blood fox

Chapter 285 People and Dogs

Chapter 285 People and Dogs

Since Ling Yuan and I intend to save people, we naturally have to figure out the situation.

So I took the medicine, took a rest, and went out with Ling Yuan. The excuse was that there was still a basket of peaches in the trunk of the car. I was afraid that I would get bored, so I took it out and shared it with everyone.

Aunt Liu's peaches are all natural, and they look pretty good.

Those strong men who guarded each took two to eat. They felt that the taste was good, and they yelled three times. Then they helped this one get a few, and helped another two. A basket of peaches disappeared in a flash.

Only then did I realize that this village has serious problems. It doesn't even have a fruit tree or grow vegetables.

It seems that everyone is just playing cards and just skating.

Without the peaches, Ling Yuan and I wandered around the village with our baskets on the pretext of looking for traces of the dog bone moving.

After wandering around, I realized that the village seems to have drawn a boundary line invisibly, just like when we went to the grave of Sister Fan's son of a bitch, there would be vicious dogs wandering outside the boundary of the village.

Moreover, surveillance cameras were installed in hidden places on the big trees in the village.

Originally, Ling Yuan and I didn't pay much attention, but now when we look carefully, we can still find it.

Some are hidden in tree holes, some are in fake stones made of cement, and some are hidden on treetops.

This security measure is quite adequate.

When Ling Yuan and I were circling around, motorcycles slipped by in the village from time to time, saying hello to us and telling us not to walk around randomly.

This is because we are afraid that we will find out the secrets of this village. There are surveillance cameras and vicious dogs, so we can rest assured and let people patrol.

So Ling Yuan and I didn't go around for long, picked a basket of wild flowers on the roadside and went back.

I cut a mineral water bottle to use as a vase, and while arranging flowers in the room, I asked Ling Yuan in a low voice, is there any news from the task force?

Ling Yuan didn't know what he was thinking at this moment, but actually helped me remove the extra leaves and stems of the wild flowers, and didn't reply to my words.

It was only when I asked the second time that I came back to my senses: "They want to check the information behind it, do you think it is so fast?"

I thought about it for a while, and it is true that what needs to be rescued is not only the dozens of girls imprisoned in the village now, but also the whereabouts of those who were "slaughtered" by Sister Fan and the others before.

According to Sister Fan and Ms. Zou's calculations, once they startle, those women who are persecuted by them are the most dangerous.

Since it is necessary to save, it is natural to weave the net first.

This is an industrial chain, cheating women, sending them in, domesticating them, and sending them to...

And those customers, didn't any of them receive these women's calls for help?
I put the flowers in a plastic bottle, and the more I put them, the more ugly I feel, and the more annoying I feel.

Plug it in, look left and right, it doesn't look right, I just want to pull it out and throw it all away.

I can understand Ms. Zou's use of plastic surgery to make money. After all, is there a market demand?

But Sister Fan has so many injuries on her body, she knows how painful it is to be in that industry, but she did it voluntarily in order to escape her situation!

But what about her now?
She forced others to bear what she had endured back then. What's more, it wasn't forced, she used the same method as domesticating dogs to domesticate these girls who didn't know where they captured.

First smash their human self-esteem, treat them as pigs, and then release them from the pigsty to sell meat to them to make money.

Then these women, will they be like Sister Fan in the future, with those scars on their bodies!

I held the plastic bottle, no matter how Ling Yuan handed me another small wild chrysanthemum, I went directly to the window, pushed the window open, and wanted to throw the bottle and flowers out of the window.

But Ling Yuan held my hand, took the plastic water bottle, and moved the flowers inside: "The scars on Sister Fan's body are a reminder to her, don't forget the pain when the scars are healed, and those dog hairs are also a reminder to her , don’t become a dog again.”

I looked at him in surprise: "Your explanation is a bit far-fetched."

When Sister Fan went back to the village to move her grave, she was afraid that because of the dog hair on her body, the scars from the past could not be covered, and it was difficult for her to show up in the clubhouse, so she went back to the village to hide and find a way.

Of course, it is also possible that those dog hairs made her think of something, so she dug the grave.

But I don't believe what Ling Yuan said.

"At night, you will know." Ling Yuan straightened the wild flowers in the bottle, and inserted some stems and leaves he had broken off earlier.

After a while, the plastic bottle that I inserted without any sense of beauty became very artistic in his hands.

He calmly inserted the wild chrysanthemum in his hand, adjusted the direction, and placed it on the bedside: "At night, Sister Fan will come to us."

Ling Yuan has a big plan in his work, and he speaks with certainty.

I thought about the dog bone, which will come out at night, and Sister Fan will definitely ask us to see the dog bone, so as to fundamentally solve her dog hair problem, of course she will come again.

When I think of the dozens of women imprisoned in the pigsty, I can't sit still.

But I also know that I can't act rashly at this time, so I just took out the hemp paper from the backpack, spread it on the small table by the window, and planned to copy the scriptures and meditate.

Just when I was about to transcribe the Qingxin mantra again, I heard Ling Yuan recite softly: Ananda again.Once the ghost karma is exhausted, both emotion and thought will be empty.Fang Yushi is in the world with Yuan negative people, resentment is worthwhile.As a beast, pay his debts.

When Ling Yuan was reciting the scriptures, his eyes were lightly closed, and his hands were still arranging the basket of wild flowers. They were obviously just roadside wild flowers, but in Ling Yuan's hands, they looked like blossoming golden lotuses.

Obviously, it was just randomly inserted into a plastic bottle cut out of a mineral water bottle, but it seemed to be offered in an eight-treasure glass bottle.

It seems that there is a Buddha statue in front of him, and it seems that he is a Buddha!

I held the pen, and turned my hand to touch the Jade Buddha on my chest.

Back in Xilin Temple, when Ling Yuan looked directly at the Buddha statue in the main hall, I knew he had a high status, but he is a fox, why is he so closely related to Buddhism?

Ling Yuan was still reciting word by word, I paused, picked up my pen, and followed Ling Yuan's voice of chanting, and slowly recorded it.

I have heard Xuan Xin recite the Shurangama Sutra, and I have also read the original text.

After all, after learning about the Six Paths, I still pay a little attention to this aspect.

Ling Yuan's voice of chanting sutras was neither slow nor slow, the voice was low and ethereal, which made people feel emptiness.

After the first volume was transcribed, Ling Yuan turned the vase of flowers and looked out of the window: "Here it comes."

I was just astonished that I wrote a volume of "Shurangama Sutra" as if I wrote it with godliness. Listening to Ling Yuan's words, I couldn't help but follow his gaze.

It was already dark outside the window, and it was already dark.

Outside the window that I threw the vase to open just now, there is a dog's head that is just a white bone, trying to poke its head in from the outside, with a pair of empty eyes, staring at Ling Yuan blankly.

I looked at the dog's skeleton, and the image of it killing someone flashed across my eyes, so I quickly put down my pen.

But at this moment, my finger that scraped the bamboo strips of the wreath beside the grave suddenly felt a pain.

Followed by a strand of blood, like a gushing stream of blood, it slowly floated towards the dog bone.

I looked at the thread of blood drawn out in surprise, and turned to look at the dog's bone.

Suddenly felt a little mocking!

All the people in the village, those who did evil and those who were victimized, were numb to the point of numbness, and none of them had feelings in their hearts that could arouse blood.

As a result, a dog that had been dead for decades actually evoked blood.

A man is not as good as a dog, but a dead dog!
(End of this chapter)

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