Chapter 237

The theory of destroying Buddha and getting rich!
"If you can represent Cihang Jingzhai and fully support the Li Clan's move to destroy Buddha and get rich, then you will definitely get a lot of money, heads, soldiers, and supplies. With the power of the Li Clan, after getting this support, don't say It is enough to deal with the Turks, even if it is used to appease the Liming people in the whole north! Fairy Master, if you are willing to perform this great merit, you may be able to achieve consummation of mind, and break through the insurmountable death in your door. Off, take it to the next level."

As soon as Fang uttered these whispered words like a devil, no matter how deep Shi Feixuan's concentration was, she couldn't help but change her face.

If Chu Tianxiu was just bragging, talking nonsense, and giving a ridiculous method that was impossible to achieve, then with the advantage of the concubine's eloquence, she would naturally have something to say.

But the proposal he put forward now, regardless of his position, only mentions the degree of feasibility, which is enough to be called a clever plan, directly made Shi Feixuan choke.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Song, Qi, Liang, Chen and other countries, as well as the two emperors of the Sui Dynasty, almost all believed in Buddhism, so that Buddhist temples in various places did not need to pay corvee taxes, so that they only collected money for sesame oil while building temples and buying land. accumulated a great deal of wealth.

Buddhist temples like Jingnian Temple are already so wealthy and extravagant that in order to temporarily place the He's Bi in Shi Feixuan's hands, they forcibly built a treasure palace with countless pure copper to cover up the He's Bi of amazing abilities.

The most frightening thing is that Chu Tianxiu's argument actually has a precedent, because about 50 years ago, when the world was not yet unified, the emperor Zhou Wuzong of the Zhou State at that time ordered the extermination of Buddha, making Buddha statues everywhere After it was destroyed, monks from all over the place were ordered to return to the vulgarity, and all those not contained in the rituals were eliminated.

For a time, in the territory of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, "Buddhas were melted and scriptures were burned, monks were driven out and temples were destroyed, a total of 4 temples were burned, and 300 million monks and nuns were forced to return to secular life.

This campaign to exterminate Buddha lasted almost the entire Great Zhou Dynasty, which made it take a long time, involve a wide range of areas, touch deeply, and achieve considerable results. Master Risheng. The production increased greatly, which also enabled Sui Wendi Yang Jian to gain enough capital to conquer all the princes in the world and realize another great unification of the Central Plains after he usurped the Zhou Dynasty.

This also made some people praise at that time: "The emperor's only luck is far away (referring to destroying Buddha), the best strategy is to strengthen the country and enrich the people."

"Hey, it's no wonder that after I saw the prime minister, I saw that the prime minister didn't like my concubine Xuan. It seemed that he was quite prejudiced. It turns out that the prime minister is a supporter of the theory of "destroying Buddhism" and thinks that my Buddhism is a major crux of the world. But I The disciples of Buddhism, of course, are also good and bad, and there are some criminals. But generally speaking, they can still control their minds, save the common people, and save the world. Prime Minister, don’t generalize and put the mistakes of the world on me On the head of Fomen."

Concubine Shixuan felt that something was wrong, her eyes showed a dignified look, and she opened her mouth to answer.

"Master, don't worry, I know better than you what your Buddhism is. The first harm to the world is the emperor, the second is the aristocratic family, and the third is your Buddhism. In contrast, the ethics of Buddhism In fact, it’s a bit better. But since ancient times, it’s been difficult to cut the emperor’s flesh, and it’s even harder to make the family members bleed. In contrast, your compassionate Buddhist sect is the only force that can open the door to convenience. If you are willing, if you are willing, you will gain if you give up. Feixuan, why don't you listen to my persuasion and do your part for the people of this world?"

Chu Tianxiu continued to speak aggressively in a tone that seemed calm and calm, but actually contained countless maliciousness.

A gentleman speaks righteousness, and a villain speaks profit.

Chu Tianxiu didn't really think that Concubine Shixuan could really carry out this "theory of exterminating Buddha and getting rich" as she suggested.

In human affairs, the ass always determines the head. The real strength of Shi Feixuan does not lie in her own ability, but because of the support of the huge religious force behind her, Buddhism.

To put it bluntly, if Concubine Shixuan really has something wrong with her head, suffers from insanity, and really agrees with Chu Tianxiu's idea, then the final result will not be the Buddhist sect cutting flesh, but that Concubine Shixuan will be killed that night. Xuan himself would be taken away by the head of the sect or the elders under the pretext of "being insane", and would never be able to appear in this arena again.

What he said was actually just a tactic to attack her heart. First, use the righteousness of the world to suppress her and disturb her heartstrings, lest she say something in a while, "I hope that the prime minister will disarm and return to the fields for the sake of the common people in the world, and hand over the world to the Ming Lord." Such nonsense made the situation even more embarrassing for a while.

But I don't want to, after he said this, Shi Feixuan seemed to be a little relieved, and said with a light smile:

"Has the prime minister misunderstood something? Feixuan, I am not a bodhisattva fairy. How can I save the common people in the world by myself? All I can do is to give up a little face and do what I can! You, prime minister! If I persuade Buddhist temples in various places to open the door of convenience and give out porridge for relief, I can still have some face, but if I persuade all the monks to cut their meat to feed the eagles, how can I have that face?"

Shi Feixuan's seemingly conceded and true words made Chu Tianxiu look up to her a little bit, but now Jiangdu only has a few big fish out, and the real deep-sea giant crocodile is still hiding behind. Now, so he was too lazy to continue to use his tongue with Shi Feixuan, and asked straight to the point:

"Since that's the case, why did Shi Feixuan come to my Jiangdu? Don't tell me that you are here to enjoy the scenery!"

When Concubine Shixuan heard this, her expression softened a little, revealing a faint smile:

"The prime minister was joking! I came here because I heard that the prime minister is benevolent, righteous and generous, and has the air of a king. I was ordered by my teacher to find a true dragon emperor who can save all people from the fire and water. The Heshibi of the Imperial Seal was given to him, so I came to Jiangdu to meet the prime minister. But now it seems that you, prime minister, do not welcome me."

It seems that because of being forced by Chu Tianxiu's words just now, Shi Feixuan at this moment is a little bit unconvinced and has a little temper, so that her words actually contain a little hint and bewitchment, so that As for Chu Tianxiu, if he hadn't already understood everything, he might have thought that the Allah chosen by Cihang Jingzhai was him, Chu Tianxiu.

"Since you have read it, please go away! Jiangdu is too stormy today, but you are not welcome, Shi Feixuan. If you really want to see something, then after I finish cleaning Jiangdu today, I will kiss you." Welcome to the capital, let you have a good look at the scenery of Jiangdu."

Another expert is here!

If the timing is right, Chu Tianxiu doesn't mind talking nonsense with Concubine Shixuan, but he keenly senses that within a mile of him, there are suddenly many powerful and amazing guests. , then flatly said to Shi Feixuan.

Concubine Shixuan felt a little helpless, because she never expected that she, who was bound to be a guest of the local princes wherever she went, would suffer from Chu Tianxiu, and she came to Jiangdu with a little intention Bad, but she didn't think about turning against Chu Tianxiu, and today's Jiangdu is indeed a bit too sinister, so she is not too ignorant, so she really wanted to say goodbye and said goodbye.

"Prime Minister, but I don't want to. I also became a bad guest today, so Feixuan will leave now, see you another day."

But just when Shi Feixuan was about to turn around and leave, she suddenly noticed the existence of someone through her talent of "Sword Heart Clearness", and it was no coincidence that after Chu Tianxiu got her answer, , turned and walked in the direction where that person happened to be, he was horrified, and hurriedly said:
"Prime Minister, wait a minute! I have one more thing!"

But this time, as soon as Shi Feixuan's words fell, she saw a monster blue sword glow, slashing at her mercilessly!
(End of this chapter)

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