Thousands of sparks

Chapter 165 The Ship of Peace

Chapter 165 The Ship of Peace
For three days, the same play was performed at all of Palmer's gathering points.At the end of the performance, neither the "citizen representative" nor the postman in red who hosted the show was completely speechless.The last three "performances" were carried out only by the loud "repeating" of the lines by the postmen in red around them.

Yes, whether it is the "citizen representative" who reported it or the postman in red who presided over the rally, they are actually "actors" specially invited by Du Sande.

The people who were reported were indeed the Ayre Party, and their list was provided by Morse who sneaked into the Ayre Party—these guys didn’t have any high-ranking people in the Ayre Party, but they were just It's just a little guy who works hard for our party.

The Ayre Party is a very advanced anti-government organization. This is not because Dusand is despising them through irony. Compared with other organizations in the empire, the Ayre Party's organizational structure and action policy are simply advanced across the ages.

Their organizational structure is very careful, and almost every member of the Ayer Party has a single line of contact.Even if the middle-level Ayre Party managers rebel, there are very limited people who can betray them—they have almost no contact with Ayre Party members in other lines.

The internal recruitment of the Ayre Party is also very covert. They tend to select those who are more likely to be dissatisfied with or even harbor resentment against the current Newsale government, and then develop members through "persuasion" and other methods.

Because the actions of the Ayre Party were too covert, the plan that Dusand and Morse had been planning to "obtain all the membership lists and destroy the entire Ayre Party in one fell swoop" became empty talk.Morse got a list from the party headquarters where he was attacked before, and the people on that list are just small fish and shrimps-the highest-status "Ayer Party Committee Member" recorded on it, and a total of 22 people were developed offline.

Of course the 23 Ayre Party members were going to be killed, the crimes they did in Palmer City are too numerous to write down, plus the gas attack in the train station square... none of these 23 people are innocent.

But Du Sande believes that the use value of these 23 people should be maximized.Based on Aika's active investigation alone, it may be difficult to catch all the members of the Ayre Party from the crowd in a short period of time.It's better to use these people to stimulate the residents of Palmer City.

The 23 guys who were determined to be members of the Ayer Party were dispersed by Aika to 23 different gathering points in advance, and each member was monitored by three Aika agents.

The next thing to do is to put on a show—three to five people in each gathering point are reported as members of the Ayer Party, and the Aika agent in charge of "hosting" will claim a few of them as "confirmed after review." Innocent”, and then shot the real Ayre Party members on the improvised stage, and at the same time used guns equipped with blank ammunition to pick up several fake Ayre Party members who performed well.

The show's fundamental purpose is to encourage ordinary Palmer citizens at the gathering point to report suspicious individuals.In order to achieve this goal, Du Sande specifically requested that two key links be added to the "show".

The first key link is the cowhide bag that accidentally fell to the ground, and the golden pound inside.There are two types of gold pounds currently in use in the empire, one is printed banknotes, and the other is gold coins that weigh half an ounce and are stamped under the minting machine.

The denomination of banknotes is relatively large, and the largest denomination of banknotes is 50 gold pounds.However, such large-denomination banknotes are mainly circulated among nobles and large enterprises, and the most common people can see are gold coins with a denomination of 1 gold pound.

In terms of visual impact and the rationality of "dropping", banknotes are not as good as gold coins.Therefore, Du Sande specifically requested that gold coins must be used to encourage reporting.

The second key is "we must announce that some reports are wrong."The reason why Du Sande made this request was mainly to dispel the "worries" of the residents who reported it.

As ordinary people, the residents of Palmer are not inherently equipped to recognize and identify the Ayer Party.Not to mention how covert the Ayre Party's actions are, it is actually very difficult to "perceive the strangeness of some neighbors".

It is very likely that some residents are afraid to report because they are worried that they have wronged their neighbors.Therefore, Dusand deliberately added the part of "declaring that some reports were found to be wrong after review".In order to dispel most people's concerns about reporting.

Let the Ayre party fall into the vast ocean of the people, and make every New Zealander an enemy of the Ayre party.That's what Dusande was aiming for.

When Dusande was trying to get the Ayr Party into the ocean of the people's war, a small boat plunged headlong into the sea outside Upper Albin with a very resolute attitude.

Due to the obvious transition flashes of the ship, the Newsail Navy quickly determined that this "small ship" with an estimated displacement of about [-] tons came from the Alliance.

How to deal with this ship from the alliance... has become the biggest headache for the navy.A few months ago, the Confederates had been the most feared enemy in Newsale.The bloodbath they created on the Bomir colony made every Newsea person both angry and worried.

But now... the empire was Newsail's real henchman.After all, the Confederates have never formally attacked Newsail in the past nearly 200 years. On the contrary, the empire and the church have created a large-scale attack and massacre on Newsail. Saar caused heavy casualties of around 300 million people.

But... the sudden arrival of the Confederates in Newsail still directly led to the entry of the Newsail Navy into the highest level of combat readiness.Two to 10 minutes after the flash was confirmed, all the capital ships of the Newsail Navy left the port and entered the predetermined position to start combat readiness duty.Four large destroyers and two cruisers quickly surrounded the alliance ship that appeared off the coast of Upper Albin through standard tactical actions of multiple jumps.

"Your ship is quickly disarmed and accepted for boarding inspection." The Newsail Navy, which surrounded the "small boat", sent a light signal to it, and at the same time sent a large number of speedboats driven by high-pressure gas to forcibly approach the target.

According to General Horn's order, if the opponent makes any resistance or evasion actions, it will be sunk on the spot-no matter what these uninvited allies want to do, anyway, Newsale does not welcome them.

Just as the speedboat approached quickly, the alliance ship floating on the water finally reacted a little—several alliance members staggered out of the cabin, and then raised a flag on the mast.

The flag is blue all over, with a white balance painted on it.

This move surprised the Newall sailors who approached the Confederate ship, because... this flag is not a common symbol of the Confederate.

The imperial flag is a rectangular yellow flag with a red lion painted on it.The flags commonly used by the alliance are mainly green, and the patterns on them are painted with sickles, sailboats, books, or thumbnails of galaxies according to the different forces they belong to.

But the combination of blue base and white scales... This is the first time that people in Newsea have seen it.The flag of the Star Sea Federation is not like this either - they use a square flag on a black background with an eagle symbolizing the Resistance Alliance painted on it.

The blue balance flag fluttered in the wind, and the crew members collapsed on the deck one by one, breathing the fresh air of Newsail greedily.After the speedboat approached, almost all the sailors of the Newsail Garrison Navy smelled a strong stench.

The composition of this stench is very complicated. It is probably the smell of rotten food mixed with human sweat and excrement, plus the stale smell produced by being unable to ventilate for a long time.What's more, in order to prevent such a smell from causing too much adverse effects on the ship's crew, some kind of cheap aromatherapy was used on a large scale.

The stench alone is irritating but tolerable.But when the smell is mixed with the smell, getting your nose used to the very difficult.No wonder the crew were smoked like this—even the sailors from Newsale were reluctant to go near the Confederate ship.

Soon, several people in different clothes from the crew appeared on the deck.One of them raised his hands and shouted to the Niusal sailors who were close to him in imperial language, "I am Finn von Steinberg, please inform Dusand of my arrival immediately-on behalf of the Alliance Freedom Alliance, Newsale offers a proposal to live in peace!"

 Jiaci's surgery was over, and the pathological results... were expected.

  Subsequent treatment needs to be considered after PET scan and genotype determination.Sorry for the lack of updates in this period of time.

  I will ask the book friend who donated hematopoietic stem cells later to see when he will start donating... and then arrange an update time.

(End of this chapter)

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