she carried Orion back to the village, gave all the valuables in the house to the villagers, handled his funeral in a good way, and then died at home.

He didn't take poison or hang himself. He just lay on the bed where no matter whether it was a human or a dog, he was snuggled up to him, peacefully, and died just like that.

It was the villagers who were afraid that something would happen to her with a big belly, so they found her dead.

It was the villagers who chipped in and bought a thin coffin to bury her.

She psychically transformed into a human form, and she was also a human form when she died. She instinctively knew that she was pregnant, and the heavens forbid that Orion was bitten to death by a snake.

So she didn't want to give birth to that child, and she was afraid of causing trouble to the village again, so she really wanted to go with Orion.

But she didn't expect that she would give birth to that child in the coffin.

What's more, even though that child eats a variety of meals and wears a variety of clothes, and grows up safely, because of marrying an old bachelor, everything changes.

From the first time Sister Fan committed evil, she knew it, and she used her merits to help her resolve it.

But once or twice, she couldn't even maintain the human form of the corpse, and slowly turned back into a dog bone in the rotten coffin.

The torment she suffered in the rotten coffin, no matter what evil Sister Fan did, she tried her best to draw it on herself, and use her ups and downs in the animal realm to resolve it.

Originally, she could reincarnate as a human and continue her relationship with Orion, but because of what Sister Fan did, both she and Orion had to re-enter the animal realm.

She was originally in the animal realm, she didn't feel anything.

But she was afraid that Sister Fan would become a beast, so she asked Sister Fan to grow dog hair to remind her.

She wandered around at night and killed the villagers who encouraged Sister Fan to expand her business.

Killed the mage who wanted to bring her back to the underworld and help Sister Fan get rid of the dog hair with sorcery.

She just wanted to tell Sister Fan to stop being evil and be a good person.

(End of this chapter)

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