I live in the game

Chapter 225 The Murderer

Chapter 225 The Murderer
"The young guard never saw his fiancée again.

"Since then, I wake up early every day and go to those boring classes after training."

The story of Jane Eyre continues, but her subject has changed.

"The servants in the mansion think that I take a shower in the morning because I like to be clean, and no one knows how much sweat I have shed.

"I don't like court manners or rhetoric at all, but I still study all the lessons carefully, and the tutors are full of praise for me.

"Initially I controlled the volume of training so as not to develop obvious muscles, because I was too strong to be seen.

"As I grew up and had to take more and more classes, the time I could spend on training naturally became less and less, so I didn't need to deliberately control it.

"In this way, I acted as a smart and obedient daughter in front of Lord Marquis, but in fact my level was getting higher and higher, and just three months ago, I finally reached level 20.

"It was at this time that I realized the existence of the bottleneck.

"No matter how hard I train, I can't improve my strength, and my level is limited to level 20.

"As the daughter of the Marquis family, I have no freedom, and all the books I have access to are carefully selected by the tutors.

"It is impossible for people around me to tell me 'excess' knowledge, the young guard who was executed is a lesson from the past.

"I'm already married. His Excellency the Marquis has chosen a marriage partner for me as early as 14 years old. I guess it will take a year or two to get married.

"Originally, I had already made a plan to escape. I planned to stay away from Silver Sail City and become an adventurer in the Southern Asian Alliance, and then try to find a way to break through the bottleneck.

"But just a month ago, the player arrived.

“This was a huge surprise for me.

"Among those big figures in Silver Sail City, there are too many people who are vegetarians. They don't realize how much impact players will have on this world. They just think that there are more undead soldiers and they are planning how to use them.

"This is a major event unprecedented in the millennium since the establishment of the Tricolor Empire!

"Those fat-headed idiots don't take it to heart, they only have that small status and power in their eyes.

"However, people like Prime Minister Richelieu and Lord Aramis have paid great attention to the appearance of players.

"I also regard players as an opportunity for me to change my destiny, especially after meeting you, Mr. Dada, I have strengthened this idea even more."

Having said that, Jane Eyre refilled Shao Dalong's half-drinked cup.

Her movements are graceful and natural, and no one will suspect that she is a young lady with strict tutoring.

"I know about your past, but why did you tell me these things?" Shao Dalong asked instead of drinking tea.

After listening to the background of the characters, you can probably guess the side missions, which are nothing more than helping Jane Eyre get rid of her marriage contract, help her get out of the noble family, and embark on the road of cultivation and becoming stronger. However, the mission rewards have not been mentioned yet!
"Did you notice the way that Mr. Yang Yang looked at you when we just left?" Jane Eyre said.

Shao Dalong shook his head doubtfully.

"I have been very good at observing words and expressions since I was a child. When Mr. Yang Yang saw you just now, he originally saw the relaxed expression of an acquaintance in an unfamiliar environment, but suddenly his expression changed, and he was shocked. He didn't recover until we walked out of the hall. Come." Jane Eyre explained.

Shao Dalong frowned slightly, then let go, understanding.

"The last time I helped you rescue Miss Liu Qian, I asked about her and her companions' levels, and I also pretended to ask about your level by the way. She told me that you were only level 1, which made me very unbelievable. A person with only How could a level 1 person get such attention from Athos, Porthos, and Aramis?
"But Mr. Yang Yang's reaction this time tells me that you really are not that simple. The biggest difference between players and us is that we can see through other people's levels at a glance, and we need to use the power of props. Mr. Yang Yang must have seen yours just now." Level, I found it much higher than level 1, so I was so surprised!"

Shao Dalong smiled, did not admit it, and asked instead: "Then you are not afraid that they will see your level and expose you?"

"This really gave me a headache. I privately asked Ms. Liu Qian not to reveal my level to anyone. Although no one will use props to detect me, as more and more players enter the social circle of Silver Sail City , My exposure is probably only a matter of time.

"After the exposure, Lord Marquis will definitely marry me off immediately. You told us a lot about the real world at the salon last time. Girls over there can fall in love freely and pursue their dreams. And career, really makes me envious."

Jane Eyre's eyes seemed to be suppressed with sadness, making one feel pitiful.

Shao Dalong knew she was acting.

How could a "beautiful girl" who spent nearly ten years secretly training herself to level 20 without the people around her realizing it could really bet all her hopes on the sympathy of others?

She's just using her acting skills to try and convince herself to lend a helping hand.

Shao Dalong believed that even if he refused to help Jane Eyre, or even sold her on the spot, the girl would still be able to find a way to get out of trouble. As she said, she had already prepared a plan to run away from home.

Shao Dalong didn't intend to let the other party dominate the topic anymore.

"What do you know about tonight's case?" he asked.

"The murderer is Duke Chevreuse." Jane Eyre said without hesitation.

Shao Dalong was quite surprised by her decisive tone, she didn't even say words like "I guess" and "should", as if she already knew the answer.

"Don't be surprised. I'm showing you my value. I can tell you all the truth behind this conspiracy tonight, and I have nothing to hide." Jane Eyre chuckled.

Since Shao Dalong couldn't be moved by selling miserably, she decisively changed her strategy.

"Details." Shao Dalong leaned back on the sofa holding the teacup.

"The Duchess once complained to me in private that her husband's behavior was a bit strange. In the past month, Duke Chevreuse brought back many serfs to the mansion one after another, let them watch [Wives and Concubines Groups], and counted their death from exhaustion. The time it takes to die.

"These serfs were strong, some were thin, and they were of all shapes and sizes, which terrified the duchess, as if the duke wanted to calculate how long it would take to kill people of different physiques by using [groups of wives and concubines].

"She doesn't know who the Duke intends to kill, and she doesn't dare to confront the Duke. That's why she wanted to take the opportunity to lend you the [Wives and Concubines] when you came to borrow the super magic item last time, Mr. Dada. It's a pity that you are very sorry Keep yourself clean and don't agree."

Shao Dalong suddenly realized that this could explain the strange attitude of the Duchess last time. At that time, he thought it was a beautiful young woman who liked to drive and tease young people, but he didn't expect that there was such a hidden secret.

(End of this chapter)

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