Chapter 764
Of course,'s internal meeting will not be leaked out.

However, many people knew about Fang Jiming's establishment of the company.There is no way, now that Fang Jiming is a celebrity, and with Shang Zhiming's special status in the business world, people have to pay attention to his every move.When registering a company, the information is public, and anyone who cares can find it.

Therefore, Fang Jiming never expected that his peers would be ready to fight when he just had the idea of ​​establishing an e-commerce company.

But yes, others are not stupid!
Under Fang Jiming's instruction, Taobao began to accelerate the pace of construction.First of all, it is to attract merchants.Fang Jiming’s offer is very favorable, as long as you open an online store on Taobao, it’s absolutely free.But it should be noted that the real name must be used to open a store, and a person's ID card can only open one online store.

Not only the ID card must be verified, but also the bank card must be verified, and the ID card must be held for verification.

After the review, the online store will be opened.

There are two options for opening an online store, one is a personal online store and the other is an enterprise online store.

Registering an online store is free, but you need to pay a deposit to put goods on the shelves.There is no way, although you can be tracked down personally, and you will be included in the dishonest list, but the money can't be obtained, so it's useless.So, the deposit is a guarantee.Not much, just 5000 yuan.If it is an enterprise store, the deposit will be more, and it will be charged according to the scale of the company's registration. The more registered capital, the more this deposit will be paid.

This deposit will be returned after the store is cancelled, and Fang Zhiming has no choice.However, Fang Jiming set a standard, that is, after three years of honest operation, the deposit can also be returned at his own choice.

After all, they have opened a store for three years and have supported your business for so long, so you should trust them a little.Besides, this deposit is to prevent yourself from losing money. If it can't develop after three years, Fang Jiming thinks that the e-commerce can be shut down.

Fang Jiming also specially set up a self-operated section, which is full of enterprise products that cannot be negotiated.These companies look down on Taobao, but promised to supply Taobao.

Cai Hongxin had no choice but to set up a self-operated section based on Fang Jiming's idea and guarantee after-sales by himself.

Taobao online time, scheduled for July 7.

Does this time have any special meaning?

No, it's just that the almanac says "it's time to open."

The launch of was not considered a major Internet event, and there was even no movement on that day. It was just that e-commerce websites such as,, and Tianwang were a bit overreacted and were just waiting.However, Taobao's approach surprised colleagues a little.

Because most of the e-commerce companies in this meeting are B2C models, that is, from business to consumers.

But Taobao has directly opened a C2C channel!
Although it did not cause any sensation, the colleagues thought about it and decided to follow up.

Fang Jiming also couldn't laugh or cry, these people really don't have any sense of shame, they don't even say hello when they are copycats.But it's okay, the next step is to fight for internal strength.Because e-commerce is really lukewarm, and the market is too small.In other words, only one or two giants can be accommodated for dinner, and if there are a few more competitors, the brains of the dog will be blown out.

Because of the existence of C2C and Fang Jiming’s platform drainage, Taobao soon gathered the first batch of personal online shop operators.

Almost all of these people are self-employed and have physical stores.But because of the downturn in physical stores, they turned their attention to e-commerce.There was no C2C model in the past, and now all platforms have opened C2C, but because of the registration process, many people still choose Taobao.

After a period of drainage, the power of Taobao finally emerged.

There is no way, QQ, Baidu, hao123, 360, and even Dongfang are helping Taobao to drain traffic. Taobao, which has lost more than 4000 million, has finally accumulated No. 20 users and has taken a solid step.In fact, a large part of the reason is the free shipping system.

The greed in human nature is undoubtedly manifested in the humble countermeasure of free shipping.

Obviously it's just changing the saying, but there are some users who like it.

Of course, the fast delivery of Shunfeng Express in the three urban agglomerations of the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan gives users a good online shopping experience, which is why Taobao can attract users.However, the rapid expansion of Taobao seems to have just begun and ended.After all, he is a latecomer, and Fang Jiming doesn't have much money to burn, so in the short term, there is no way to squeeze into the first echelon of domestic e-commerce.

Fang Jiming also expected this to happen, but he firmly believed that under Taobao's perfect system, it would gradually attract users.Now Taobao lacks an opportunity, an opportunity to soar into the sky.

To be honest, Fang Jiming didn't care too much about Taobao, because he wrote a top-secret document about the rules and regulations and gave it to Cai Hongxin.

As long as Cai Hongxin follows this outline, it will be fine if Taobao loses money.

Thinking back to when Tencent tried to get involved in e-commerce several times back then, but they all failed, Fang Jiming naturally had the corresponding psychological preparations - he could afford it!
That's right, this is Fang Jiming's confidence.

But what made Fang Jiming dumbfounded was that one month after Taobao went live,'s instant messaging software "DD" was also launched.Not to mention, DD is praised by many people. After all, did not have similar chat software before, and if there is a problem, you can only call customer service, which is very inconvenient.

Well now, has made up for its shortcomings and attracted another wave of users. Taobao seems to be lagging behind even more.

In fact, Taobao's mechanism is more comprehensive.

Because if the QQ account is bound to Alipay, then you can log in to Taobao with Alipay.Because Taobao's payment platform is also AliPay.

As for Alipay, you can directly talk to the QQ of the customer service, and even add the Alipay number and QQ number of the other party through Alipay for instant chat.As for Alipay, it is bound to the bank card number.

This mechanism is actually very good, breaking through the barriers of payment and after-sales.

It's a pity that Taobao is still a latecomer, and there is still a long way to go. It's hard to eat a big fat man!
No one knows better than Fang Zhiming that the rise of Taobao in his previous life was inseparable from several important opportunities.

As for Fang Jiming, he doesn't like millions of users. If he wants to do it, he will do tens of millions of e-commerce.Tens of millions are not enough. Fang Zhiming's real goal is to make online shopping for all people in the mobile Internet era, and that is the real test!
Without the era of mobile Internet, it is unknown who will win and who will lose.

Those who run first may not necessarily win; those who fall behind temporarily may not necessarily lose.

Who will win the game depends on the current layout and future trends.

Li Xiuqin was also very surprised, why did Fang Jiming enter e-commerce at this time?After he couldn't figure it out, he found Tao Chenyao, the boss of, and the two friends got together to discuss future plans.

Amidst the turbulent undercurrent, domestic Internet companies each have their own plans...

(End of this chapter)

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