my return 2002

Chapter 238

Chapter 238

I have to admit that Zhou Hongyi's vision is still very unique. He knows very well that if he wants to defeat 360 security guards, he can only have a chance if he cooperates with Penguin who holds a lot of traffic in his hand, otherwise there is no hope at all.

As for Xiao Ma, the software alliance of the 360 ​​system is also a huge threat to QQ. In the 360 ​​security guard function: security software recommendation, this function has allowed YY to gain many users.

Using Zhou Hongyi's Jinshan to cut off the tentacle of 360 security guards, QQ is just providing it with some traffic, no matter how it is considered to be a big profit, even if Zhou Hongyi's Jinshan fails, there is no loss for Penguin.

Moreover, Brother Xiao Ma has long been coveting the security software market, but QQ has been unable to let go under the huge pressure of YY and MSN. The cooperation with Zhou Hongyi can send Penguin employees to learn the operation of security software According to the model, when the time is right, you can propose to buy Jinshan. If Zhou Hongyi refuses to agree, Xiao Ma doesn't mind kicking Zhou Hongyi away and doing it yourself.

Of course, on the surface, Penguin and Qihoo Jinshan still maintain a "honeymoon cooperation relationship". Qihoo Jinshan provides security software recommendations for Penguin products, and QQ also provides long-term pop-up recommendations for Kingsoft Internet Security.

Not only that, Zhou Hongyi also understands the market very well. He has made a new revision of Kingsoft Drugmaster. The functions after the revision are almost completely copied from 360 Security Guard. Even the original icon of Kingsoft Drugmaster is changed from the original icon composed of two arrows. , replaced with the same shield icon as the 360 ​​Security Guard, except that one shield is marked with the number 360, and the other shield is marked with an arrow.

Lei Jun was so angry that he cursed in Shen Lang's office: "This Zhou Hongyi really has no bottom line at all, what are these things!"

But Shen Lang said calmly: "You are so angry not only because Zhou Hongyi plagiarized, but also because Jinshan no longer has the familiar look you have?"

Lei Jun was stunned on the spot, yes, in fact, the moment he saw Jinshan’s new icon, he broke his guard. He joined Jinshan in 1992, and by 2003, 11 years, he left his best youth to Jinshan , It was his ultimate dream to once send Jinshan to NASDAQ.

Although I left Jinshan later, the memories are indelible.

Shen Lang patted his shoulder, but said nothing.

Lei Jun quickly calmed down and let out a sigh of relief: "Thanks, I'm fine."

"If you want a break, just say so anytime."

"No need, I'm not that fragile."

Shen Lang didn't force himself, he changed the subject, and said solemnly: "Zhou Hongyi was born in 3721, and he never played cards according to the routine. I believe he must have prepared more than these methods, keep an eye on him, and don't let him have the opportunity to steal chickens. "

"Yes, I know."

On the other side, Kingsoft's headquarters, no, it's Qihoo's headquarters at this time.

After Zhou Hongyi took over Jinshan, he dismissed most of Jinshan's executives. On the one hand, it was to eliminate the influence of Qiu Bojun and Lei Jun in the company. After being beaten by 360 security guards, it is useless for these executives to keep them.

Of course, Zhou Hongyi gave special treatment to technicians, some were promoted and some got salary increases.

In Zhou Hongyi's view, the reason why 3721 can't compete with Baidu is not that he has a problem with his ability, but that he doesn't have enough technical accumulation. Eager to cash out, he had to sell 3721 to Yahoo.

The same is true for Rising, which merged into Jinshan. All the executives were killed, leaving only a few obedient ones. The technical personnel were reorganized, dispersed and merged into the original Jinshan team.

Facts have proved that Zhou Hongyi's method is very effective. Jinshan and Rising's technical teams are well integrated. After the internal problems were resolved, Zhou Hongyi began to negotiate with Xiao Ma, and the two sides hit it off.

In just half a month, relying on the drainage of QQ, the number of users of Kingsoft Antivirus increased by hundreds of thousands, which made Zhou Hongyi overjoyed and strengthened his determination to cooperate with Xiao Ma.

However, after half a month, QQ's pop-up promotion ended. After all, pop-up advertisements greatly affect the user experience.

This next week, Hongyi is a little bit worried. After seeing the traffic bonus brought by QQ, she can't see the double-digit user growth every day.

Zhou Hongyi called Qi Xiangdong to the office.

"Old Qi, we have acquired Jinshan and Rising Company successively, and the money is almost used up. If the performance cannot be improved, it may be difficult to find investment. We have to find a way. What do you think?"

In fact, with Zhou Hongyi's qualifications, it is not difficult to find investment. The key is that when he left Yahoo, he did a little too much. Many old employees were taken away. In addition, Yahoo spent more than 3721 million U.S. dollars to acquire 3721. As a result, it was destroyed by 1 security guards before it was warmed up, and Yahoo's reputation was damaged.

Yang Zhiyuan was already full of anger, so Zhou Hongyi's action naturally made Yang Zhiyuan very angry, so he threatened to block Zhou Hongyi, and many capitals were unwilling to offend Yahoo, at least before Zhou Hongyi did it. Before proving his worth, there is no capital willing to invest in Zhou Hongyi, which Zhou Hongyi himself knows very well.

Qi Xiangdong scratched his head a little, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "Mr. Zhou, isn't the Xishanju studio idle now? Now making games to make money, since we can't get investment, we might as well go to the game market to make some money."

The Xishanju studio is also a disaster. JX 1 was originally operating well, but in order to maintain the operation of Jinshan, Qiu Bojun continued to draw blood from the JX 1 project, and came up with point card + double payment for props. The player was furious, and eventually had to stop serving.

Zhou Hongyi's eyes brightened: "Well, this method is not bad, but the development of the game also requires a lot of expenses."

"Hey, it doesn't cost much. Xishanju's Swordsman Love 1 and 2 are actually good, but they haven't operated well. Let them go back to the furnace, modify some details, and restart the server to make money." Qi Xiang said.

"Okay, let's do it like this." Zhou Hongyi patted Qi Xiangdong's shoulder appreciatively, and said earnestly, "Old Qi, I really have you."

Soon, Xishanju received an order from Qi Xiangdong. The team members of Xishanju were not happy about this from the bottom of their hearts, but their arms couldn't twist their thighs. If they didn't want to leave the job, they could only listen to their superiors.

Qi Xiangdong was complacent about his genius idea, and even told the Xishanju team at the meeting.

"Since it's the combination of Swordsman Love 1 and 2, it should just be called Swordsman World!"

However, just when the Xishanju team was intensively working on the production of [Swordsman World], a major earthquake occurred in the online game circle.

That's right, [Zhengtu] closed beta is online!
At 11 a.m. on November 15th, [Journey] officially started its closed beta.

At this time, in some Internet cafes in the third and fourth tiers, there are no people in many places, but the computers are all turned on, and without exception, the login interface of [Journey] hangs on the computer screen.

"Boss, get on the plane." A young man came to the Internet cafe.

The boss hurried forward: "Hey, you are here today. Our internet cafe has a charter flight event, and the audience is free."

"It's free for the audience? What's the good thing here?" The young guy was full of surprise. Doesn't it cost money to surf the Internet?Is this boss doing charity?
The boss smiled and pointed at the computer: "That's right, but you don't need money, but you don't need money, but this computer can only play one game, called Zhengtu, and it's officially closed beta today."

"Zhengtu? Is that the poster on your door? Is this game fun?"

"It's not fun, you don't need money, even the Internet fee is saved, which game company do you think can have this card?"

"That's right, that's fine, I'll give it a try."

After 10 minutes, the young guy couldn't help exclaiming.

"Fuck, this game is so easy to upgrade? And give away equipment?"

The same scene appeared in many small third- and fourth-tier cities. For Internet cafe users in these places, the Internet fee of two or three yuan an hour is not a small expense, so many Internet cafe owners have opened all-night service. Ten yuan for an overnight stay until the next morning.

Even so, there are still some student parties who can't even afford ten yuan, so they can only stand by and watch others play.

Suddenly, these student parties discovered that some Internet cafes actually had chartered flights. Although they could only play one game, it was better than standing and watching others play, right?

Moreover, they soon discovered that this game is actually quite fun, the leveling speed is very fast, and it also gives away equipment, and there are many people, killing people will not lose equipment.

In this way, [Journey] closed beta was launched in just one hour, and the number of simultaneous online users exceeded 20. This is also because Shi Yuzhu is rich and powerful. It is impossible for ordinary game companies to open so many servers for internal testing.

Although Shi Yuzhu also thought that [Zhengtu] would become popular, he did not expect it to be so popular, which made him more convinced that free games are the general trend.

Similarly, this scene also stunned all game company bosses. The explosion of World of Warcraft made domestic game manufacturers feel that the era of 3D games has arrived, and if they don’t follow up, they will be eliminated, and there is no market for 2D games.

But now [Zhengtu]'s performance made everyone exclaim incomprehensible.

The picture quality of such a game is mediocre, and the operability is even more difficult to talk about. How can a game that relies entirely on stacking values ​​be so popular?

Just because it's free?

Shanda, Chen Tianqiao was also facing the computer screen, trying to play [Journey], but he couldn't appreciate the joy of the game at all, and lost the mouse after playing for a while.

From Chen Tianqiao's point of view, there is nothing special about this game except that the upgrade is faster and the PK does not drop equipment.

But Tan Qunzhao firmly believed that the legendary world should be free.

After listening to Tan Qunzhao's words, Chen Tianqiao couldn't help being entangled. The simultaneous online of "Journey" made him very excited, but it was too risky to abandon the current annual point card revenue of hundreds of millions and switch to charging for props.

"Or, let's wait and see, let's see the retention rate of [Zhengtu] first."

Tan Qunzhao also knew that it was difficult to make this decision, so he could only nod helplessly.

On the other side, Shen Lang, Lei Jun, Wang Tao, and Zhuang Yan, who was in charge of the Ghost Blowing Lantern project, were all trying out [Journey].

In fact, Shen Lang had never played this game when [Zhengtu] became popular in his previous life. Ten million, you can be regarded as a rich man. This guy spent more than 200 million in [Journey] at least.

According to his own later recollection, he didn't know that he had charged so much money, or he checked the flow records after he quit the pit to figure it out.

Just logged into the [Zhengtu] interface, everyone looked disgusted. However, after 10 minutes, when Shen Lang saw it, everyone looked dignified.

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

In the eyes of many people who have never played [Zhengtu], this is a low-quality money-making game, but for players who have played it, this game is definitely the most fun game at present, there is no one .

Take upgrades as an example. If you want to make money in point card games, you need to keep players in the game. Upgrading becomes a difficult task. Even if it is World of Warcraft, it takes more than 60 hours to upgrade to level 100. .

But it is very easy to upgrade in [Journey], you can reach level [-] in a few minutes, and after reaching level [-], the game will give you a weapon of level [-], which is better than you in the game The attributes of the equipment obtained here are much better.

Moreover, during the closed beta period, [Journey] has not opened value-added charges, and almost all materials for upgrading equipment in the game can be obtained by fighting monsters, which is a word of cool!
"Fuck, I was fucked, where are you? Come and help me get revenge!" Lei Jun couldn't help but swear, even he didn't realize it.

When he came back to his senses, he felt chills running down his back. Even a hardcore player like him, who had experienced many battles, would unknowingly substitute into it. What would happen to ordinary players?

Shen Lang also admired secretly, Shi Yuzhu may not be a qualified entrepreneur, but he is definitely a genius marketing master.

[Zhengtu] Grasping all the pain points of free games and abandoning the inherent routines of card-based games, this is not easy and requires great courage.

In just one day, [Zhengtu] internal test exceeded 30 online simultaneously. This is because Shi Yuzhu does not have more servers, and many players can only enter the game by queuing.

Shi Yuzhu also made a high-profile announcement on the official website of [Zhengtu], and a wave of free games has quietly ignited the fire in the mainland online game market.

Now there is only one question before Shi Yuzhu.

[Journey] How much revenue will be generated after the official fee is charged, which is also the most concerned issue of all game companies.

Regardless of personal preferences, game companies are actually very normal business organizations, and the ultimate focus is on benefits. Whoever can make money can learn from them.

(End of this chapter)

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