Chapter 285
A woman with a graceful and plump figure and a charming and charming face jumped down from the roof on the right, and landed lightly about three feet away from Li Fei.

Seeing this woman, Jiang Ni frowned, pointed at her and shouted: "Aren't you the one next to Lin Tanhua...the one..."

It has been a few months, and she can't remember the other party's name.

In fact, this woman has never been called by her name since she appeared, and it is normal for her not to remember.

Li Fei interjected, "That 'good-bred' girl Fan."

The woman glanced at Li Fei with a pair of winking eyes, and said with a half-smile: "Mr. Li has a good memory, but there is no need to emphasize this point, right?"

Li Fei shrugged and said, "If you look down, can you see the insteps of your feet? This is an advantage, so why worry about others talking about it?"

Miss Fan subconsciously looked down.

Well, the goal of entering is two towering hills, not to mention the insteps, even the toes are invisible, and I am speechless.

Xu Fengnian, who had seen Miss Fan with a serious face, felt that he couldn't hold back anymore, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

This guy's shameless momentum has gradually caught up with his own pace. I really don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

Jiang Ni looked at Li Fei with black lines all over his head, and said, "Brother Fei, you've failed in learning."

Li Fei immediately said with shame on his face: "You are right. I have to reflect on myself. I have let myself go a little bit lately. It is true that those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black."

Xu Fengnian ignored Li Fei's complaints, but looked at Miss Fan and said, "Did Xu Xiao let you out?"

Li Fei glanced at him helplessly, and said, "You haven't seen it yet? This woman belongs to the prince."

"She appeared by Lin Tanhua's side just to trick him. She had never been in prison at all. How could she be released? It's almost the same as being sent out."

After Xu Fengnian heard Li Fei's words, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

This woman's acting skills are really good, she really deceived him last time, so he never thought about it.

But Miss Fan winked and said in admiration: "As expected of Mr. Li, the little girl is convinced."

After speaking, he looked at Xu Fengnian, and said with a smile: "My name is Shu Shu, comfortable Shu, shy shy, quite easy to remember."

Xu Fengnian said noncommittally: "Xu Xiao asked you to follow us, what do you want to do?"

If some inexplicable person suddenly appeared beside him out of thin air, don't doubt it, either they have ulterior motives, such as assassins or something, or Xu Xiao is going to come up with something else.

He has already made up his mind to find his own way and never follow Xu Xiao's old way.

Therefore, he will be cautious about any actions of Xu Xiao, so as not to fall into the trap of this old fox and unknowingly walk on the path he arranged.

Shu Shu took out a key from his waist, walked up a few steps, and handed the key to Xu Fengnian.

Xu Fengnian didn't take the key and asked, "What do you mean?"

Shu shyly said: "The lord said that the son only wanted to do things well. After Ning Emei came back, he was thrown into the dungeon again."

"Originally, I wanted to beheaded. Since the son wants to have both, it is up to the son to decide whether to kill or let go."

"Remind your son, Ning Emei has some complaints about you for not bringing the little prince back from Wudang."

Only now did Xu Fengnian take the key, turned to look at Li Fei and said, "Xu Xiao kept saying, let me not forget the six hundred veterans."

"But he himself is thinking about factional struggles in the army every day. I don't think I'm worth it for old Xu."

Li Fei patted him on the shoulder, and explained: "This is not what he wants, the people below insist on assigning factions, what can he do? He is also very helpless!"

Today's Beiliang army looks powerful, but in fact it has reached a dangerous crossroads.

This faction in the army is clearly divided into three parties, namely, the Prince's Party represented by Chu Lushan, the Xiaorentu Party represented by Dian Xiongshu, and the Xiaowangye Party represented by Ning Emei.

And the anti-bones party hiding in the dark, who might stab Beiliang in the back at any time.

When Xu Xiao was alive, these factions would not cause any major disturbances, but once Xu Xiao was gone, who else could hold back Beiliang's 35 cavalry?

Therefore, in order to pave the way for Xu Fengnian, Xu Xiao had to use some extraordinary means.

After Shu Yu left on his own, the three of Li Fei went to the dungeon and released Ning Emei.

Xu Fengnian made Ning Emei agree to travel with him on the condition that he personally go to Longhu Mountain to pick up Xu Longxiang.


After returning to the palace, Li Fei went to the carpenter's place, made some objects by himself, and sent them to his room in Wutongyuan.

When he returned to Wutong Garden, Xu Fengnian was no longer in the courtyard. He only found out after asking Sweet Potato that he had already gone to Xu Xiaona.

Just after the afternoon application time, the housekeeper Shen Chun came to Wutong Garden in person and invited Li Fei to Xu Xiao's for a New Year's Eve dinner.

The New Year's Eve dinner was originally eaten by the whole family, so Xu Xiao's family called Li Fei, so they didn't treat him as an outsider.

Li Fei called the servants and asked them to bring the objects they made to Xu Xiao's residence.

When Shen Chun arrived at Xu Xiao's residence, the family of three were chatting, seeing the things carried by the servants, they got up curiously and came over.

Xu Xiao asked: "Nephew, what are these?"

Li Fei said with a smile: "These are some small objects made by my nephew. They are not of much use, but are convenient for the family to eat."

As he spoke, he asked the servants to remove the low desk, took a cross shelf from a servant, and pulled it apart to form four table legs.

Then put a wooden disc carried by the other two servants on the leg of the table, and a round table of medium and small size worked together.

Another eight servants each moved a chair with a backrest, and Li Fei asked them to put the chairs beside the round table.

After doing all this well, Li Fei explained to Xu Xiao: "My lord, my nephew noticed that your legs and feet are a little inconvenient, and sitting on your knees all the time is not good for your legs and feet."

"So I made these objects, do you think they are suitable?"

This overhead world is a bit weird, and the background of the era is equivalent to before the Tang Dynasty of Zu Xing. At this time, tables and chairs in the true sense have not been invented yet.

However, this world already has peanuts, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, etc., all of which were introduced to the Central Plains during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

The short rectangle on the ground is called a "table". Except when everyone is sitting on the brocade couch, everyone is sitting in a serious manner. The so-called sitting at other times is actually kneeling.

So Li Fei tinkered with this set of tables and chairs, which can be regarded as making some contributions to the world, so that everyone doesn't have to be so tired.

That guy Huang Longshi is really a failed time traveler.

Not to mention other things that are too technical, he didn't even "invent" the table and chairs, so he is still "the top three"?

The family of three looked at the round table and wooden chairs, and then at Li Fei, feeling warm in their hearts.

Xu Xiao sighed secretly again, how wonderful it would be if this was my son!
Xu Fengnian happily sat on the chair, and blurted out the catchphrase: "It's a technical job, and I deserve a reward. You kid can actually do it. Why didn't you do it earlier?"

What annoys him the most is sitting on his knees, but it's all right now.

Li Fei said: "I didn't think of it before!"

Xu Xiao also praised: "The round case means reunion. My nephew has a heart. Since everyone has arrived, let's start the table. Old Shen, order to go down and serve the food."


Shen Chun, who was at the side, ordered the maid to pass the dishes, and the dishes were served on the table, including green ant wine.

"Let's go, let's have a New Year's Eve dinner as a family. Don't be restrained, you should eat and drink."

"My lord..."

As soon as Li Fei opened his mouth, Xu Xiao unexpectedly interrupted him: "Why is the prince not a prince? There is no prince here, and there is no son of the princess. If you want to think highly of us, just call me uncle."

Li Fei picked up the wine glass kindly, and smiled at Xu Xiao: "The little nephew toasts uncle."

"Hey... that's right!" Xu Xiao cheerfully raised his glass and touched Li Fei, then drank the wine in one gulp.

After putting down the wine glass, he pointed to Xu Weixiong and said, "I don't know how old you are now, but you should look about the same as Fengnian."

"This is Fengnian's older sister. You can call her sister just like Fengnian. As for Fengnian, I don't care what you two brothers call you."

Li Fei filled another glass of wine, looked at Xu Weixiong with a strange expression, and said, "Little brother also respects sister."

Xu Weixiong raised his eyebrows, raised his glass to touch him with a half-smile, and drank the wine.

Li Fei poured the third cup, turned to look at Xu Fengnian beside him, and said hesitantly, "Xiao Nian, why don't we go too."


Xu Fengnian turned his head, coughed fiercely towards the outside of the table, and pointed at Li Fei. After the cough subsided a little, he wiped his mouth with a brocade handkerchief, then straightened up and stared at Li Fei, saying: "Don't call me Xiaonian."

Li Fei nodded, and said nonchalantly, "Good boy."

Xu Fengnian said angrily, "Don't call me Xiaonian."

Li Fei picked up his wine glass, touched the glass in front of Xu Fengnian, drank the glass of wine, and said: "I know Xiaonian."


"Ha ha ha ha……"

Now even Xu Weixiong and Xu Xiao couldn't help it, and laughed out loud.

Xu Fengnian's shoulders collapsed, and he said weakly: "You can call me anything, just don't call me Xiaonian?"

"Okay Xiaofeng."


"You should still be called Xiaonian!"

"Yes, young man."

As soon as the New Year's Eve dinner started, Xu Xiao and Xu Weixiong couldn't eat any more for the time being, because they were patronizing and laughing.

I have never seen Xu Xiao and the second sister laugh like this Xu Fengnian, pinch their noses and recognize it, Xiaonian is Xiaonian!It's better than Xiaofeng.

Speaking of which, Li Fei is still the second person to call him Xiaonian, and the other person who calls him Xiaonian is also his brother, the best brother.

Could it be that there is something weird about the name Xiaonian?As long as he is his best brother, he can't help but call out this title?
If this is the case, he really hopes to have a few more people who call him Xiaonian.

But he didn't know that Li Fei had already made arrangements for the other brother named Xiaonian, and when they reunited, there would be a surprise waiting for him.

After Xiaonian's stalking passed, Li Fei didn't engage in other moths.

It's enough to warm up the scene, what's the matter with laughing all the time after eating a New Year's Eve dinner?

Everyone didn't drink much at this New Year's Eve dinner, it was just for fun, because it's not the time to drink, it's at night.

During the Chinese New Year, some people have to accompany them.

More than an hour later, when the New Year's Eve dinner was over, Xu Xiao fetched three envelopes and handed them to Xu Fengnian, Xu Weixiong, and Li Fei respectively.

"Come on, this is the lucky money for this year. If you accept the lucky money from the elders, you will be able to spend the first year in peace next year."

Li Fei took the thick envelope, clasped his fists to Xu Xiao with a smile and said, "Thank you uncle, I wish uncle a happy new year and all the best."

"Haha, happy and happy, seeing that all of you are well, I am very happy."

Xu Fengnian opened the envelope and saw that there was a stack of banknotes in the envelope, with a face value of 100 taels. He counted them, and there were ten in total.

Xu Fengnian smacked his lips, it's not bad, it's enough to visit Zijin Tower twice.

Li Fei also took it apart and took a look, good guy, 1000 taels is also a full ten sheets, and Xu Weixiong over there is the same.

"Let me see, how many do you have?" As soon as Xu Fengnian approached Li Fei, he quickly put the banknotes into his pocket and said nonchalantly, "Ten."

Seeing this, Xu Fengnian said contemptuously: "Look at you who have never seen the world, can I still snatch you?"

After speaking, he looked at Xu Weixiong, only to see that she also quickly put the banknote into her bosom, and said calmly, "Me too."

Xu Fengnian was a little suspicious, it's fine for Li Fei to make that appearance, do you need it?How dare I steal your money?

Before Xu Fengnian could figure out what it was like, Xu Xiao said cheerfully to Li Fei: "Nephew! Uncle has another gift for you, just wait a moment."

After speaking, he went to the inner room, Xu Fengnian said dissatisfiedly: "Xu Xiao, you are a bit partial? Why is it that only Ah Fei has gifts?"

Xu Xiao said without turning his head: "The whole palace is yours. Is it interesting for me to give you something from you as a gift?"

Xu Fengnian touched his chin when he heard the words, and muttered: "That's true."

After a while, Xu Xiao came out with a long wooden box in his arms, put it on the table that the maid had cleaned up, and said to Li Fei with a smile: "Open it and see if you like it."

Li Fei looked joyful, stepped forward to open the wooden box, and then froze there.

After two breaths, he closed his eyes tightly, bowed slightly, put one hand on the table, and covered his forehead with the other.

Seeing this, Xu Xiao's expression changed slightly, and he was about to step forward to ask what was going on, but was stopped by Xu Fengnian.

He said softly: "Don't disturb him, he seems to have remembered something again."

Xu Xiao was stunned, and then felt a little apprehensive. Could it be that this piano has something to do with him?I don't know how much he will remember.

In the wooden box is a paulownia qin with flowing water and broken patterns. The piano is three feet six inches long, three feet four inches wide, six inches eight inches wide at the shoulders, four inches six inches wide at the tail, and one inch thick.

The seven strings are all gray and white, neither silk nor steel, but exude a metallic luster.

After a while, Li Fei suddenly opened his eyes, and blurted out: "Tianlongqin, this is Tianlong's legacy piano."

Xu Weixiong's eyes lit up, and he looked at him expectantly and said, "Do you recognize this qin? The origin of this qin is untestable. We only know that for hundreds of years, no one has been able to control this qin."

"Ordinary people can't play it, but warriors can play it with true energy, but they will suffer from the backlash of true energy."

Li Fei lost his mind and said: "How can I not recognize it? This piano is mine. Others can't play it because they don't understand the 'Tianlong Bayin'."

There is no doubt that this is naturally the fate he arranged through the Book of Heaven.

Xu Weixiong and Xu Fengnian looked at him in surprise, what a coincidence?
Xu Xiao didn't show anything unusual, he asked calmly, "You mean you made this piano?"

The siblings looked at him speechlessly, what kind of brain circuit is this?

Didn't you just say that this piano has existed for hundreds of years?How could it be Li Fei who did it?
Sure enough, Li Fei shook his head and said, "That's not true, I also got it from someone else."

"Oh!" Xu Xiao didn't say anything, just oh casually.

He did not tell Xu Weixiong and Xu Fengnian the news about the "Top Ten Martial Gods".

He just needs to know about it himself, there is no need to let them know, otherwise it might affect their normal communication.

When they knew that Li Fei was an old monster who was at least over 100 years old, could they still get along like this?

Xu Weixiong said with great interest: "You mentioned the 'Tianlong Bayin' just now, is that the key to controlling the Tianlongqin?"

Li Fei nodded and said: "That's right, the Tianlongqin hurts people with its sounds, and with the eight tones, it is unmatched by thousands of troops."

"To play the eight notes of Tianlong, you need to cooperate with the unique mental formula to let the true energy flow in a specific way, so that you can perfectly control the Tianlongqin."

"The strings of the Dragon Qin today are made of the tendons of the seven dragons, which can borrow some of the strength of the seven dragons."

"I only need to output a small amount of true energy, and I can use the sound of the zither to emit an invisible energy that can crack stones. The furthest distance that the sound of the zither spreads is within reach of energy."

"As long as one can learn the eight notes of the Heavenly Dragon, it will not be difficult to break through ten thousand armours, even at the Zhixuan Realm."

The heart of the family of three twitched, and their gazes towards Tian Longqin became hot.

After Li Fei finished speaking, he looked at Xu Weixiong and smiled, "If you want to learn, I can teach you."

Xu Weixiong's eyes brightened, and Xu Fengnian said weakly, "That, I want to learn too."

Li Fei gave him a white look, and said: "You are already in the Celestial Phenomena Realm, and you still have the Heaven and Earth Merry Knife by your side. What are you learning from the Heavenly Dragon Eight Music? My sister is only pretending to be Xuan!"

"Oh..." Xu Fengnian shrank his neck, and said awkwardly, "Then let my sister learn it!"

Xu Xiao was both happy and ashamed and said, "I originally wanted to give Ah Fei a New Year's gift, but it turned around and back again. You see, it's a mess."

Li Fei laughed and said, "One yard is worth one yard. Uncle's wish has been received by my nephew. My nephew is very happy. I will forward it to my sister. That is my wish. It has nothing to do with my uncle."

Xu Xiao laughed, nodded and said, "That's the reason."

Li Fei looked at Xu Weixiong again, and said with a smile: "Is that sister Gao happy?"

Xu Weixiong smiled sweetly, and said softly, "I'm very happy."

Li Fei said happily: "That's right, everyone should be happy during the Chinese New Year!"

"In a while, I will pass on the mental method to my sister. My sister will practice the mental method first, and then I will give you the score and secrets of Tianlong Bayin."

"it is good."


Listen to the tide pavilion on the first floor.

Nangong Pushe was wearing pure white fox fur, still holding the scroll and reading.

The door of the room was pushed open suddenly, and Li Fei and Xu Fengnian walked in side by side with three bottles of wine each.

Xu Fengnian looked at her with a smile and said, "Shou Sui is still studying?"

Nangong Pushe also showed a faint smile, and said: "Time is something that cannot be guarded."

Li Fei said helplessly: "Gao Rimotou!"


The two looked at him in bewilderment.

Li Fei grinned and said, "This is called simplification of language, and the whole sentence is 'such a happy day, don't speak so clearly'."

"Similarly, there is 'People are hard to break', which means 'Life is already so difficult, some lies should not be exposed'."

Nangong Pushe shook his head and couldn't stop laughing, Xu Fengnian said amusedly: "This way of saying it is a bit interesting, but it is easy to get beaten."

Li Fei said leisurely: "That also depends on who said it. Who dares to beat you when you talk like that, Mr. Xu?"

"Hey, that's true." Xu Fengnian nodded complacently, then looked around, and asked casually, "Where's Grandpa Wei?"

Nangong Pu shot: "Sleep on the second floor."

Xu Fengnian smiled and said, "Sleep well, let's drink."

Nangong Pushe happily put down the book, walked to the desk facing the door and sat down.

This desk happened to be placed next to a step, so they didn't need to kneel down, they just used the step as a brocade couch, only Li Fei who sat inside had to sit cross-legged.

The three of them didn't need any appetizers, just drank a few drinks and chatted while drinking.

Xu Fengnian (^_^): "How did Beimang celebrate the New Year?"

Nangong Pushe (ˇˇ): "Where there are people, they are all similar."

Xu Fengnian (⊙﹏⊙): "Same person, same year, but they want to fight to the death, alas..."

Nangong Pushe (): "People fight with each other, villages fight with villages, towns fight with towns, how can countries and countries be exceptions?"

Li Fei (⁄⁄): "I said you two are boring! Gao Rimosao, drink and drink."

Xu Fengnian (o_O): "Let me guess, what do you mean by these four words... on such a happy day, don't talk about such disappointing things?"

Li Fei (^ v ^): "Oh, okay, young man, you have mastered the essence of simplified language so quickly, not bad."

Nangong Pushe (° 0 °): "Pfft... what do you call him?"

Li Fei (^ v ^): "Xiao Nian!"

Nangong Pushe (^-^): "Heh..."

Xu Fengnian (╰_╯): "I said, don't you think this name is a bit awkward?"

Li Fei (^ v ^): "I don't think so, Xiaonian."

"Are you doing this again, are you bothered?"

Nangong Pushe o(^▽^)o: "Hehehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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