Chapter 172

"In February of this year, because there was not much business, I took the elevator downstairs to eat at noon one day, and accidentally saw an advertisement about cosmetic surgery.

I am usually not interested in this type of advertisement, but when I saw the woman in the advertisement that day, I had a feeling of déjà vu.

Although the woman in the ad does not show her full face, the general appearance of the woman can be inferred from several parts such as the nose, glasses and lips.

Later, I called the medical beauty company that advertised, and they heard that I was very enthusiastic about plastic surgery.Invite me to their company for an interview.

I went to the medical beauty company the next day and asked them to show me the effect of the woman in the advertisement on the grounds that my wife was consulting.

They said it was provided by their company's partner in Korea, not their company. If my wife wants to make it like this, they can help us contact plastic surgeons in Korea and arrange surgery.

Finally, at my insistence, they provided me with a few photos. When I got the photos, I suddenly felt dizzy. I couldn’t work at ease all afternoon. I took the photos back home that night and threw them in my wife’s room. before.

When she picked up the photo and looked at it, I noticed the panic on her face.

At first I asked her if she had plastic surgery, but she hesitated to say anything, but later she saw that I was in a hurry, so she told the truth.

Five years ago, she was influenced by her best friend, and she wanted to find a rich man to marry into a wealthy family, but she was not as good-looking, nor as good-looking as her best friend, so she never got what she wanted.

Later, at the instigation of her best friend, she spent more than 70 yuan to go to Korea for plastic surgery. Since then, she has been shuttled to various high-end banquets with her artificial beauty, and many people have expressed their admiration for her.

Later she got to know me, saw that I was young, handsome, and worth a fortune, so she began to fall in love with me, and finally entered the palace of marriage.

After the matter was revealed, she begged me.I asked to see her before plastic surgery, she refused to say anything, I think she has been cheating on me, and suspected of fraud.Her real purpose is to defraud my family property by virtue of her artificial beauty.

So I insist on a divorce!That's the whole case. "The customer took a sip of tea and said.

"oh, I understand now.

However, according to the Marriage Law, the situation you mentioned does not constitute an invalid marriage, nor is it a basis for the court to judge divorce.

Divorce is generally judged by the court based on emotional breakdown, but there is no clear standard for emotional breakdown. In many cases, it depends on how the judge decides, which is relatively subjective.

As for the deception you mentioned, or fraud, I don’t think it constitutes fraud. Fraud is a very serious crime. It is generally for the purpose of illegal possession, fabricating facts to defraud others of money.

You are husband and wife, and your spouse did not tell you about the plastic surgery before. Personally, I think this kind of personal relationship case does not meet the constitutive requirements of the crime of fraud.

As for cheating, according to what you said, it seems that it can be involved, but the law only stipulates the duty of loyalty between husband and wife, and does not stipulate that the parties to the marriage should be informed of such things as plastic surgery.

Moreover, as far as it is concerned, there is no agreement whether it constitutes deception, whether in theory or in legal practice.So there is still some risk in your case.

However, at least the plastic surgery has caused disharmony between your husband and wife, this is a fact.Judges should also consider it.However, I am not sure whether I can be judged for the first time! "Wang Chuan said frankly.

The more uncertain the case is, the more Wang Chuanyue will disclose all the risks. He is not afraid that the client will go to another law firm to sign a contract.Because he has already obtained Comrade Lao Niu’s upper sword, he should truthfully inform the risk, and if it doesn’t work, forget it, so as to avoid customer dissatisfaction and complaints in the future.

"Well, thank you, thank you for telling me frankly. I must fight the divorce case. Although I know that I may not be supported, I still want to try." The client said firmly.

"Okay, here is the record of receiving the case. Please take a look. If there is no problem, you can sign it. This is the entrustment procedure I prepared, and the fee for the first instance is 5000 yuan.

I have prepared the indictment, please take a look and sign it if there is no problem. "Wang Chuan said.

The customer glanced at the contract and the complaint, and then signed it: "Will you go to the court when the time comes?"

"Yes. I will go. Both parties in the divorce case must be present so that the judge can inquire, so you have to go too." Wang Chuan said after accepting the entrustment procedures.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you!" said the customer.

"You are welcome. I will inform you of the court time before the trial." Wang Chuan said, "Are you paying by card or by cash?"

"I swipe the card!" The customer said.

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll ask the accountant to bring the POS machine." After speaking, Wang Chuan got up and went to the accounting room.

After sending the client away, Wang Chuan began to prepare materials, and was going to go to the Shijingshan Court tomorrow to receive the judgment and to file today's case together.

Back home at night, Wang Chuan was lying on the bed just about to sleep when his cell phone rang.He could use his big toe to think who was calling.

"Hello, Ms. Luo, your case has not been judged yet, so you can wait. The court just finished last month, and the summary procedure has been three months, and the trial period has not yet come.

ah! ... You're not asking about the case, so you're... a relationship problem? ...It's okay, just tell me, I'm listening. "

Wang Chuan put his mobile phone on the bedside, turned it on, and huddled himself in the bed, sleepy in a daze, with the cooperation of "um", "ah", and "yes" from time to time, he had a cross talk with his fans Like an actor.

At this time, he was very depressed. If he had relationship problems, he would go to a psychiatrist. It would be useful to find a lawyer!Otherwise, it's okay to call the midnight hotline!Lawyers don't need to rest, don't they need to sleep? !
The next day, Hao Renyuan, who was supposed to be a tool man, went to the legal service office to be on duty, but he followed Fatty Wan to Liao Province to hold a court session and has not returned yet.

It happened that some other people went to the court, some went to the consulting unit, and even the trainee lawyers were sent out. Only the administrator and Wang Chuan were in the law firm, so Director Niu had to temporarily arrange Wang Chuan to take over.

Arriving at the law firm early in the morning, Wang Chuan took the case file to the legal service office after receiving the "order" from Lao Niu.

There were a lot of people who came to the legal service office for consultation and copying in the morning, and Wang Chuan was busy all morning.After a hasty lunch at noon, he talked to Zhang Dahuyou at 01:30 in the afternoon, and took the case file to the court filing division.

With his lawyer's certificate, Wang Chuan finally enjoyed preferential treatment, no need for security checks, walked through the lawyer's passage with a proud face, and quickly entered the filing court. There were not many people in front of him, and it was his turn after a while.

"Divorce dispute! Divorce just because of the woman's plastic surgery?" The judge behind the thick glass opposite looked at Wang Chuan suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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