Chapter 158
"Thank you, aunt! You are so kind!" Chen Shuhui said gratefully.

She didn't blame her for "breaking apart" their young couple.She feels good about herself.Tian Xiaohua smiled, it is worth taking the risk of being a "wicked person".

If Chen Shuhui doesn't understand and misunderstand her, their relationship will be difficult to repair, and the explanation of this problem is not clear.

How many little girls think it's bad to be around guys and kids these days?Only old people can understand.

Don't expect her to understand.

"Auntie, I'm going to school!" Chen Shuhui said.

Since everyone has spoken their minds to her, she has no choice but to repay her kindness.

"School?" Tian Xiaohua was stunned.She thinks Chen Shuhui wants to work at most.She also wants to introduce her to a good job, such as a pastry chef in a big hotel.

The top hotel in the capital, as a pastry chef, not tired, earns a lot of money, and has good benefits.

In this era of resource shortages, hotels, garment factories, food factories, and supply and marketing cooperatives are the best employment units.

If you have nothing to worry about, you have nothing to ask for.

Electricity, postal services and banks are all excluded.

"You want to go to vocational school?" What do you study? "Tian Xiaohua asked.

"I want to go to high school." Chen Shuhui said: "Improve the level of education."

She dared not say she wanted to go to college.At this time, she can go to college.Although the college entrance examination is not quite normal yet, she can "recommend admission".

Factories, villages, and public institutions can recommend people to go to college. This is the child of workers, peasants, and soldiers.

Tian Xiaohua also thinks: "Instead of going to high school, it is better to go directly to university."

"No, no, no!" Chen Shuhui waved her hand hastily.

This is the case of the University for the Children of Workers and Peasants.There is no requirement for the student's foundation.She can go as long as she has a recommendation, so the gold content is too low.

In the future, she will go out and say that she is a university for the children of workers, peasants and soldiers, and that she is a college student who has resumed the college entrance examination.The treatment she received was worlds apart.

"I didn't go to school for a day. Now I'm pregnant. It's not suitable for college. I just want to put my name on the school first..."

The college entrance examination will be resumed. It is said that anyone who has gone to school can take the college entrance examination, regardless of whether you have graduated from junior high school or high school, but Chen Shuhui does not know whether you have graduated from elementary school.

To be on the safe side, she still wants to get her high school diploma.

Tian Xiaohua thinks she wants a mixed degree: "It's easy to do. When I'm free, I'll go to the school next door to help you hang it up."

"Great aunt!" Chen Shuhui ran over to hug her.

How can you be so cute when something as nasty as walking through the back door happens to you?

Tian Xiaohua smiled, happy for a big event.

Going to school is not a good thing now, especially in high school, it can be said that all people in high school are fooling around with a high school diploma.Then, they either work or go to the countryside.

The going to the countryside is not over yet, but it is also the last batch.

In the evening, Chen Shuhui made a long skirt for Tian Xiaohua.The outerwear is a fitted, long-sleeved shirting style, but hemlines to the ankle with a wide belted drawstring in the centre.

It is capable and concise, showing that the whole person has a special temperament.

Tian Xiaohua fell in love with it immediately and couldn't put it down.

She just wanted to recommend Shuhui to the hotel, which may be wrong.She should go to the garment factory.

Forget it, wait until she has a baby.Maybe she can find other strengths in Shuhui.

(End of this chapter)

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