Chapter 274
The old man misses his hometown, and the rivers and lakes are sad at night.

People who have never worked in a restaurant don’t know the hard work involved, and they can’t appreciate the helplessness of walking the lonely way home after get off work every night, dragging their tired hearts, watching the dark night go deep.

Everyone lives strong to make their life wonderful and let the flower of life bloom.

Life is plain, and only those who find beauty in the plain can enjoy life, and every day is full of sunshine.

People should live a real life, because life itself is real, no matter how you pretend, or escape, or complain, but as long as you live, you must experience the ups and downs, whether you are a successful person or an ordinary person.

What ordinary people who work in restaurants hope most is to have a stable job, pay wages every month and every day, and hold the money to be full of hope for tomorrow.

Some people say that the work in a restaurant is light and easy, unlike the hard work on a construction site. There is no cost to manage food and housing, and it is easy to make a fortune by saving the money you earn.Some people also say that working in a restaurant makes it easy to find a partner, they are all little girls and boys, and it is good for young people to be together.

Some people say that the restaurant is not a good place, it is messy, and good children learn badly in it.

The word "chaotic" mostly refers to the relationship between men and women, as if restaurants are places where uncivilization breeds.

Some jingles in the society also say the same.

The chef is not a hooligan, and the restaurant does not last long.

The chef is not lecherous, and the dishes are not special.

The beauty in the front hall and the man in the back kitchen are only one meal away.

The smile of the manager is the mouth of the foreman, whoever does not lead the house will regret it.
Hey, it's not easy to do any job or job, and it requires hard work.If you do well, you will excel, but if you do not do well, you will be mediocre.As for the gossip, the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom. Personality cannot be classified according to industry, and character cannot be judged by occupation.

Good people are good people wherever they go, and bad people are bad people wherever they go, and they can't hide if they can't pretend.

If you want people to say that you are good, you must first be a good person, and don't do things that are ignorant of your conscience.As for whether you work in a restaurant or not, it doesn't matter, it doesn't play a decisive role.

There is no strict definition of a good person, simply understand that a person who has no time to do bad things is a good person.

In our life-long drama, it tells the stories of ordinary people in the hotel. There is no grandeur, nor is there anything to sing about, just ordinary life and the trivialities in the fireworks.

Time soon entered August of [-], and the second stores of Aqiao Dumpling House opened in Baotou and Suzhou one after another, and the Chifeng store and Subei Private House store, which were being renovated, were also coming to an end.

Wang Shulan has changed a lot since she came back from Beijing. She has the characteristics of being a grandmother, and her face shows contented happiness from time to time.It can be seen that this happiness comes from the heart and cannot be pretended.

People, no matter how crazy and absurd you are when you are young, when you are old, you can have a harmonious family, be filial to your sons and grandsons, you are happy, and your work is not in vain.

She first went to Baotou to open a store in Qingshan District, and then went to Chifeng.After the opening of the Chifeng store, she will suspend the development of Inner Mongolia and start preparing to enter Beijing.

This time, when I returned to Beijing to see my granddaughter, I visited the catering market by the way. I felt that Aqiao had a bright future in Beijing, and he could quickly open up the situation and occupy the market.Of course, there is also my own selfishness - to be able to see my precious granddaughter from time to time.

The interior decoration of the Chifeng store has been completed, and the kitchen equipment has also been installed. Now it is waiting for the renovation of the whole street to be completed and opened.

Since it is a Mongolian-style street planned by the municipal government, the fire protection, sanitation and food safety requirements of the shops facing the street are very strict. In addition, Aqiao is the first open kitchen store in the city. The Food and Drug Administration pays special attention to it. Every inspection requires partial rectification, which causes a lot of trouble for the decoration.

Fortunately, after repeated dismantling, modification, and dismantling, Zhou Xiaomei's cousin Wan Jun came forward to check and accept, and issued a "Hygiene Permit" and a "Food Safety Permit".

Without these two certificates, you cannot obtain a business license, and without a business license, you cannot start a business.

Today is the fire inspection and acceptance.During the renovation, I greeted the fire department. At that time, the street had not yet been renovated, and the approval procedures came down quickly. The fire department also came to give advice on the decoration.

It’s no longer possible now, the management is strict, and several regulations have been added. During the renovation, it was also demolished and changed, which took a lot of effort.

To be on the safe side, Wang Shulan invited Wan Jun here in advance, in case there were unqualified parts during the acceptance inspection and then rectified, which would be troublesome.Fortunately, Wan Jun and the chief of the fire brigade are comrades-in-arms, and everything went well.

In order to express her gratitude, Wang Shulan was going to treat Wan Jun to a meal.

Wan Jun refused with a smile, and said, "I happen to have something to ask for your help. If you have time, follow me to the Beautiful Valley."

"Beautiful Valley?" Wang Shulan asked suspiciously.

Wan Jun immediately explained: "Didn't I go to the countryside to be the first secretary? In the beautiful valley of Harqin Banner, there is a natural ski resort. It's set there.

Both the city and Qili attach great importance to it and plan to expand the ski resort.When I was not there, the village decided to build an ecological park, which would be used as a canteen for athletes during competitions, and it would be open to the public at ordinary times. "

"Good thing." Wang Shulan said.

"It's really a good thing." Wan Jun nodded, and then said: "The problem is that the land compensation for the expansion of the ski resort was given to the village years ago, and the money for the construction of the ecological park is the compensation. Before I went, I did the civil engineering. Half of it stopped, and the former village chief went in, and the money was not credited."

Wang Shulan was smart and asked, "Do you want the ecological park to continue to be built?"

"That's what it means. It's a good place. It's next to the Wangfu tourist area and the tomato industry base. It's surrounded by mountains on three sides. The scenery is beautiful and there are hot springs. It's an hour's drive from the city. Nowadays, people like to spend weekends in the countryside and experience the pastoral life. It should be possible." Wan Jun said.

"According to what you said is fine, did you find a professional to prove it?" Wang Shulan asked.

"Aren't you a professional? How about you? Go and have a look and help me with my staff." Wan Jun invited.

Passed the fire inspection and acceptance, owed others favors, and had nothing to repay. Wang Shulan must help with this favor.

The two left the city and took the expressway, passed through Harqin Banner, and arrived at the tomato industry base first.Wan Jun said that only corn was grown here before, and 1000 yuan was paid per mu of land, and the farmers lived in poverty.Later, the government called for the development of greenhouses to grow tomatoes, and the farmers became rich, and in a few years, the situation changed from poverty to prosperity.

"Did you see, the greenhouses on both sides of the road are full of tomatoes, more than [-] acres." Wan Jun slowed down and pointed to the greenhouses on both sides of the road.

"That's enough." Wang Shulan exclaimed.

Wan Jun pointed to the big trucks parked on the side of the road and said, "These trucks are all for pulling tomatoes. They are in Beijing, Tianjin, and Chengde, and the furthest ones are in Changsha, Guangzhou, and Sichuan."

"Are tomatoes produced all year round?" Wang Shulan asked.

"All production, summer is the early shed, winter is the warm shed, all seasons."

"This place is full of people."

"That's right, people in this place are rich." Wan Jun said, "Why did I build an ecological park? Let me tell you, people in this place go to the city if they want to consume, and there are no interesting places nearby. If the Beautiful Valley Ecological Park is built Well, they are the main source of customers."

Wang Shulan agreed with an "Aw".

The black Buick quickly passed the tomato industry base, and then passed through a dense poplar forest to the Wangfu tourist attraction.

The Prince's Mansion was built in the 18th year of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty. It was the residence of the Prince Gong of the Qing Dynasty, the former residence of Gongsang Ruobu, and now it is the Palace Museum.

The entire mansion covers an area of ​​more than [-] mu, with more than [-] houses. There are five courtyards at the front and back. .

The cross courtyard is divided into the living area and the meeting area. On the west side are temples, ancestral halls, living rooms, meeting halls, studies, martial arts training grounds and other buildings. On the east side are theater buildings, bedrooms and dining rooms for princes and Fujin.

The main buildings are all red bricks and red tiles. Twelve generations of Mongolian princes took over the government in the Prince's Mansion successively, which is an indispensable witness for the study of ancient Chinese history and Mongolian culture.

(End of this chapter)

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