Chapter 159

Early the next morning, Chen Shuhui and Tian Xiaohua went out.

As soon as she went downstairs, she saw the door of Zhao's house was open, and five or six children crowded at the door, looking at them.

That look made Chen Shuhui's heart shudder.

She immediately understood that the children were waiting for Tian Xiaohua to go out, and then went to her house to find her!
Because Tian Xiaohua's bad temper is notorious, these children rarely go to her house.

It was different when Tian Xiaohua left and the new daughter-in-law was at home.

"Huh? Send your aunt to work?" Another adult's head appeared at the door, looked at Chen Shuhui, and asked.

"No, I'm going shopping!" Chen Shuhui said.

"Shopping..." The woman looked at Tian Xiaohua's indifferent expression, and didn't dare to ask her when she would come back.

No, she will come back sooner or later.Wait until she comes back!
With Tian Xiaohua in her arms, Chen Shuhui walked out of the corridor and out of the community with her fiery gaze behind her back.

Tian Xiaohua suddenly put 20 yuan into her hand: "Let's play outside today." If you are hungry, go to a restaurant to eat.I leave work at 6pm, and you'll come back later. "

"No, aunt, I have money!" Chen Shuhui declined.

"What's yours is yours, and what I give is what I give. Stop making trouble. Let people see the joke."

Early morning is working time.People come and go.Pulling and pulling is not good either.Chen Shuhui is not a person who likes to drag, so she accepted it.

Tian Xiaohua will repay her kindness even more.

Tian Xiaohua smiled, clapped her hands and went to work.

Chen Shuhui got on the bus to Liulichang.

What was the best thing to visit in the 80s?Not a park, not a shopping mall, but a unique product of this era: a cultural relic shop.

Cultural relics and antiques have been good things since ancient times.Everyone knows them.

Relics and antiques are still good stuff.There are specialty stores where you can buy them, but they are very cheap.A bowl costs one yuan, and a painting costs a few yuan.

Then sell it to senior cadres or foreign guests above level 13 to earn foreign exchange.

Of course, some stores only accept but do not sell, and some stores can sell ordinary things to ordinary people.

Chen Shuhui went to find this "ordinary".Things that are worth millions or even tens of millions in later generations are "common" at this time.

For example, paintings by Zhang Daqian and Qi Baishi.

After getting off the car, Chen Shuhui looked for it on the side of the road.

She had never been to a heritage store before.She heard from an elderly customer that there was an antiquities store in that place, and there were many good things in it.Now, the contents add up to buy a building downtown!
But at that time only the price of cabbage was sold.

He found a few "cabbage" inside.In the 20s, he earned his first pot of gold and became rich.

That's it, his intestines are green with regret, because in another 20 years, his "cabbage" will become a golden mountain.More than he earned in 20 years of hard work.

Chen Shuhui searched all the way, and suddenly saw a shop selling cabbage on the side of the road.No, it's a heritage store.

She walked in and immediately smelled a strong stale smell, even a bit musty.

The house is big and dark.It looks like a supply and marketing cooperative.It has counters and shelves, but it sells "used stuff".

There are three clerks in the room, guarding three walls.

When the three of them saw Chen Shuhui coming in, their eyes lit up.

Little girls are rarely seen in their shop.She is still a beautiful little girl.

"Come here to sell something?" An old man in his 60s looked at Chen Shuhui, then at the schoolbag behind Chen Shuhui, and asked.

At his age, he's not interested in little girls anymore.He just likes artifacts.

(End of this chapter)

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