Chapter 286

"There are millions of households in Beiliang, how many of them are covered with dry bones?"

"Fame is given to a pot of wine, how much land will the emperor and general have?"

There was a faint sound of music outside the door, and a chorus of male voices.

"Listen." Xu Fengnian said to Li Fei and Nangong Pu, "Huanghuang Beiliang Town Spiritual Song, my second sister's lyrics, and the music I composed."

"At the end of every new year, there are thirty musicians and 160 dancers playing music and dancing in the city. If you go out now, you can see the lights as bright as day."

Nangong Pushe shook his head, raised the wine bottle and said, "Just listen."

Xu Fengnian and Li Fei also raised their bottles to touch her, each took a big sip, and then listened to the song quietly.

"A rabbit walks on the mountain, a fox sleeps in the forest, and swallows mountains and rivers like a tiger."

"Ten dendrobium pearls, a red furnace made of slush, and a lonely waist with plain hands."

"A hundred thousand bows and crossbows have killed countless people, and millions of heads have fallen on the road."

"Good man, don't say that the hero of the world fell into my coffin that day."

"Little lady, don't hide your love and thoughts deep in your stomach."

"Come, come, and try to hear who is beating the beauty drum."

"Come, come, let's see who is Yangjian Rentu?"

"Come, come, let me ask who will... chase... the deer with me."

After listening for a while, Nangong Pushe commented: "The lyrics are good, and the music is average."

Xu Fengnian laughed in a low voice, and said after a while: "My second sister also said the same thing, maybe you fall in love with her."

Li Fei got up suddenly and said, "Drink slowly, I'll go out for a while."

Xu Fengnian asked puzzled, "What are you going to do?"

Li Fei said without turning his head, "I'm looking for your second sister."


Xu Fengnian looked at his back, and a strange look suddenly appeared on his face. After Li Fei went out, he murmured in a low voice: "This guy and the second sister..."

Thinking of that possibility, he whispered in horror: "No way!"

Nangong Pushe looked at him suspiciously and said, "Why not?"

Xu Fengnian looked up at her, then quickly shook his head and said, "It's nothing, maybe I'm thinking too much, drinking and drinking."


But after Li Fei got out of Tingchao Pavilion, he jumped up directly, tapped on the roofs of each roof, and flew towards Xu Weixiong's courtyard.

The master hidden guards hiding in various parts of the palace saw someone majesticly displaying lightness kung fu, and they were about to show up and make a move.

But after seeing that it was Li Fei, they all suppressed themselves and just paid close attention to what he was going to do.

After Li Fei fell from the sky in front of the main room in Xu Weixiong's courtyard, he immediately alarmed all the servants in the courtyard.


In an instant, Li Fei was surrounded by servants.

Xu Weixiong's residence is the only place in the palace without guards.

Because these servants in her courtyard were the horse bandit felons and Jiangyang robbers who were subdued by her.

Xu Weixiong wiped out countless thieves and bandits, almost all of them were killed by her sword in martial arts, and those who survived and became servants in her courtyard were all mediocre.

After seeing clearly that it was Li Fei, one of the leading servants asked puzzledly: "So it's Mr. Li. I don't know which song Mr. Li sang?"

Because Li Fei often played music and sang with Xu Weixiong, these servants knew that he was good at singing, so the question was not only intimate, but also a little teasing.

Li Fei smiled and said, "I don't even know what song I'm singing at the moment, maybe I can give you the answer after a while, is the princess in the courtyard?"

The leading servant smiled and said: "No, the princess originally wanted to invite you to watch dances and enjoy music in the city, but when she found out that you and the prince were drinking with friends, she left the house alone."

Li Fei cupped his fists at him and said, "Thank you for letting me know, we have time to have a drink together, so farewell."

After speaking, he jumped up again and swept towards the central square of Lingzhou City.

After Li Fei left, a servant suddenly laughed and said, "Hey, tell me, will Mr. Li become our county matriarch?"

"Hey, from what he said, I think it's very likely."

"Li Gongzi and Shizi are so good that they almost wear the same pair of pants. If he wants to be a pair with the princess, there will be basically no resistance at all."

"It's true, Mr. Li is unfathomable no matter whether he is civil or military. I have never seen a princess admire someone so much. I am afraid that only Mr. Li is worthy of our princess in this world."

"This Mr. Li is not small, but he is not big on airs. He can chat and laugh with people like us. He will be our county horseman, and I will be the first to support him."

The leading servant waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay, this kind of thing is not something we can talk about, everyone should pay attention, if you make a mistake and offend the princess, I will not intercede for you under the Chi Chi sword."

All the servants dispersed at once.


Sure enough, as Xu Fengnian said, tonight's Lingzhou City is brightly lit, and all kinds of bright and exquisite fish and dragon lanterns can be seen everywhere.

BMW incense cars come and go, all of them are dignitaries from Lingzhou City who come out to watch dances, music and lanterns.

The sound of music resounded throughout the city, and the women were dressed in fancy dresses, walking in small groups, smiling and talking, leaving behind a delicate fragrance all the way.

Bees, waves and butterflies, who claim to be romantic and unrestrained from all walks of life, swarm here following the fragrance.

Li Fei flew through the air all the way, heading straight for the central square.

Then I saw a wide high platform set up in the center of the square, and 160 dancers danced among them.

Thirty musicians were behind them, and the bells, drums, zithers, and chimes moved together, playing a solemn and magnificent music.

Eighty army men in armor, forty on each side, sang the "Huanghuang Beiliang Town Spiritual Song" in unison.

Li Fei didn't use his consciousness, but wandered around under the high platform, searching for traces of Xu Weixiong.

For him, this is also a kind of fun.

After the spiritual song of Huanghuang Beiliang Town ended, the dancers stepped down, and the high stage became the home field for the eighty soldiers.

They danced a dance that resembled martial arts, and the accompaniment was Li Fei's song "Serve the country with loyalty".

On the roof of a three-story inn next to the square, Xu Weixiong looked at the figure that was like a fish swimming among the crowd, looking around, with a beautiful arc at the corner of his mouth.

But she didn't move, she just followed his figure with her eyes.

After a while, Li Fei finally found this side.

He who was walking in the crowd suddenly stopped, as if sensing her gaze, he turned his head suddenly and looked in her direction, just in time to meet her gaze.

Seeing Li Feihua smile happily, the smile on Xu Weixiong's face also widened a bit.

Li Fei didn't want to disturb others, so he found a remote corner, jumped onto the roof, and flew over to stand beside her.

"It turns out that you are here, so I can easily find you."

Xu Weixiong asked casually, "What do you need from me?"

Li Fei also casually said, "Are you all right?"

Xu Weixiong turned his head to look at him suspiciously and said, "Then you are so anxious to find me..."

Li Fei scratched his head, and said weakly: "It's nothing, it's just that Xiaonian was drinking with friends at Tingchao Pavilion, and when he heard the spiritual song of Huanghuang Beiliang Town, he mentioned that this was your lyrics."

"I don't know why, but... I really wanted to see you right away, so I ran out."

Xu Weixiong's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and his right hand subconsciously tightly grasped the hem of the skirt beside his right leg, but he didn't answer the words.

Li Fei looked up at the sky, and said: "I suddenly have a lot of thoughts, and I want to write the first ci."

Xu Weixiong said: "All ears and all ears."

Li Fei smiled and said, "You don't need to listen, you can watch."

Xu Weixiong turned his head to look at him in confusion, but saw that his hands quickly formed seals. After changing more than a dozen fingerprints in a row, his sword pointed to the sky suddenly, and he softly shouted: "Chi."


At this time, Jing Zhong Bao Guo had just finished and was changing the stage, but a thunderbolt from the sky shocked everyone.

Looking up at the sky in amazement, they saw an incredible scene.

But I saw a series of electric snakes appearing out of thin air in the sky, criss-crossing and running endlessly.

The next moment, those electric snakes gathered in the sky and gradually formed characters one by one.

"Eastern wind blows flowers and thousands of trees at night. Even more blows fall, stars are like rain. BMW carved cars are fragrant all over the road. The sound of drums and cymbals, the light of jade pots turn, and fish and dragons dance all night."

"Moth Xueliu's golden strands. Laughter and whispers are full of fragrance. People search for her thousands of times. When I look back suddenly, that person is there, in a dimly lit place."

This poem just floated in the sky, made up of lightning, each character was as big as a millstone, and most of the people in Lingzhou City saw it.

Scholars were amazed and full of praise, and many people hurriedly waited on the Four Treasures of the Study and copied it down.

"Good words, good words, this "Sapphire Case" is really a rare good word, with exquisite conception, subtle and subtle, and endless aftertaste."

"It's such a unique word, the overlapping parts are ingenious, and it can be called ups and downs."

"The next part of this poem is that the author is looking for a lonely woman among the ladies and jaspers in the city, and it seems that he has found it."

When everyone heard this sentence, they subconsciously turned their heads and looked around, specifically looking at those "dimmed places", but they didn't see any lonely women.

"You didn't pay attention to the main point, did you? Leaving aside the author's literary level, this author must be very human."

"It's up to you to say that? The only ones who can control the thunder and lightning are the magical methods of the Taoist school. Could it be that some high-level real person came to the city?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked left and right for a while, looking for the nonexistent Daoist Gao Daoist.

Not to mention the discussions among the people in Lingzhou, Xu Weixiong, who was standing beside Li Fei at this time, looked at the words made of lightning in the sky, and felt that although he hadn't even touched a drop of wine, he was about to pass out.

She didn't hang her head until the words in the sky gradually disappeared.

As expected of Xu Weixiong, she did not have the shyness of an ordinary woman. After lowering her head, she asked quietly, " this a confession?"

Li Fei was even more straightforward. He suddenly turned around, grabbed her shoulders with both hands, and turned her to meet his eyes.

He looked at her fixedly, and said solemnly: "You want Beiliang to stand between the sky and the earth, and I will help you guard it."

"You want an excellent younger brother of the King of Beiliang, and I will help you cultivate him."

"If you want Beimang, I'll help you fight it down."

"If you want this world, I will help you gather all the luck in the world in Beiliang."

"And I only want one Xu Weixiong, will you give it?"

Xu Weixiong stared at him blankly for a while, then suddenly burst out laughing without warning.

"Do you know that the last person who said something similar was beaten to death."

Li Fei pretended to be stunned and said, "Is there anyone else who has said similar things?"

Xu Weixiong nodded, and said with a smile, "Yes."

Li Fei asked: "What about after being beaten? What was the result?"

Xu Weixiong lowered his eyelids, and said softly: "He has her."

Without a word of nonsense, Li Fei put one hand on the back of her head and the other around her back, leaned his head forward, and kissed that cherry lips heavily.

This kiss made Xu Weixiong feel like falling into the clouds.

After a full ten breaths, Li Fei left her lips.

He stared into her eyes, and said softly: "I'm ready, you can do it, just beat me, just give me a breath."

Xu Weixiong wrapped his arms around his waist, his eyes were blurred, his face was flushed, but he didn't let go of him when he heard this, instead, he took the initiative to put his red lips up again.

Only this time, she bit Li Fei's lips, and bright red blood oozed out.

"I'm done beating."

After the beating is over, she belongs to him from now on.

Satisfied, Li Fei embraced her with one hand, turned around and looked towards the direction of the stage, and said slowly: "Three years, at most three years, within three years, I will take Bei Mang as a betrothal gift and ask my uncle to marry you."

Xu Wei leaned his head on Li Fei's shoulder and said softly, "I'm waiting for that day."


Once the time of Haishi is over, it will be the first day of the Lunar New Year when the child is born, and the New Year's Eve will naturally end here.

After Li Fei and Xu Weixiong returned to the palace, they came to Tingchao Pavilion together.

But Xu Fengnian and Nangong Pushe, who were sitting there swaying non-stop, their eyes blurred, were still punching and drinking.

"Hey, you two had a great meal!"

Seeing the two of them, Xu Fengnian suddenly got excited, got up unsteadily, and said to Nangong Pu: "Come on, let me introduce my sister to you, you two must hit it off."

Even though this kid was already drunk, he didn't forget to call Xu Weixiong not to wear the word "two", which shows that this matter has been deeply rooted in his bones.

Over there, Xu Weixiong leaned close to Li Fei's ear and whispered, "This he a man or a woman?"

Li Fei couldn't help but smiled slightly, and whispered: "Girl, it's more than enough to be your younger brother and sister, but she has always regarded herself as a man, so don't expose it."

Xu Weixiong pursed his lips into a smile, and nodded slightly.

Naturally, she had already read the information on Nangong Pushe, and knew that she had extraordinary martial arts aptitude, and was evaluated by Li Yishan as another Wang Xianzhi.

Coupled with her peerless appearance, even if she can't be the princess of Beiliang in her capacity, she can be a side concubine at all.

Nangong Pushe stood up and looked at Xu Weixiong. She was not as drunk as Xu Fengnian, but she could barely stand still.

Xu Fengnian raised his hand, straightened his forearm straight down, pointed at Nangong Pushe and was about to speak, but he saw Li Fei and Xu Weixiong's heads were together, and they didn't know what they were muttering.

Immediately, he stared and shouted: "Hey, why are you two so close? Pay attention to the influence, so as not to be misunderstood."

Xu Weixiong stood up straight calmly, while Li Fei retorted confidently: "When you are whispering to someone, you must not lean into their ears?"

Xu Fengnian staggered in front of the two, leaned forward slightly, and asked, "What are you whispering?"

Li Fei calmly said: "None of your business, don't you want to introduce?"

"Oh yes." The drunken person's thinking was completely jumping, Xu Fengnian's attention was suddenly diverted, and he was redirected to Nangong Pushe... beside him.

Li Fei took a step forward, grabbed his arm and turned around. Xu Fengnian looked back, saw that he was pointing to the right position, and said with a smile, "Sorry, I'm a little dizzy."

"Sister, this is Nangong Pushe, I call her White Fox Face."

After speaking, he looked at Nangong Pushe, pointed at Xu Weixiong and said, "This is my sister, Xu Weixiong."

Nangong servant clasped his fists and said: "The princess's name is like thunder, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Xu Weixiong cupped his fists in return, "You're welcome."

While speaking, Xu Fengnian noticed that there was blood on Li Fei's lips.

Originally, with Li Fei's quasi-holy body, not to mention the immediate recovery from injuries, ordinary gods would not even be able to injure him, and Xu Weixiong would not be able to bite his lips if he didn't want to.

He didn't heal the wound, naturally it was on purpose.

Xu Fengnian moved forward, and after seeing that it was really a wound, he said in surprise, "Are you injured?"

"Hmm..." Li Fei said nonchalantly, "I was beaten up."

"What?" Xu Fengnian was stunned, and then he said angrily: "Dare to beat you in Lingzhou City, impatient to live? Tell me who it is, and I will ask Lu Qiuer to lead an army of iron cavalry to kill him."

Li Fei and Xu Weixiong rolled their eyes at the same time, and he said to Xu Weixiong: "This kid is drunk, don't worry about him, go back and rest!"

"Yeah." Xu Weixiong nodded, then turned around with him and went out the door.

"Hey, don't go, make it clear, this motherfucker is Lingzhou City, dare to beat my Xu Fengnian's brother, it's against the heavens..."

Xu Fengnian yelled and was about to go forward to grab Li Fei, but was stopped by Nangong Pushe first.

"You guy, don't be stupid, can you?"

Xu Fengnian looked back at her inexplicably, hiccupped, and asked bewilderedly, "What's so stupid? Why am I being stupid when I stand up for my brother?"

Nangong Pushe said speechlessly: "With Ah Fei's martial arts, who can hurt him?"

Xu Fengnian was taken aback for a moment, as if he just remembered that Li Fei possessed earth-shattering martial arts.

"No, how did he get hurt?"

Nangong Pu shot: "His wound doesn't look like he was beaten, but rather bitten."


Xu Fengnian was so excited that he seemed to have sobered up a lot from the alcohol.

He suddenly remembered that he had talked with Li Fei before. Li Fei had a personal matter, which he might be able to do or not, but Xu Xiao could solve it with a single sentence, and then he might get beaten up for that matter...

Thinking of how Xu Fengnian didn't understand, he slapped his thigh and shouted angrily: "You bastard, I treat him as a brother, yet he hooked up with my sister."

Listening to the tide pavilion, Li Fei, who had just walked not far away, staggered.

Xu Weixiong's head was full of black lines, he turned around and was about to walk back.

Li Fei quickly grabbed her and said with a wry smile: "He drank too much, don't argue with him, let alone what he said is the truth, we have no way to refute it!"

Xu Weixiong glared at him in embarrassment, started his lightness kung fu and swept towards his courtyard.

Seeing this, Li Fei shrugged helplessly, looked back at the door of Tingchao Pavilion and smiled, and walked leisurely to Wutong Garden.


Xu Weixiong didn't take the initiative to tell anyone about the confirmed relationship with Li Fei, but she knew that she couldn't hide it. With the eyes and ears of Beiliang Palace, how could Xu Xiao not know about it?

Especially Xu Fengnian's unobstructed voice was heard by many hidden guards.

So she didn't intend to hide it deliberately, just let it happen naturally.

Whether it was Li Fei performing lightness kung fu and flying to Xu Weixiong's courtyard to look for her, or the thunder in the sky above Lingzhou City, or even the bite marks on Li Fei's lips, Xu Xiao knew all about it the next morning.

Coupled with Xu Fengnian's indignant yell, why didn't he understand what happened?
Xu Xiao was really surprised and delighted, these days his daughter was inseparable from Li Fei, and he saw it.

It's just that Li Fei hasn't moved at all, and the two of them just get along like friends, so he thought that Li Fei had no intentions towards Xu Weixiong at all.

Xu Xiao can also understand that men like stunning beauties. Although Xu Weixiong is amazing in ability, his appearance is not comparable to stunning beauties after all.

But what he didn't expect was that his daughter really had something, after all, she conquered this fairy-like figure.

(End of this chapter)

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