Chapter 171

"Okay, Sister Zhao, I won't rob you. If you can't negotiate, I'll come again. This is not considered robbing your tenant!" Landlady.

The landlady felt so tired, but there was nothing she could do. My room was far from the subway station, and the conditions were not good, so it was difficult to rent it out.This time it was a coincidence, last time she had to wait for more than three months before the tenant came to the door.For more than three months, the house was vacant and there was no money in the account, it was all a loss!

"Okay, tell me a price, I'll listen!" The landlady finally let go.

"Sister, we have also checked the housing prices in this community. Generally speaking, the whole rent of a suite is about [-] yuan. Your big bedroom is [-] yuan a month, the second bedroom is [-] yuan a month, and the kitchen The remodeled bedroom costs [-] and the same price as the second bedroom, isn't it a bit expensive!" Da Fatty said.

"Brother, what you said is wrong.

One thousand and five is the whole rent. If you can rent the whole thing for one year, and pay the rent in one lump sum, I can also give you a price of fifteen hundred yuan.

We are renting a single room now, so the price will definitely be different.A little more expensive is normal.Let's go on, let's talk about a price, if it really doesn't work, forget it. ’ said the landlady.

"How about [-] a month? Counting starts on May [-]st. We have to pack up and move in these few days. It's a rent-free period." Big Fatty thought for a while.

"Four hundred is a little less, 450 yuan a month, one deposit and three payments, and other conditions are up to you, how about it?" The landlady immediately retorted.

"Deal! When will you give the key to move in?" Fatty asked Xia Wang Chuan for his opinion, and nodded in agreement.

"After signing the contract and paying the money today, I will give you the keys right away. If you want, you can move tomorrow. How about it?" The landlady was very distressed.

"Okay. That's it." The fat man looked at the thin man: "Did you bring the contract?"

"Bring it." After the thin man finished speaking, he took out three rental contracts from his bag.

Wang Chuan took the contract and looked at it. They were all standard contracts of housing agency companies. After a cursory glance, he signed without any major problems.

After the landlady took the rental contract and filled in the rent, she signed it directly to the thin man.

"Okay, both of you can take over. I'll go back and stamp and give each of you a copy." The thin man said.

After Wang Chuan paid the deposit and rent as agreed, and also paid the agency fee, he took the house key from the landlady.

The rental business is finally over.The landlady was in a hurry to pick up her child from school, got on her bicycle and hurried away.The thin man was thinking about the commission for renting out the house, so he said politely to the fat man and Wang Chuan and left

"Lawyer Wang, since you have already rented Sister Zhao's house, I won't stay any longer." The man standing beside stepped on his bike and smiled at Wang Chuan.

"Thank you very much for today!" Wang Chuan said gratefully.

Wang Chuan understood the kindness of the man riding the bicycle. Without his cooperation, the landlady probably would not have compromised so quickly and signed the rental contract.Maybe this is the legend: good people get rewarded!
"It's nothing to worry about. You helped me before!" After speaking, the man kicked hard, and the bicycle jumped out.

Only Wang Chuan and Fatty were left beside the flower bed downstairs. Wang Chuan was happy and looked at Fatty: "Go, I'm treating you today."

"Okay, I heard that you have obtained your lawyer's license, and your career is just around the corner! Today is a good time to celebrate!" Big Fatty said with a smile.

The two found a small restaurant nearby, ordered four dishes and one soup, talked and laughed, chatted while eating, and ate a meal for more than an hour.

"In the past two days, pack up and tell me when you're moving, and I'll drive to help you with your luggage." Fatty stood at the door of the small restaurant with a full belch, picking his teeth with his belly outstretched.

"Okay, it's only a week before May Day. I called the landlord two days ago, and he said that he should be able to come back by the end of April, and at the latest on May Day. I will settle the rent with him then.

I will move the bedding here in the next few days, just wait for my call! "Wang Chuan said.

"Ola!" Fatty finished and walked towards the van.Wang Chuan also got into the car.

In the afternoon, Fatty was going to fetch water and left Wang Chuan at the Gucheng Subway Station.

"Big fat!" Wang Chuan turned his head and said after getting off the car.

"What's the matter? Did you drop something?" Big Fatty asked.

"No, thank you!" Wang Chuan said sincerely.

Since coming to the imperial capital, Fatty has helped Wang Chuan a lot, and Wang Chuan has always been grateful.

"Okay! Don't be a bitch, it's nothing to worry about!" Big Fatty scolded with a smile. After speaking, he stepped on the accelerator and drove out.

At ten o'clock on Monday morning, Wang Chuan waited for a divorce client.

The male client's surname is Lu, in his 40s, and he can be described in three words: tall, big, and handsome.It is said that he was a model before, and later he started a business and started a company. After so many years of hard work, he is considered to be worth a little money.

"Hello, Mr. Lu, I am the lawyer in charge of your divorce case. I read the transcript of the case before, and some parts of the record are not very clear. Can you introduce the case in detail?"

Wang Chuan was calm on the surface, but his heart was beating wildly. The hand holding the signature pen trembled a little, which was controlled by his force. After all, this was the first time he faced a client alone, and it was normal to be a little nervous.

"Hello, I have communicated with your director, Lawyer Niu, and I didn't expect him to arrange such a young lawyer for me." The client was surprised to see that the lawyer in charge of his case was so young.

"Mr. Lu, if you feel that I am too young to handle your case, I can report to Director Niu. I believe Director Niu will arrange other lawyers with more experience for you.

But if you doubt my professionalism, I can only tell you sincerely that I have just obtained my lawyer's license, but in the past year, as Director Niu's assistant, I have handled no less than ten divorce cases with Director Niu.

There are as many as 20 other cases I hosted.Although not too much, but the experience is still there. "Wang Chuan said with a serious face.

The client looked at Wang Chuan and smiled slightly: "Don't get me wrong, I don't look down on you, it's just that it's the first time I'm dealing with a young lawyer like you, and I'm a little uncomfortable. What do you think of my case?"

"To be honest, if the court decides your case, from what I know so far, the probability that the judge will not support your appeal is extremely high. As for whether other things will happen, the possibility is not impossible, it depends on your lover's attitude .

If she feels that there is no need to live on, she may mediate a divorce with you, and you must be prepared to divide the property. "Wang Chuan said.

"Well, I've thought about it too, and I hope she can agree to a divorce." The client nodded.

"Okay, let's talk about the specific situation, the more detailed the better." Wang Chuan said.

"Well. My wife and I met through a friend's introduction. At the beginning, I saw her beautiful and good figure, so I started to pursue her. Soon the two of us fell in love. Like many happy families, we married I have always been very loving." The customer said unhurriedly.

 Please cast your vote!It's the end of the month, come on!

(End of this chapter)

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