Chapter 236 The Concubine Xuan

"It's good, it's good, Prime Minister Chu, why do you need to do this, why do you want to do this!"

This bloody scene made Concubine Shixuan's eyes show a touch of pity for the dead and disgust for this dangerous world. After saying the Buddha's name softly, she sighed in a compassionate tone.

"Master, why hesitate? The world today is not like this, either you kill me or I kill you. Although these Turks have no hatred for me, their existence is a great benefit to us Han people. Threat. I slaughtered a Turkic man today, and I may save ten Han people in the future because of it. One peck and one drink, it seems like destiny, but I don’t know if the teacher thinks so?"

If another person had acted so pretentiously in front of Chu Tianxiu, he would have already slashed him with a knife, so he would use the knife to say a word to him first, but since it was the beautiful fairy Shi Feixuan from Cihang Jingzhai, then Chu Tianxiu You can also talk to her a few words——

However, the sarcasm contained in his words was ready to come out, and he didn't even have the idea to cover it up.

Even though Cihang Jingzhai is actually a half-Buddhist and half-Taoist sect, there are both Taoists and nuns in it, but although Shi Feixuan has hair on her body, it is because she is walking in Cihang Jingzhai now, with black hair , it will make her look more beautiful and make things more convenient, but in essence, she has already become a nun, and she is just leading the hair to practice at present, so there is nothing wrong with Chu Tianxiu's "Master" at all— —

It's just that such a title falls on a young fairy like Shi Feixuan who is as beautiful as a fairy, and it does have a bit of a slanderous nature. If there is a pious guardian by Shi Feixuan's side at this moment, then it is not certain Because of this title, he will make him fight Chu Tianxiu desperately.

However, such a non-painful title, for the well-trained Shi Feixuan herself, she doesn't care about it. Even with her heart, even if someone swears at her face, she can still, when necessary, Regardless of the nausea, do not deal with it, and wait for the saliva to dry up.

Even though Chu Tianxiu's fear of Shi Feixuan is mainly due to the Buddhist forces behind her, this does not mean that Shi Feixuan herself is a mediocre person.

On the contrary, Shi Feixuan is not only a strategist and politician, but also a top-notch strategist, who can always hit people's vital points directly, and hits the mark with every word.

For example, in the original plot, Concubine Shixuan persuaded Kou Zhong to give up the country he had built and surrender to Li Shimin. It is true that Kou Zhong himself is not reliable, but in fact, Kou Zhong himself is actually a How can a character who is indomitable and fought from the bottom can be so easily persuaded?

At least in this matter, Ning Daoqi of Taoism couldn't do anything, the four great masters of Buddhism couldn't do it, Li Jing, Li Shimin and others couldn't do it either, but it made him more and more frustrated and even more out of control.

To be honest, it was actually Shi Feixuan who caught Kou Zhong's weakness, first created a big situation where the north and the south were separated, and then made further use of this big situation to win over and persuade Xu Ziling, and finally forced him to love Jiangshan even more. Kou Zhong had no choice but to take a step back.

So much so that Chu Tianxiu had thought a few days ago that if Shi Feixuan was willing to return to his sect, then he only needed to send Shi Feixuan to the Guanlong area. Liang Shidu, Dou Jiande, Liu Wuzhou, Xue Ju, Li Gui and others joined forces to form a strategic alliance to attack Li and Tang at the same time. No matter how far-sighted Li Shimin was, he was good at military affairs. During the siege.

"Prime Minister, you have already gained the upper hand, but why bother? Now that there are overlords in the north and south, and the war is raging, the Turks are already eyeing the Central Plains. Prime Minister, the Tuobayu and Chunyuwei you killed just now are all If Bi Xuan's most beloved apprentice, because of this, makes Bi Xuan enrage his teacher and lead a team of Turkic troops into the Central Plains, then the people on the frontier will suffer in the end? Prime Minister, why are you showing off your temper for a while?"

When she said this, her eyes fluctuated, with sincere emotions, and had a strong contagious power, which completely convinced people that she was indeed thinking about the sake of the common people wholeheartedly. , all naturally carry a great mind of 'compassion for the world and humanity'.

"If I don't kill a few of them today, won't the Turks invade the Central Plains? The Turks will invade the Central Plains, maybe for food, maybe for power, or for the land, or because of the Turkic jackals, but they will never It's for revenge! If Bi Xuan really wants to seek revenge, then let him come in person, and I will follow! As for the entrance of the Turks, it is the trouble of the Li Clan, not mine! If Li Yuan feels that he is incompetent and useless , then he can completely remove the throne, retreat to the second line, and restore his status as Tang Guogong."

Naturally, Chu Tianxiu didn't take Shi Feixuan's words very seriously, but felt a little ridiculous, and said in a cold voice.

After saying this, Concubine Shixuan immediately choked, what she wanted to say in her heart was blocked by Chu Tianxiu first.

Even though Concubine Shixuan did feel some pity in her heart, she was not the kind of Holy Mother who could not see the dead at all.Before she was a Buddhist disciple, she was a martial artist, a Jianghu person, so she naturally learned the necessary skill of "killing" a Jianghu person. When she spoke like this, it was actually just a way to catch people's attention.

However, although Chu Tianxiu's words are sharp, but Shi Feixuan is a Buddhist disciple, and she has never been afraid of her opponent's sharp tongue, just afraid that her opponent will not give her a chance to speak, so she is still neither shy nor annoyed, plain but firm said:
"The common people are innocent, that's more than that! I see the prime minister's actions, and I have a heart of benevolence and righteousness, but why is he so stingy towards the people in the north! So much so that a few days ago, the prime minister used Guan Zhong's old trick wantonly to ban Jiangnan, The grain merchants in the Jingzhou area transported grain to Guanzhong, and at the same time bought grain in Guanzhong wantonly, so that the price of grain in Guanzhong skyrocketed, and there were countless hungry people, the prime minister couldn't bear it!"

Chu Tianxiu didn't expect that Shi Feixuan would find out about the detrimental move that he sent people to perform secretly, without actually announcing it to the public, and he couldn't help but be shocked by the intelligence ability of the Buddhist sect.
However, the reason why he recently implemented this kind of food economic warfare method is kept secret, in fact, it is only out of efficiency considerations, and I don't think it is something worth covering up:
"Nowadays the world is in chaos and all the heroes are rising together. Where is there no shortage of food? In the past few years, the people near Jiangdu have starved to death. If I act like this, maybe the people in Chang'an will have a better life. Be tighter, but more people in Jiangdu can survive."

When he said this, Chu Tianxiu's voice paused, but after he said it, he felt a little dull, thinking that his ability to use these words was actually meaningless, so he continued to say the words Turning around, he said directly and decisively:

"Of course, the most important thing I do is for the word 'standpoint'! I have a different standpoint from the Li family, and we are enemies of each other, so we will do everything we can. If Shi Shitai really pities the people in Guanzhong , then you can offer a plan to the Tang Dynasty for me, called "The Theory of Exterminating Buddhas and Getting Rich", once this plan is implemented, Li Tang will have a rich treasury, sufficient food, and no more worries."

(End of this chapter)

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