my return 2002

Chapter 273 Can business vision be eaten?

Chapter 273 Can business vision be eaten?

The next day, at 06:30, Shen Lang came out of the hotel room and happened to meet Jack Ma who was yawning too. The two greeted each other and went to the hotel restaurant for breakfast.

When picking up the meal, Jack Ma also reminded Shen Lang: "Eat more high-calorie food, it will take a while to withstand the consumption."

Shen Lang couldn't help being a little funny: "Isn't it?"

"You will know when the time comes. In the early years when I was still in foreign economic and trade, I had to climb once a month on average. I have experience." Jack Ma said confidently.

After breakfast, at seven o'clock, everyone in the hotel lobby was assembled, and the group got into the car of the program crew and headed to the Badaling Great Wall.

When Shen Lang and his party arrived at the meeting point, two tourist buses arrived just in time, and more than 100 people came down in a mighty way, all of them looked energetic, talking and laughing, just like middle school students participating in an outing.

Shen Lang took a look. Many of these entrepreneurs are really young, and they look about his age, but most of them are still 35 and above. Obviously, the program group still prefers some when screening. Experienced entrepreneur.

Director Xu gathered everyone and took a few group photos in front of the ticket office of the Great Wall, and then announced the start of climbing.

Due to the existence of the camera, bodyguards like Lin Aiguo could only follow at the end, so as not to be discovered by the audience, and they would definitely complain again when the time came.

When we first started to climb the Great Wall, everyone was still in high spirits, even Shen Lang was no exception, only Jack Ma looked indifferent, obviously he had already vomited.

However, when climbing to an altitude of 320 meters, each of them no longer had the energy to chatter before, and some directly started to use both hands and feet.

Shen Lang was also sweating profusely, but fortunately he was still young and able to hold on. Guo Fanshen and Shi Yuzhu were more miserable, and they had to breathe for a while after walking a few steps.

Shen Lang couldn't help teasing Shi Yuzhu: "President Shi, I think you've eaten your brain gold, and the effect is not very good."

In order to promote the efficacy of Brain Gold, Shi Yuzhu often brags in newspapers, saying that he has never exercised and his body has always been healthy because he has been drinking Brain Gold all year round.

"No, I can't, let's take a break first." Shi Yuzhu waved his hands to support the city wall and panted heavily, and he was about to lie down on it.

Seeing that his face was pale, Shen Lang quickly asked the camera crew for a bottle of drink, unscrewed it and handed it to him. Shi Yuzhu drank almost half of the bottle before letting out a sigh of relief.

Director Xu saw that the material was almost finished, so he announced.

"Everyone hold on, gather at the beacon tower above, take some footage and we'll call it a day."

The group immediately cheered when they heard the words, but there were still many elderly entrepreneurs who sat on the ground and expressed that they couldn't move anymore.

In the end, some young and strong entrepreneurs helped them reach the beacon tower above.

The film crew on the Beacon Tower took some footage and announced that they could move freely. Standing on a gap and looking down, Shen Lang couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

In ancient times without any heavy machinery, how much manpower, material and financial resources would be required to build such a grand complex of buildings.

"Mr. Shen, is this your first time climbing the Great Wall?" After interviewing several other guests, the film crew did not let Shen Lang go.

Shen Lang nodded: "Yeah, the first time I came, I was tricked by you."

The film crew automatically filtered Shen Lang's complaints, and asked, "Then what do you think at this moment?"

"How do you feel, I want to go back to sleep now." Shen Lang said angrily.

"Then do you have anything to say to us entrepreneurs?" The film crew still didn't give up.

Shen Lang rolled his eyes: "No, you see how tired everyone is, hurry up and go down the mountain."

The film crew had no choice but to end the interview. A group of people walked down the mountain in a mighty manner. Shen Lang suddenly felt a little funny. When he went up the mountain, he was always full of fighting spirit. At this time, everyone drooped their heads.

At noon, the film crew originally planned to treat everyone to a meal, but the kindness was directly rejected, and everyone expressed their wish to go back to the hotel to rest.

Director Xu had no choice but to announce tomorrow's recording time, and then sent everyone back to the hotel.

A few days later, the official recording began. It took a lot of thought to talk about the program Win in China. Since last year, 12 entrepreneurs have been recruited across the country to sign up. After several layers of screening, they were finally able to participate in the recording of the program The only 108 people who can enter the recording session have two brushes.

However, as a TV program, an elimination mechanism is also necessary. On the day of recording, a 108-to-54 elimination round was held. After two days of elimination rounds, half of the people were directly eliminated. project.

Of course, with the CCTV platform, even the eliminated entrepreneurs can get a lot of attention, which will be very helpful for them to raise funds in the future.

On the third day, the knockout round of 54 to 32 began directly. The competition can only be described as fierce, not to mention the players, even the guests like Shen Lang felt a little out of breath.

At the recording site, after the field management checked that everything was OK, Director Xu announced that the recording had officially started, and the host also read the opening remarks.

"Hello, viewers in front of the TV, welcome to this issue of Win in China, first of all, let us give warm applause to the guests of this issue, Shen Lang, founder of YY, 360, Jack, founder of Alibaba Ma and Shi Yuzhu, founder of Giant Network, and Guo Fanshen, founder of Huicong Network”

After the four of Shen Lang were seated, the eyes of the camera also turned to the audience, and the host also began to introduce entrepreneurial players.

"We have a total of 54 contestants who are still on the scene, and six of them came back from the United States to participate in our program. Please stand up and let everyone get to know these six contestants."

The six returnees from the United States stood up, and the scene also burst into applause.

The host passed the words to the judges again.

"Mr. Ma, what do you think about overseas returnees returning to China to start a business? Which one do you think has an advantage between them and local entrepreneurs?"

Jack Ma said without hesitation: "In fact, it is hard to say which one is more dominant. Returnees have a broader vision, but we must also consider the cultural differences between the East and the West. It seems that many people thought that Alibaba could not beat eBay and Amazon. Such an American e-commerce giant, but the facts have proved that we are now the number one in the industry.”

There was applause at the scene, but one of the returnees was not convinced, and picked up the microphone to refute.

"Alibaba is indeed a very good company, but there is one thing I want to remind Mr. Ma that we only study abroad and return to China to start a business. We don't stay in the United States all the time, so there are no cultural differences. On the contrary, we have a broader vision. I believe there are advantages for our returnees to return to China to start a business.”

Shen Lang was overjoyed, it was rare to see Jack Ma deflated.

But the host quickly noticed Shen Lang, and threw the topic to him again.

"Mr. Shen, do you think you agree with this returnee's statement? Returnees who return to China to start a business have advantages over domestic entrepreneurs."

Shen Lang said sternly: "Actually, in my opinion, there is no school of entrepreneurship. The academic school and returnee school are just labels given to these entrepreneurs by others. The real market environment does not care about your education level. Whether you have a background of overseas returnees, you will definitely encounter the problems that others encounter on the road of entrepreneurship. The key is actually whether you have the ability to solve problems. I think personal ability is the key to the success of entrepreneurship."

The applause at the scene was very warm, especially for some grassroots entrepreneurs, their palms were red.

After the applause stopped, the host proposed again.

"Among the entrepreneurs we have left behind are 18 women. Please stand up and say hello to all the female entrepreneurs present."

The supporter threw the topic to Guo Fanshen again.

"Mr. Guo, what do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of female entrepreneurs compared to male entrepreneurs?"

Guo Fanshen said casually: "To be honest, I have seen many successful examples of female entrepreneurs, but compared to male entrepreneurs, women still lack some decisiveness, and it is difficult to make rational judgments when faced with difficulties. "

This was in 2006. If it was in later generations, it is estimated that it would not be able to escape the blow of female boxing, and it would be scolded on the hot search every minute.

Of course, Guo Fanshen did not escape the rebuttals of the female players on the scene.

"Mr. Guo, I think your views are a bit outdated. Women today are completely different from women in your era. We also have the courage to make decisions, and we are incomparable to men in handling details. The advantages."

Guo Fanshen could only helplessly spread his hands. In order to show his gentlemanly demeanor, he could no longer argue with the other party.

After the host introduced the contestants, he turned the topic to Shi Yuzhu.

"Mr. Shi, do you have any comments on the entrepreneurial players we won in China this time?"

Shi Yuzhu naturally wanted to praise: "Your program is too cruel. To be honest, I started my business relatively early, otherwise I would have been rejected if I participated in the audition for your program."

There was a burst of laughter at the scene, but the host didn't intend to end there, and looked at Shen Lang again.

"Shen is always the youngest among our four guests. We also have many young entrepreneurs at the scene. Do you have anything to say to them?"

Shen Lang sat up straight and said solemnly: "Starting a business is a very difficult journey. Many people think that if a company reaches a certain scale, it is a successful career, but just like me, President Ma, President Shi, and President Guo here, We are all still on the road, this road is full of thorns, but it also has beautiful scenery, cherish this painful and happy time, this will be the most memorable time in your life."

After the applause, the program underwent a short break. Everyone used the 10 minutes to go to the bathroom and smoke, and then returned to the studio to continue recording. The CCTV studio was very tense, and the entire recording process was almost counted in seconds.

"Okay, what we're going to do next is the gentleman in the second row of the [-] Questions about Entrepreneurship. I just saw you raised your hand many times. What do you want to ask our guests?"

A man with a three-quarter hairstyle picked up the microphone and stood up. The first sentence made the audience exclaim.

"Actually, I don't have any questions to ask. The main reason is that I am afraid that venture capitalists will miss a talent."

Well, I have to admit, this one is very brave.

The host was stunned. Looking at her expression, Shen Lang knew that this was definitely not a script prepared in advance.

"This contestant seems to be very confident in himself, so what special talent do you think he has?" The host reacted and hurriedly saved the scene.

The man said confidently: "I am very confident in my business vision, and I also want to revitalize our Huizhou merchants, but now I don't understand why many investors say: You must first have a The team, and then the money will be invested in, why are investors unwilling to create this project with me when I have a good business model?"

The host's eyes finally fell on Shen Lang.

"Mr. Shen, we all know that you majored in finance and have worked as an investment bank for a while. What do you think about this contestant's question?"

Shen Lang said mercilessly: "Actually, I think Mr. Zhang's question is a bit too elementary. This is not a question an entrepreneur should have. For example, I am the boss of a venture capital institution now. , if you want to persuade me to invest in your project, first of all, you have to make this project and achieve certain results, instead of saying, you open your mouth: I am very confident in my business vision, and then I will spend the money I voted for you, and my money didn’t come from the wind.”

"But the investment is in people, not projects." The man retorted.

Shen Lang shook his head and said: "Investment is a probability, and people are a very important part of it, and they also play a decisive role, but the project is what we call the track, and it is also crucial, you haven't even found the track well. , why should I invest my money in you? If you turn around and do a completely unreliable project, won’t my money be wasted?”

Many entrepreneurs at the scene applauded in agreement.

But the man disagrees.

"My business vision will never do unreliable projects."

Shen Lang was speechless for a while: "How do you prove your business vision?"

The man thought for a while: "I'm going to make a bold prediction here. The competition between and Taobao is very fierce now. I think Mr. Ma's Taobao will soon overwhelm Mr. Guo's Huicong."

Guo Fanshen's face turned dark all of a sudden. He is really sitting at home, and the blame comes from the sky. Can this be blamed on him?

Jack Ma was also a little at a loss, this person was definitely not the one he invited.

Shen Lang rolled his eyes: "We can't verify your prediction today. If you just want to persuade investors to invest in you, I can only say, good luck!"

Guo Fanshen was upset, and interjected directly: "Let me interject, just like this contestant's question, why investors refuse to vote for you, the reason is very simple, just like I am so successful today. Now, as a listed company, you don't think highly of me, why do investors want to look good on you when you are doing nothing now?"

(End of this chapter)

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