I live in the game

Chapter 224 There Is A Beautiful Girl

Chapter 224 There Is A Beautiful Girl

"Jane Eyre", a novel written by the British female writer Charlotte Bronte, tells the story of the heroine Jane Eyre fighting against the rough fate and pursuing true love.

This work was created in the middle of the 19th century. At that time, Britain was already enjoying the powerful national power brought by the Industrial Revolution, but the social status of women was similar to that of the Middle Ages. The meaning of life is to marry a good family, gain wealth through marriage, improve Social status.

Charlotte Bronte had to use a masculine pseudonym in order to write, otherwise she would have been criticized a lot for the mere status of "woman author", and defenders of the old order would jump out at her Unfeminine, or in more Western terms, not ladylike.

The heroine Jane Eyre is a woman who doesn't care about her ordinary appearance and knows self-esteem and self-love. She insists on equality in love and pursues spiritual compatibility instead of chasing social status and wealth like the social atmosphere at that time.

In the history of literature, what Jane Eyre represents is the self-improving female image.

In the game world, the image of Miss Jian with the same name and surname seems to be far from the novel. Not only does she come from a high school, but her appearance is also very outstanding.

But through the level displayed on the character panel, Shao Dalong knew that she was not as simple as it seemed.

Although the Magic Continent has extraordinary power, and there are not no female members in the Knights, the noble ladies Shao Dalong met in the Duke of Chevres's mansion are basically powerless, and few of them are above level 5. of.

Because the nobles don't like to see their daughters become powerful, they only hope that they can marry the right family and be good daughters that can be used for political marriage.

The reason why women are allowed in the Knights is only because "vulgar" civilian women are not subject to this restriction.

Jane Eyre is the only special case.

Shao Dalong was very curious about what she was going to say to herself.

"Master Dada, I know that players can see our level at a glance, so you must have noticed my anomaly." Jane Eyre said very frankly.

Shao Dalong threw the headgear on the sofa, picked up the teacup, took a sip, and said, "The tea is good, and there are snacks, but there is still a lack of a storyteller."

Jane Eyre covered her mouth and smiled lightly, then straightened her body, and said seriously: "Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient, and tell you a story."

Shao Dalong grabbed a piece of macaron, feeling regretful that there were no fruits.

Obviously, there is going to be a story in the next one, and it is still the kind that cannot be skipped. When this happens when playing games, he likes to watch it while eating snacks.

Like a conscientious game NPC, Jane Eyre began to speak for Shao Dalong:
"Once upon a time there was a beautiful young girl whose father was a Marquis, and her family was very large and employed many guards.

"Among the guards, there is a handsome young man.

"Looking out from the girl's room is a beautiful courtyard, and the guards often train and patrol in the open space beside the courtyard.

"One day, after a boring etiquette class, the girl accidentally saw the guards in training.

"She noticed the handsome young guard right away.

"The guard trained very seriously, and every movement was very powerful. Looking at his sweaty figure, the girl was fascinated.

"From that day on, the girl would lie on the window every day, expecting to see the training of the guards.

"After two months like this, the girl finally found a chance to sneak out of the room and talked to the young guard while she was alone."

When Jane Eyre said this, she suddenly paused, with a mischievous smile on her face, and asked, "Mr. Dada, would you like to guess what she said?"

Shao Dalong shook his head: "I don't guess, I'm here to listen to the story."

What Jane Eyre just said sounds like the beginning of a love story.

But since the other party asked this question on purpose, it means that what happened afterwards must be unexpected.

That being the case... why did he guess?
When playing games, he hates this kind of story flow that can't be skipped and has to keep asking players to click options!

"You really don't understand style ... well, let me continue.

"The beautiful young lady looked at the guard with sparkling eyes, full of admiration.

"The guard was very nervous when he saw the eldest lady like this, so he quickly said: Miss, the Marquis will be angry if he knows that you run around, I will ask the maid to take you back.

"Miss shook her head vigorously, looked at the guard with big shiny eyes and said: There is something I have always wanted to ask you.

"The guard became even more nervous. He said: Miss, I'm glad you have such an idea, but we won't have any results. I already have a fiancée in the countryside of my hometown...

"Miss was puzzled and said: Congratulations, but why did you tell me that you have a fiancee? Listen, the question I want to ask you is, how did you train so hard, can you teach me?

"The guard's expression was extremely funny at the time, he was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses, and said: Miss Jian, you are the daughter of the Marquis, and your status is very precious, so you don't need to practice these things.

"But the lady was persistent and pestered the guard to teach her how to become stronger. The guard really couldn't refuse such a beautiful girl, so he passed on all his cultivation experience over the years to her."

When Jane Eyre said this, she stopped to drink lipstick tea to relax.

There was a smile on her face, but she looked unhappy, as if she had fallen into some kind of bad memory.

Shao Dalong ate the Black Forest cake and looked at Jane Eyre with a strange expression.

beautiful girl?
How dare you say that you slipped your tongue and said the word "Miss Jian", and why don't you just leave it here and describe yourself as a beautiful girl?

However, Shao Dalong didn't interrupt to complain.

He kind of guessed what happened next.

"The girl has long been tired of those boring etiquette lessons, piano lessons, and grammar lessons... She longs to be like an adventurer in fantasy works, travel around the world, challenge powerful enemies, and conquer mazes.

"She finally got the training method she wanted, and when she got back to her room, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep all night.

"The next day, the girl finished a boring class with dark circles under her eyes, and was reprimanded several times by her tutor for being absent-minded.

"After she returned to her room, she planned to watch the training content of the guards downstairs as usual.

"This time, with the various tricks told to her by the young guards, she is no longer a layman watching the excitement. She understands why she practices like this and how to exert strength after watching it a few times.

"However, the girl discovered that the guard who helped her was absent today.

"When the girl was wondering, her father entered her room.

"There was no knock and no announcement.

"The high-ranking Lord Marquis casually walked into his daughter's room, and said to his young daughter:

"That guard who doesn't understand the rules is really damned, he dared to teach you vulgar and savage martial arts. This Marquis can afford to hire as many powerful fighters as you want, but if the most important daughter of this Marquis can't get married because of her muscles, that's it. What a great loss? I have put him to death, Jane, for your own good.

"After the girl listened to her father's words, her whole body seemed to be turned into a stone sculpture. She didn't finally regain her senses until it was completely dark, and Lord Marquis had already left."

(End of this chapter)

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