Thousands of sparks

Chapter 166 The Future

Chapter 166 The Future
Du Sande has been really busy lately.

He has not been able to spare time for almost three weeks to visit his mother's grave.

In the past, when he was in charge of Niusal’s reform, no matter how busy he was, he could spare at least half an hour to visit his mother’s grave, engrave a small line of writing, or present a bouquet of flowers.But now... Dusande doesn't even have that freedom.

Nussar is at the most critical stage, not only Dussand... even Duchamp has come out of his "house arrest" and started to pick up his daily work.

Duchamp is now back in charge of the defense of the Newsail orbit.This is General Horn's request.The old general, who was missing an arm, said to Dusand very solemnly, "If anyone can raise Newsail's orbital defense to an acceptable level, it is probably only Dusand."

Commodore Scharnhorst, who is now in charge of the orbital defense of Newsail, is Duchamp's subordinate. Before he was promoted to this post, Commodore Scharnhorst was the commander of the battleship "Dignity" of the Newsail Garrison Fleet. captain.He is also the fleet commander of the Dignity Task Force.

From the position of capital ship captain and fleet commander to the chief of staff of the colonial garrison fleet, this is a very normal promotion route.But this job change is not very suitable for Brigadier General Scharnhorst.

Commodore Scharnhorst was a standard naval officer.He graduated from the Naval Department of the Royal Military Academy in Olin. In the eyes of his instructor, Scharnhorst is a very good research scholar.Almost all of his promotion and the difficulties he faced later stemmed from the trait of "excellent research scholar".

Just after entering the navy, Scharnhorst became a researcher in the Imperial Navy Equipment Research Department. During his ten-year research career, his research field has been focused on the multi-mounted large-caliber artillery. Disturbance measurement and countermeasures produced by salvo in deep space environment.

To explain it in relatively easy-to-understand terms, Scharnhorst spent a full ten years studying the impact of muzzle flames on the accuracy of adjacent shells when multiple large-caliber cannons fired simultaneously in space. .His research results were later applied to all large cruisers and battleships of the empire—in order to ensure shooting accuracy, all multiple artillery pieces could not fire at the same time.When shooting, it should be ensured that the interval between the firing of adjacent barrels is at least one second, so as to ensure that the gun flames will not affect the flight of the warheads in adjacent barrels.

After graduating from university, Scharnhorst, who has been studying technical details for a full ten years, did not stop there in the laboratory.Deep down, he still sees himself as a soldier rather than a researcher or a great technician.He was willing to stay in the research room and study and calculate the impact of artillery firing day after day because his superiors had given him such an order.

Now that the order has been executed, Scharnhorst decides to make some choices for his future life.He chose to join the first-line army, and such a choice was unsurprisingly rejected by his superiors.

The Imperial Navy is a service that pays great attention to the level of science and technology, which can be seen from the fact that their sailors all have at least a middle school education.Therefore, unless the head of the Imperial Navy was kicked by the allies, Lieutenant Colonel Scharnhorst would never let Lieutenant Colonel Scharnhorst leave his research post and go to some front-line combat troops.

But helplessly, Scharnhorst's own wishes were too firm, and he even started to contact the army—as long as he could join the front-line combat troops, he was willing to join the army.

In the end, in order to keep Scharnhorst in the Imperial Navy sequence, and also to "punish" this promising research officer for "fornicating with the Army", Lieutenant Colonel Scharnhorst was transferred with an equal rank. He joined the Newsail Garrison Navy and became a destroyer captain under Duchamp.

Facts have proved that Scharnhorst is indeed an extremely good officer.He worked his way up the ranks of the Newsail Garrison Navy, rising from destroyer captain to capital ship captain and formation commander in five years.But after all, he is a research officer. Commodore Scharnhorst made a major omission after he was promoted to chief of staff of the Naval Staff of the Newsail Garrison.

According to General Horne's request, the garrison navy should ensure 100% identification of jump targets around the first and second orbits from Newsail to the first and second satellites.85% identification rate of the transition target from outside the second orbit to the asteroid dense area.

However, there were serious problems with the defense and execution arranged by Scharnhorst. A civilian ship from the alliance was able to pass through the theoretically tight guard orbital defense system. This is a very serious operation. Deployment error.

It is precisely for this reason that Chief of Staff Scharnhorst was temporarily suspended, and Dushan came out again to take charge of the naval defense work in Newsail.

Apart from the adjustment of the naval position, Dusand's most concerned matters are progressing relatively smoothly.Researchers from the Department of Geology at Newsail University have found the uranium deposit Dusande named, and researchers from the Department of Materials are preparing to begin experimental isotope separation.But... how to determine that the separated isotopes, how to efficiently separate and collect isotopes, and how to make these isotopes be used accurately in the form Dusand envisioned... This still needs a long time of research to solve.

The risk mitigation measures for Royal Bank of Newsale have reached the final step. After a month-long period, the citizens of Palmer reported a total of 720 nine members of the Ayer Party.The Palmer branch of the Al party, which was originally a precision machine, completely lost all its functions under this wave of blows.At the same time, Aika also found three "bottom nobles" who provided financial and material support for the Ayre Party.

The interrogation of them went very smoothly, after all, these people were just the former servants of Mr. Duke.They hadn't undergone any strict anti-torture training, and they couldn't even last two rounds in Aika's hands before they started talking about everything.

Following what they explained, Aika found two sets of "devices" with a somewhat strange appearance in an abandoned factory in Palmer City.According to the nobles, the two devices need to be aligned in the direction indicated by the turntable first, and the "bolts" on the top of the two machines should be connected with thick metal cables.It is then attached to the output shaft of a sufficiently powerful steam engine.

Just put the two cables that come with the device into the reaction vessel-one with a large piece of graphite tied to it, and the other end is metal-and turn on the steam engine, and the graphite-bound end will generate a large amount of electricity. Bubbles, and after these bubbles are collected, they can become a poisonous yellow-green gas.

After repeated interrogation, Dusand was surprised to learn that this set of equipment had been sent to Newsail from Olin 22 years ago.However, no one has ever used this kind of machine since, and the person in charge of preservation didn't know what it was for.

Based on Dusand's shallow electrical knowledge, it is not difficult to see that these two machines are essentially generators, and they are also quite advanced electromagnetic DC generators.

To what extent the imperial people's research on electricity has reached, Du Sande does not know.At least after asking the professors at Newsail University, as well as Polina, both sides gave the answer that "we have not heard of this energy source at all."But these two devices do demonstrate the fact that the Empire has a deep understanding of the existence of electricity and has turned it into a practical device.

These two devices are equivalent to DC generators without commutator capability.These two generators are composed of two parts, the stator and the rotor.After the rotor rotates more than 180 degrees, the well-designed electromagnet in the stator part will automatically disconnect and demagnetize. In the other generator, the electromagnet is energized and magnetized at the same time, so as to achieve the design goal of continuous output of direct current of the two generators.

In Dusand's view, the empire's electrical attainments have even surpassed the basic electrical knowledge buried in his mind, but for some reason, the empire has always regarded electrical research as a highly confidential project.Its level of secrecy is even almost the same as Project Alpha, and it is not planned to be put into the civilian field at all.

This is a completely illogical decision. Dusand really couldn't figure out why the empire would let this technology that could change the entire society not be used.The first time it was put into use, it turned out to be for the production of chlorine gas to kill people... Isn't this a waste?
As a result, Central Teco, who had just sent Special Envoy Finn back to Newsail, had a new task.

Find out which department of the empire is researching electricity, and also figure out what steps their research on electricity has progressed, and the most important point-why not publish and apply electricity research to the civilian field.

"I still don't understand why you let your wife be this special envoy." At the farewell party before Finn left, Dusand deliberately found the old man who is now the leader of the largest rebel army in the alliance. The friend asked, "Besides, you never told me that you were married."

"Jeanna and I are...neighbors we have known since childhood." Finn was obviously not used to talking about his emotional life, he just said simply, "She thought I had died on the battlefield, but... when I grew up When Newsale came home to the Confederates, she left some behind and came to me."

Du Sande nodded, "Although a lot of content should have been omitted in the middle, in the end you and I got married."

"Our business is going smoothly, but this job is too risky after all." Finn sighed, and then said in a low voice, "I will ask Jeanna to be a special envoy, partly to protect her. In her Before we set off, we were in a very bad situation. It is said that the sanctuary has assembled two fleets to encircle and destroy the agricultural star we occupied... This is the same as you let Miss Lorraine lurk in Olin. If we fail, we will die , at least they still have a chance of surviving."

Dusande was silent for a few seconds and did not speak. He was really not sure if he failed... Lorraine would still survive.As an enemy, the Empire is just too scary.This human empire, which is almost as old as the era of great discovery, does not know how many good things are hidden.Project Alpha, electricity research... To be honest, even if the empire suddenly took out a fat man or a little boy, Du Sande would not be surprised.

"We can't fail." A few seconds later, Du Sande said very firmly, "Think about it, if we fail, how many people will die under the flames of war? We have already shed too much blood—— Enough!"

"Only if you are not afraid of bloodshed, can you completely stop the occurrence of bloody wars." Finn patted the bag beside him and said, "I read your "Dusande Doctrine", and I am deeply touched by many things in it."

Du Sande glanced at the messenger bag beside Finn, and said in surprise, "You still carry it? Can't you just put this kind of thing in the room and have a look?"

"That can't be done." After drinking a few glasses of wine, Finn said solemnly, "You may think that I am flattering you, but I think... the content in this book is very valuable, even Probably more meaningful than the peace and mutual assistance agreement we just signed."

Finn put his hand on the messenger bag and said seriously, "Maybe you just used it as a diary when you wrote it, but I saw the future from it, a world where everyone can live a dignified life. A future. A future where we no longer need to kill each other, but can join hands to explore the infinite universe, united, equal, fraternal, prosperous and strong.”

(End of this chapter)

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