I'm not really a god of rebirth

Chapter 686 You Say Donglai Is Extremely Stupid?

Both Li Dong and Hu Yue have a clear goal, which is to advance the domestic chip industry to the international leading level.

And it is the whole industry chain.

In this regard, domestic praise and criticism are mixed.

There are those in favor.

I feel that Donglai's move is an outstanding contribution to boosting the foundation of a powerful country.

But there are also those who don't.

They feel that international cooperation is the mainstream trend in today's world.

An industry, from the most upstream to the most downstream, involves hundreds of links.

Some of these links are high-tech industries, some are capital-intensive industries, and some are purely labor-intensive low-end industries.

As a country, there is no need to develop the entire industrial chain.

You only need to focus on developing your own advantageous industries.

Then, integrate into international cooperation with a positive attitude.

This is a qualified international economic and social participant.

To develop the entire industrial chain by ourselves, to put it bluntly, is unwilling to participate in the international economic society.

It's the practice of closing the door to the outside world in a disguised form.

Some time ago, on a TV program, several economists and entrepreneurs had an in-depth discussion and exchange on the topic of coming from the east.

One of the entrepreneurs said bluntly that this product is ready-made in foreign countries. They have been making this product for decades. , then why do we need to invest huge manpower and material resources to make this product again?The things we make cost more than others, and the quality is not as good as others. Why do we do this?Can't you just go and buy someone else's?Then we free up human and material resources to vigorously develop our advantageous industries, isn't that good?
Then another entrepreneur directly replied: What if they don’t sell it to me?
The entrepreneur who opposed was a bit at a loss for words, and said: Why didn't he sell it to us?

Another entrepreneur said meaningfully: I said just in case.What if they don't sell it to me?Do these industries behind us have to stop production?
Another economist who opposed it said: You are worrying unfoundedly.

The entrepreneur who agreed said: Yes, I am worrying unfoundedly. As an entrepreneur, we must have this sense of urgency. In some industries, we can engage in international cooperation, but we cannot rely too much on it. International cooperation, especially in the key field of chips, have you ever thought about how many of our industries will be affected if someone stops selling us chips one day?This effect can even be said to be fatal.In a word, we must have our own chips.

These words won warm applause from the audience.

However, several economists and entrepreneurs who opposed it still exhausted all kinds of reasons to oppose it.

In their words, it was a waste of effort for Dong Lai to do so.

It is simply impossible for a single country to have a complete chip industry chain.

Then another economist who was in favor of it said: Knowing that you can’t do it, this is a true hero. Donglai’s move is a feat of the foolish old man who moved mountains. I personally agree with it very much. You people keep saying Donglai This is stupid as hell, and to be honest, I have serious doubts about your position.

As soon as these words came out, the scene exploded.

Those who opposed were furious and said that he was slandering and should be held legally responsible.

In the end, it was the host who came out to smooth things over, and it calmed down.

Li Dong watched this episode later, and it was Hu Yue who asked him to watch it.

After reading it, Li Dong directly said, invite the economist who agrees to come to Yuncheng University.

Hiring with a high salary.

This kind of visionary economist is exactly what Yunda urgently needs.

In addition, the entrepreneur who agrees, please contact me for a cooperation.

Such patriotic and insightful entrepreneurs must be strongly supported.

As for those who opposed, as the economist said, Li Dong was very suspicious of their position, so he immediately called Du Shaokun and the others and asked them to investigate these guys carefully.

And that program is just a microcosm of what some people in China think of Donglai's move.

Some support it, some oppose it.

But for Li Dong and Hu Yue, it doesn't matter if others support or oppose it. Anyway, they are determined to vigorously develop the entire chip industry chain.

Li Dong, who was born again, is very aware of the impact of this incident.

Not to mention those high-tech fields, even many low-end industries have been affected.

Although Hu Yue didn't know what happened later, she was already aware of the consequences.

Driven by the two, Shen family, Huang family, Ye family and other wealthy families also began to increase their investment in the chip industry.

Not only the investment in capital, but also the investment in policy resources.

It is precisely because of this that the domestic chip industry has been able to develop so rapidly in the past two years.

In addition to the chip foundry in Yuncheng High-tech Zone, Donglai successively built three larger foundries in Beijing, Ninghai, and Nanguang.

Moreover, the three foundries were all jointly invested and built by Donglai with the Shen family, the Huang family, the Ning family, and the Du family.

It is no longer cooperating with Sanxiong.

That is purely state-owned.

Moreover, the three foundries, with the assistance of Odin and Kabir, introduced a batch of the most advanced EUV lithography machines, and the chip process has reached [-] nanometers, approaching the international top level.

Speaking of this matter, Odin and Kabir really helped a lot.

If the two of them hadn't come forward, it would be impossible for them to sell EUV lithography machines to them.

Because in the previous life, EUV lithography machines were never available in China, so in the field of chip manufacturing, it has never reached the international advanced level.

Now with the EUV lithography machine, it is entirely possible for them to advance the process to the ten-nanometer level.

Of course, this is not enough.

The reason why they can buy EUV lithography machines now is that apart from the help of Odin and Kabir, the most important point is that foreign countries have not yet started to blockade.

It will not start until two years later.

Because of this, they can only buy EUV lithography machines now.

But two years later, with the development of the international situation, the domestic side will still be affected.

It's just that the impact is not as great as in the previous life.

After all, they are now able to make chips on the fifteen-nanometer scale.

But it still has an impact.

If they want to completely get rid of the influence of this incident, they must continue to work hard to develop their entire industrial chain.

They want to manufacture top-level lithography machines, train a group of top-level chip design talents, and build top-level chip manufacturing factories.

Only in this way can we not be targeted maliciously.

It is even possible to target others in turn.

At this point, Kabir and Odin also helped a lot.

Donglai is now not only investing in chip-related industries in China, but also investing in many factories in Southeast Asia, Zhongzhou, South America and other countries.

These factories, with the help of Kabir and Odin, have introduced top-level craft production lines.

Moreover, these factories basically have the shares of the Saudi American consortium and the Luofei consortium, and the possibility of being suppressed and restricted in the future is very small.

This is equivalent to providing an additional guarantee for the domestic industrial chain.

And it can also take the opportunity to introduce advanced foreign technology.

It is also relying on this kind of curve to save the country that these domestic chip companies have made such great progress in the past two years.

Hu Yue now organizes a group of domestic entrepreneurs and technicians to exchange and study in foreign factories almost every month.

In fact, for Kabir and Odin, while Li Dong was grateful, he felt somewhat guilty.

He is now using the resources and influence of the two to vigorously develop the domestic chip industry.

Strive to improve domestic technical strength in chips as soon as possible.

The two of them worked so hard to help him, and even cooperated with Donglai to invest and build a factory, then when the future is really the same as the previous life, the two of them are likely to be affected to some extent.

Especially for Odin. At that time, will he be directly labeled as a big hat?
Li Dong didn't know.

However, Li Dong always had a feeling.

He felt that Odin seemed to know everything.

It is impossible for Odin not to know the importance of the chip industry.

It is also impossible not to see that the chip industry will be an important trump card for his country in international competition in the future.

Ordinarily, based on Odin's standpoint and his shrewdness, he should not help Donglai develop the chip industry.

But he still helped, and he did everything he could to help.

Just like the EUV lithography machine.

The Luofei Consortium is the major shareholder of Essel lithography machines and has a strong voice.

Odin also has a strong voice in the Luofei consortium.

It was Odin who came forward that Esl would sell the EUV lithography machine to Donglai.

Of course, there are also a few bends in the middle.

It can be said that without Odin, it would be impossible for Donglai to obtain EUV lithography machines.

Odin must also know what the EUV lithography machine means to Donglai and Li Dong.

But he did it anyway.

Even, he pretended not to know from the beginning to the end.

To be honest, up to now, Li Dong has become increasingly unclear about what Odin is thinking.

Where is the body and where is the heart?
Even if Li Dong prided himself on his infinite charm, he didn't think Odin would do this.

For this matter, Li Dong also called Odin and expressed his gratitude to him explicitly.

Odin just said calmly, it's nothing, it's a trivial matter.

Li Dong wanted to ask Odin if he knew what it meant to Donglai, what it meant to the Luofei Consortium, and even to himself.

But after all, I still didn't ask.

He just decided in his heart that if one day in the future, he really had to face Odin, he must let Odin have a round first.

Just take it as a retreat.

Of course, it's a bit of a smack to say that.

Even if he refused to let him go, Odin might not be afraid of him.


In addition to the chip industry, the automobile factory in Donglai has also achieved good results.

Hu Yue and Tian Hui'an adopted Li Dong's suggestion and designed a miniature electric car.

The price is about thirty thousand.

Once launched, it was well received.

Monthly sales easily exceeded [-] vehicles.

Driven by this star product, the sales of several other mid-to-high-end electric vehicles launched by Huaqi are also good.

Huaqi, which was once known as only making cars but not selling them, has made a beautiful turnaround in one fell swoop.

In the field of domestic electric vehicles, it has taken the lead in the field.

Among them, although there is Donglai's credit, Tian Hui'an's personal credit is also indelible.

I have to say that Tian Hui'an is indeed a man of action, and he can accept other people's suggestions with an open mind.

This point is much stronger than his predecessor Gu Pingzhang.

Gu Pingzhang is somewhat headstrong.

Among other things, if it was Gu Pingzhang, Gu Pingzhang would never adopt the miniature car Li Dong suggested.

Huaqi has always advertised itself as a high-end official car, a car for big bosses. It doesn't matter how much it sells, it must be competitive.

Just build that kind of [-] to [-] jumping cars, isn't that lowering the standard of Huaqi.

However, Tian Hui'an didn't care much about forcing the style.

He even told the senior officials of the company in an internal meeting that from now on, Huaqi will let go of everything.

Stop holding that worthless shelf.

The annual sales volume is in the single digits. After the car is built, it goes directly to the museum. Is this the so-called high-end?

Is such a car company still a car company?
As a car company, it should build cars in a down-to-earth manner.

Build cars according to the laws of the market.

What kind of car the common people like, they will build what kind of car.

What happened to the [-] to [-] Bounce car?
Bengbeng cars can still sell for [-] billion.

Under the leadership of Tian Hui'an, Huaqi has changed from the previous decadent state, and the spirit of the company has taken on a new look.

That kind of situation of fishing in troubled waters and muddling along will never be seen again.

Instead, all employees are busy.

Those who can't keep up with the rhythm will be eliminated.

Within the company, the capable go up and the mediocre go down.

It is precisely because of this that Huaqi has achieved such dazzling results in just two years.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that Tian Hui'an can secure the position of Huaqi CEO.

If it is still like the previous Gu Pingzhang, with Hu Yue's temperament, he will never be tolerated, and he must be replaced.


Under the leadership of the two leading enterprises, the chip factory and the automobile factory, the economy of the entire Yuncheng High-tech Zone has achieved rapid development.

All kinds of high-tech enterprises have sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

So far, the number of high-tech enterprises registered and established in Yuncheng High-tech Zone has exceeded [-].

The region's GDP last year exceeded 3000 billion.

Among all the districts and cities in Yuncheng, it ranks second.

It also ranks second among all districts, counties and cities in the province.

This is an incredible achievement for a new district established only five or six years ago.

And all of this was almost entirely due to Donglai.

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