Delicate beauty is sweetly spoiled in the chronology

Chapter 276 She embraced her ideal for the first time

Chapter 276 She embraced her ideal for the first time
After the first time, every time I went to Lin Zhishu's home for tutoring, it became more natural.

Sometimes his parents were home, but after the initial shyness and embarrassment, the two quickly got to know each other.

Lin Zhishu dutifully helped Cheng Yuan with tutoring, and she also lived up to expectations and made rapid progress. Every midterm and final exam is a big step forward.

By her senior year, she had won a three-year scholarship, as well as top-three prizes in more than a dozen competitions.

And Lin Zhishu has already completed his Ph.D. and Master's degree. While studying, he is also doing an internship in the largest hospital in Beijing. He is so busy that he hardly has time to go home.

Cheng Yuan is also in graduate school in her senior year.

All her progress is like a replica of Lin Zhishu.

Just like the goal she set in her heart when she was a freshman, she is closely following the light in her heart, not seeking to stay by his side in an intimate capacity, but only seeking to make her future as good as possible. have more chances to see him.

By the time Cheng Yuan graduated as a graduate student, Lin Zhishu had officially become a doctor at the First Hospital.

Because the two of them have been too busy these years, the tutoring time she covets the most has long become a new memory.

Even if the two of them still live very close to each other now, they have hardly met each other.

It wasn't until she and Xia Yu'an applied for an internship in the First Hospital that she met Lin Zhishu again after a long absence.

At this time, they are more mature than previous years.

Lin Zhishu no longer has a youthful look, and Cheng Yuan no longer sees the shyness and timidity of the past.

She got her wish to see them who have become better.

I also got my wish to work in the same hospital as Lin Zhishu, and I can see him every now and then.

However, the world loves to joke with people so much.

Cheng Yuan suddenly had a nosebleed while she was working, she hurried to the bathroom to wash it, but suddenly her world spun and she fell to the ground suddenly.

When she woke up again, there were many people around her.

There was her mother, Lin Zhishu's parents, Ye Manman and He Chen's family, Xia Yu'an and her husband, there seemed to be many others, she couldn't remember them all.

She only remembered seeing Lin Zhishu standing next to her when she woke up.

She saw a deja vu expression on Lin Zhishu's face.

It's like seeing it before.

But she couldn't remember it.

She just feels very sleepy, very tired, and her head hurts, and she doesn't want to open her eyes at all.

"What's wrong with me?"

As an intern doctor, Cheng Yuan clearly understood that she might be suffering from some serious illness, and with normal illnesses, she would not faint like this with a sudden nosebleed.

But when she asked, everyone just cried, and no one told her what happened to her.

She could only ask Lin Zhishu for help.

"What's wrong with me?"

Lin Zhishu's eye sockets were very red, and there were deep dark circles under his eyes, as if he had just survived a whole night.

She didn't seem to have seen him like this before, his hair was messed up and he hadn't taken care of it, and the clothes inside the white coat were buttoned two wrongly, so unkempt, he seemed to wake up and go out without looking in the mirror Same.

Lin Zhishu couldn't speak, so he could only hand her the inspection report.

This is a blood test sheet.

As a doctor, she saw it right away.

It turned out to be leukemia.

No wonder.

No wonder she found Lin Zhishu's expression so familiar just now.

Sister Yiyi got this disease and left.

For this reason, Lin Zhishu has been specializing in this research direction for so many years since he went to college until now.

Is it her turn now?

Cheng Yuan casually put the report sheet beside the bed, suddenly feeling very tired.

She seems to have tried too hard these past few years.

I haven't had a good rest since I went to college, and I have been studying hard and catching up.

But now she has caught up and touched the corner of her dream, but God made such a big joke on her.

This disease may not be cured in the early stage, what's more, now that she is in the advanced stage, it is absolutely impossible to cure it.

If she persists in the treatment, the savings she has saved for her mother over the years will be exhausted in an instant, and even cause her mother to owe a huge amount of foreign debt, and the rest of her life will be spent repaying the debt.

So, what has she gained from studying and working so hard for so many years?

It seems that apart from leaving a little good memory for myself and a savings for my mother, I got nothing and can't leave anything.

On the day when she was diagnosed with leukemia, everyone talked to her a lot, and made an appointment to see her again.

After everyone left, only mother and Lin Zhishu were left in the ward.

Cheng Yuan glanced at the haggard Lin Zhishu, and then at her mother.

"Mom, I'm a little hungry and I want to eat something."

Mother Cheng's eyes were already swollen from crying. Hearing her words, she hurried outside to buy porridge.

Then, there were only her and Lin Zhishu left.

Cheng Yuan deliberately dismissed her mother.

She wanted to have a good chat with Lin Zhishu.

"Xiaoyuan, don't be afraid, calm down, I will find a way to cure you, this is what I specialize in now, I have been working hard for several years, and I will soon have results, I"

"Forget it, Lin Zhishu, don't comfort me."

Cheng Yuan interrupted him with a calm expression.

"I'm also a doctor, do you think you can fool me?"

"There is no cure for this disease."

There is no need to cure it.

She didn't say the latter sentence, mainly because she didn't want to irritate him.

This man, from struggling in his teens to his thirties, has been ruined by this disease for half his life.

The girl I liked was taken away by leukemia.

Now the girl who likes him will also be taken away by leukemia.

So what are the years of his hard work?

Just thinking about Cheng Yuan from his perspective breaks down for him.

But there is no way, who made her so unlucky?

Maybe liking him and chasing him is a life-consuming thing in itself.

She no longer expected to have any results with him, and now she just ended the long process of accompanying him in advance.

Cheng Yuan didn't feel sorry.

She was just worried that this old and crying man would completely collapse after she left.

At that time, without her secretly liking him and supporting him, what should he do?

"Okay, don't cry. I'm still crying like this when I'm old. I'm not going to die right away. Can I still live for a while?"

Cheng Yuan took off Lin Zhishu's white coat, and said words that she didn't even think seemed comforting.

Lin Zhishu took off his glasses, tears could not be wiped clean, his nose was red from crying, his lips were trembling, he looked like a child who lost his favorite toy.

"Xiaoyuan, I have really worked hard, and I don't know why I just can't find a way to overcome it. I have read your inspection report. I checked the information and past cases all night yesterday, but There is no cure for this disease, I really don't know what to do, I don't know how to cure you..."

He kept wiping away his tears and stood by the hospital bed, weeping uncontrollably.

It was the first time Cheng Yuan saw Lin Zhishu like this.

It seemed to be more sad than the vague memory of crying.

The sourness and various feelings in his heart competed to spread, Cheng Yuan finally chose to hug him.

She is a timid crush who never dares to cross the line in their relationship.

Today is the first time she has embraced her ideal.

It turned out that his waist was so thin and his stomach was soft, and when his face was pressed against it, he could feel his body temperature even through his clothes.

Cheng Yuan hugged him greedily and didn't let go, but she still couldn't open her mouth to tell him what she once liked and has kept that liking until now.

Better not tell him.

This seemingly stable man actually cried very sadly if he didn't answer the question.

If he knew it, he might cry even more sadly, and then there would be no one else to hug him.

That's too pitiful.

Some secrets are better for her to take away.

Although, he was not her moon, but for a moment the moonlight shone on her.

That's enough.

So far, she has no regrets in her life except that she can only leave money for her mother's pension.

 I come to you, that is my departure.

(End of this chapter)

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